Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parar"" "subject:"horní""
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Parní turbína pro fosilní elektrárnu - ST NT díl / Steam Turbine for fossil power plant - MP LP casingTřináctý, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of a condensing steam turbine with reheating for fossil power plant. The turbine is a double parts. The first casing is formed by a simple HP casing. The second casing is combined MP-LP casing with axial outlet of steam into the water-cooled condenser. Feedwater regeneration system consists of two high-pressure heaters, the four low-pressure heaters and feed tank. In thesis is includes the calculation of heat balance and the draft of flow channel of HP and MP-LP casing. Next is a detailed calculation of MP-LP casing with includes calculation of flowing part, selection of blade´s profiles and its stress control. Rotor MP-LP casing is checked for torsion and computed size of the critical speed. Clutch is ispected by security check and draft radial bearings. Stress control casing is carried out according to the theory of thick shells. Work includes flow scheme for 100% and 75% performance. In the end is comparing the efficiency of the individual casing of the turbine with the work 3b together with the specific heat consumption. Work includes a longitudinal section of the MP-LP casing. This thesis has been developed in cooperation Škoda Power, Doosan.
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Parní turbína pro fosilní elektrárnu / Steam Turbine for fossil power plantTřináctý, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with design is condensing steam turbines burning fossil fuels with nominal capacity of the generator of 250 MW with steam reheating and regenerative eight uncontrolled extraction points. The turbine consists of two bodies: a combined high-intermediate pressure section and low pressure parts with dual way outlet down into the water-cooled condenser. Work includes calculating thermal scheme for 100% and 75% capacity, specific heat consumption calculation and design of the flow HP-MP body. Further strength control and basic engineering design of high-medium- work completed by longitudinal section. Achievements are at the end of work compared with work 3a and the conclusion summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the concept.
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Rekonstrukce protitlakové parní turbiny / Retrofit Backpressure Steam TurbineHlavinka, Miloslav January 2015 (has links)
Tématem diplomové práce je revize parní turbíny Mitsubishi a výpočet utahovacích momentů šroubů dělící roviny. Tato práce je rozdělena do několika částí. Úvodní část práce obsahuje seznámení s rozsahem prováděných servisních prací na parních turbínách. Poté je zde samotná revize parní turbíny Mitsubishi. Tato revize je dělena podle jednotlivých komponent turbíny. Poté je zde stanoven seznam nutných oprav a také seznam doporučených oprav pro příští odstávku. V další části je zde shrnut výpočet utěsnění dělicích rovin a to s nebo bez odlehčení. Dále jsou rozebrány nejčastěji používané typy závitů spojovacího materiálu parních turbín. Hlavní částí práce je samotný výpočet utahovacího momentu. Výstupem této práce je poté program pro výpočet utahovacího momentu v programu Excel.
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Roštový kotel na spalování biomasy / Grate Boiler for Biomass CombustionSzabó, Gergely January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a grate steam boiler which has natural circulation and is determined for combustion of wood chips. The boiler has a capacity of 45 t/h and produces superheated steam with the output parameters of 3,5 MPa and 450 °C at the 125 °C feed water temperature. Stoichiometric calculations and the flue gases enthalpy calculations are based on the composition of the specified fuel. The efficiency and fuel consumption of the boiler is also determined. The thesis mainly focuses on the thermal calculation and geometric design of the individual heat transfer surfaces of the boiler. The drawing documentation of the steam boiler is available in the attachment of the thesis.
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Hydraulický agregát pro regulaci parní turbíny / Hydraulic power unit for the regulation steam turbineMorávek, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design of high-pressure hydraulic unit to drive a regulation of condensation turbine. The aim is to calculate all the elements of the hydraulic system, piping design and the necessary drawings. The entire assembly consists of purchased parts from other manufacturers. Major oil tank and a safety catch tank is described in detail and will be made, not bought.
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsLangová, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Designed construction of a spa with the wellness center programs (relaxation type), for 200-250 people (at one moment) at Brno city, near Voronez Hotel and Exhibition Centre. The five-floor spa building is designed as a puzzle in the shape originating from a dice. Cycles of water in its various forms and states of matter or properties fade into one another here. Each floor is designed to have its own theme (water world, the Asian world, aroma floor, salt floor, sunny and airy bath) and offers various types of premises and procedures: swimming, relaxing in the water, baths, showers, steam rooms, saunas, infrared saunas, wraps and massages etc. The spa program is accompanied by various types of refreshments: cafe, bar, tearoom, fruit bar. Rooftop pool and bar offers a unique view on the city. The spa and hotel Voronež parking is carried out within the ground floor.
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Parní turbina rychloběžná kondenzační / High-speed Condesing Steam TurbineKlíma, Petr January 2015 (has links)
ith one controlled extraction and one uncontrolled extraction, calculation of the flow channel at all stage, design and calculation of the regulation valve and create connection diagram of steam turbine and air cooled condenser. At the beginning of this work is an overview of manufacturers of steam turbines and their unified products. Master thesis was developer with G-Team, a.s. as using calculations and the instructions given in the recommended literature with supporting CFD simulations to determine the loss coefficients and FEA simulations to determine the eigenfrequencies blades.
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Práce komplexně popisuje vodní a vodovzdušné chlazení pomocí metod CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) konkrétně s využitím software ANSYS FLUENT. Skládá se ze dvou hlavních částí, z nichž první se zabývá numerickým popisem jediné vodní kapky a druhá popisem směsí kapek představující paprsek válcové a ploché trysky. Je založena převážně na vícefázových modelech proudění a vlastních uživatelsky definovaných funkcí (User Defined Functions, UDF) představujících stěžejní část práce. Uvedené výpočtové modely jsou ve většině případů verifikovány pomocí experimentálních dat nebo jiných numerických modelů. V první části práce jsou teoreticky postupně rozebrány všechny tři použité vícefázové modely proudění. První z nich, Volume Of Fluid model (VOF), byl použit pro modelování jediné kapky (mikromodel). Zatímco zbývající dva, Euler-Euler model a Euler-Lagrange model, byly aplikovány v modelu celého paprsku trysky (makromodel). Mikromodel popisuje dynamiku volného pádu vodní kapky. Pro malé průměry kapek (~100µm) standardní model povrchového napětí (Continuum Surface Force, CSF) způsoboval tzv. parazitní proudy. Z toho důvodu je v práci rozebrána problematika výpočtu normál, křivostí volných povrchů a povrchového napětí jako zdroje objemových sil v pohybových rovnicích. Makromodel se zabývá studiem dynamiky celého paprsku tj. oblastí od ústí trysky po dopad na horký povrch, bere v úvahu kompletní geometrii, tzn. např. podpůrné válečky, bramu, spodní část krystalizátoru apod. V práci je rozebrána 2D simulace dopadu paprsku válcové trysky pomocí VOF modelu Euler-Lagrange modelu na horký povrch. Pro případ s VOF modelem byl navržen model blánového varu. Euler-Euler model a Euler-Lagrange model byly využity pro simulaci paprsku ploché trysky horizontálně ostřikující horkou bramu přímo pod krystalizátorem nad první řadou válečků. Pro Euler-Euler model byl navržen model sekundárního rozpadu paprsku založený na teorii nejstabilnější vlnové délky (Blob jet model). Jelikož diskrétní Lagrangeovy částice tvořily v určitých místech spíše kontinuální fázi, byl navržen a otestován model pro konverzi těchto částic do VOF.
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Vzduchotechnika hotelového komplexu / Air Conditioning of Hotel KomplexOčkan, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The first part of the thesis is aimed on creating internal microclimate of the hotel complex by air conditioning systems. The choice of systems is based on theoretical knowledge’s and practical application in abroad. In the second part there is designed solution for hotel apartments and conference hall. The other areas are designed only conceptual. Technical solutions of chosen systems are the main outcome of the thesis. In the third part there are published my experimental measurements from laboratories of Oulu University of Applied Sciences. For the study field of Air Conditioning has been chosen Air Flow Measurement and Test Operation of HVAC unit. For the study field of Renewable Energy has been chosen the Heat Pump and for study field of Refrigeration has been chosen Water Cooling and Chiller Box.
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Distribuční soustava Kypru - realizovatelnost obnovitelných zdrojů a přenos energie / Distribution system of Cyprus - feasibility of renewable energy sources and transfer of energyŠimonová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Until a few decades ago few people could imagine that the photovoltaic, solar thermal and other power based on renewable resources, will become a reality. Today people from all over the world on the contrary try at full blast derive benefit from of all possible available source. Using sunlight as a source of energy is first enforced only for small devices such as calculators for charging the battery, but now we are able to produced energy from the sun to supply people around the world. Of course it is not possible supply consumer sector plus firm only from performances renewable power supply. Therefore endeavour is derive benefit from classical energy production at the same time with others power supply. The basic components of photovoltaic and solar thermal power are panels. The panels are made of different materials in different shapes and sizes. During production, the resulting effect looks in addition to costs associated with production. For photovoltaic and solar thermal power plant requires sufficient sunlight. The sunshine has biggest intensity on south of ours planets. Therefore endeavour is build lump these power station just in stand with bigger intensity sunshine. One of them is just Cyprus, too.
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