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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mesures de l'Impédance Longitudinale avec le Faisceau du CERN Super Proton Synchrotron / Beam Measurements of the Longitudinal Impedance of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron

Lasheen, Alexandre Samir 13 January 2017 (has links)
Un des défis pour les futurs projets en physique basé sur les accélérateurs de particules est le besoin de faisceaux à hautes intensités. Les effets collectifs sont cependant une limitation majeure qui peuvent détériorer la qualité du faisceau ou limiter l'intensité maximale à cause des pertes. Le CERN SPS, qui est le dernier injecteur pour le LHC, n'est actuellement pas en mesure de délivrer les faisceaux requis pour les futurs projets à cause des instabilités longitudinales.Les nombreux équipements dans la machine (les cavités RF accélératrices, les aimants d'injection et d'extraction, les brides de vide, etc.) entrainent des variations dans la géométrie et les matériaux de la chambre dans laquelle le faisceau transite. Les interactions électromagnétiques internes au faisceau (charge d'espace) et du faisceau avec son environnement sont représentées par une impédance de couplage qui affectent le mouvement des particules et mènent à des instabilités pour des intensités élevées de faisceau. Par conséquent, les sources d'impédance critiques doivent être identifiées et des solutions évaluées. Pour avoir un modèle d'impédance fiable d'un accélérateur, les contributions de tous les équipements dans l'anneau doivent être évaluées à partir de simulations et de mesures électromagnétiques. Dans cette thèse, le faisceau lui-même est utilisé comme une sonde de l'impédance de la machine en mesurant le déplacement de la fréquence synchrotronique avec l'intensité et la longueur du paquet, ainsi que la modulation de longs paquets injectés avec la tension RF éteinte. Ces mesures sont comparées avec des simulations par macroparticules en utilisant le modèle d'impédance du SPS existant, et les déviations sont étudiées pour identifier les sources d'impédance manquantes pour raffiner le modèle.L'étape suivante consiste à reproduire en simulations les instabilités mesurées pour un paquet unique durant l'accélération. Grâce à l'amélioration du modèle d'impédance, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de l'instabilité est rendue possible pour les faisceaux de protons et d'ions. Finalement, le modèle pour les simulations étant digne de confiance, il est utilisé pour estimer les caractéristiques du faisceau après les améliorations prévues du SPS pour le projet High Luminosity-LHC au CERN. / One of the main challenges of future physics projects based on particle accelerators is the need for high intensity beams. However, collective effects are a major limitation which can deteriorate the beam quality or limit the maximum intensity due to losses. The CERN SPS, which is the last injector for the LHC, is currently unable to deliver the beams required for future projects due to longitudinal instabilities.The numerous devices in the machine (accelerating RF cavities, injection and extraction magnets, vacuum flanges, etc.) lead to variations in the geometry and material of the chamber through which the beam is travelling. The electromagnetic interaction within the beam (space charge) and of the beam with its environment are described by a coupling impedance which affects the motion of the particles and leads to instabilities for high beam intensities. Consequently, the critical impedance sources should be identified and solutions assessed. To have a reliable impedance model of an accelerator, the contributions of all the devices in the ring should be evaluated from electromagnetic simulations and measurements.In this thesis, the beam itself is used to probe the machine impedance by measuring the synchrotron frequency shift with intensity and bunch length, as well as the line density modulation of long bunches injected with the RF voltage switched off. These measurements are compared with macroparticle simulations using the existing SPS impedance model, and the deviations are studied to identify missing impedance sources and to refine the model.The next important step is to reproduce in simulations the measured single bunch instabilities during acceleration, in single and double RF system operation. Thanks to the improved impedance model, a better understanding of instability mechanisms is achieved for both proton and ion beams.Finally, as the simulation model was shown to be trustworthy, it is used to estimate the beam characteristics after the foreseen SPS upgrades the High Luminosity-LHC project at CERN.

Development of the new trigger and data acquisition system for the CMS forward muon spectrometer upgrade

Verhagen, Erik 05 March 2015 (has links)
La physique des particules élémentaires, aussi appelé physique des hautes énergies, est l'étude de l'infiniment petit, popularisée récemment par la découverte de nouvelles particules fondamentales permettant de consolider notre connaissance de la matière. Pour réaliser des mesures à une échelle aussi réduite, une méthode consiste à augmenter l’énergie des constituants de la matière, à l'aide d'accélérateur de particules, puis de les briser pour révéler leur constitution. Au-delà de l'intérêt en termes de physique expérimentale, réaliser des expériences de ce type est devenu une prouesse technologique grandissante avec les niveaux d’énergie atteints. La complexité de l’expérience CMS, cadre dans laquelle ce travail a été réalisé, donne une bonne mesure des défis technologiques relevés.<p>Afin d'affiner encore notre connaissance des processus mis en jeu lors collision de particules dans CMS, une mise à niveau du détecteur est prévue avant la fin de cette décennie. Certains sous-détecteurs actuellement installés, et notamment le spectromètre à muon dans la zone des bouchons, sont d’ores et déjà identifiés comme offrant des performances trop faibles pour l'augmentation du nombres d’événements prévu après cette mise à jour. Ce travail propose de réaliser une étude de faisabilité sur l'utilisation d'une technologie alternative pour ce sous-détecteur, notamment le Triple-GEM, pour combler ces limitations.<p>Une première partie de ce travail consiste en l'étude de cette nouvelle technologie de détecteur à gaz. Cependant, la mise en œuvre de cette technologie conduit à des modifications dans le système d'acquisition de données de CMS. La situation actuelle puis les implications d'un point de vue technique des modifications sont donc détaillées par la suite. Enfin, après avoir identifié les composants et les solutions permettant la collecte de résultats à l’échelle de l'ensemble du sous-détecteur, un système d'acquisition de données similaire a été réalisé et est décrit dans une dernière partie de ce travail. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Photoemission Study of the Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds RNi2Ge2 (R=Eu, Gd).

Jongik Park January 2004 (has links)
19 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 1936" Jongik Park. 12/19/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Measurement of the beta-neutrino correlation in laser trapped {sup 21}Na

Scielzo, Nicholas David January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (US); 1 Jun 2003. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "LBNL--54350" Scielzo, Nicholas David. USDOE Director. Office of Science. Nuclear Physics (US) 06/01/2003. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Development of a beam-based phase feedforward demonstration at the CLIC test facility (CTF3)

Roberts, Jack January 2016 (has links)
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposal for a future linear electron--positron collider that could achieve collision energies of up to 3 TeV. In the CLIC concept the main high energy beam is accelerated using RF power extracted from a high intensity drive beam, achieving an accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m. This scheme places strict tolerances on the drive beam phase stability, which must be better than 0.2 degrees at 12 GHz. To achieve the required phase stability CLIC proposes a high bandwidth (&GT;17.5 MHz), low latency drive beam "phase feedforward" (PFF) system. In this system electromagnetic kickers, powered by 500 kW amplifiers, are installed in a chicane and used to correct the phase by deflecting the beam on to longer or shorter trajectories. A prototype PFF system has been installed at the CLIC Test Facility, CTF3; the design, operation and commissioning of which is the focus of this work. Two kickers have been installed in the pre-existing chicane in the TL2 transfer line at CTF3 for the prototype. New optics have been created for the line to take these changes in to account, incorporating new constraints to obtain the desired phase shifting behaviour. Three new phase monitors have also been installed, one for the PFF input and two to verify the system performance. The resolution of these monitors must be significantly better than 0.2 degrees to achieve CLIC-level phase stability. A point by point resolution as low as 0.13 degrees has been achieved after a series of measurements and improvements to the phase monitor electronics. The performance of the PFF system depends on the correlation between the beam phase as measured at the input to the PFF system, and the downstream phase, measured after the correction chicane. Preliminary measurements found only 40&percnt; correlation. The source of the low correlation was determined to be energy dependent phase jitter, which has been mitigated after extensive efforts to measure, model and adjust the machine optics. A final correlation of 93% was achieved, improving the theoretical reduction in jitter using the PFF system from a factor 1.1 to a factor 2.7. The performance and commissioning of the kicker amplifiers and PFF controller are also discussed. Beam based measurements are used to determine the optimal correction timing. With a maximum output of around 650 V the amplifiers provide a correction range of &plusmn;5.5 &plusmn; 0.3 degrees. Finally, results from operation of the complete system are presented. A mean phase jitter of 0.28 &plusmn; 0.02 degrees is achieved, in agreement with the theoretical prediction of 0.27 &plusmn; 0.02 degrees for an optimal system with the given beam conditions. The current limitations of the PFF system, and possible future improvements to the setup, are also discussed.

Dessorção de gases de juntas soldadas em camaras de ultra-alto vacuo de aneis de armazanamento de eletrons / Gas desorption from welded joints on electron storage rings ultrahigh vacuum systems

Seraphim, Rafael Molena 26 February 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Antonio J. Ramirez, Maria Clara F. Ierardi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T21:56:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Seraphim_RafaelMolena_M.pdf: 6485115 bytes, checksum: 380cfffee5fa982ec74a9cdc78c88e3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O avanço cientifico no estudo de átomos, moléculas e proteínas tem recebido uma contribuição significativa dos aceleradores de partículas, que em sua grande maioria são utilizados para a geração de radiação síncrotron. Por isso, o aprimoramento destas máquinas mostra-se de extrema importância para manter a ciência em seu contínuo avanço. O sistema de vácuo destas máquinas apresenta-se como um importante parâmetro para o seu bom funcionamento e melhorias neste promovem diretamente melhorias na qualidade da radiação síncrotron gerada. Logo, o desenvolvimento deste trabalho teve como principal objetivo o estudo das juntas soldadas das câmaras de vácuo que compõem o acelerador do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS). As juntas foram preparadas com o processo de soldagem GTAW (Gás Tungsten Arc Welding) mediante a utilização de diferentes gases de proteção, como Argônio, Hélio e Nitrogênio, e misturas entre estes. Os estudos concentraram-se na análise da influência dos gases de proteção na dessorção de gases das juntas soldadas. Para a caracterização destas utilizaram-se as técnicas de análise de superfícies Dessorção Estimulada por Elétrons (DEE) e Dessorção Estimulada por Fótons (DEF). Adicionalmente, realizou-se um estudo comparativo entre as duas técnicas buscando-se estabelecer relações entre os resultados fornecidos pelas mesmas. Os resultados mostraram que a dessorção de gases independe do gás de proteção de soldagem, mas depende sim do nível de oxidação das juntas soldadas, as quais podem apresentar altas taxas de dessorção caso estejam muito oxidadas e os óxidos não sejam camadas contínuas. Em conclusão pode-se dizer que as juntas soldadas para câmaras de vácuo de aceleradores de partículas devem apresentar baixos níveis de oxidação, e apesar das semelhanças encontradas entre a DEE e a DEF é aconselhável utilizar a DEF para a caracterização de superfícies para trabalharem com radiação síncrotron / Abstract: The scientific advance of atoms, molecules and proteins studies has received an important contribution from particle accelerators, which are mainly used to generate synchrotron radiation. Hence, the improvement of these machines is necessary to maintain the continuous advance of science. One of the key components for the adequate operation of these accelerators is the vacuum system. Thus, its improvement directly impacts on the quality of the generated synchrotron radiation. Therefore, the principal purpose of this work is to study the gas desorption from the welding joints on the particle accelerators vacuum chambers. The welds were prepared using the GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) process with different shielding gases, as argon, helium and nitrogen, and some mixtures of them. The study concentrated on the analysis of the shielding gas influence on the gas desorption from the welded joints. The gas desorption of the joints was evaluated using Electron Stimulated Desorption (ESD) and Photon Stimulated Desorption (PSD). In addition, it was carried out a comparative study between both desorption techniques to establish relationships between the results provided by them. The results showed that the gas desorption from the welding joints does not depend on the welding shielding gas, but on the oxidation level of the joint, which can present high desorption yield if it is highly oxidized and these oxides are not a continuous film. Therefore, it is advisable to minimize the oxidation during welding of vacuum chambers for particle accelerators. Regarding the comparison between ESD and PSD they were found some similarities. However, PSD will have better performance characterizing surfaces that will be exposed to synchrotron radiation / Mestrado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Development of SRF monolayer/multilayer thin film materials to increase the performance of SRF accelerating structures beyond bulk Nb / Développement de couches minces de matériaux SRF pour augmenter les performances des structures SRF au-delà du Nb massif

Valente-Feliciano, Anne-Marie 30 September 2014 (has links)
La réduction du cout de construction et d’exploitation des futurs accélérateurs d particules, a grande et petite échelles, dépend du développement de nouveaux matériaux pour les surfaces actives des structures supraconductrices en radiofréquence (SRF). Les propriétés SRF sont essentiellement un phénomène de surface vu que la profondeur de pénétration (profondeur de pénétration de London, λ) des micro-ondes (RF) est typiquement de l’ordre de 20 à 400 nm en fonction du matériau. Lorsque les procédés de préparation de surface sont optimises, la limite fondamentale du champ RF que les surfaces SRF peuvent supporter est le champ RF maximum, Hc₁, au-delà duquel le flux magnétique commence à pénétrer la surface du supraconducteur. Le matériau le plus utilise pour des applications SRF est le niobium (Nb) massif, avec un champ Hc₁ de l’ordre de 170 mT, qui permet d’atteindre un champ accélérateur de moins de 50 MV/m. Les meilleures perspectives d’amélioration des performances des cavités SRF sont liées à des matériaux et méthodes de production produisant la surface SRF critique de façon contrôlée. Dans cette optique, deux avenues sont explorées pour utiliser des couches minces pour augmenter les performances des structures SRF au-delà du Nb massif, en monocouche ou en structures multicouches Supraconducteur-Isolant-Supraconducteur (SIS) : La première approche est d’utiliser une couche de Nb déposée sur du cuivre (Nb/Cu) à la place du Nb massif. La technologie Nb/Cu a démontré, au cours des années, être une alternative viable pour les cavités SRF. Toutefois, les techniques de dépôt communément utilisées, principalement la pulvérisation magnétron, n’ont jusqu’à présent pas permis de produire des surfaces SRF adaptées aux performances requises. Le récent développement de techniques de dépôt par condensation énergétiques, produisant des flux d’ions énergétiques de façon contrôlée (telles que des sources d’ions ECR sous ultravide) ouvrent la voie au développement de films SRF de grand qualité. La corrélation entre les conditions de croissance, l’énergie des ions incidents, la structure et les performances RF des films produits est étudiée. Des films Nb avec des propriétés proches du Nb massif sont ainsi produits. La deuxième approche est basée sur un concept qui propose qu’une structure multicouche SIS déposée sur une surface de Nb peut atteindre des performances supérieures à celles du Nb massif. Bien que les matériaux supraconducteurs à haute Tc aient un champ Hc₁ inférieur à celui du Nb, des couches minces de tels matériaux d’une épaisseur (d) inférieure à la profondeur de pénétration voient une augmentation de leur champ parallèle Hc₁ résultant au retardement de la pénétration du flux magnétique. Cette surcouche peut ainsi permettre l’écrantage magnétique de la surface de Nb qui est donc maintenue dans l’état de Meissner à des champs RF bien plus importants que pour le Nb massif. La croissance et performance de structures multicouches SIS basées sur des films de NbTiN, pour le supraconducteur, et de l’AlN, pour le diélectrique, sont étudiées. Les résultats de cette étude montrent la faisabilité de cette approche et le potentiel qui en découle pour l’amélioration des performances SRF au-delà du Nb massif. / The minimization of cost and energy consumption of future particle accelerators, both large and small, depends upon the development of new materials for the active surfaces of superconducting RF (SRF) accelerating structures. SRF properties are inherently a surface phenomenon as the RF only penetrates the London penetration depth λ, typically between 20 and 400 nm depending on the material. When other technological processes are optimized, the fundamental limit to the maximum supportable RF field amplitude is understood to be the field at which the magnetic flux first penetrates into the surface, Hc₁. Niobium, the material most exploited for SRF accelerator applications, has Hc₁~170 mT, which yields a maximum accelerating gradient of less than 50 MV/m. The greatest potential for dramatic new performance capabilities lies with methods and materials which deliberately produce the sub-micron-thick critical surface layer in a controlled way. In this context, two avenues are pursued for the use of SRF thin films as single layer superconductor or multilayer Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor structures: Niobium on copper (Nb/Cu) technology for superconducting cavities has proven over the years to be a viable alternative to bulk niobium. However the deposition techniques used for cavities, mainly magnetron sputtering, have not yielded, so far, SRF surfaces suitable for high field performance. High quality films can be grown using methods of energetic condensation, such as Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Nb ion source in UHV which produce higher flux of ions with controllable incident angle and kinetic energy. The relationship between growth conditions, film microstructure and RF performance is studied. Nb films with unprecedented “bulk-like” properties are produced. The second approach is based on the proposition that a Superconductor/Insulator/Superconductor (S-I-S) multilayer film structure deposited on an Nb surface can achieve performance in excess of that of bulk Nb. Although, many higher-Tc superconducting compounds have Hc₁ lower than niobium, thin films of such compounds with a thickness (d) less than the penetration depth can exhibit an increase of the parallel Hc₁ thus delaying vortex entry. This overlayer provides magnetic screening of the underlying Nb which can then remain in the Meissner state at fields much higher than in bulk Nb. A proof of concept is developed based on NbTiN and AlN thin films. The growth of NbTiN and AlN films is studied and NbTiN-based multilayer structures deposited on Nb surfaces are characterized. The results from this work provide insight for the pursuit of major reductions in both capital and operating costs associated with future particle accelerators across the spectrum from low footprint compact machines to energy frontier facilities.

Design and Fabrication of On-Chip High Power Optical Phased Arrayed Waveguides

Yunjo Lee (11804969) 20 December 2021 (has links)
The Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) industry has seen tremendous developments over the past several decades and state-of-the-art fabrication technology has likewise been developed. This fabrication technology develops Photonic Integrate Circuits (PIC) which can guide, split, and modulate photonic waves within a small chip scale. On-chip optical phased arrayed waveguides that operate at high power overcome the current limitations of some conventional applications. This paper discusses two applications of on-chip optical waveguide systems: optical phased array (OPA)-based Light Detection and Range (LiDAR) and waveguide array Dielectric Laser Accelerator (DLA). Both the LiDAR and DLA structures require similar properties to achieve optimized performance. These properties are as follows: capability to handle high power, the ability to split the high power evenly through several waveguide branches and distribute the same degree of optical phase on each branch at specific spatial locations, efficient designs of active phase-tuning structures, and the ability to re-combine several waveguide branches into the sub-wavelength pitch spacing array without crosstalk. Additionally, both structures must resolve specific fabrication challenges on each waveguide component. To address these issues, this paper discusses the theoretical reviews of OPA, the Laser-Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) of optical waveguide materials, and techniques to reduce crosstalk in sub-wavelength pitch size arrays, such as extreme skin-depth (e-skid) waveguides and propagation constant mismatched waveguides. We propose optimized designs for both OPA-based LiDAR and waveguide array DLA with passive and active devices, respectively, and explain the optimized parameters and its simulation results for each component from the full layout of devices. Furthermore, we discuss the fabrication process of the devices and show the resolutions of fabrication challenges, such as trapping void gaps in an e-skid array structure, writing errors of electron beam lithography of large dense patterns, and silicon nitride to silicon hybrid waveguide pattern alignments. Next, we show the experimental setups and the measurement results from the fabricated OPA devices and analyze the results. Finally, this paper concludes the research of the proposed devices and proposes more designs for both OPA-based LiDAR and waveguide arrayed DLA structures that can further increase increase its performance.<br>

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