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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení variability proteinů mezi orgány druhu Solanum tuberosum L. / Evaluation of protein variability among plant organs of Solanum tuberosum L.

ŠMÍDOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
The aim of the contritbution was to study potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber protein concentration during growing season in dependence on actual ontogenesis stage of the potato plant. The changes in tuber protein concentration were studied on two potato cultivars - Adora (very early maturing) and Bionta (late maturing). The trial was established under field conditions on the site České Budějovice (380 m). Continuous ore sampling was aimed at following parameters evaluation: average tuber weight, dry matter concentration, crude protein concentration and protein concentration. Early maturing cultivar Adora showed rapid increasing of biomass from the start of ontogenesis and at the same time rapid decreasing of nitrogen compounds and pure protein concentration. The late maturing cultivar Bionta showed much more slow formation of biomass however the decreasing of nitrogen compounds and pure protein concentration was also recorded. Significant effect of ontogenesis stage on crude as well as pure protein concentration was evaluated. Significant effect on crude and pure protein concentration had also cultivar.

Charakterisierung Patatin-ähnlicher Proteine des Lungenpathogens Legionella pneumophila

Auraß, Philipp 25 August 2009 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila ist ein fakultativ intrazellulär replizierendes Bakterium und der Erreger der Legionärskrankheit, einer schweren Pneumonie. Das Typ IVB Dot/Icm Proteinsekretionssystem und dessen Effektoren sind wesentlich an der Virulenz des Bakteriums beteiligt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Charakterisierung der Patatin-ähnlichen Proteine von L. pneumophila - insbesondere von PatA, das vom Dot/Icm Sekretionssystem in Wirtszellen eingeschleußt wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden folgende Ergebnisse erzielt: Die 11 Patatin-ähnlichen Proteine von L. pneumophila zeigen hauptsächlich Lysophospholipase A-Aktivität. PatA besitzt außerdem Phosphatidylglyzerol-spezifische Phospholipase A-Aktivität. Serin-72, welches in ein G-X-S-X-G Lipasemotiv eingebettet ist, ist für die Aktivität des Proteins essentiell. PatA ist nach Expression in A549 Epithelzellen in der Zytoplasmamembran oder einer damit eng assoziierten Struktur lokalisiert, die lipolytische Aktivität ist hierfür nicht entscheidend. Die Deletion einer C-terminalen Proteinregion führt zum Verlust der membranständigen Lokalisation. Virulenzattenuierte L. pneumophila Mutanten bilden unter Präsenz von Amöben - im Gegensatz zu Wildtypstämmen - eine Koloniemorphologie aus, die Scattermorphologie genannt wurde. Auf Basis der Scattermorphologie wurde eine Transposon-mutagenisierte Legionella Klonbank auf Wirtszellkolonisationsdefekte überprüft. Dabei wurden 119 kolonisationsdefekte Mutanten isoliert und 70 neue putative Wirtszellkolonisationsgene, darunter zwei Gene Patatin-ähnliche Proteine (patD, patF), identifiziert. patD befindet sich in einem Operon mit bdhA, dem Gen einer putativen 2-Hydroxybutyrat-Dehydrogenase. Das Operon spielt eine Rolle im Poly-Beta-Hydroxybutyrat (PHB) Stoffwechsel des Bakteriums und wird für die Replikation in Wirtszellen benötigt. Die Studie liefert die ersten experimentell fundierten Ergebnisse, die die Bedeutung des PHB-Metabolismus für die Virulenz des Bakteriums belegen. / Legionella pneumophila is the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially fatal pneumonia. One mayor virulence determinant is the Dot/Icm Type IVB secretion system and its effector proteins. Aim of the present work was the characterization of patatin-like proteins of L. pneumophila, and in particular PatA, which is carried by the Dot/Icm secretion system into host cells. Within this work following results were obtained: The 11 patatin-like proteins of L. pneumophila possess majorly lysophospholipase A activity. L. pneumophila PatA additionally shows Phosphatidylglycerole-specific phospholipase A activity. Serin-72, which is embedded in an G-X-S-X-G lipase motiv is essential for the lipolytic activity of PatA. PatA locates to, or close to, the cytoplasmic membrane when expressed in A549 epithelial cells. The lipolytic activity of PatA is not required for membrane targeting and deletion of a C-terminal region abolishes proper targeting. Virulence attenuated L. pneumophila mutants, develop an easy recognizable phenotype during co-culture with A. castellanii on agar plates that was named „scatterphenotype“. On the basis of the scatterphenotype, a new assay was developed allowing screening of huge clone banks with respect to amoebae sensitivity, a marker for reduced virulence. Here, a collection of several thousand transposon mutagenized L. pneumophila clones was screened and a total of 119 amoebae sensitive mutants was isolated. Among those, 70 novel putative host cell colonization and virulence genes were identified including two members of the patatin-like protein family (patD, PatF). patD is cotranscribed with bdhA, therefore forming an operon. bdhA encodes a putative 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. The operon is involved in the poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) metabolism of L. pneumophila and is needed for replication in host cells. The study provides the first experimentally funded data showing the linkage of PHB metabolism and virulence of L. pneumophila.

Mobilisierung von Speicherlipiden in <i>Cucumis sativus</i>- und <i>Arabodopsis thaliana</i>-Keimlingen / Mobilisation of storage lipids in <i>Cucumis sativus</i> and <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> seedlings

Rudolph, Maike 23 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation et implication dans la pathogénicité de deux "Patatin-Like Proteins" de Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, PlpA ET PlpD / PlpA and PlpD, caracterization and invovlement in the pathogenicity of two "Patatin-Like Proteins" of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Laubier, Aurélie 03 October 2014 (has links)
Durant ma thèse, nous avons identifier PlpA comme une cytotoxine conservée dans des isolats cliniques d'origines diverses, contrairement à son homologue, le facteur de virulence ExoU de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Un rôle dans la cytotoxicité envers des cellules phagocytaires de l'immunité innée a été attribué à PlpA, et celui-ci dépend de l'intégrité de la dyade catalytique Ser/Asp, caractéristique des protéines de la famille des patatines. Un interactome réalisé in vivo dans des cellules hôtes nous a permis d'identifier des transporteurs de la mitochondrie comme partenaires de PlpA. L'interaction de PlpA avec ses partenaires mitochondriaux, aurait de manière inattendue un effet anti-apoptotique sur les macrophages, mais conduit cependant, à la mort de ceux-ci vraisemblablement par un phénomène de nécrose induite.PlpD a précédemment été caractérisée par Salacha et ses collaborateurs comme étant l'archétype du Système de Sécrétion de Type Vd (2010). Bien que le mécanisme précis de sécrétion de cette protéine reste à ce jour mal connu, nos travaux ont permis de lui attribuer un rôle dans la compétition bactérienne, conférant ainsi un avantage compétitif aux souches qui la possède. D'ailleurs, l'analyse phylogénétique de PlpD (Salacha et al., 2010 ; Heinz & Lithgow 2014) révèle la conservation de cette protéine au sein de nombreuses espèces vivants dans un environnement hostile, suggérant ainsi la nécessité de cette protéine dans l'implantation et la conservation de niches écologiques, que se soit dans l'environnement ou au cours d'infections polymicrobiennes chez un organisme hôte. / During my PhD, in the PAO1 strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we identified PlpA as a cytotoxin conserved in clinical isolates of various origins, contrary to its virulence factor ExoU homologues. A cytotoxic role of PlpA has been highlighted against phagocytic cells, and showed to depend on the integrity of its Ser/Asp catalytic dyad. An in vivo interactome allowed us to identify mitochondrial transporters as partners of PlpA. Interestingly, PlpA interaction with these partners has an anti-apoptotic effect on macrophages but ultimely allows macrophages death probably by a necroptosis phenomenon. PlpD was previously described by Salacha and collaborators as the SST5d archetype (Salacha et al., 2010). While its exact secretion mechanism remains poorly understood, our work allowed showing that it played a role in bacterial competition. PlpD phylogenetic analysis (Salacha et al., 2010 ; Heinz & Lithgow 2014) revealed its conservation in many species living in hostile environments, suggesting its necessity in the implantation and conservation of ecological niches in the environment or during polymicrobial infections into host organism.

Les Patatines de Pseudomonas Aeruginosa : secrétées ou non secrétées ? Telle est la question ... / Patatins of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa : secreted or not secreted ? That is the question ...

Salacha, Richard 11 June 2010 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa est une bactérie à Gram négatif ubiquitaire, pathogène opportuniste. Elle est la 3ème cause d’infections nosocomiales, notamment chez les immunodéprimés et les grands brûlés. Elle est aussi responsable de la mort de nombreux patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. Sa virulence est largement due à son aptitude à sécréter de nombreuses enzymes dégradatives et toxines, parmi lesquelles la protéine ExoU, sécrétée par le Système de Sécrétion de Type III. ExoU est une phospholipase, de la famille des « patatin-like proteins », dont l’activité est portée par une dyade catalytique Ser-Asp.Mon travail de thèse a permis d’identifier 4 homologues d’ExoU (PlpA, PlpB, PlpC et PlpD) dans le protéome de la souche PAO1 de P. aeruginosa (qui est dépourvu de cette protéine). En étudiant le mode de sécrétion de PlpD, nous avons découvert une nouvelle branche du Système de Sécrétion de Type V (SST5), le SST5d. La protéine représentant ce nouveau système possède un domaine C-terminal transporteur de type TpsB (SST5b), fusionné à un domaine N-terminal patatine sécrété dans le milieu extracellulaire (à l’image d’un autotransporteur, ou SST5a). Ce mode de sécrétion serait un mode dédié à la sécrétion de « patatin-like proteins », comme le suggèrent nos analyses phylogénétiques, à Nous avons en outre démontré que PlpD possède une activité lipase.L’autre protéine étudiée, PlpA, est également sécrétée, bien que nous n’ayons pu établir avec certitude sa voie de transport. Nous avons évalué le rôle de cette protéine lors de l’interaction de P. aeruginosa avec des cellules hôtes de type macrophages et cellules épithéliales. Nous avons observé que cette protéine confère une protection temporaire aux cellules infectées par P. aeruginosa. Ce retard semble être directement imputable à l’activité de la protéine, puisqu’il est dépendant de l’intégrité de la dyade catalytique putative de PlpA / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an ubiquitous Gram negative bacteria, and efficient opportunistic pathogen. It is the third most common cause of nosocomial infections, most particularly within immunocompromized or burn patients. This pathogen is responsible for the death of numerous cystic fibrosis patients. Its virulence is due mainly to its capacity to secrete numerous degradative enzymes and toxins, among them, ExoU which is secreted via the Type III Secretion System. ExoU is a phospholipase of the patatin-like protein family, and its activity is based on a Ser-Asp catalytic dyad.During my thesis, we identify 4 ExoU homologs (PlpA, PlpB, PlpC, and PlpD) in the proteome of the P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain (this strain does not possess ExoU). Results obtained studying PlpD secretion led us to discover a new branch of the Type V Secretion System (T5SS), the T5dSS. PlpD is composed of a C-terminal TpsB-like transporter domain (like T5bSS), fused to a N-terminal patatin domain which is secreted into the extracellular medium (like autotransporters, or T5aSS). Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that this secretion pathway may be dedicated to the secretion of PLPs, like T5cSS, which secretes only adhesins. Moreover, we demonstrated that PlpD is a lipase.The other studied protein, PlpA, is also a secreted protein, but we still do not know which secretion system is involved in its secretion. We tested the role of PlpA during interaction of P. aeruginosa with host cells by carrying out infections of murin macrophages and epithelial cells. We observed a transitory protection of cells infected with P. aeruginosa. This protection seems to require an active PlpA protein as it is dependent on a intact catalytic dyad in this protein

Studies on the Molecular Biology of Naegleru Fowleri and Identification of N. Fowleri in the Environment

MacLean, Rebecca Carmean 01 January 2006 (has links)
Naegleria fowleri, a free-living ameboflagellate, is the causative agent of primary amebic meningoencephalitis. Healthy humans sporadically become infected with N. fowleri and develop fatal PAM after recreational or work exposure to freshwater; accordingly, there is a need for monitoring the presence of pathogenic amebeflagellates in public freshwater. The present study was conducted to determine whether a nested PCR assay could be used for detection of N. fowleri in freshwater habitats. PCR analysis was used to test samples from Virginia, Connecticut, Arizona, and Oklahoma for the presence of N. fowleri in lakes, ponds, soil, and domestic water supplies. The amebae were identified in all 4 states from soil and water sources, including domestic water supplies. In addition to identification in the environment, it is also important to determine virulence factors of the ameba. Although virulence factors have not been defined, resistance to complement lysis and production of phospholipases may account for pathogenicity of this ameba. Studies were performed to determine the gene encoding a complement regulatory protein, CD59, found in membrane fractions of N. fowleri. The genome of this organism has not been sequenced, therefore, we have constructed a genomic DNA library to search for putative virulence factors or drug targets. We have performed partial sequencing of 155 plasmids and have identified putative genes for cell motility, chromosome segregation, gene regulation, protein synthesis and degradation, protein regulation, cell signaling, respiration and energy production, membrane synthesis and metabolism, amino acid synthesis, as well as genes with unknown functions. Also, we have identified a putative virulence factor, a patatin-like protein. Patatin has been shown to exhibit phospholipase A2 activity in other organisms and has been shown to be involved in invasion into human tissue in certain pathogens. Northern analysis demonstrated hybridization with N. fowleri RNA at 3kb, but not with RNA from other free-living amebae tested. RT-PCR analysis was positive for pathogenic N. fowleri and negative for nonpathogenic Naegleria spp. Further studies are needed to determine whether the patatin-like protein in N. fowleri serves as a virulence factor and plays a role in invasion in human tissue.

Relativní abundance patatinu ve vztahu k antioxidativní kapacitě hlíz vybrané skupiny kulturních a planých druhů brambor / Patatin proteins relative abundance in correlation to antioxidative activity of tubers of cultivated and wild potato species

MEJZLÍK, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to determine the content of pure tuber proteins, patatin relative abundance in total tuber protein, and subsequently its antioxidant potential. The theoretical part dealt with general potato characteristics, potato tuber chemical composition and description of analyzed cultivated and wild potato species. In the practical part results of laboratory analysis were presented. It was determined statistically significant genotype variability of antioxidant activity for potato tuber protein as well as for potato tuber dry matter here ranging from 0.221 (Solanum berthaultii 07S0300031) to 0.0066 mg of ascorbic acid/g dry matter (Solanum tuberosum cultivar Kuras). Any direct relationship between potato tuber protein content or patatin relative abundance and antioxidant activity was found. The findings are compared with the literature.

Prospecção de genes de Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 com potencial para biocontrole. / Prospection for genes of Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 with potential for biocontrol.

Mano, Emy Tiyo 03 September 2015 (has links)
O gênero Burkholderia é composto por bactérias de elevada diversidade fisiológica e genética, sendo alvo para uma série de aplicações biotecnológicas. A linhagem Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 foi capaz de controlar fungos e bactérias patogênicas, bem como produzir antibióticos. A análise de perfil fisiológico da planta hospedeira indica que não há a elicitação de respostas de defesa no controle dos sintomas da podridão mole por B. seminalis. Foi observado que o sucesso do controle depende do contato direto do agente de biocontrole e o patógeno B. gladioli, e que B. seminalis possui atividade antimicrobiana in vitro contra com a formação de um halo de inibição e redução de 40% da densidade de B. gladioli em co-cultura líquida com B. seminalis. A análise do mutante M01 defectivo no controle da podridão mole, que apresenta a região intergênica da patatina-ferritina nocauteada pelo transposon, não mostrou diferenças significativas comparado ao isolado selvagem para os mesmos ensaios. / The genus Burkholderia is composed of bacteria with high physiological and genetic diversity, and it is being goal for a number of biotechnological applications. The Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 strain was able to control fungal and bacterial pathogens as well as produce antibiotics. The physiological profile analysis of the host plant indicates that there is no defense responses elicitation induced by B. seminalis involved in controlling symptoms of soft rot. It was observed that the success of control depends on the full contact of the biocontrol agent and the pathogen B. gladioli. B. seminalis has an antimicrobial activity in vitro showing a inhibition halo and reducing the density of B. gladioli in co-culture with B. seminalis by 40%. The M01 mutant, wich is defective in control of soft rot and showing a insertion of transposon in a intergenic region between patatin-ferritin, presented no significant differences compared to the wild strain for the same assays.

Vliv ekologického a konvenčního systému pěstování brambor (Solanum tuberosum L.)na obsah bílkovin v hlízách / Effect of organic and conventional potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) farming on selected characteristics of potato tuber proteins

MÍČKA, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis follows the influence of organic and conventional potato management (Solanum tuberosum L.) on tuber protein content. Potato protein represents from 1/3 to {$^1\!/\!_2$} of total tuber nitrogen compound and belongs among the most valuable plant proteins - its high value is given by high level of essential amino acids. Important group of potato proteins is a patatin (complex of patatin proteins), which is considered as a major storage protein and has many important physiological functions such as antioxidant activity and function of defense system against pathogenic organisms. The aim of the the work was to determined content of crude protein, pure protein and patatin proteins representation in the total protein of potato tubers. The diploma thesis was solved using 5 potatoes varieties, 2 year{\crq}s repetition and variant of organic and conventional potato production system. The obtained data were statistically evaluated. It was found, that content of dry matter in potato tubers was significantly influenced by a year and locality of the field experiment. Crude protein content in potato tubers was significantly influenced by a year, variety and type of potato management system. The potato tubers produced under conventional and organic management contained 9.93 and 9.16 % of crude protein in dry matter, respectively. Pure protein content was significantly influenced by variety. The affect of crop management on the pure protein content was not statistically signifiant. However, slightly higher content of pure protein was evaluated in dry matter of potato tuber produced under convetional than under organic crop management resulting in average value of 4.23 and 3.86 %, respectively. Representation of pure protein in total content of nitrogen matters was significantly influenced by variety and a year of growing. Complex of patatin proteins (40-45 kDa) was detected for all of the evaluated potato varieties and variants of the field experiment. Higher number of patatin isoforms (with rather physiological function) was investigated in potato tubers from organic crop management.

Prospecção de genes de Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 com potencial para biocontrole. / Prospection for genes of Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 with potential for biocontrol.

Emy Tiyo Mano 03 September 2015 (has links)
O gênero Burkholderia é composto por bactérias de elevada diversidade fisiológica e genética, sendo alvo para uma série de aplicações biotecnológicas. A linhagem Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 foi capaz de controlar fungos e bactérias patogênicas, bem como produzir antibióticos. A análise de perfil fisiológico da planta hospedeira indica que não há a elicitação de respostas de defesa no controle dos sintomas da podridão mole por B. seminalis. Foi observado que o sucesso do controle depende do contato direto do agente de biocontrole e o patógeno B. gladioli, e que B. seminalis possui atividade antimicrobiana in vitro contra com a formação de um halo de inibição e redução de 40% da densidade de B. gladioli em co-cultura líquida com B. seminalis. A análise do mutante M01 defectivo no controle da podridão mole, que apresenta a região intergênica da patatina-ferritina nocauteada pelo transposon, não mostrou diferenças significativas comparado ao isolado selvagem para os mesmos ensaios. / The genus Burkholderia is composed of bacteria with high physiological and genetic diversity, and it is being goal for a number of biotechnological applications. The Burkholderia seminalis TC3.4.2R3 strain was able to control fungal and bacterial pathogens as well as produce antibiotics. The physiological profile analysis of the host plant indicates that there is no defense responses elicitation induced by B. seminalis involved in controlling symptoms of soft rot. It was observed that the success of control depends on the full contact of the biocontrol agent and the pathogen B. gladioli. B. seminalis has an antimicrobial activity in vitro showing a inhibition halo and reducing the density of B. gladioli in co-culture with B. seminalis by 40%. The M01 mutant, wich is defective in control of soft rot and showing a insertion of transposon in a intergenic region between patatin-ferritin, presented no significant differences compared to the wild strain for the same assays.

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