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Tent isolation experiment in an advanced Scots pine seed orchardFredriksson, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
Pollen contamination is a severe problem in production breeding programs since it reduces the expected gain. In an attempt to solve this problem Skogforsk created an isolation experiment in the advanced Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard Västerhus in Västerbotten, Sweden. This experiment involves covering blocks of trees with a tent during the pollination period so that they only can mate with each other inside. To evaluate the effects of this tent treatment one tree from inside a tent with supplementary mass pollination (SMP) and one tree from the open control were chosen for this study. 48 seeds from each tree were sampled and genotypes at 9 microsatellite (SSR) loci. The likelihood and exclusion methods for paternity assignment were used to establish the fathers to these seeds. The results showed 0% contamination inside the tent and 4-8% outside in the control. The number of fathers contributed to the fertilization of the 48 seeds was 9 inside and 15 outside. The selfing rate was unexpectedly high, 10% inside the tent and 19% outside. The mating system inside the tent need to be further evaluated to fully understand what other effect the treatment has on the future progeny.
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Population structure and mating system of the Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) / Structure de population et système de reproduction chez le lion de mer Australien (Neophoca cinerea)Ahonen, Heidi 30 September 2013 (has links)
Le lion de mer Australien a un cycle de reproduction non-annuel et asynchrone entre les colonies.Contrairement aux autres pinnipèdes, ce système unique offre l’opportunité aux mâles de se reproduiredans plusieurs sites lors d’une saison de reproduction. L’accès des mâles à plusieurs sites dereproduction pourrait contrecarrer le fort degré de structure génétique de population chez les femellesdûe à une fidélité extrême au site de reproduction. J'ai utilisé deux méthodes indépendantes maiscomplémentaires, moléculaire et acoustique, afin d’étudier la structure de la population et le systèmede reproduction. Pour l'analyse moléculaire, j'ai développé une banque de microsatellites spécifiques àl'espèce. Ces marqueurs ont été utilisés pour examiner le flux génétique des mâles dans les différentescolonies de reproduction, le succès reproducteur, et les taux de paternité inter- et intra-colonies. Deplus, j'ai mesuré la variation géographique dans les cris des mâles, ce qui représente une approchealternative pour mesurer les convergences/divergences entre colonies. J'ai montré que si les mâlesprésentent une certaine dispersion entre colonies, elle est limitée à une courte échelle en dépit del’opportunité des mâles de se reproduire dans différents sites. Les analyses acoustiques des cris demâles ont révélé des variations géographiques significatives entre colonies, qui ne reflètent pas lastructure génétique. Les analyses de paternité indiquent un faible taux de polygynie, la majorité desmâles ne produisant qu’un ou deux jeunes par saison. Des stratégies alternatives de reproduction(nomade ou sédentaire) sont présentes dans cette espèce, certains mâles se déplaçant activement entredifférentes colonies proches. Le système de reproduction unique du lion de mer Australien semblefortement influer à la fois les modalités de dispersion, mais aussi la structure de population et lesystème de reproduction. / The Australian sea lion has a non-annual and asynchronous breeding cycle across geographically closecolonies. In contrast to other pinnipeds, this unique reproductive system provides the opportunity formales to breed in different colonies during one breeding cycle. Male mating success across differentcolonies could counteract the high degree of structure driven by extreme site fidelity in females. I usedtwo, independent but complementary methods, molecular and acoustic to investigate their populationstructure and mating system. For molecular analysis I developed a species-specific microsatellitelibrary. These markers were used to examine the extent and rate of male mediated gene-flow acrossbreeding colonies but also to determine the breeding success and paternity both within and acrossspatially close colonies. Also, I investigated the geographical variation in male barking call. Thisrepresents an alternative approach to measure boundaries and relationships between colonies. Malesexhibit dispersal; however, this is limited to remarkably small scale in regards to the high potential fordispersal and opportunity to breed in different colonies. Acoustic analyses of the male barking callsrevealed significant geographical variation across sites; however this observed acoustic variation didnot reflect the genetic structure. Paternity analyses revealed that males display relatively modest ratesof polygyny with the majority of successful males siring only one or two pups per breeding cycle. Thepresence of alternative mating strategies (roaming vs staying) is apparent in this species with somemales actively moving and breeding between close colonies. It appears that the unique breedingbiology of Australian sea lion influences dispersal patterns, population structure and mating system.
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