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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a Pathologists’ Monthly Assignment Schedule: A Case Study at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of The Ottawa Hospital

Montazeri, Amine January 2015 (has links)
In the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, at the beginning of each month, the clinical managers use expert knowledge to assign pathologists to expected daily specimens based on the criteria of workload restrictions, clinical sub-specialties, and availability. Since the size of the pathologists’ assignment problem is large, finding a feasible assignment manually is a very time-consuming process that takes a number of iterations over a number of days to complete. Moreover, every time there is a need to make a revision, a new assignment needs to be developed taking into account all the above criteria. The goal of this research is to develop an optimization model and a decision support tool that will help with monthly staffing of pathologists based on the criteria outlined above. The developed model is rooted in the classical operations research assignment problem and it is extended to account for the following requirements: each pathologist should be assigned to a similar specimen type throughout a week; for a given pathologist, there should be a rotation of the specimen types between the weeks; and the clinical managers’ preferences in terms of assigning a particular specimen type to a particular pathologist on a specific day need to be considered. A monthly assignment model covering 36 pathologists and 26 specimen types was solved using IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio. It is embedded in a decision support tool that helps clinical managers to make staffing decisions. The decision support tool has been validated using data from The Ottawa Hospital (TOH).

Dealing with Loss: Perceptions of Speech-Language Pathologists

Wojan, Jennifer D. 09 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Ready of not? Perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of newly qualified medical microbiologists entering practise in South Africa

Hoffmann, Rena 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Purpose of the Research: To obtain more comprehensive data on the perceptions of strengths and weaknesses in Medical Microbiological Pathology training against the background of rapidly changing pathology services. Methods: On-line surveys were conducted of potential employers and recent graduates of Medical Microbiology and Clinical Pathology. Results: There were 15 employer respondents and 19 newly trained pathologist respondents out of the 88 pathologists that were identified to participate in the study. From the employers’ standpoint, the majority expressed overall satisfaction with newly trained pathologists. Specific areas of deficiency were Administration, Management and Research. In addition, almost a half of employers agreed that the same amount of guidance and support for newly trained pathologists is needed now than was required a decade ago. Newly trained pathologists did not appear to be inappropriately overconfident in their abilities. In selecting new pathologists, employers perceived ability to work in a team, academic knowledge and interpersonal skills as the most important applicant characteristics. When newly trained pathologists were asked why they thought they were offered their position, the responses were very varied, ranging from academic background to contractual obligations. Conclusion: We believe that with this study some insights were obtained into the perceived strengths and weaknesses of newly trained pathologists entering Microbiology Pathology Services and that the results of the study can be used as input for further discussions and training of pathology registrars. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel van die Navorsing: Om meer omvattende data te bekom oor die tekortkominge en sterk punte in Mediese Mikrobiologiese Patologie opleiding in ag genome huidige vinnig veranderende patologie dienste. Metodes: Internet-gebasseerde vraeboë is gerig aan potensiële werkgewers van patoloeë asook nuut gekwalifiseerde graduanti van Mediese Mikrobiologie en Kliniese Patologie. Resultate: Van die 88 patoloeë wat uitgenooi is om deel te neem aan die studie het 15 werkgewers en 19 nuut gekwalifiseerde patoloeë deelgeneem. Die meerderheid van die werkgewers was oor die algemeen tevrede met nuwe aanstellings. Spesifieke areas waaraan meer aandag behoort te gee word, is Administrasie, Bestuur en Navorsing. Bykans die helfde van die werknemers het saamgestem dat nuut gekwalifiseerde patoloeë nou dieselfde hoeveelheid bystand en ondersteuning benodig as patoloeë ‘n dekade gelede. Dit wil voorkom asof die nuut gekwalifiseerde patoloeë nie oormatige selfvertroue in hulle eie vermoëns het nie. Werkgewers het die volgende eienskappe as die belangrikste ge-ag as hulle nuwe patologeë aanstel: vermoë om in ‘n span te werk, akademiese kennis en interpersoonlike vaardighede. Toe nuut gekwalifiseerde patoloeë gevra is hoekom hulle dink hulle is aangestel was die antwoorde baie uiteenlopend en het gewissel van akademiese prestasie tot kontrakturele verpligtinge. Gevolgstrekking: Ons glo dat met die resultate van hierdie studie ons beter insigte bekom het oor die tekortkominge en sterk punte van nuut gekwalifiseerde patoloeë wat Mikrobiologiese Patologie Dienste betree. Hopelik sal hierdie studie ‘n bydrae kan maak tot die toekomstige beplanning van nagraadse patologie opleiding.

The impact of affective factors related to work on the turnover intent of speech language pathologists in Texas

O'Connor, Johnny Ray 15 May 2009 (has links)
This study was an attempt to add to the existing research base, as well as fill in a gap in the literature with regard to speech language pathologists in public educational organizations in Texas. Variables explored in this study were recruitment, retention, career commitment, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job overload, and turnover intent. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between recruitment, retention, career commitment, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job overload, and the turnover intent of speech language pathologists in Texas. Additionally, this study sought to identify those factors that most influence the recruitment and retention of speech pathologists. A random sample of 500 speech pathologists was identified for participation in this study. Responses were elicited via Questionnaires, and consisted of eight sections: (a) demographic information and (b) seven previously validated and reliable instruments related to the variables identified in this study. All instruments were deemed appropriate for use in this study and were set to a six-point Likert scale. The data revealed that job responsibility, pay level, size of caseload, needing a job, and administrative support played a major role in the recruitment of speech language pathologists. On the other hand, job satisfaction, caseload, and job security were found to be the most influential in the retention of speech language pathologists. Furthermore, recruitment, retention, and job overload were found to have a significant positive relationship to turnover intent in speech pathologists, whereas career commitment, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction were found to have a significant negative relationship to turnover intent.

The medico-legal investigation of unexplained deaths in Pretoria, South Africa : the role of death investigators as a new professional subgroup

Oliever, Lorraine Anneline 02 August 2012 (has links)
In 2009, the South African population was estimated at 49.32 million. The Department of Home Affairs had 612 462 registered deaths in 2006, with approximately 122 492 of these being due to other than natural causes. It is estimated that this number may have remained fairly constant or increased slightly over the past few years. During 2009 and 2010 there were only 35 practising forensic pathologists in South Africa. Furthermore , according to the South African Police Service, over 2 million serious crimes were reported over the 2008-2009 period, whilst there were approximately 153 981 police officers in service. When it is considered that these cases fall within the realm of the forensic pathologists, it should be of great concern that so few qualified specialists exist within the country. South Africa not only has a high occurrence of deaths amongst young adults which can be attributed to trauma and other non-natural causes as well as HIV/AIDS, but urbanisation, an influx of foreigners and an increase in unemployment may also have an influence on the mortality rate of young, working age adults. However, there appears to be a discrepancy in mortality statistics between data released by Statistics South Africa, and the National Population Registry which is maintained by the Department of Home Affairs. This study was undertaken in order to bring about the realisation that professionals are needed in order to bridge a gap in the medico-legal investigation of deaths in South Africa. Approximately half of the cases of sudden unexpected deaths that were reviewed over the fifteen months from January 2009 until March 2010 were due to natural causes, with approximately 37% being signed out as under investigation. In approximately 50% of the cases reviewed, the forensic pathologist was contacted to attend the scene of death, with only half of these scenes being attended by the forensic pathologist on call. Attendance of the post-mortem by the Investigating Officer in charge of the case was poor, with approximately 80% of the post mortem examinations being conducted without the Investigating Officer present. It is believed that medico-legal death investigators would greatly improve the investigation of sudden deaths in South Africa. The institution of medico-legal death investigators would minimise the case load of all the role players, as well as reducing the confusion related with the medico-legal significance of deaths. It is also believed that medico-legal death investigators would minimise and eventually eliminate the gap that currently exists between the departments that are involved with the investigation of deaths. It would thus be advantageous for medico-legal death investigators to fall under the jurisdiction of both the Department of Health and the South African Police Service. / AFRIKAANS : In 2009 was die Suid Afrikaanse bevolking geskat op 49.32 miljoen, in 2006, was daar 612 462 sterftes wat by die Departement van Binnelandse Sake geregistreer is, ongeveer 122 492 was as gevolg van ander dan natuurlike oorsake. Dit kan beraam word dat hierdie getal onveranderd gebly het of effens toegeneem het oor die afgelope paar jaar. Daar was egter net 35 forensiese patoloë wat praktiserend was in Suid Afrika in 2009 en 2010. Verder het die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens berig dat meer as 2 miljoen ernstige misdade gerapporteer was vir die tydperk 2008-2009, terwyl daar net sowat 153 981 poliesiebeamptes in diens was. Wanneer dit beskou word dat hierdie gevalle in die gebied van die forensiese patoloog val, moet dit n groot bekommernis wees dat daar so min bekwaamde spesialiste in die land bestaan. Suid Afrika het 'n hoë voorval van sterftes onder jong volwassenes te danke aan trauma en ander onnatuurlike oorsake sowel as MIV en vigs. Verstedeliking, 'n infloei van binnelanders en 'n toename in werkloosheid kan almal 'n invloed op die sterftesyfer van die jong verkende volwassenes hê. Daar is 'n verskil in mortalitiet statistieke tussen Statistieke Suid Afrika, en die Nasionale Bevolking Register wat in stand gehou word deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake. Hierdie studie was aangeneem om die verwesenliking uit te voer dat beroepspelers nodig is om die gaping oor te brug wat in die geregtelike mediese ondersoek van sterftes in Suid Afrika plaas vind. Ongeweer halfte van die gevalle van skielike onverwagse sterftes wat vanaf Januarie 2009 oor vyftien maande hersien is, is as gevolg van natuurlike oorsake, terwyl ongeveer 37% onder ondersoek was. In ongeveer die helfte van die gevalle wat hersien was, was die forensiese patoloog gekontak om 'n sterftoneel by te woon, en omtrent net die halfte van hierdie tonele is bygewoon deur die forensiese patoloog. Die bywooning van nadoodse ondersoeke deur die ondersoekbeapte wat toesig oor die geval het was treurig, met ongeveer 80% nadoodse ondersoeke wat gedra was sonder dat die ondersoekbeampte teenwoordig was. Dit is oortuig dat geregtelike mediese doodsondersoekbeamptes die ondersoek van sterftes in Suid Afrika baie sou verminder, die instelling van geregtelike mediese doodsondersoekbeamptes sou die werklos van die rolspelers verminder, sowel as die verrwarring wat verband hou met die geregtelike mediese ondersoek van sterftes verminder. Dit is oortuig dat geregtelike mediese doodsonderdoekbeamptes die gaping wat tans plaasvind met ondersoeke na die sterftes uiteindelik sou uitskakel of verminder, dit sou dus voorledig wees as geregtelike mediese doodsondersoekbeamptes onder die regsgebied van albei die Departement van Binnelandse Sake en die Suid Afrikanse Poliesiediens sou wees. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Forensic Medicine / Unrestricted

Professional Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions of Appropriate Clinical Dress

Stegeman, Joanna Cathleen 30 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Rural Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions and Knowledge of Emergent Literacy Instructional Practices: A Mixed Methods Study

Ellis, Kellie C 01 January 2012 (has links)
The acquisition of emergent literacy skills has become a prominent focus of early childhood education programs in recent years as research has demonstrated the significance of emergent literacy ability in the process of learning to read. The effectiveness of use of varied instructional techniques targeting the emergent literacy domains of phonological awareness, written language awareness, emergent writing, and oral language is well described in the literature. Consequently, educational service providers like speech-language pathologists are being called upon to assume roles in emergent literacy service provision. However, research has not fully explored the perceptions and knowledge speech-language pathologists possess of emergent literacy instructional practices. This concurrent triangulation mixed methods study examined speech-language pathologists’ perceptions and knowledge of emergent literacy instructional practices. Three quantitative and two qualitative forms of data were collected and analyzed from a criterion and purposive sample of five educational speech-language pathologists. Findings revealed speech-language pathologists possessed positive perceptions of emergent literacy instruction and endorsed use of numerous instructional techniques and intervention formats to target multiple emergent literacy skills. Results also indicated the presence of a narrow view of emergent literacy instruction as participants maintained a primary focus on oral language and phonological awareness in intervention sessions. Additionally, varied perspectives of speech-language pathologists’ role in emergent literacy instruction and numerous constraints to implementation of best practice in emergent literacy were identified. Findings demonstrated strength in participants’ pedagogical knowledge of emergent literacy instructional techniques in oral language and phonological awareness and strength in content knowledge of phonological awareness. However, findings also revealed limitations in understanding as speech-language pathologists’ did not demonstrate thorough knowledge of instructional practices across all domains of emergent literacy. Additionally, varying degrees of emergent literacy knowledge among speech-language pathologists were noted. Finally, comparison of quantitative and qualitative results of speech-language pathologists’ emergent literacy perceptions and knowledge revealed convergence of numerous findings.

Counseling Children and Their Families Experiencing SSD: Systemic Interventions for Speech-Language Pathologists

Bitter, James Robert 03 November 2014 (has links)
Book Summary: Speaking directly to experienced and novice clinicians, educators and students in speech-language pathology/speech and language therapy via an informative essay-based approach, Children’s Speech Sound Disorders provides concise, easy-to-understand explanations of key aspects of the classification, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of articulation disorders, phonological disorders and childhood apraxia of speech. It also includes a range of searching questions to international experts on their work in the child speech field. This new edition of Children’s Speech Sound Disorders is meticulously updated and expanded. It includes new material on Apps, assessing and treating two-year-olds, children acquiring languages other than English and working with multilingual children, communities of practice in communication sciences and disorders, distinguishing delay from disorder, linguistic sciences, counselling and managing difficult behaviour, and the neural underpinnings of and new approaches to treating CAS. This bestselling guide includes: Case vignettes and real-world examples to place topics in context Expert essays by sixty distinguished contributors A companion website for instructors at www.wiley.com/go/bowen/speechlanguagetherapy and a range of supporting materials on the author’s own site at speech-language-therapy.com Drawing on a range of theoretical, research and clinical perspectives and emphasising quality client care and evidence-based practice, Children’s Speech Sound Disorders is a comprehensive collection of clinical nuggets, hands-on strategies, and inspiration.

The Role of the Speech Language Pathologist in the Treatment of Patients with Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes

Mark, Lindsay 24 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of tolerance to bacterial wilt in the model plant Arabidopsis

Bredenkamp, Jane January 2014 (has links)
Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt disease, has been found to affect numerous economically important plants. Understanding the molecular basis of resistance, tolerance and susceptibility of plants to pathogens such as R. solanacearum is a major goal of molecular plant pathologists. Prior to this study it was thought that Arabidopsis accession Kil-0 shows gene-for-gene “resistance” to an African Eucalyptus isolate of R. solanacearum, BCCF402. However, a subsequent preliminary study indicated that Kil-0 may exhibit “tolerance” which is defined as the plant’s ability to support high pathogen numbers without displaying disease symptoms or a reduction in host fitness. The aim of this study was to determine if Kil-0 was tolerant to R. solanacearum BCCF402. The bacterial load of R. solanacearum was quantified in accessions Kil-0 and Be-0 using dilution plating and quantitative PCR methods. The cytC gene region was used to quantify R. solanacearum in Arabidopsis plants and the amount of bacterial DNA was normalized to “alien” DNA that was spiked into each sample. High bacterial concentrations of BCCF402 were found in Kil-0 but plants exhibited no wilting symptoms. Additionally, Kil-0 plants inoculated with BCCF402 showed no significant reduction in fitness compared to control Kil-0 plants. In contrast, high bacterial numbers and severe disease symptoms were observed in the susceptible Be-0 plants, whereas Nd1 plants contained a low number of bacteria and no disease symptoms indicative of a resistance response. These results illustrated that Kil-0 is tolerant to R. solanacearum isolate BCCF402. A tool for the visualization of R. solanacearum in Arabidopsis plants was designed. R. solanacearum isolate BCCF402 was tagged with two mCherry-containing plasmids under the constitutive expression of the tac promoter. The expression levels of mCherry were suitable for successful visualization in planta. BCCF402 cells transformed with the mCherry-containing plasmids were not affected in terms of virulence or disease progression compared to wildtype BCCF402 cells. A plasmid loss of 30-35% was observed in mCherry-tagged BCCF402 cells at later stages of Arabidopsis infection. mCherry-tagged BCCF402 was successfully visualized in Kil-0 leaves at early infection stages. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Plant Science / unrestricted

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