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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do comportamento mecânico de misturas de fosfogesso e cal para utilização na construção rodoviária / Mechanical behavior study of mixtures of phosphogypsum and lime to road construction utilization

Shirley Minnell Ferreira de Oliveira 03 October 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar, a partir de ensaios de laboratório, o comportamento mecânico de misturas de fosfogesso e cal destinadas à construções de bases e sub-bases rodoviárias. O fosfogesso é um resíduo resultante da produção do ácido fosfórico, principal componente de fertilizantes fosfatados. O fosfogesso é gerado em grande escala, originando sérios problemas de armazenagem. Restrições de leis ambientais e o aumento do custo de espaço para a armazenagem do fosfogesso têm estimulado pesquisas para a aplicação desse material. Entre as pesquisas, encontra-se, o aproveitamento desse resíduo como material de construção de bases e sub-bases rodoviárias. As amostras destas misturas foram submetidas a ensaios de compressão simples, compressão diametral e CBR. Nos ensaios de compressão simples e compressão diametral, os corpos de prova foram ensaiados sem imersão e após imersão prévia em água por quatro horas. Para todos os teores de cal utilizados (0%, 3%, 5%, 7% e 10%) os corpos-de-prova foram compactados na energia equivalente ao Proctor modificado. Para cada teor de cal os corpos-de-prova passaram por processo de cura de 0, 3, 7 e 28 dias. Quatro réplicas foram moldadas para cada condição de ensaio, obtendo-se a média dos resultados pelo método estatístico de GRUBBS. Concluiu-se com esses ensaios que valores crescentes de tempo de cura e de teor de cal conduziram a maiores valores de resistência e de rigidez. Além disso, ensaios realizados após a imersão em água apresentaram valores de resistência à compressão simples, resistência à compressão diametral e rigidez menores do que os obtidos sem imersão. Observou-se também que as misturas de fosfogesso e cal, no geral, apresentaram melhores resultados de resistência à compressão simples, resistência à compressão diametral e coesão do que as misturas de solo cal. Entretanto as misturas compostas por fosfogesso e cimento obtiveram valores superiores de resistência e rigidez se comparada com as misturas de fosfogesso e cal. / This work has the aim of study, considering laboratory experiments, the mechanical behavior of a mixture of phosphogypsum and lime to be used in bases and sub-bases of road construction. The phosphogypsum is a solid waste result of the phosphoric acid production, main component of phosphor fertilizers. The phosphogypsum is generated in large scale, causing serious problems of storage. Restriction of environment laws and the increasing cost of the area needed for the phosphogypsum storage have stimulated researches to this material application. Among these researches, there is the reutilization of this waste as construction material of road bases and sub-bases. The samples of theses mixtures were submitted to tests of unconfined compressive strength, indirect tensile strength and California bearing ratio. In the tests of unconfined compressive strength and indirect tensile strength, the specimens were submitted to two test conditions: without immersion and with immersion in water for four hours. It was used 0%, 3%, 5%, 7% e 10% of lime in the mixtures. All specimens were compacted in the energy modified Proctor. Each specimens get through to a process of curing time of the 0, 3, 7 and 28 days. For each condition test 4 copies were molded and the result got by the statistic method of GRUBBS. With this tests, it was concluded that higher values of time of cure and the line content led to higher strength and stiffness values. Besides, test performed after immersion in water presented strength values for the unconfined compressive, diametral compression strength and stiffness lower than those obtained without immersion. It also can be observed that phosphogypsum and lime mixtures got better results of unconfined compressive strength and diametral compression strength than soil and lime mixtures. However, phosphogypsum and cement mixtures got better results of strength and stiffness than phosphogypsum and lime mixtures.

Propuesta de diseño de pavimento flexible reforzado con Geomalla en la interfaz subrasante - subbase utilizando la metodología Giroud – Han, para mejorar el tramo de la carretera(vía) / Proposal of design for pavement flexible reinforced with Geogrid in the interface subgrade - Subbase using the methodology Giroud - Han, to improve stretch road section (via)

Kari Benites, Maribel, Olortegui Herera, Jhonatan Rolando 13 August 2019 (has links)
El proyecto de investigación tuvo por finalidad evaluar las geomallas triaxiales, como elementos de refuerzo en la interfaz Subrasante – Subbase de la estructura del pavimento flexible, con el objetivo de optimizar espesores del pavimento, aumentar la capacidad de soporte de la subrasante y prolongar la vida útil de pavimento. En este trabajo se presenta la aplicación de una metodología de diseño para el uso de geomallas triaxiales, con las especificaciones técnicas para el diseño aplicado de las geomallas en pavimentos flexibles en Perú. La metodología de diseño está centrada en las investigaciones del doctor J.P. Giroud y el doctor Jie Han, que presentan un efecto de confinamiento generado, entre las geomallas y la capa de material sobre la subrasante. Los suelos al ser sometidos a cargas de llantas tienden a deformarse, generando ahuellamiento sobre la superficie de rodadura. Con la presencia de geomallas en el suelo este ahuellamiento se reduce de manera exponencial (Giroud & Han, 2005). Para la metodología planteada se desarrolla un ejemplo aplicativo para el diseño reforzado, de una base pavimentada, con geomalla triaxial y otro sin refuerzo. Para este ejemplo se recolecto datos con ayuda de los formatos de clasificación vehicular del MTC, inspección visual de la vía para la evaluación del índice de condición del pavimento (PCI) y los ensayos de laboratorio; la cual fue ejecutada a lo largo de los 2.3 km aproximadamente, en el cual se observó que el PCI del tramo es de 21%, esto significa que el nivel de servicio de la vía es malo, es decir requiere la intervención inmediata. Mediante esta metodología el uso de geomallas implicó disminución de espesores de 33.33%, cabe recalcar que se debe tener en cuenta que cada diseño variará de acuerdo con el proyecto a ejecutarse, por ende, dependerá de las características del suelo, el tráfico vehicular y el refuerzo (Tipo de geomalla) utilizado. / The purpose of this research project was to evaluate the triaxial geogrids, as reinforcement elements in the Subgrade - Subbase interface of the flexible pavement structure, with the aim of optimizing pavement thicknesses, increasing the support capacity of the subgrade and prolonging the useful life of pavement. This paper presents the application of a design methodology for the use of triaxial geogrids, with the technical specifications for the applied design of geogrids inflexible pavements in Peru. The design methodology is focused on the investigations of Dr. J.P. Giroud and Dr. Jie Han, who present a generated confinement effect, between the geogrids and the layer of material on the subgrade. The floors when subjected to tire loads tend to deform, generating rutting on the running surface. With the presence of geogrids in the ground, this rutting is reduced exponentially (Giroud & Han, 2005). For the proposed methodology an application example is developed for the reinforced design, of a paved base, with triaxial geogrid and another without reinforcement. For this example, data was collected with the aid of the vehicle classification formats of the MTC, visual inspection of the road for the evaluation of the pavement condition index (PCI) and laboratory tests; which was executed along the approximately 2.3 km, in which it was observed that the PCI of the section is 21%, this means that the service level of the road is bad, that is, it requires immediate intervention. Through this methodology the use of geogrids implied a decrease in thickness of 33.33%, it should be noted that it must be taken into account that each design will vary according to the project to be executed, therefore, it will depend on the characteristics of the soil, vehicular traffic and reinforcement (Type of geogrid) used. / Trabajo de investigación

Laboratory and field evaluation of hot mix asphalt with high contents of reclaimed asphalt pavement

Van Winkle, Clinton Isaac 01 December 2014 (has links)
Currently in Iowa, the amount of RAP materials allowed for the surface layer is limited to 15% by weight. The objective of this project was to develop quality standards for inclusion of RAP content higher than 15% in asphalt mixtures. To meet Superpave mix design requirements, it was necessary to fractionate the RAP materials. Based on the extensive sieve-by-sieve analysis of RAP materials, the optimum sieve size to fractionate RAP materials was identified. To determine if the higher percentage of RAP materials than 15% can be used in Iowa's state highway, three test sections with 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% of RAP materials were constructed on Highway 6 in Iowa City. The construction of the field test sections was monitored and the cores were obtained to measure field densities of test sections. Field mixtures collected from test sections were compacted in the laboratory in order to test the moisture sensitivity using a Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device. The binder was extracted from the field mixtures with varying amounts of RAP materials and tested to determine the effects of RAP materials on the PG grade of a virgin binder. Field cores were taken from the various mix designs to determine the percent density of each test section. A condition survey of the test sections was then performed to evaluate the short-term performance.

Laboratory characterisation of cementitiously stabilised pavement materials

White, Gregory William, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Insitu cementitious stabilisation is an economical, environmentally sustainable and socially advantageous means of rehabilitating pavements. With the recent availability of a wide range of binders and advanced construction equipment, the characterisation of cementitiously stabilised pavement materials has become the focus of further advancement of this technology. Australian practice has moved towards the use of Indirect Diametric Tensile (IDT) methods for the characterisation of these materials. A draft protocol for the IDT test has been prepared and specifies samples to be compacted by gyratory compactor. This procedure provides for both monotonic and repeated load testing, which aims to measure the material???s strength, modulus and fatigue life. A range of host materials, including a new crushed rock and a reclaimed existing pavement base course, were assessed when stabilised with a General Purpose cement binder as well as with a slag-lime blended binder. Materials were assess for their inherent material properties, Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS), Unconfined Compression modulus, IDT strength and modulus under both monotonic and repeated load. A number of amendments and refinements to the testing protocol were recommended. These included the use of minimum binder contents to ensure the binder was uniformly distributed and to promote heavy binding of the materials to ensure they behaved elastically. It was also recommended that samples be gyratory compacted to a pre-determined sample height to allow a constant density to be achieved. The variability of the test results was examined. UCS results were found to be comparatively as variable as other researchers had reported. IDT strength results contained a similar level of variability, which was considered to be acceptable. Modulus results, both monotonic and repeated load, were found to be five to ten times more variable than strength results, which is a generally accepted trend for modulus testing. Under repeated loading, some challenges with the test protocol were encountered. The primary challenge was obtaining reliable and repeatable diametrical displacement data for modulus calculation. This was partially overcome by the insertion of smooth spacers to prevent the Linear Voltage Displacement Transformer (LVDTs) becoming caught on the sample sides. The achievement of reliable and repeatable IDT modulus results through improved displacement measurements should be the focus of future research efforts in this area.

Detektering av sprickor i vägytor med hjälp av Datorseende / Pavement Crack Detection Using Computer Vision

Håkansson, Staffan January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes new methods for automatic crack detection in pavements. Cracks in pavements can be used as an early indication for the need of reparation. </p><p>Automatic crack detection is preferable compared to manual inventory; the repeatability can be better, the inventory can be done at a higher speed and can be done without interruption of the traffic. </p><p>The automatic and semi-automatic crack detection systems that exist today use Image Analysis methods. There are today powerful methods available in the area of Computer Vision. These methods work in higher dimensions with greater complexity and generate measures of local signal properties, while Image Analyses methods for crack detection use morphological operations on binary images. </p><p>Methods for digitalizing video data on VHS-cassettes and stitching images from nearby frames have been developed. </p><p>Four methods for crack detection have been evaluated, and two of them have been used to form a crack detection and classification program implemented in the calculation program Matlab. </p><p>One image set was used during the implementation and another image set was used for validation. The crack detection system did perform correct detection on 99.2 percent when analysing the images which were used during implementation. The result of the crack detection on the validation data was not very good. When the program is being used on data from other pavements than the one used during implementation, information about the surface texture is required to calibrate the crack detection.</p>

Enhancement of Pavement Maintenance Decision Making by Evaluating the Effectiveness of Pavement Maintenance Treatments

Dong, Qiao 01 May 2011 (has links)
The performance of different pavement maintenance treatments were evaluated by investigating practical projects collected from Tennessee Pavement Management System (PMS) and Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database. The influence of factors on the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and cracking initiation of different treatment were evaluated by “Optime”, multiple linear regression and parametric survival analysis. Pavement roughness, pavement serviceability index (PSI) and the initiation time of cracking were used as pavement performance indicators. Investigation on the pavement maintenance projects in Tennessee by Optime and multiple linear regression analysis indicated that HMA overlay had the highest effectiveness, followed by mill & fill and micro surfacing. Due to the relatively low cost, micro surfacing was the most cost-effective treatment, followed by HMA overlay and mill & fill. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness decreased with the increase of traffic level and pre-treatment pavement condition. Investigation on the LTPP resurfacing treatments indicated that thick overlay and milling reduced the roughness after rehabilitation. Thin overlay, high traffic level and poor pre-rehabilitation pavement condition increased the deterioration rate of new overlay. Using reclaimed asphalt material did not influence the treatment performance but was cost-effective in reducing the roughness of new overlay. For a certain deterioration rate, there was an optimized pre-rehabilitation roughness value or time for applying maintenance treatment. Survival analysis on the crack initiation of asphalt overlay indicated that high traffic level accelerated the initiation of cracking. Thick overlay delayed the initiation of cracking except for the non-wheel path longitudinal crack. Mill retarded the occurrence of the non-fatigue cracks, whereas severe freeze thaw condition accelerated the occurrence of the two types of cracking. Using 30% RAP accelerated the initiation of longitudinal fatigue crack on wheel path but did not cause serious fatigue problem. The performance curves of HMA resurfacing treatments used in Tennessee were calibrated by investigating the influence of different factors on the slopes and intercepts of post-treatment performance curves. The analysis indicated that pavement with high pre-treatment PSI, thick overlay and deep milling had low deterioration rate, whereas pavement with higher traffic level deteriorated faster.

Porous Asphalt Pavement Designs: Proactive Design for Cold Climate Use

Schaus, Lori Kathryn January 2007 (has links)
Porous asphalt pavements offer an alternative technology for stormwater management. A porous asphalt pavement differs from traditional asphalt pavement designs in that the structure permits fluids to pass freely through it, reducing or controlling the amount of run-off from the surrounding area. By allowing precipitation and run-off to flow through the structure, this pavement type functions as an additional stormwater management technique. The overall benefits of porous asphalt pavements may include both environmental and safety benefits including improved stormwater management, improved skid resistance, reduction of spray to drivers and pedestrians, as well as a potential for noise reduction. With increasing environmental awareness and an evolving paradigm shift in stormwater management techniques, this research aims to provide guidance for Canadian engineers, contractors, and government agencies on the design of porous asphalt pavement structures. One of the keys to the success of this pavement type is in the design of the asphalt mix. The air void percentage, which is ultimately related to the effectiveness of the pavement to adequately control the runoff, is a critical component of the mix. However, special consideration is required in order to obtain higher air void percentages while maintaining strength and durability within a cold climate. The objectives of this study were to evaluate several laboratory porous asphalt mix designs for durability and strength in cold climate conditions. The porous asphalt mixes consisted of a porous asphalt Superpave mix design method whereby the asphalt binder type was varied. Performance testing of the porous asphalt including draindown susceptibility, moisture-induced damage susceptibility, dynamic modulus, and permeability testing were completed. Based on the preliminary laboratory results, an optimal porous asphalt mix was recommended for use in a Canadian climate. Initial design guidelines for porous asphalt were provided based on preliminary findings and hydrological analysis.

Detektering av sprickor i vägytor med hjälp av Datorseende / Pavement Crack Detection Using Computer Vision

Håkansson, Staffan January 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes new methods for automatic crack detection in pavements. Cracks in pavements can be used as an early indication for the need of reparation. Automatic crack detection is preferable compared to manual inventory; the repeatability can be better, the inventory can be done at a higher speed and can be done without interruption of the traffic. The automatic and semi-automatic crack detection systems that exist today use Image Analysis methods. There are today powerful methods available in the area of Computer Vision. These methods work in higher dimensions with greater complexity and generate measures of local signal properties, while Image Analyses methods for crack detection use morphological operations on binary images. Methods for digitalizing video data on VHS-cassettes and stitching images from nearby frames have been developed. Four methods for crack detection have been evaluated, and two of them have been used to form a crack detection and classification program implemented in the calculation program Matlab. One image set was used during the implementation and another image set was used for validation. The crack detection system did perform correct detection on 99.2 percent when analysing the images which were used during implementation. The result of the crack detection on the validation data was not very good. When the program is being used on data from other pavements than the one used during implementation, information about the surface texture is required to calibrate the crack detection.

Porous Asphalt Pavement Designs: Proactive Design for Cold Climate Use

Schaus, Lori Kathryn January 2007 (has links)
Porous asphalt pavements offer an alternative technology for stormwater management. A porous asphalt pavement differs from traditional asphalt pavement designs in that the structure permits fluids to pass freely through it, reducing or controlling the amount of run-off from the surrounding area. By allowing precipitation and run-off to flow through the structure, this pavement type functions as an additional stormwater management technique. The overall benefits of porous asphalt pavements may include both environmental and safety benefits including improved stormwater management, improved skid resistance, reduction of spray to drivers and pedestrians, as well as a potential for noise reduction. With increasing environmental awareness and an evolving paradigm shift in stormwater management techniques, this research aims to provide guidance for Canadian engineers, contractors, and government agencies on the design of porous asphalt pavement structures. One of the keys to the success of this pavement type is in the design of the asphalt mix. The air void percentage, which is ultimately related to the effectiveness of the pavement to adequately control the runoff, is a critical component of the mix. However, special consideration is required in order to obtain higher air void percentages while maintaining strength and durability within a cold climate. The objectives of this study were to evaluate several laboratory porous asphalt mix designs for durability and strength in cold climate conditions. The porous asphalt mixes consisted of a porous asphalt Superpave mix design method whereby the asphalt binder type was varied. Performance testing of the porous asphalt including draindown susceptibility, moisture-induced damage susceptibility, dynamic modulus, and permeability testing were completed. Based on the preliminary laboratory results, an optimal porous asphalt mix was recommended for use in a Canadian climate. Initial design guidelines for porous asphalt were provided based on preliminary findings and hydrological analysis.

Development of a mult-objective strategic management approach to improve decisions for pavement management practices in local agencies

Chang Albitres, Carlos Martin 15 May 2009 (has links)
Multiple objectives are often used by agencies trying to manage pavement networks. Often alternative investment strategies can accomplish the agencies’ target objectives. If the goal is to achieve the target objectives at the minimum cost, an approach is needed to assist agencies in identifying investment strategies capable of meeting the targets while minimizing costs. The approach used by the agency should not be limited to an analytical method to mathematically solve the funding allocation problem. Finding mechanisms to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the investment strategy over time is a great challenge that needs to be addressed by the approach. The challenge is even greater for local agencies where resources are usually limited. This research develops a multi-objective strategic management approach oriented to improving decisions for pavement management practices in local agencies. In this approach, target objectives are tied to key pavement network parameters in the management process. A methodology to identify the best combination of projects to meet target objectives at the minimum cost while maximizing treatment effectiveness is provided as a result of the research. Concepts from the pavement management program (PMP) of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) of the San Francisco Bay Area were used as a basis for developing the methodology. Four pavement network parameters are considered for setting the target objectives over the agency’s planning horizon: the average network pavement condition index (PCI), average network remaining life, percent of the pavement network in good condition, and percent of the pavement network in poor and very poor condition. Results from a case study show that funding allocation methods influence the allocation of preservation and rehabilitation funds among pavement network groups, affecting budget estimates and future condition of the pavement network. It is also concluded that the use of mechanisms that facilitate data integration and the flow of knowledge across management levels can contribute to making better informed decisions. Hence, the adoption of the multi-objective strategic pavement management approach developed in this dissertation should lead to identifying more efficient investment strategies for achieving the pavement network state desired by a local agency at a minimum cost.

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