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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta para simplificação de ensaios destrutivos e não-destrutivos para o monitoramento do ganho de resistência de pavimentos de concreto para fast-track / A proposal to simplify destructive and non-destructive testing aiming at monitoring strength gain in fast-track concrete pavements

Azevedo, Ângela Azevedo de January 2008 (has links)
A construção de pavimento de concreto de cimento Portland para liberação rápida, conhecido como fast-track, é uma boa solução principalmente para reparos em locais onde não se pode interromper o tráfego por um período muito grande, cujas técnicas são abrangentes, servindo para obras de construção, reconstrução ou para execução de camadas superpostas. Normalmente o ensaio utilizado para verificar a resistência do concreto para pavimentação é o de resistência à tração na flexão. Em função da grande variabilidade deste ensaio e da demora dos resultados, uma vez que o corpo-de-prova é normalmente ensaiado em laboratório na idade em que se deseja saber a resistência, engenheiros que executam ou fiscalizam obras de pavimento de concreto para fast-track demonstram certa insatisfação com relação a este procedimento. Alternativamente, uma opção promissora para este monitoramento é a utilização dos ensaios de maturidade e ultra-som, que avaliam indiretamente a resistência do concreto in situ. Para contribuir nesta área do conhecimento, realizaram-se ensaios de resistência à tração na flexão, resistência à compressão, maturidade e ultra-som (método direto e indireto), em concretos, argamassas e pastas com cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial (CPV-ARI), para avaliar a possibilidade de correlações entre os ensaios de resistência à tração na flexão e os de ultra-som e maturidade. Os fatores controláveis foram a relação água/cimento (0,25-0,35-0,45) e a idade (1-2-3-7-28 dias). A diferença dos resultados de energia aparente de ativação (maturidade) utilizando diferentes tipos de corpos-de-prova não foi significativa em relação ao corpo-de-prova recomendado pela ASTM C 1074. Encontrouse um coeficiente de correlação de 95,4% entre os resultados de resistência à tração na flexão dos ensaios e os previstos pelo ensaio de maturidade. Não se constatou diferença significativa entre os resultados de velocidade ultra-sônica para os diferentes métodos de ultra-som utilizados. Todos os métodos de ultra-som apresentaram bons coeficientes de correlação com a resistência à tração na flexão, sendo que para o método indireto com três pontos de recepção obteve-se um coeficiente de correlação de 80,8% para as idades de até 24 horas e de 76,4% considerando todas as idades ensaiadas. Portanto, tanto o ensaio de ultra-som como o de maturidade mostraram-se eficazes para estimar a resistência à tração em idades iniciais, o que pode facilitar o controle de concreto para fast-track em campo. / The construction of concrete pavement made of Portland cement for fast use, known as fasttrack, is a good solution, mainly for restoration in places where traffic cannot be disrupted for long. Fast-track concrete pavement techniques are broad, and can be used for construction, reconstruction, and resurfacing. For determining concrete strength in pavement, the flexural strength test is usually used. Since this test presents high variability and demands more time because the specimen is usually tested in laboratories at certain selected ages, engineers who carry out or monitor fast-track concrete pavement projects have shown some dissatisfaction with this procedure. Alternatively, a promising option to monitor this work is the use of maturity and ultra-sound tests, which evaluate concrete strength directly in situ. In order to contribute to this area of knowledge, I have carried out flexural strength, compressive strength, and maturity and ultra-sound (direct and indirect methods) tests in concrete, mortar, and Portland cement paste with high early strengths (CPV-ARI) to evaluate possible correlations among the flexural strength tests and the maturity and ultra-sound ones. The controllable factors were the water-cement ratio (0.25-0.35-0.45) and the age (1-2-3-7-28 days). The difference in the results of the apparent activation energy (maturity), using different types of specimens, was not meaningful if compared to the specimen recommended in ASTM C 1074. Among the results of the flexural strength tests and the ones obtained in the maturity test, the correlation coefficient has been found to be 95.4%. No meaningful difference was found among the results of ultra-sonic speed for the different ultra-sound methods. All ultra-sound methods have shown good correlation coefficients with flexural strength: for the indirect method with three reception points, the correlation coefficient has been found to be 80.8% at ages up to 24 hours, and 76.4% at all test ages. Therefore, both the ultra-sound and the maturity tests have proven to be efficient to estimate tensile strength at early ages; thus, help control fast-track concrete in the field.

Análise de desempenho de estrutura de pavimento flexível da rodovia BR-290/RS no trecho Osório-Porto Alegre

Vitorello, Thiago January 2008 (has links)
Os modelos de previsão de desempenho são ferramentas fundamentais em um Sistema de Gerência de Pavimentos. Embora de grande importância, especificamente no Brasil, tem-se dado pouca atenção para a calibração e validação desses modelos. Acaba-se adotando modelos genéricos, obtidos em condições totalmente diferentes das existentes na malha administrada. Para uma gerência correta dos pavimentos de uma rodovia, torna-se fundamental a definição de modelos representativos das condições estruturais e funcionais dos pavimentos administrados. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de uma estrutura de pavimento flexível da rodovia BR-290/RS, desenvolvendo, a partir dessa avaliação, modelos que representem a tendência do comportamento do pavimento. A rodovia BR-290/RS está, no trecho entre as cidades de Osório e Porto Alegre, sob concessão da Concessionária da Rodovia Osório - Porto Alegre S/A - Concepa, desde o ano de 1997. Uma das principais ações a serem realizadas pela concessionária no período em que este trecho da rodovia está sob sua administração é a execução do alargamento das pistas da mesma, com a construção de uma nova estrutura de pavimento junto à plataforma existente, sendo essa a estrutura de pavimento analisada nesta pesquisa. A estrutura contempla 8cm de revestimento asfáltico, 15cm de base, 30cm de sub-base e 60cm de camada de reforço. Os pavimentos inseridos na análise foram construídos entre os anos 2000 e 2007. Para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, foram reunidas informações obtidas em levantamentos de deflexões, irregularidade longitudinal e afundamento de trilha de roda realizados nos últimos anos. As deflexões foram determinadas em levantamento com o equipamento FWD ocorrido em 2007. A irregularidade longitudinal e o afundamento de trilha de roda foram obtidos simultaneamente em levantamentos com o perfilômetro a laser nos anos 2005, 2006 e 2007. De posse dessas informações, analisou-se o comportamento de tais parâmetros com a ação do tráfego, desenvolvendo tendências de desempenho para a estrutura. Na análise considerou-se a influência das intervenções ocorridas nos pavimentos após a sua construção, bem como diferentes procedimentos adotados nos levantamentos realizados. Em relação às intervenções, verificou-se que, para a estrutura e dados do estudo, elas foram influentes apenas na evolução da irregularidade longitudinal. Análises estatísticas foram efetuadas, de modo a definir o melhor ajuste para cada parâmetro. Após o desenvolvimento de tais tendências de comportamento do pavimento, as mesmas foram comparadas aos modelos de previsão de desempenho desenvolvidos em outras pesquisas. Para a irregularidade e o afundamento de trilha de roda, as tendências apresentadas neste estudo comportaram-se significativamente semelhantes as de outros modelos encontrados na bibliografia técnica. Por outro lado, para a tendência referente às deflexões, nenhum dos modelos desenvolvidos em estudos anteriores apresentou comportamento similar ao encontrado na pesquisa, evidenciando a importância do desenvolvimento de modelos particulares para cada rodovia e estrutura. / Pavement performance prediction models are important tools for pavement management systems. Despite its high importance, specifically in Brazil, little attention has been given to calibration and validation of such models. Generic models are eventually used, even international ones, obtained for rather different conditions of those valid for the managed network. Hence, it is vital for an appropriate road pavement management that representative models of the structural and functional conditions of the associated pavements are defined. This research aims to evaluate the behaviour of the performance of a flexible pavement section of the road BR-290/RS, developing from this assessment, models that are representative of the pavement behaviour tendency. The road BR-290/RS is located between the cities of Osório and Porto Alegre, under concession of Concessionária da Rodovia Osório - Porto Alegre S/A - Concepa, since the year of 1997. One of the main actions to be accomplished by the road concessionary within the period under its administration is the carriageway widening of this road with the construction of a new pavement structure alongside, being this structure the objective of study in this research. The structure consists of an asphaltic layer of 8cm, 15cm of base course, 30cm of sub-base and 60cm of a capping layer. The pavement segments included in the analysis were built between 2000 and 2007. To deliver the objectives of this research, data obtained in deflectometric test campaigns, longitudinal roughness and rutting testing campaigns were gathered. Deflections were assessed in the FWD test campaign of 2007. Longitudinal roughness and rutting were simultaneously obtained with a laser profilometer in tests carried out in the years of 2005, 2006 and 2007. With this data, the behaviour of these parameters were evaluated with the traffic evolution, allowing the development of behaviour tendencies of this structure performance to be derived. In the analysis, the influence of the interventions carried out in the pavement sections after its construction were taken into account, as well as different procedures adopted in the testing campaigns carried out. In regard to the interventions, it was observed that, for the data and structure object of this study, they only had effect in the longitudinal roughness evolution. Statistical analyses were carried out in order to define the best adjustment to each parameter. After the development of such tendencies on the pavement behaviour, they were compared to pavement performance prediction models developed in other researches. For both roughness and rutting, the tendencies presented in the study behaved significantly as the other models found in the technical literature. As to the tendencies regarding deflections, none of the models developed in previous studies evidenced similar behaviour to the one observed in this research, testifying the importance for the development of particular models for each road and structure.

Estudo de misturas de solo-agregado em bases e sub-bases rodoviárias do Rio Grande do Sul : caracterização de laboratório e execução de trecho experimental

Couto, Jeferson Berni January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização em laboratório de uma mistura de solo-agregado e descreve as técnicas construtivas usadas na execução de duas estruturas alternativas de pavimento em que base e sub-base granulares, constituídas com material pétreo britado, brita graduada, foi substituída por solo-agregado, nas mesmas espessuras do projeto original. O acompanhamento dos processos construtivos permitiu uniformizar procedimentos para construção das camadas do pavimento em solo-agregado utilizando argilas lateríticas e relatar seu comportamento inicial ao tráfego em escala real. O estudo foi desenvolvido num trecho experimental localizado entre os km 22+910 e 23+610 da RSC-129, entre os municípios de Casca e David Canabarro, região norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Os materiais que originaram a mistura tiveram suas características físicas e mecânicas estudadas em duas etapas. Na primeira, esses materiais foram estudados isoladamente e, numa segunda etapa, na forma de mistura. Além dos ensaios usuais para caracterização dos materiais em laboratório, foram realizados ensaios complementares, com ênfase nos ensaios triaxias para determinar o módulo de resiliência. Durante o processo construtivo, todas as camadas que compõem a estrutura do pavimento, inclusive o subleito, foram monitoradas através de medições de bacias de deformação individuais medidas com equipamento Falling Weigth Deflectometer (FWD). Com esses dados e através de retroanálise foi possível correlacionar os módulos resilientes de campo com os obtidos em laboratório. / This work describes constructive techniques used in two alternative structures of road surface that replaced original granulated base and subbase pavement by soil-aggregate, while preserving the same thickness and widths of the original designs. The close accompaniment of the constructive processes allowed us to standardize the construction procedures for floor layers in aggregated soil using laterite clay. It also allowed us to record the pavement's initial behavior under real traffic conditions. The study was conducted in an experimental road segment built from km 22+910 to km 23+610 of RS 129 between the villages of Casca and David Canabarro, in the northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. The materials used in the mixture had their physical and mechanical properties analyzed both separately and together using a set field and lab tests. The emphasis was on the triaxial tests to determine the materials' resilience. During the constructive process, all pavement layers were monitored using a falling weight deflectometer, providing feedback for a retro-analysis involving the track and laboratory resilient modules.

Avaliação da aderência pneu-pavimento e tendências de desempenho para a rodovia BR-290/RS / Evaluation and modeling of tire-road friction in brazilian federal road BR-290/RS

Mattos, João Rodrigo Guerreiro January 2009 (has links)
A aderência pneu-pavimento é um dos parâmetros mais importantes da segurança viária e deve ser avaliada em duas escalas: microtextura e macrotextura. As medidas de textura da superfície de pavimentos podem ser obtidas por diversos equipamentos, sendo que os mais difundidos são o Pêndulo Britânico e a Mancha de Areia. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa pretende utilizar esses dois equipamentos para verificar o comportamento da textura em função do tempo/tráfego para diferentes tipos de revestimentos. Para tanto, foram realizados levantamentos dos valores de micro e macrotextura em pavimentos da rodovia BR-290/RS, trecho Osório-Porto Alegre, com uma freqüência aproximadamente mensal durante um período inferior a um ano. Com base nos dados coletados, foi possível desenvolver tendências de desempenho da micro e macrotextura para pavimentos flexíveis e rígidos dessa rodovia. Os modelos propostos para a estimativa da textura podem ser usados como ferramentas auxiliares no Sistema de Gerência de Pavimentos (SGP), prevendo o momento oportuno para intervenções na superfície dos pavimentos de modo a garantir a segurança dos usuários. Após a análise dos resultados, constatou-se que, no geral, os pontos de monitoração da rodovia BR- 290/RS apresentam boas condições de aderência pneu-pavimento quando avaliados pelo International Friction Index (IFI), que é um índice representativo da combinação entre a macro e microtextura do pavimento. Além dos modelos para estimativa da textura, desenvolveu-se nesta pesquisa um modelo de correlação entre os resultados dos ensaios de Mancha de Areia e de Drenabilidade, possibilitando, assim, a estimativa do IFI através do valor da vazão de água na superfície do pavimento. / Tire-road friction is one of the most important parameters regarding the safety of vehicles under slippery road conditions. Road surface texture is currently evaluated using several devices. In Brazil, the British Pendulum and the sand-patch method are most frequently used to measure microtexture and macrotexture, respectively. They were used in the research reported in this dissertation that aimed at verifying texture evolution with time/traffic on different types of pavement wearing courses. Thus, micro and macrotexture values were monthly measured in surveys carried out during one year in Brazilian Federal Road BR- 290/RS. Collected data allowed defining performance trends regarding micro and macrotexture of asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements. The models here proposed might be used as auxiliary tools in Pavement Management Systems (PMS) to estimate the time when a given rehabilitation action is necessary to assure vehicle and drivers safety. Results analysis showed that the surveyed pavements present adequate tire-road friction, when evaluated by the International Friction Index (IFI) which combines pavements macro and microtexture. In addition, a model relating results of the sand-patch method to drainability results is proposed. Such model allows the estimation of the IFI based on values of water inflow through the pavements wearing courses.

Pavement Surfaces Impact on Local Temperature and Building Cooling Energy Consumption

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Pavement surface temperature is calculated using a fundamental energy balance model developed previously. It can be studied using a one-dimensional mathematical model. The input to the model is changed, to study the effect of different properties of pavement on its diurnal surface temperatures. It is observed that the pavement surface temperature has a microclimatic effect on the air temperature above it. A major increase in local air temperature is caused by heating of solid surfaces in that locality. A case study was done and correlations have been established to calculate the air temperature above a paved surface. Validation with in-situ pavement surface and air temperatures were made. Experimental measurement for the city of Phoenix shows the difference between the ambient air temperature of the city and the microclimatic air temperature above the pavement is approximately 10 degrees Fahrenheit. One mitigation strategy that has been explored is increasing the albedo of the paved surface. Although it will reduce the pavement surface temperature, leading to a reduction in air temperature close to the surface, the increased pavement albedo will also result in greater reflected solar radiation directed towards the building, thus increasing the building solar load. The first effect will imply a reduction in the building energy consumption, while the second effect will imply an increase in the building energy consumption. Simulation is done using the EnergyPlus tool, to find the microclimatic effect of pavement on the building energy performance. The results indicate the cooling energy savings of an office building for different types of pavements can be variable as much as 30%. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2015

Effect of Pavement Condition on Accident Rate

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Highway safety is a major priority for the public and for transportation agencies. Pavement distresses directly affect ride quality, and indirectly contribute to driver distraction, vehicle operation, and accidents. In this study, analysis was performed on highways in the states of Arizona, North Carolina and Maryland for years between 2013 and 2015 in order to investigate the relationship between accident rate and pavement roughness and rutting. Two main types of data were collected: crash data from the accident records and roughness and rut depth data from the pavement management system database in each state. Crash rates were calculated using the U.S. Department of Transportation method, which is the number of accidents per vehicle per mile per year multiplied by 100,000,000. The variations of crash rate with both International Roughness Index (IRI) and rut depth were investigated. Linear regression analysis was performed to study the correlation between parameters. The analysis showed positive correlations between road roughness and rut depth in all cases irrespective of crash severity level. The crash rate data points were high for IRI values above 250-300 inches/mile in several cases. Crash road segments represent 37-48 percent of the total length of the network using 1-mile segments. Roughness and rut depth values for crash and non-crash segments were close to each other, suggesting that roughness and rutting are not the only factors affecting number of crashes but possibly in combination with other factors such as traffic volume, human factors, etc. In summary, it can be concluded that both roughness and rut depth affect crash rate and highway maintenance authorities should maintain good pavement condition in order to reduce crash occurrences. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil and Environmental Engineering 2017

Investigation of Subgrade Moisture Flow Caused by Hydro-Thermal Gradients In Airfield Pavements

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Recent research efforts have been directed to improve the quality of pavement design procedures by considering the transient nature of soil properties due to environmental and aging effects on pavement performance. The main purpose of this research study was to investigate the existence of subgrade soil moisture changes that may have arisen due to thermal and hydraulic gradients at the Atlantic City NAPTF and to evaluate their effect on the material stiffness and the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) strength parameter of the clay subgrade materials. Laboratory data showed that at the same water content, matric suction decreases with increasing temperature; and at the same suction, hydraulic conductivity increases with increasing temperature. Models developed, together with moisture/temperature data collected from 30 sensors installed in the test facility, yielded a maximum variation of suction in field of 155 psi and changes in hydraulic conductivity from 2.9E-9 m/s at 100% saturation to 8.1E-12 at 93% saturation. The maximum variation in temperature was found to be 20.8oC at the shallower depth and decreased with depth; while a maximum variation in moisture content was found to be 3.7% for Dupont clay and 4.4% for County clay. Models developed that predicts CBR as a function of dry density and moisture content yielded a maximum variation of CBR of 2.4 for Dupont clay and 2.9 for County clay. Additionally, models were developed relating the temperature with the bulk stress and octahedral stress applied on the subgrade for dual gear, dual tandem and triple tandem gear types for different tire loads. It was found that as the temperature increases the stresses increase. A Modified Cary and Zapata model was used for predicting the resilient modulus(Mr) of the subgrade. Using the models developed and the temperature/moisture changes observed in the field, the variation of suction, bulk and octahedral stresses were estimated, along with the resilient modulus for three different gear types. Results indicated that changes in Mr as large as 9 ksi occur in the soils studied due to the combined effect of external loads and environmental condition changes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2017

Performance Evaluation of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Hot Mix Asphalt Modified with Organosilane

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Use of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in newly designed asphalt mixtures is becoming a common practice. Depending on the percentage of RAP, the stiffness of the hot mix asphalt (HMA) increases by incorporating RAP in mixes. In a climatic area such as the City of Phoenix, RAP properties are expected to be more oxidized and aged compared to other regions across the US. Therefore, there are concerns about the cracking behavior and long-term performance of asphalt mixes with high percentage of RAP. The use of Organosilane (OS) in this study was hypothesized to reduce the additional cracking potential and improve resistance to moisture damage of the asphalt mixtures when using RAP. OS has also the potential to improve the bond between the aggregate and asphalt binder. The use of OS also reduces the mixing and compaction temperatures required for asphalt mixtures, making it similar to a warm mix asphalt (WMA), Six asphalt mixes were prepared with three RAP contents, 0%, 15% and 25%, with and without Organosilane. The mixing temperature was reduced by 10°C and the compaction temperature was reduced by 30°C. Mix designs were performed, and the volumetric properties were compared. The mixture laboratory performance was evaluated for all mixtures by conducting Dynamic Modulus, Flow Number and Tensile Strength Ratio tests. The study findings showed that mixtures achieved better compaction at a reduced temperature of 30°C. Mixtures modified with Organosilane generally exhibited softer behavior at the extreme ends of lower and higher temperatures. The lower moduli are to reduce the potential for cracking. For the Flow Number test, the RAP mixtures with OS passed the minimum required at all traffic levels. Tensile Strength Ratio results increased with the increase in RAP percentage, and further increase was observed when OS was used. The OS reduced the sticking nature of the binder to the molds and equipment, which reduced the efforts in cleaning them. Finally, the future use of RAP by the City of Phoenix would positively contributes to their sustainability aspiration and initiatives. The use of Organosilane may even facilitates higher percentage of RAP usage; it definitely improves the moisture resistance of asphalt mixtures, especially when lower mixing and compaction temperatures are desired or used. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2018

Durable high early strength concrete

Porras, Yadira A. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Mustaque A. Hossain / Based on a 2017 report on infrastructure by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 13% of Kansas public roads are in poor condition. Furthermore, reconstruction of a two-lane concrete pavement costs between $0.8 and $1.15 million dollars per lane mile. High early strength Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) patches are widely used in pavement preservation in Kansas due to the ability to open to traffic early. However, these repairs done by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) deteriorate faster than expected, though, prompting a need for inexpensive, durable high early strength concrete repair mixtures that meet KDOT standards (i.e., a 20-year service life). This study developed an experimental matrix consisting of six PCCP patching mixture designs with varying cement content and calcium chloride dosage. The mixtures were subjected to isothermal calorimetry, strength testing, drying shrinkage, and various durability tests. The effects of cement content and calcium chloride dosage on concrete strength and durability were then investigated. In addition, the compressive strength development with time, the split tensile versus compressive strength relationship, and the shrinkage strain of the PCCP patching mixtures were compared to established relationships provided by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Results showed a maximum 3% increase in total heat generated by various concrete paste samples in isothermal calorimetry testing. The minimum compressive strength of 1,800 psi required by KDOT could likely be obtained using any of the PCCP mixtures, regardless of the cement content or calcium chloride dosage used in the study. Furthermore, surface resistivity tests for mixtures containing calcium chloride could result in erroneous measurements. Only one mixture satisfied the maximum expansion and minimum relative dynamic modulus of elasticity required by KDOT. Some ACI relationships for shrinkage and strength development do not appear to be valid for high early strength PCCP patching mixtures.

Estudo do ruído causado pelo tráfego de veículos em rodovias com diferentes tipos de revestimentos de pavimentos. / A study of the noise caused by the traffic of vehicles in highways with different pavements surfaces.

Sérgio Copetti Callai 07 April 2011 (has links)
O ruído é uma forma de poluição que causa muitos problemas à saúde humana e à economia, sendo que o ruído gerado pelo tráfego de veículos é uma das principais fontes da poluição sonora. Assim, diversos países vêm esforçando-se para melhor compreender e, consequentemente, encontrar possíveis soluções à redução da poluição sonora. Contudo, tais esforços no Brasil ainda são parcos. De modo a contribuir para a compreensão e a busca de soluções à poluição sonora, este trabalho propõe-se a estudar o ruído gerado por veículos trafegando em diferentes revestimentos de pavimentos rodoviários, realizando-se medições e avaliando-se o ruído interno, que interfere no conforto do condutor e passageiros, bem como no ruído externo aos veículos, que pode incomodar os lindeiros à via - dependendo da pressão sonora. Apresenta-se um estudo de caso com medição e avaliação do ruído externo e interno em duas fases diferentes de estado de superfície de um trecho da Rodovia dos Bandeirantes (SP-348): antes e após a execução de um revestimento asfáltico denominado gap-graded com asfalto borracha, construído em substituição ao revestimento antigo de microrrevestimento asfáltico a frio. A análise dos resultados mostrou que a substituição do tipo de revestimento levou à redução de aproximadamente 2 dB(A) no ruído externo e que este diminuiu em escala logarítmica com a distância do receptor à fonte, corroborando a teoria do som propagado de uma fonte pontual, em forma esférica. A análise do ruído interno mostra que esta substituição do revestimento asfáltico do pavimento gera igualmente uma melhoria no conforto, reduzindo em aproximadamente 3 dB(A) o ruído, principalmente nas bandas de frequência de 200 Hz a 1000 Hz. Para comparação dos resultados com o Concreto Asfáltico, revestimento usinado de maior uso no Brasil, fez-se medições de ruído interno na pista de testes da Pirelli em Sumaré, avaliando-se, também, a intensidade e espectro do ruído com a variação da velocidade do veículo. De posse destes dados, pôde-se comparar o ruído interno do Concreto Asfáltico (CBUQ), com as demais soluções da Rodovia dos Bandeirantes. Constatou-se que o CBUQ tem o nível de ruído superior ao do gap-graded, e muito próximo ao do micro, nas condições de superfície em que estes três revestimentos se encontravam nos estudos em campo. Verificou-se, também, que o revestimento do pavimento pode auxiliar na redução do ruído, seja interno como externo. Por fim, constatou-se que os métodos atuais empregados na avaliação da macrotextura do pavimento não são suficientes para compreender a intensidade do ruído. / The noise is a form of pollution that causes diverse problems to the human health and the economy. One of the major sound pollutions forms is the noise generated by the traffic of vehicles. Several countries have been making efforts to better understand and, therefore, find possible solutions to mitigate the sound pollution. However, such efforts in Brazil are still incipient. This work proposes itself to measure and evaluate the noise, the internal noise, which disturbs the comfort of the driver and passenger, and the external vehicle noise, that can disturb the dwellings near by the highway depending on the sound pressure, generated by vehicles in different types of highway pavement surfaces. A case study at Bandeirantes Highway (SP 348) was run to evaluate the external and internal noise before and after the placement of a gap-graded prepared with rubber asphalt, above the of the old microsurfacing. The evaluation of the result shown that the substitution of the pavement surface led to the reduction of approximately 2dB(A) for external noise and that diminished in a logarithmic fashion, such as the theory of a sound propagating from a punctual source in a spherical manner. The analyses of the internal noise demonstrates that the substitution of the pavement surface generates an improvement in the comfort, reducing in approximately 3dB(A) the noise, especially in the frequency range of 200Hz to 1000Hz. The comparison with the Asphalt Concrete, pavement surface most used in Brazil, internal noise measurements were made at the Pirelli test track in Sumare/SP, evaluating, also, sound intensity and the noise frequencies with the variation of the vehicle speed. With this data, was possible to compare the asphalt concrete with the solutions made on Bandeirantes Highway. The research evidenced that the noise level of asphalt concrete is similar to the microsurfacing, and both are higher than the gap-graded prepared with asphalt rubber. The surface of the pavement can also contribute to the mitigation of the internal and the external noise. The present thesis also concluded that the current methods to evaluate the macrotexture of the pavement surface are incapable of fully understanding of the internal and external noise.

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