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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of polymer based composite filaments for 3D printing

Åkerlund, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The relatively new and still growing field of 3D-printing has opened up the possibilities to manufacture patient-specific medical devices with high geometrical accuracy in a precise and quick manner. Additionally, biocompatible materials are a demand for all medical applications while biodegradability is of importance when developing scaffolds for tissue growth for instance. With respect to this, this project consisted of developing biocompatible and bioresorbable polymer blend and composite filaments, for fused deposition modeling (FDM) printing. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) were used as supporting polymer matrix while hydroxyapatite (HA), a calcium phosphate with similar chemical composition to the mineral phase of human bone, was added to the composites to enhance the biological activity. PLA and PCL content was varied between 90–70 wt% and 10-30 wt%, respectively, while the HA content was 15 wt% in all composites. All materials were characterized in terms of mechanical properties, thermal stability, chemical composition and morphology. An accelerated degradation study of the materials was also executed in order to investigate the degradation behavior as well as the impact of the degradation on the above mentioned properties. The results showed that all processed materials exhibited higher mechanical properties compared to the human trabecular bone, even after degradation with a mass loss of around 30% for the polymer blends and 60% for the composites. It was also apparent that the mineral accelerated the polymer degradation significantly, which can be advantageous for injuries with faster healing time, requiring only support for a shorter time period.

Detekce objektů v laserových skenech pomocí konvolučních neuronových sítí / Object Detection in the Laser Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Marko, Peter January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at detection of lines of horizontal road markings from a point cloud, which was obtained using mobile laser mapping. The system works interactively in cooperation with user, which marks the beginning of the traffic line. The program gradually detects the remaining parts of the traffic line and creates its vector representation. Initially, a point cloud is projected into a horizontal plane, crating a 2D image that is segmented by a U-Net convolutional neural network. Segmentation marks one traffic line. Segmentation is converted to a polyline, which can be used in a geo-information system. During testing, the U-Net achieved a segmentation accuracy of 98.8\%, a specificity of 99.5\% and a sensitivity of 72.9\%. The estimated polyline reached an average deviation of 1.8cm.

Detekce a sledování polohy hlavy v obraze / Head Pose Estimation and Tracking

Pospíšil, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku detekce a sledování polohy hlavy v obraze jako jednu s možností jak zlepšit možnosti interakce mezi počítačem a člověkem. Hlavním přínosem diplomové práce je využití inovativních hardwarových a softwarových technologií jakými jsou Microsoft Kinect, Point Cloud Library a CImg Library. Na úvod je představeno shrnutí předchozích prací na podobné téma. Následuje charakteristika a popis databáze, která byla vytvořena pro účely diplomové práce. Vyvinutý systém pro detekci a sledování polohy hlavy je založený na akvizici 3D obrazových dat a registračním algoritmu Iterative Closest Point. V závěru diplomové práce je nabídnuto hodnocení vzniklého systému a jsou navrženy možnosti jeho budoucího zlepšení.

Rekonstrukce 3D scény z obrazových dat / 3D Scene Reconstruction from Images

Hejl, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes methods of reconstruction of 3D scenes from photographs and videos using the Structure from motion approach. A new software capable of automatic reconstruction of point clouds and polygonal models from common images and videos was implemented based on these methods. The software uses variety of existing and custom solutions and clearly links them into one easily executable application. The reconstruction consists of feature point detection, pairwise matching, Bundle adjustment, stereoscopic algorithms and polygon model creation from point cloud using PCL library. Program is based on Bundler and PMVS. Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm, as well as simple triangulation and own reconstruction method based on plane segmentation were used for polygonal model creation.

Evaluation of Knee Ligament Injuries in Occupants of Heavy Goods Vehicles by Simulating Frontal Impacts using THUMS HBM / Utvärdering av knäligamentskador hos åkande i tunga fordon genom att simulera frontala islag hos THUMS HBM

Nusia, Jiota January 2019 (has links)
INTRODUCTION. Frontal collisions have been observed to cause the severe injuries on heavy goods vehicle occupants, and the lower extremities have been frequently injured. Injuries of knee joints are rarely life threatening, however they tend to give long-term consequences. AIM. Evaluate non-lethal frontal impacts towards the knee joint of Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS) v4.0 using a cylindrical barrier. The main objectives are to 1) create local injury risk functions of the knee ligaments restraining frontal impacts, 2) simulate frontal impacts towards the knee joints of THUMS and3) prepare the Hybrid III (HIII)-model for corresponding frontal impacts conducted on THUMS. The intention is for future HIII-simulations to be cross-correlated with the responses from THUMS for the ability to estimate knee ligament strains by investigating impacts on HIII. METHODS. 1) Ligament risk curves of PCL, MCL and LCL were formulated by assembling mean strain threshold values and standard deviations from literature. Virtual values were generated from these pooled strain thresholds, creating the risk curves. 2) THUMS lower body was impacted by a cylindrical steel barrier at four different locations - middle of patella, middle of knee joint, upper tibia and below tibia tuberositas. Four impact velocities ranging from 8-14 km/h were used at each location, giving a total of 16 impacts. 3) The HIII-model was prepared by removing the upper body and inserting the cylindrical steel barrier into the model file. RESULTS. The strain threshold at 50% rupture risk for PCL resulted in 23.6±4.4%, 34.2±6.0% for MCL and 26.6±6.5% for LCL. The simulated THUMS PCL strains reached between 36%-58% for the highest velocity at the impact locations where tibia was involved. Both MCL and LCL gave an approximate 5% strain outcome. The resultant knee displacement for these impacts ranged between 22 mm - 32 mm. The knee displacements at the PCL strain threshold ranged between 14 mm - 16 mm. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION. Most of the maximal PCL strains exceeded the PCL threshold with large margins. However, the knee displacement at the PCL strain threshold resulted in outcomes comparable to the thresholds used for HIIImodel. These results supported the obtained PCL threshold to be within a reasonable range.

Aditivación de materiales biodegradables mediante el uso de derivados de colofonia

Pavón Vargas, Cristina Paola 16 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo general de la presente tesis doctoral fue aditivar polímeros biodegradables con colofonia y sus derivados mediante el uso de técnicas de procesamiento convencionales y no convencionales. En esta tesis se presentan siete trabajos dentro de cuatro bloques de estudio que constituyeron los objetivos específicos de la investigación. En el primer bloque de estudio se realizó una caracterización comparativa de cinco colofonias de diferentes fuentes para determinar sus propiedades y establecer las diferencias entre cada colofonia para su posterior uso y aplicación como aditivos sostenibles de polímeros biodegradables. En el segundo bloque de estudio se aditivó colofonia en matrices de polímeros biodegradables para lo cual se realizaron dos trabajos. En el primer trabajo se empleó poli (butilen adipato-co-tereftalato) (PBAT) como matriz polimérica y colofonia (GR) y un pentaeritritol éster de colofonia (UT) como aditivos. El PBAT se mezcló con las resinas en varios contenidos y las formulaciones se procesaron por extrusión y un posterior moldeo por inyección. En el segundo trabajo se empleó poli(¿-caprolactona) (PCL) como matriz polimérica, y como aditivos se emplearon GR y cera de abeja (BW). Las formulaciones se prepararon por mezcla por extrusión y el procesamiento del material se llevó a cabo por una técnica no convencional que es la manufactura aditiva o impresión 3D.En el tercer bloque de estudio se realizó la aditivación de materiales termoplásticos utilizando como base un polímero biodegradable de alto rendimiento ambiental y como aditivo colofonia y sus derivados. Como polímero base se empleó almidón termoplástico (TPS) y como aditivos de usaron los siguientes derivados de colofonia: colofonia sin modificar (GR), colofonia deshidrogenada (RD), colofonia modificada con anhidrido maleico (CM), pentaeritritol éster (LF) y éster de glicerol de colofonia (UG). La colofonia se mezcló con el TPS por extrusión y el procesamiento de las mezclas se llevó a cabo por moldeo por inyección. En el cuarto bloque se estudió la aditivación de colofonia a matrices poliméricas mediante la técnica de electropulverización. Se realizaron tres trabajos en los que se optimizó e implementó el proceso de electrospulverización para la incorporación de microesferas de colofonia en matrices poliméricas. En el primer trabajo se evalúo el uso de un proceso electrohidrodinámico como método de aditivación de colofonia en matrices poliméricas. En el segundo trabajo se optimizó el proceso de electropulverización de colofonia a partir de 24 experimentos. Posteriormente, se depositaron microesferas de GR sobre películas de PCL para obtener sistemas bicapa. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron un gran potencial para procesar fácilmente sistemas bicapa con alto interés en aplicaciones agrícolas, de empaque y/o biomédicas sostenibles. Finalmente, en el tercer trabajo se usó el método optimizado de electrospraying para aditivar microesferas de colofonia sobre la capa exterior de una mascarilla quirúrgica a base de polipropileno (PP), y se determinó que el revestimiento de microesferas ayudó a mantener la hidrofobicidad original de la capa exterior de la mascarilla quirúrgica incluso después de 6 horas de uso, aumentando en el tiempo de vida útil de la mascarilla. Los resultados de la tesis indican que la colofonia y sus derivados son versátiles como aditivos de matrices termoplásticas biodegradables y que el proceso de aditivación puede llevarse a cabo por métodos de procesamiento tanto convencionales como no convencionales. Los hallazgos del estudio son significativos porque la colofonia es un material natural obtenido de fuentes renovables, no es tóxica y es biocompatible, de modo que su uso como aditivo no solo mejora las propiedades de los polímeros biodegradables, sino que promueve el estudio y desarrollo de materiales sostenibles lo que contribuye a la disminución del impacto ambiental de los plásticos. / [CA] L'objectiu general de la present tesi doctoral va ser additivar polímers biodegradables amb colofònia i els seus derivats mitjançant l'ús de tècniques de processament convencionals i no convencionals. En aquesta tesi es presenten set treballs dins de quatre blocs d'estudi que van constituir els objectius específics de la investigació. En el primer bloc d'estudi es va realitzar una caracterització comparativa de cinc colofònies de diferents fonts, per a determinar les seues propietats i establir les diferències entre cada colofònia per al seu posterior ús i aplicació com a additius sostenibles de polímers biodegradables. En el segon bloc d'estudi es additivar colofònia en matrius de polímers biodegradables, per a això es van realitzar dos treballs. En el primer treball es va emprar poli (butilen adipat-co-tereftalat) (PBAT) com a matriu polimèrica i colofònia (GR) i un pentaeritritol èster de colofònia (UT) com a additius. El PBAT es va mesclar amb les resines en diversos continguts i les formulacions es van processar per extrusió i un posterior emotlament per injecció. En el segon treball es va emprar poli(¿-caprolactona) (PCL) com a matriu polimèrica, i com a additius es van emprar GR i cera d'abella (BW). Les formulacions es van preparar per mescla per extrusió i el processament del material es va dur a terme per una tècnica no convencional que és la manufactura additiva o impressió 3D. En el tercer bloc d'estudi es va realitzar l'additivació de materials termoplàstics utilitzant com a base un polímer biodegradable d'alt rendiment ambiental i com a additiu colofònia i els seus derivats. Com a polímer base es va emprar midó termoplàstic (TPS) i com a additius de van usar els següents derivats de colofònia: colofònia sense modificar (GR), colofònia deshidrogenada (RD), colofònia modificada amb anhidrido maleic (CM), pentaeritritol èster (LF) i èster de glicerol de colofònia (UG). La colofònia es va mesclar amb el TPS per extrusió i el processament de les mescles es va dur a terme per emotlament per injecció. En el quart bloc es va estudiar l'additivació de colofònia a matrius polimèriques mitjançant la tècnica d'electrospulverització. Es van realitzar tres treballs en els quals es va optimitzar i va implementar el procés d'electrospulverització per a la incorporació de microesferes de colofònia en matrius polimèriques. En el primer treball s'avalue l'ús d'un procés electrohidrodinàmic com a mètode d'additivació de colofònia en matrius polimèriques i es van obtindre tant microesferes com microfibres de colofònia depenent de la concentració de la solució inicial. En el segon treball es va optimitzar el procés d'electrospulverització de colofònia a partir de 24 experiments. Posteriorment, les microesferes de GR es van depositar sobre pel·lícules de per a obtindre sistemes bicapa. Els resultats obtinguts van revelar un gran potencial per a processar fàcilment sistemes bicapa. Finalment, en el tercer treball es va usar el mètode optimitzat d'electrospulverització per a additivar microesferes de colofònia sobre la capa exterior d'una màscara quirúrgica a base de polipropilè (PP), i es va determinar que el revestiment de microesferes va ajudar a mantindre la hidrofobicitat original de la capa exterior de la màscara quirúrgica. Els resultats de la tesi indiquen que la colofònia i els seus derivats són versàtils com a additius de matrius termoplàstiques biodegradables i que el procés de d'additivació pot dur-se a terme per mètodes de processament tant convencionals com no convencionals. Les troballes de l'estudi són significatius perquè la colofònia és un material natural obtingut de fonts renovables, no és tòxica i és biocompatible, de manera que el seu ús com a additiu no sols millora les propietats dels polímers biodegradables, sinó que promou l'estudi i desenvolupament de materials sostenibles el que contribueix a la disminució de l'impacte ambiental dels plàstics / [EN] The general objective of this doctoral thesis was to add biodegradable polymers with gum rosin and its derivatives, using conventional and unconventional processing techniques. This thesis presents seven works within four study blocks that constitute the specific objectives of the research. The first study block conducts a comparative characterization of five gum rosins from different sources to determine their properties and establish the differences between each rosin for their subsequent use and application as sustainable additives for biodegradable polymers. The second study block examines the compounding of biodegradable polymer matrices with gum rosin, for which two works were developed. The first work uses poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) as the polymeric matrix and rosin (GR) and a rosin pentaerythritol ester (UT) as additives. PBAT was mixed with the resins in various contents, and the formulations were processed by extrusion and subsequent injection molding. The second work uses poly(¿-caprolactone) (PCL) as a polymeric matrix and GR and beeswax (BW) as additives. The three materials mentioned are biocompatible and biodegradable. The formulations were mixed by extrusion, and the material was processed by an unconventional technique: additive manufacturing or 3D printing. The third study block compounded thermoplastic materials using a biodegradable polymer with high environmental performance as a base and gum rosin and its derivatives as additives. This study used thermoplastic starch (TPS) as the base polymer and the following gum rosin derivatives were used as additives: unmodified rosin (GR), dehydrogenated rosin (RD), rosin modified with maleic anhydride (CM), pentaerythritol ester (LF) and ester of rosin glycerol (UG). Gum rosin and TPS were mixed by extrusion and processed by injection molding. The fourth study block studies the addition of rosin to polymeric matrices using the electrospraying technique. Three works were carried out to optimize and implement the electrospraying process for adding rosin microspheres in polymeric matrices. The first work evaluated the use of an electrohydrodynamic process to add gum rosin to polymeric matrices. The process allowed gum rosin microspheres and microfibers depending on the concentration of the initial solution. The second work optimized the gum rosin electrospraying process from 24 experiments. Subsequently, GR microspheres were deposited on compression molded PCL films to obtain bilayer systems. The results revealed a great potential to efficiently process bilayer systems with high interest in sustainable agricultural, packaging, and/or biomedical applications. Finally, the third work used the optimized electrospraying method to add gum rosin microspheres to the outer layer of polypropylene (PP)-based surgical mask. The results showed that the microsphere coating helped maintain the original hydrophobicity of the outer layer of the surgical mask. The thesis results indicate that gum rosin and its derivatives are versatile as additives in biodegradable thermoplastic matrices and that both conventional and unconventional processing methods can carry out the additive process. The study findings are significant because rosin is a natural material obtained from renewable sources; it is non-toxic and biocompatible. Therefore, using gum rosin as an additive not only improves the properties of biodegradable polymers but also promotes the study and development of sustainable materials, which contributes to reducing the environmental impact of plastics. / Gracias a la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, por la beca otorgada (GRISOLIAP/2019/113), que me ha permitido dedicarme completamente a la realización de este proyecto. A la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital por la ayuda para “Subvenciones para estancias de contratados predoctorales en centros de investigación fuera de la Comunitat Valenciana (BEFPI)” (CIBEFP/2021/30) / Pavón Vargas, CP. (2022). Aditivación de materiales biodegradables mediante el uso de derivados de colofonia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191385

Model metropolitní optické sítě / Model of the metropolitan optical network

Prudík, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is foremost to provide a simple guide how to build elements of optical metropolitan area network. The basic model consists to sequence of construction, network topology, passive and active parts. The collection contains examples of alternative technology such as Wireless LAN with different frequency. The optical network construction based on optical cable, fibres, splices, trays, adapters, connectors and active parts for example a lot of media convertor models. After that there are demonstrating type of wavelength division multiplexer used in metropolitan area network – passive planar PCL splitter. One of the passive planar splitter are used to increase optical fibre channel. At the end of the collection a simplified examples of used measurements – optical time domain reflectometry and optical fibre transmission. Contains standard protocols or reflectogram. The conclusion of this thesis summarizes costs of FTTb (Fibre To The Building) model of optical metropolitan area network in Czech republic and future contribution for society.

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