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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řešení mezinárodních sporů - vybrané aspekty / International Dispute Settlement - selected aspects

Laušmanová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
International Dispute Settlement - selected aspects Abstract This diploma thesis deals with selected aspects of the international dispute settlement not only in current international public law but also in its history. The thesis is divided into five chapters which are also further divided into a number of subchapters depending on the complexity of each topic. The first chapter is dedicated to the definition of international dispute. Apart from that the chapter also deals with the obligation of states to settle their disputes and to settle them by peaceful means. The historical background of the international dispute settlement is described in the second chapter. Important events such as Hague Peace Conferences, founding of the League of Nations, the Briand-Kellog Pact and founding of the United Nations among others are all mentioned in this chapter because of their impact on the course of this field of international relations. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes and its link to other related principles of international law. The fourth chapter is dedicated to individual means of peaceful settlement. Every method is described individually, with a brief historical background, comparison to other methods and analysis of the application on specific...

Gerenciamento integrado dos recursos hídricos compartilhados na bacia Amazônica / The integrated trasboundary water courses managment sistem of Amazon basin.

Sola, Fernanda 27 April 2012 (has links)
A Lei n° 9.433/1997 que institui a Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (PNRH) congrega as principais diretrizes de planejamento do uso da água a partir da incorporação de importantes Princípios como o do gerenciamento integrado dos recursos hídricos, gestão participativa, integralidade da bacia hidrográfica como interconexão de sistemas de águas superficiais e subterrâneas para gestão interna, resolução pacífica de conflitos, dentre outros. No contexto transfronteiriço, os contornos da cooperação podem ser tanto um instrumento facilitador como complicador das políticas hídricas a serem executadas, uma vez que à luz do Direito Internacional, as intervenções no território de um Estado devem seguir os Princípios da não intervenção, independência e soberania o que demanda uma política de coordenação internacional entre eles. Para estabelecer os contornos internacionais a respeito do que se pretende acerca de recursos naturais transfronteiriços, é usual o surgimento de regimes específicos, com tratado próprio, muitas vezes excetuado do regramento geral internacional. A fim de analisar o quadro jurídico aplicável no contexto hídrico transfronteiriço amazônico a presente tese parte do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em matéria de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos e aplica, a partir da dimensão internacional, três esferas de análise dos Princípios da troca de informações e estudos prospectivos, solução pacífica dos conflitos, e da participação pública, nas seguintes perspectivas: 1. multilateral, no âmbito da OTCA; 2. bilateral/trilateral, na formação de instâncias ad hoc para a solução de conflitos; 3. local, na formação de Comitês de bacia internacional. / The Brazilian statute n. 9.433/1997 institutes the National Policy of Water Courses, which contains the most important parameters to set policies in this regard and is widely based on international principles, such as the principles of the integrated management of transboundary basins, integrality of the basins, interconnection between ground and surface water, as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes. Transboundary situations may foster or obtrude cooperation to set and execute water policies, since, accordingly to the international law, a state are not allowed to intervene in the territory of other states, because they are independent and sovereign. The only way to harmonize policies is international cooperation. In order to establish the international limits to the use of natural transboundary resources some international regimes usually arouse and are, sometimes, established by treaties which differ from general international law. Aiming to analyze the legal framework applicable to the Amazon transboundary waters, this thesis starts with a study of the Brazilian legal system regarding water resources management and employs, departing from an international perspective, three levels of analysis of principles that refer to exchange of information, prospective studies, peaceful settlement of disputes, and public participation, from the following perspectives: 1. multilateral, under the ACTO regime 2. Bi- and trilateral, when ad hoc instances are created to settle the disputes 3. Local, through the creation of International Basin Committees

Gerenciamento integrado dos recursos hídricos compartilhados na bacia Amazônica / The integrated trasboundary water courses managment sistem of Amazon basin.

Fernanda Sola 27 April 2012 (has links)
A Lei n° 9.433/1997 que institui a Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (PNRH) congrega as principais diretrizes de planejamento do uso da água a partir da incorporação de importantes Princípios como o do gerenciamento integrado dos recursos hídricos, gestão participativa, integralidade da bacia hidrográfica como interconexão de sistemas de águas superficiais e subterrâneas para gestão interna, resolução pacífica de conflitos, dentre outros. No contexto transfronteiriço, os contornos da cooperação podem ser tanto um instrumento facilitador como complicador das políticas hídricas a serem executadas, uma vez que à luz do Direito Internacional, as intervenções no território de um Estado devem seguir os Princípios da não intervenção, independência e soberania o que demanda uma política de coordenação internacional entre eles. Para estabelecer os contornos internacionais a respeito do que se pretende acerca de recursos naturais transfronteiriços, é usual o surgimento de regimes específicos, com tratado próprio, muitas vezes excetuado do regramento geral internacional. A fim de analisar o quadro jurídico aplicável no contexto hídrico transfronteiriço amazônico a presente tese parte do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em matéria de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos e aplica, a partir da dimensão internacional, três esferas de análise dos Princípios da troca de informações e estudos prospectivos, solução pacífica dos conflitos, e da participação pública, nas seguintes perspectivas: 1. multilateral, no âmbito da OTCA; 2. bilateral/trilateral, na formação de instâncias ad hoc para a solução de conflitos; 3. local, na formação de Comitês de bacia internacional. / The Brazilian statute n. 9.433/1997 institutes the National Policy of Water Courses, which contains the most important parameters to set policies in this regard and is widely based on international principles, such as the principles of the integrated management of transboundary basins, integrality of the basins, interconnection between ground and surface water, as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes. Transboundary situations may foster or obtrude cooperation to set and execute water policies, since, accordingly to the international law, a state are not allowed to intervene in the territory of other states, because they are independent and sovereign. The only way to harmonize policies is international cooperation. In order to establish the international limits to the use of natural transboundary resources some international regimes usually arouse and are, sometimes, established by treaties which differ from general international law. Aiming to analyze the legal framework applicable to the Amazon transboundary waters, this thesis starts with a study of the Brazilian legal system regarding water resources management and employs, departing from an international perspective, three levels of analysis of principles that refer to exchange of information, prospective studies, peaceful settlement of disputes, and public participation, from the following perspectives: 1. multilateral, under the ACTO regime 2. Bi- and trilateral, when ad hoc instances are created to settle the disputes 3. Local, through the creation of International Basin Committees

Regard sur l'Etat justiciable en droit International / Look at the defendant State in international law

Diallo, Thierno Abdoulaye 19 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le statut de l'Etat justiciable en droit international. L'étude de l'Etat, sujet de droit international et justiciable des juridictions internationales, conduit à l'analyse de sa personnalité juridique internationale. Pour connaître le statut juridique de l'Etat et sa possible mise en cause devant une juridiction internationale, il a fallu donner un essai de définition du concept d'Etat et de celui de souveraineté. C'est à partir de la variante souveraineté que se décline le phénomène de justiciabilité de l'Etat en droit international. Dans cette étude, le nouveau droit international tel que proposé par la Charte des Nations en 1945, maintient l'Etat dans son rôle classique de sujet principal du droit des gens, en lui étant tout de même le statut de souverain absolu et inaccessible. En plus du contentieux interétatique classique, le souverain étatique est devenu depuis cette date un acteur contentieux presque banal devant les nouvelles juridictions internationales. C'est ainsi que l'émergence de nouveaux acteurs de la société internationale comme les individus, les entreprises et les ONG, a donné lieu à un nouveau développement conventionnel dans des espaces juridiques qui échappent au contrôle étatique. La protection internationale des droits de l'homme fait passer l'individu de la sphère nationale à la sphère internationale. Le nouveau droit international économique institutionnalisé par le CIRDI en 1965, le nouveau droit de la mer matérialisé par la Convention de Montego Bay de 1982 et le développement des juridictions pénales internationales (lutte contre l'impunité) sont la preuve d'une transformation de l'environnement juridique international où l'Etat n'est plus l'unique centre d'intérêt des rapports internationaux. / This thesis examines the status of the defendant State in international law. The study of State, subject of international law and immune from international courts, led to the analysis of its international legal personality. To know the legal status of the State and its possible questioned before an International Court, it took to give a definition of the concept of sovereignty and state test. It is from the variant sovereignty comes the phenomenon of justiciability of the State under international law. In this study, new international law as proposed by the Charter in 1945, maintains the State in his classic role as main subject of the law of Nations, by taking away all the same absolute and inaccessible sovereign status. In addition to the classical inter-State disputes, the sovereign State has become since that date an almost banal litigation player before the new international courts. It is as well as the emergence of new actors in the international society as individuals, businesses and NGOS, gave rise to a new conventional development in legal spaces that are outside State control. The international protection of human rights puts the individual in the national sphere to the international sphere. The new international economic law, institutionalized by the ICSID in 1965, the new law of the sea, materialized by the Montego Bay Convention of 1982 and the development of international criminal courts (Fight against impunity) are evidence of a transformation of the international legal environment where the State is no longer the only main interest of international reports.

Kodifikace pravidel diplomatické ochrany / Codification of the Rules of Diplomatic Protection

Špaček, Metod January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with one of the modern topics of international law - diplomatic protection. It provides for its comprehensive assessment from a wider and deeper perspective on the background of the codification process, which culminated in 2006, when the International Law Commission (ILC) adopted 19 Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection. In the current state of international law, diplomatic protection is based on customary international law. It is an instrument to protect nationals (be it a natural or legal person) by their state of nationality, if they injured by another (host) state in violation of international law. Under the current definition, diplomatic protection means the invocation (through peaceful means) by a state of the responsibility of another state for an injury caused to a national by an internationally wrongful act of that another state. The aim of diplomatic protection is to implement this responsibility. The application and exercise of diplomatic protection is considered to be a sovereign, discretional right of the state, although the thesis points out the some recent developments in international law towards the need to recognize the rights and interests of the individual, as well as the constitutional practice of some states guaranteeing its citizens a (domestic) right to...

Le droit de la diplomatie préventive : étude de la règle de prévention en droit international public contemporain / The law of preventive diplomacy : a study of the rule of prevention in contemporary public international law

Nikolaeva, Desislava 26 September 2016 (has links)
Le droit international encadre l’exercice de la diplomatie des États dans une finalité de prévenir l’insécurité et, par extension, les conflits armés. Le droit de la diplomatie préventive reflète ainsi l’idée que la prévention de risques imminents de dommages matériels graves délimite l’objet d’un principe général de droit international. L’affirmation d’un principe est fondée sur l’analyse inductive des conventions majeures conclues en matière de maintien de la sécurité collective de 1899 à 1945. Elle est vérifiée à la lumière de la pratique de leur application par les Membres de la SdN et, depuis 1945, de l’ONU. Le caractère général de ce principe est déduit d’une étude combinée de la jurisprudence d’un nombre de juridictions internationales dans une variété de domaines du droit international. Les efforts individuels et collectifs de prévention des conflits obéissent donc à un régime juridique général qui organise le système contemporain de maintien de la paix internationale. / International law regulates States’ diplomacy for the purpose of preventing insecurity, and, by extension, armed conflicts. Accordingly, the law of preventive diplomacy reflects, in a sense, the idea that prevention of imminent risks of serious material damages defines a general principle of international law. The assertion of such a principle is based on an inductive analysis of the major treaties on collective security concluded between 1899 and 1945. It is verified in light of their application by Member States of the League of Nations and, since 1945, of the United Nations. The general nature of this principle is deduced from a combined study of the jurisprudence of a number of international courts and tribunals in various fields of international law. Those findings support the idea that individual and collective efforts of conflict prevention are subject to the respect of a general legal regime governing the current international system of peace-maintenance and collective security.

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