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Návrh vedení sběrné místní komunikace s tramvajovou tratí linky č.3 areálu Zbrojovky v Brně / Design of the local connecting road with the tram track of the line no.3 in the area of Zbrojovka in BrnoPaszandová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with design of the tram power collecting route and the tram track of the route no. 3 in reconstruction area recently called “Zbrojovka Brno”. Connection to the present infrastructure is also considered. Housing, resting, administration sectors and tram stops are designed for easy availability in the new area. Because the railroad bounds the area on the East and will be extended in the future, joining the tram transport with integrated transport system in Židenice is possible. Design includes the new bridge across Svitava river and connection with surrounding areas. If we divide individual car transport (IAD) from the tram route, the trolley car transportation is designed in place IAD.
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Terminál VHD Nemocnice – Bohunice v Brně s úvraťovou konečnou stanicí tramvaje / Nemocnice – Bohunice public transport hub in Brno with settting – back track tramway terminusVaculíková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
In my master thesis I deal with a design reconstruction of the current public transport terminus of Nemocnice - Bohunice. Terminus layout includes transfering the tramway line from Osová stop to the hub, the new tramway stop is a setting-back track. There is preserved the utilization of hub by existing city and regional lines of buses and troley buses and newly established regional bus lines (401,402,403,404) and also the entrance to the Bohunice hospital parking in the design. This design provides a safe flow of passengers and pedestrians and their safe road crossing.
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MÚK na R52 - Moravany / Junction on Motorway R52 near MoravanyLička, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with a connection of Videňská street to the future residential district situated between Přízřenice and Modřice. The level of this thesis is a technical study. The main topic of the thesis is a design of an interchange on the Vídeňská and Moravanská streets. The thesis is focused on a technical verification of variable ramps’ connections from Vídeňská street to Moravanská street. Another important point of the thesis is an improvement of security quality of cycle traffic and a creation of a traffic junction of the city transportation system in this area. The SWOT analysis was applied to evaluation and selection the most advantageous variant of the variants. Depending on SWOT analysis, the thesis is focused on more detailed design of the most advantageous variant.
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Řešení přestupního uzlu na Konečného nám. v Brně po zprovoznění trasy SJKD / Solution of transfer junction on the Konečného square in Brno after putting the line NSRLD into operationRosík, Jan January 2012 (has links)
My master‘s thesis is concerned with study of location of tram stop, part od North - South Railway Line Diameter, which is supposed to be in underground level below Konečného square, important transfer junction. According to this location find out the best place to situate pedestrian exits and elevators in nearby streets Nerudova, Kotlářská and Veveří. After building up the station, pedestrian transfers will be safer and time to get into the centre of Brno/ job for commuter people will be shortened. This master thesis also deals with enlargement of tram islands, repositioning of trolleybus stop from Kotlářská street, movement of pedestrians in area and optimization of traffic lines.
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