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Propuesta de aplicación de un crucero peatonal diagonal con fase exclusiva para la reducción de conflictos peatón-vehículo considerando la respuesta conductual de los usuarios viales en la intersección Av. Abancay y Av. Nicolás de Piérola, Lima / Proposal for the application of a scramble pedestrian crossing with an exclusive phase to reduce pedestrian-vehicle conflicts taking in consideration the behavioural response of road users at the intersection between Abancay and Nicolas de Pierola Avenues, LimaCarrasco Lonkina, Luciana Lyubov, Coloma Carril, Cinthya Jennifer 02 September 2021 (has links)
En zonas con alto flujo peatonal y vehicular se presentan mayores congestiones e incidentes que afectan principalmente a los peatones y esto ocurre debido al reducido tiempo de cruce peatonal, consideraciones de diseño deficientes y el inadecuado comportamiento de los usuarios viales. Por ello, es necesario realizar el estudio y la aplicación de medidas que contribuyan a salvaguardar la seguridad de los peatones en estas áreas. Actualmente, en la intersección de las avenidas Abancay con Nicolas de Piérola, se prioriza el paso vehicular, a pesar de la alta demanda peatonal y la alta tasa de accidentes. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo reducir la cantidad de conflictos peatón-vehículo por medio de la aplicación de un crucero peatonal diagonal en esta intersección. Para ello, se construye un modelo de microsimulación en el programa VISSIM que represente el comportamiento de los usuarios y permita el análisis de la propuesta. La metodología se desarrolla en tres partes. Primero, se describe y caracteriza la intersección por medio de las visitas de campo y videos recopilados por dron. Posteriormente, los datos obtenidos se introducen al programa, el modelo resultante es calibrado y validado empleando 5 parámetros de fuerza social. Luego, se realizan modificaciones para incluir el crucero peatonal diagonal con la fase semafórica exclusiva generada en VISTRO. Finalmente, se plantea el diseño de la intersección con crucero peatonal diagonal. Como resultado, se comprueba la reducción de conflictos peatón-vehículo en un 74% y el incremento de la seguridad vial con un enfoque en los peatones. / In areas with high vehicular and pedestrian flow there are greater congestion and incidents that mainly affect pedestrians, this occurs due to many factors such as reduced crossing time, insufficient design considerations and inadequate user behavior. That is why it is necessary to study countermeasures that help safeguard pedestrians in these areas. Currently, at the intersection between Abancay and Nicolas de Pierola Avenues, the vehicular crossing is prioritized despite of the high-density pedestrian traffic and the high rates of accidents. This investigation aims to reduce the number of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts by implementing a scramble crossing at the intersection. Therefore, a microsimulation model is generate using VISSIM Software that replicate the road user behavior and allows analysis of the applied proposal. The methodology used includes three main parts. First, the intersection is described and characterized by site visits and drone videos. Second, the collected data is entered into a model that represents the current situation, for which it is calibrated and validated using 5 parameters of the social force model. Then, on current situation model, a design is made with the crosswalk proposed. An exclusive pedestrian phase is included adapting the traffic signal optimization generated by VISTRO Software. Finally, an intersection design with an appropriate pedestrian interval is presented to help to increase the road safety and it is verified with a checklist. As a result, this verifies the reduction of road incidents caused mainly by the pedestrian-vehicle conflict by 74% and focuses on improvement of road safety for pedestrians. / Tesis
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Návrh rekonstrukce ulice Gorkého v Brně / Reconstruction design of Gorkého Street in BrnoSmolka, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the elaboration of a technical study of Gorkého Street in Brno - Veveří. In the diploma thesis, three variants of situations will be elaborated, which will focus on several different criteria. Variant 1st. focuses primarily on cyclists, a dedicated bike lane and a parking space with sloping and longitudinal layouts. In variant 2nd. is the effort to preserve the existing width arrangement, the original street greenery is preserved. The parking spaces are perpendicular and cycling is covered by a pictogram. Variant 3rd. is primarily concerned with the number of parking spaces. Variant 2nd. was selected for detailed development. The street will be completely reconstructed due to the construction of sewerage and water supply. All construction modifications are designed according to valid standards and regulations.
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Optimalizace dopravy v městské části Brno - Medlánky / Optimization of Transport in the City of Brno - district MedlánkyHalodová, Klára January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is solving the problems of transport in the city of Brno - Medlánky. In particular the traffic calming, optimization of width configuration, solve the static traffic etc., towards sustainable transport security. The objective of optimization is to improve the quality of life settlements in the city of Brno - Medlánky
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Jeseník, Rejvízský most / Rejvíz Bridge in JeseníkDvořák, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is to design the intersection of roads I/44 and II/453 in urban area of Jeseník. Part of the proposal is to address traffic and pedestrian connection to the adjacent tertiary roads.
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Zlepšení kvality mobility v přednádražním prostoru Brno – hlavní nádraží / Improving the quality of mobility in front of the Main Train Station in BrnoIštvánková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with reconstruction in front of the main train station in Brno. The space is an important transfer terminal and there are hight intensity of pedestrians due to the fact the train station is next to this location. The pedestrians are chaotically moving in the examine space (especially in the location of crossway). The goals of the thesis are to improve the quality of mobility of pedestrians in this location, to ensure barrier – free access to public transport stops which are not ensured today and to reduce static and transit traffic that does not belong into this space.
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Okružní křižovatka na Vojáčkově náměstí v Prostějově / Roundabout in Prostějov Vojáčkovo squareŠkorík, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is the project-level documentation for the building location on the roundabout on Vojackovo namesti in Prostejov. Current condition create light controlled crosroad of roads II/150 and III/44934. In this thesis was examinated several options and for selected option was elaborated capacity assessment. For the final shape of new designed crossroad, wich is technically elaborated Attached are the text and drawing documentation in accordance with all legal and technical standards.
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Dopravní terminál Broumov / Transport terminal BroumovJetmar, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to design new bus terminal and suggest reconstruction of a road in the street Nadrážní in town Broumov. Thesis deals with the appropriate design of arrangement of bus stops. Part of the thesis is design of reasonable width arrangement of the road in the street Nádražní. Furthermore there is a design of parking spaces for personal vehicles, design of communications for pedestrians and suggestion for appropriate usage of remaining areas.
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Hur påverkar en ökad belysningsstyrka på övergångsställen bilisters hastighet? / How an increased illuminance at pedestrian crossing affects the speed of vehicles?Karlsson, Anton, Hjorth, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur en ökad belysningsstyrka på övergångsställen påverkar bilisters hastighet. Vid vissa övergångsställen används idag intensivbelysning. Intensivbelysning innebär att belysningen förstärkts vid platsen och utformas av en eller flera armaturer över eller i anknytning till övergångsställen för att öka synbarheten för fotgängare. Målet med studien är att undersöka om en ökad belysningsstyrka på övergångsställen har en positiv eller en negativ påverkan på bilisters hastighet och därför kunna bidra till en ökad kunskap inom trafiksäkerhet. För att undersöka hur intensivbelysning påverkar bilisters hastighet har hastighetsmätningar utförts på två övergångsställen i centrala Jönköping samt vid en kontrollplats. Hastighetsmätningarna utfördes på en urban väg med en hastighetsbegränsning på 40 km/h. mätningarna utfördes under perioden 2020-03-16 – 2020-03-24. Det ena övergångsstället har intensivbelysning det andra har det inte, för att kunna jämföra de två platserna utfördes mätningar av både luminans och belysningsstyrka. Övergångsstället med intensivbelysning benämnt som observationsplats 1, hade en medelbelysningsstyrka på 73,27 lux och en medelluminans på 2,7 cd/m². Övergångsstället utan intensivbelysning benämnt som observationsplats 2, hade en medelbelysningsstyrka på 15.63 lux och en medelluminans på 1,3 cd/m². Det skiljer alltså 57,64 lux i medelbelysningsstyrka mellan observationsplats 1 och observationsplats 2, och 1,4 cd/m² i medelluminans. Vid observationsplats 1 uppmättes dagtid 10 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 35,7 km/h (standardavvikelse 4,6 km/h). Kvällstid uppmättes 35 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 37,49 km/h (standardavvikelse 5,3 km/h). Vid observationsplats 2 uppmättes dagtid 10 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 40 km/h (standardavvikelse 4 km/h). Kvällstid uppmättes 34 passager. Vilket resulterade i en medelhastighet på 36 km/h (standardavvikelse 4 km/h). Resultatet från studien antyder att intensivbelysning vid övergångsställen leder till en högre fordonshastighet. Skillnaden i medelhastighet mellan observationsplats 1 och observationsplats 2 var låg 1,49 km/h, standardavvikelsen var hög (observationsplats 1 5,3 km/h observationsplats 2 4 km/h).
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Optimalizace rozhledových trojúhelníků v ČSN 73 6110 / Optimization of sight triangles of ČSN 73 6110Kejvalová, Lucie Unknown Date (has links)
The main focus of the Master thesis is the analysis of design parameters for observation triangles of vehicles, pedestrian and cyclists of the ČSN 73 6110 standard. The thesis consists of two main chapters, which are Problem analysis and Major analysis. The first chapter sheds light on some of the most commonly used technical terms on issues related to this work. The second chapter presents evaluation and possible adjustments and optimizations that can result to improved observation conditions in selected areas. The conclusion summarizes the knowledge achieved during processing the thesis.
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Analýza chování řidiče při řešení situací spojených s přecházením chodců přes vozovku / Analysis of driver’s conduct during solving of situations associated with pedestrians crossing the roadMaxera, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
The doctoral thesis analyses driver’s conduct while solving situations associated with crossing of pedestrians across the road in cases of various design of pedestrian crossings and at different conditions. The thesis deepens the knowledge of the human factor impact on the occurrence of a traffic accident involved vehicle and pedestrian and thesis also complements knowledge for the needs of the analysis of traffic accidents, especially in solving the pre collision phase and at assessment of possibilities for collision prevention by involved participants. The thesis deals with driver’s conduct, various models of the conduct as well as the thesis focuses on the visual perception, the process of information processing, the driver’s conduct and the reaction time. In terms of the solution suitable types of experiments were designed and implemented. Based on performed measurements a method of processing and evaluating data on drivers’ conduct was found as well as more significant data set was obtained for a detailed analysis of drivers' conduct in different driving situations. The assessed quantities of drivers' conduct were analysed with respect to the dangerousness of driving situations. For these purposes, the categories of the dangerousness of driving situations were defined (situations completely safe, with increased danger, dangerous and critical), into which the analysed driving situations were subsequently included. To enable the quantification of this classification of situations into the categories of the dangerousness, the coefficient of the dangerousness (so called K) was defined. From the detailed analysis of the obtained data, the limit values of this coefficient were determined, and these were subsequently verified using data from the solution of real traffic accidents. Concurrently the analysis verified the suitability of using this hazard coefficient in the analysis of traffic accidents, especially for a detailed assessment of the possibilities of collision prevention.
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