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Impact of vision and hearing impairments on social participationNg, Ho-yee, Janet., 伍可怡. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medical Sciences / Master / Master of Medical Sciences
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An investigation into the use of the internet for the visually impaired (VI) in Hong KongChiu, Fung, 趙鋒 January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Education / Master / Master of Science in Information Technology in Education
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Information seeking behaviour of students with visual impairments : a case study of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Seyama, Lungile Goodness. January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the study was to establish the visually impaired students' information seeking behaviours, which comprises information needs, seeking and use. Identifying the students' information seeking behaviour helped to determine whether the services that are provided by the University of KwaZulu-Natal on the Pietermaritzburg (UKZN-PMB) campus met their information needs or not. The population of the study comprised three units of analysis which were nine students with visual impairments, seven Subject Librarians of the UKZN-PMB Cecil Renaud main library and the Disability Unit Coordinator. The students were surveyed by means of a semi-structured interview where they were asked what their information needs were, how they met those needs and whether the information they found from the institution's information system met their needs or not. The student' information seeking behaviour was plotted using Wilson's (1999) Information Behaviour model and the model was assessed for use with this group. The Subject Librarians and the DUC were surveyed by means of self-administered questionnaires where they were asked to specify their length of services, the frequency with which they assisted students with visual impairments and the students with visual impairments' preferences in information sources and formats, which the researcher consequently collected. The response rate was 100% from all the units of analysis. The results of the study indicated that most of the students preferred electronic compared to print information formats, depending on their level of sightedness for those who were partially sighted. Results from the three units of analysis were integrated into an overall consideration of the dynamics of information seeking behaviour exhibited by the students and modifications were suggested on Wilson's (1999) Information Behaviour model which suited the group under study. / Thesis (M.I.S.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.
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Parent participation in career planning for adolescents with visual impairmentsMcConnell, John David 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate a program model in which
parents and adolescents examine personal values, career decisions and plans.
The subjects were visually impaired students enrolled in regular secondary
school and their parents. Twenty volunteer adolescents with visual impairments
and their parents from 18 school districts in the province of British Columbia
participated in the study. The program consisted of four Partner’s Program
(Cochran, 1985) booklets: a
parent guideline manual, activity self-exploration
exercises, career decisions framework, and a
planning workbook designed to
facilitate parent involvement in career development activities. Two special
career reference publications which described a
variety of occupations and
necessary adaptations and technical devices designed for individuals with visual
impairment were also included. These materials were presented in audio tape,
large print and braille.
Adolescent subjects and their parents were randomly assigned to two
experimental groups. Each group received materials and were given five weeks
to complete the program. The Career Decision Scale (Osipow, 1976), Parent
Adolescent Communication Scale
(Barnes &
Olson, 1982), and Career Salience
(Greenhaus, 1971, 1977) were employed. All participants were
interviewed following the program.
A multivariate analysis of variance was computed, and the combined five
dependent variables were significantly affected between groups upon completion
of the program by the first group. The combined dependent variables were
significantly affected again with the second group upon completion of the
program. Examination of effect sizes for each dependent variable attributed the
differences to gains in measures of career planning and career salience and a
decline in career indecision. The effects on the measures of communication
were inconclusive.
The results indicated that students in both experimental groups confirmed
their career choices and became more aware of personal career values. The
subjects felt they were encouraged to plan and prepare for a career, explore
options, and consider their visual disabilities. Career planning was deemed
important by all participants. The importance of work and career were
confirmed for participants. Students’ attitudes improved with confirmation of
plans and career alternatives. The effects of the program in career development
of adolescents with visual impairments and the importance of parent-student
communication were positive. The comments of the parents suggested that they
had acquired understanding of their child’s career choices.
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The design of an accessible outdoor discovery trail on the grounds of the Indiana School for the BlindGarvey, Carita Elizabeth January 1994 (has links)
The goal of this project was to design a masterplan for an outdoor discovery trail on the grounds of the Indiana School for the Blind in Indianapolis, Indiana. The 62 acre site has not been developed for outdoor exploration and is virtually inaccessible due to extreme topographical changes in elevation on the site. Based on guidelines and recommendations recently proposed by the USDA Forest Service and the USDA Park Service for accessibility and interpretation, combined with site research by the author, the masterplan was conscientiously developed. The trail integrates the unique historic background of the site with the sites' diverse, natural features to create a handicapped accessible trail that is an educational and recreational experience for the Indiana School for the Blind campus community. / Department of Landscape Architecture
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Multi-method evaluation of U.S. federal electronic government websites in terms of accessibility for persons with disabilitiesJaeger, Paul T., McClure, Charles R. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Advisor: Charles R. McClure, Florida State University, College of Information. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed June 9, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains viii, 261 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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Preferences of communication styles and techniques of persons with visible visual disabilities implications for higher education /Myers, Karen A. Hines, Edward R. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Illinois State University, 1994. / Title from title page screen, viewed March 28, 2006. Dissertation Committee: Edward R. Hines (chair), Paul J. Baker, Ming-Gon John Lian, George A. Padavil. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 150-163) and abstract. Also available in print.
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Effects of visual impairment, gender, and age on self-determination opportunities at home, with friends, with health care, at school, and in physical educationRobinson, Barbara Lynn. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--State University of New York College at Brockport, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-71).
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Guide dog ownership and psychological well-being /Wiggett, Cindy. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.
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Sequência didática na língua espanhola no atendimento educacional ao aluno com deficiência visual: preparação para exames seletivos para acesso ao ensino superiorRadenti, Debora Graciela 30 July 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Leitura instrumental de notícia digital em espanhol para pessoas com DV / O trabalho pedagógico com pessoas com deficiência visual (DV) que pretendem ingressar no ensino universitário é uma tarefa bastante complexa. Nesse contexto, o professor deve realizar esforços em múltiplas direções para adequar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, torná-lo significativo e, assim, mais eficaz. Esta pesquisa tem o propósito de oferecer a esse professor subsídios teóricos e práticos que o auxiliem na prática pedagógica e levem a uma maior utilização do Sistema Braille e de recursos tecnológicos assistivos e digitais na preparação de materiais didáticos. Esse objetivo central desdobra-se nos seguintes objetivos específicos: (i) Desenvolver habilidades linguístico-discursivas em alunos com deficiência visual que vão prestar processos seletivos para ingresso em universidades; (ii) refletir sobre a importância do letramento digital e do uso de gêneros textuais digitais como ferramentas pedagógicas, interligadas à esfera social, como auxiliares do processo inclusivo dos alunos; (iii) Demonstrar o uso da Internet e de tecnologias assistivas digitais como auxiliares no processo educacional do aluno com deficiência visual. Para atingir esses objetivos, na base teórica, estão princípios e procedimentos da teoria dos gêneros textuais virtuais, na vertente do interacionismo sociodiscursivo, e conceitos e procedimentos inerentes ao desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora em língua estrangeira. A atividade proposta constitui-se de uma sequência didática composta de leitura de notícias digitais e de conteúdo sobre o espanhol para fins específicos, transcritas em Braille e/ou com a utilização de tecnologias assistivas, para a resolução das provas de processos seletivos. A aplicação resultou em uma melhor apreensão do conteúdo e mais interesse pela leitura e pelos conteúdos por parte dos alunos e deixou clara a necessidade de conhecimento, por parte do professor, das necessidades didático-pedagógicas da pessoa com deficiência visual (DV) e de uma postura didático-pedagógica com vistas ao desenvolvimento de um aluno/leitor proficiente. O estudo justifica-se pela escassez de materiais em Braille e digitalizados que atendam a necessidade de instrumentalização de exames seletivos em língua espanhola, bem como pela necessidade de contribuir para as pesquisas nessa área. / The pedagogical work with visually impaired people (VIP) who intend to enroll in higher education is a very complex task. In this context, the teacher should make efforts in multiple directions to adapt the process of teaching and learning, making it meaningful and thus more effective. This research aims to offer these teachers theoretical and practical subsidies that assist in teaching practice and lead to an increased use of the Braille system and assistive technological and digital resources in the preparation of teaching materials. This core objective unfolds in the following specific objectives: (i) developing linguistic and discursive skills in students with visual impairment that will go through selection processes for entrance into universities; (ii) reflecting on the importance of digital literacy and the use of digital genres as teaching tools, interconnected to the social sphere, as auxiliary of the inclusive process of students; (iii) demonstrating the use of the Internet and digital assistive technologies as aids in the educational process of students with visual impairments. For achieving these goals, in the theoretical basis, there are principles and procedures of the virtual genre theory, on the slope of socio-discursive interactionism, and concepts and procedures inherent to the development of reading comprehension in a foreign language. The proposed activity is made up of a composite didactic sequence of digital news reading and content on Spanish for specific purposes, transcribed into Braille and / or with the use of assistive technologies, to solve the selection process tests. The application resulted in a better content understanding by students, more interest in reading and in the content, making clear the teachers´ need for knowledge, the didactic and pedagogical needs of people with visual impairment (VI) and a didactic and pedagogical approach regarding the development of a proficient student / reader. The study is justified by the scarcity of digitalized Braille materials that meet the need for instrumentalization of Spanish language selective exams, as well as the need to contribute to researches in this area.
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