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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Ancient Agroecology of Perry Mesa: Integrating Runoff, Nutrients, and Climate

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Understanding agricultural land use requires the integration of natural factors, such as climate and nutrients, as well as human factors, such as agricultural intensification. Employing an agroecological framework, I use the Perry Mesa landscape, located in central Arizona, as a case study to explore the intersection of these factors to investigate prehistoric agriculture from A.D. 1275-1450. Ancient Perry Mesa farmers used a runoff agricultural strategy and constructed extensive alignments, or terraces, on gentle hillslopes to slow and capture nutrient rich surface runoff generated from intense rainfall. I investigate how the construction of agricultural terraces altered key parameters (water and nutrients) necessary for successful agriculture in this arid region. Building upon past work focused on agricultural terraces in general, I gathered empirical data pertaining to nutrient renewal and water retention from one ancient runoff field. I developed a long-term model of maize growth and soil nutrient dynamics parameterized using nutrient analyses of runoff collected from the sample prehistoric field. This model resulted in an estimate of ideal field use and fallow periods for maintaining long-term soil fertility under different climatic regimes. The results of the model were integrated with estimates of prehistoric population distribution and geographical characterizations of the arable lands to evaluate the places and periods when sufficient arable land was available for the type of cropping and fallowing systems suggested by the model (given the known climatic trends and land use requirements). Results indicate that not only do dry climatic periods put stress on crops due to reduced precipitation but that a reduction in expected runoff events results in a reduction in the amount of nutrient renewal due to fewer runoff events. This reduction lengthens estimated fallow cycles, and probably would have increased the amount of land necessary to maintain sustainable agricultural production. While the overall Perry Mesa area was not limited in terms of arable land, this analysis demonstrates the likely presence of arable land pressures in the immediate vicinity of some communities. Anthropological understandings of agricultural land use combined with ecological tools for investigating nutrient dynamics provides a comprehensive understanding of ancient land use in arid regions. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2013

Commodore Perry's Expedition, 1852-4: Layered Experiences and Perceptions of the U.S., Japan, and the Kingdom of Ryukyu

Tomoyose, Erika 01 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the history of the U.S.-Japan relations, Commodore Perry’s expedition can be considered both as a great destination for the U.S. westward expansion and a watershed for Japan’s modernization. The previous scholars on this historical event have built a basis for understanding its political intentions, historical significance, and influence on Japan’s social transformation. Considering the historiography of the U.S.-Japan relations in Commodore Perry’s expedition, this study will examine the encounter of the U.S. and Japan by focusing more on the complexity and diversity of the agencies from various people’s perspectives. In order to accomplish the goal, this study firstly demonstrates the chronological study of the U.S. encounters with Japan/the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa). The second chapter will integrate several accounts of members in the expedition and Japanese officials/intellectuals/commoners to investigate a variety of experiences and perspectives in terms of the following three ideas: race, gender, and Christianization/Civilization. The final chapter will include the Ryukyuan and Japanese perspectives into the narrative of Commodore Perry’s expedition to include various viewpoints from all three, the Americans, Japanese and Ryukyuans.

Against the Reduction of Qualia to Indexicality

Stealey, Patrick Thomas 03 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of strip-mine reclamation for terrestrial wildlife restoration

DeCapita, Michael Edward January 1975 (has links)
No description available.


福井, 悠斗 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬科学) / 甲第25226号 / 薬科博第188号 / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬科学専攻 / (主査)教授 山下 富義, 准教授 白川 久志, 教授 小野 正博 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DGAM

Blir vi mer aggressiva av att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Do we become more aggressive by playing violent video-games? : A quantitative survey

Eklöf, John January 2015 (has links)
En kvantitativ enkätstudie genomfördes för att undersöka samband mellan att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel och aggressivitet. Urvalet bestod av tillgängliga respondenter på Facebook och GameReactors Facebooksida där enkäten delades. 123 stycken deltog i undersökningen varav 85 män och 38 kvinnor. För att undersöka deltagarnas spelvanor frågades hur ofta de spelar pc/tv-spel samt våldsamma spel och hur roligt de ansåg att våldsamma pc/tv-spel var. För att mäta deltagarnas aggressivitet användes testet Buss-Perry-Questionnaire som mäter aggression och fyra underskalor av aggression (fysisk aggression, verbal aggression, ilska och fientlighet). Spearmans korrelationstest användes för att undersöka samband mellan variablerna för att se om spelvanorna av våldsamma spel gav högre poäng på aggressivitet eller någon av de fyra underskalorna. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta samband mellan att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel ofta och någon aggressionstyp. Samband fanns mellan att tycka det är roligt att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel och verbal aggressivitet samt fysisk aggressivitet. Ett Mann Whitney U test visade skillnader mellan män och kvinnor då det gällde spelvanor och aggressivitet. Männen spelade våldsamma pc/tv-spel oftare, tyckte våldsamma pc/tv-spel var roligare, var mer fysiskt aggressiva och kvinnor var mer ilskna. Spearmans rangkorrelation visade ett negativt samband mellan ålder och att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel ofta. De som var yngre ansåg dock inte att våldsamma spel var roligare än andra spel. Korrelationen visade inga signifikanta samband mellan ålder och aggression. Det visade sig alltså inte att de som var yngre var mer aggressiva. Slutsatsen som dras är att de som tycker om att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel tenderar att vara mer verbalt aggressiva och fysiskt aggressiva. När det gäller frågan att spela våldsamma spel ofta är det oklart om speltiden påverkar aggressionen hos en person och mer forskning behövs på ämnet. / A quantitative survey was carried out to investigate the connection between playing violent PC / video games and aggression. The sample consisted of respondents available on Facebook and Gamereactor's Facebook page where the survey was divided. 123 people participated in the survey, of which 85 men and 38 women. To explore participants' gaming habits they were asked how often they play the PC / video games and violent game and how funny they thought that violent PC / TV game was. Bus-Perry-Questionnaire where used to measure participants' aggressiveness which measures aggression and four subscales of aggression (physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility). Spearman's correlation test was used to examine the relationship between the variables to see if the gaming habits of violent games gave higher scores on aggression or any of the four sub-scales. The results showed no significant correlation between playing violent PC / video games often and any type of aggression. Correlation existed between thinking it is fun to play violent PC / video games and verbal aggression and physical aggression. The Mann Whitney U test showed differences between men and women when it came to gaming and aggression. Men played violent PC / video games more often, thought violent PC / video games were more fun, were more physically aggressive, and women were angrier. Spearman's rank correlation showed a negative correlation between age and playing violent PC / video games frequently. Those who were younger did not consider violent games as more fun than other games. The correlation showed no significant relationship between age and aggression. It appeared, therefore, that those who were younger were more aggressive. The conclusion is that those who enjoy playing violent PC / video games tend to be more verbal aggressive and physical aggressive. Regarding the question about playing violent games often is it unclear whether the playing time affects the aggression of a person and more research is needed on the topic.

Role estetické hodnoty v obecné teorii hodnot Ralpha B. Perryho / Role of Aesthetic Value in Ralph B. Perry's General Theory of Value

Hlávka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
IN ENGLISH Ralph B. Perry's general theory of value was the most extensive and influential axiological project undertaken in the USA prior to WWII. While Perry's main goal is to provide a general definition of value and to describe the means of its criticism, the project also deals with the nature of special values, including aesthetic value. This dissertation thesis traces the aesthetic vein in Perry's theory, which is concentrated on the terms of aesthetic interest and its passive correlate, the aesthetic object. These are also the centerpieces of the definition of aesthetic value. First, interest and its object are defined in their general sense; next, they are defined in their specific aesthetic sense. Perry defines aesthetic interest as the interest in apprehension, and the object of this interest as a problematic intentional object with an index-predicate structure: its index is the localizable source of stimulus, and its predicate, the reflected act of apprehension. The final chapter is devoted to the forms of interplay between aesthetic interest and other interests, and the criticism of aesthetic interest from the aesthetic and moral standpoint. In Perry's theory, the aesthetic value belongs among the trinity of universal values. It is considered autonomous as long as the aesthetic interest...

Devenir psychologue : cheminement épistémologique d'étudiants dans un programme de formation professionnelle en psychologie clinique

Boivin, Isabelle January 2012 (has links)
La place prépondérante du psychothérapeute comme facteur d'efficacité thérapeutique est reconnue et suggère l'importance du développement personnel et professionnel des étudiants en psychologie clinique. Cette recherche utilise l'échelle du développement épistémologique de Perry (1970) comme cadre conceptuel. Celle-ci décrit comment les personnes passent d'une vision absolue du monde, à une vision plus complexe où elles affirment leurs engagements face à des connaissances et des valeurs qu'elles perçoivent de manière relative. Puisque les niveaux avancés de cette échelle (relativisme et engagement) correspondent à la description des psychothérapeutes efficaces (Benack, 1988; Lovell, 1999a; McAuliffe & Lovell, 2006; Owen, 2006), il semble important de favoriser ce développement chez les étudiants. Cette recherche tente donc de comprendre quels éléments sont favorables à ce développement et quels processus sont mis à contribution. Elle met de l'avant un devis qualitatif. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été menées auprès de sept étudiants du Doctorat en psychologie clinique (D. Ps.) de l'Université de Sherbrooke, pour explorer leurs points de vue actuels et rétrospectifs concernant leur développement professionnel. Les analyses sont de type thématique selon l'approche de Paillé et Mucchielli (2003). Selon les résultats de la recherche, les participants ont décrit un processus d'autonomisation professionnelle au cours duquel ils intériorisent leur auto-évaluation, ils s'approprient leur apprentissage et ils élaborent une conception dialectique de leur rôle de thérapeute. Ils décrivent ainsi des modalités d'évolution vers l'exercice autonome et compétent de la profession de psychologue clinicien.

"Are you getting angry Doctor?" : Madea, strategy and the fictional rejection of black female containment

Faust, Mitchell R. 13 October 2014 (has links)
Within the scope of this thesis, I provide close textual and visual readings of director/actor/producer Tyler Perry's most well-known character, Mable "Madea" Simmons -- a performance he does in full female drag attire -- focusing on his mainstream hit film, Madea Goes to Jail (2009). My reading of the character of Madea veers against the common narrative her existence being just another recycled trope of men disguised as women only to perform in stereotypical and demonizing behavior. I argue Madea represents what I refer to as a "trans*female character", within the space of Perry's popular film that feature her. Read through the lens of being trans*female character, I propose this shift in analysis and critique of cinematic displays of drag helps to transgress beyond male/female binaries of acceptable and possible visual gender representations. More in-depth, using the theoretical concept of Gwendolyn Pough's "bringing wreck", I make the argument that while ostensibly representing the "angry black woman" stereotype, Madea's characterization and actions within the film represent strategies and efforts to not be contained within hegemonic ideals of black female respectability politics and the law efforts to put her behind bars. By "bringing wreck", Madea's fictional acts of violence and talking back are read as a strategy that reflects a historical trend of misrecognition that renders black women's concerns and discontent with marginalization as irrational anger. / text

The Self and its world in Ralph Barton Perry, Edgar Sheffield Brightman, Jean-Paul Sartre and Søren Kierkegard

Soper, William Wayne January 1962 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University. / The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate, by an examination of four philosophic points of view, the nature of selfhood. Although their thoughts diverge, the common assumption of Ralph Barton Perry, Edgar Sheffield Brightman, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Soren Kierkegaard appears to be that the self, rather than society, nature, or God, is the root of morality. Perry's philosophy, operating from the springboard of his polemic against idealism, is an expression of his doctrine of scientific method: that reality, including the reality of the self, is best discovered when the distorting effects of the observing self are minimized. These distortions include the several "fallacies of idealism" as well as the general idealistic error of assuming that being and being known are synonymous. Removal of the distortions reveals a self integrated with nature; a) epistemologically, in that consciousness means a structural unity of the objects of consciousness without residue; b) naturalistically, in that responses of the self to its environment are those of a natural, organic entity; c) morally, in that interest is the determiner of value, and the consummation of values--harmonious happiness--is derivable from that interest.[TRUNCATED]

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