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Syskonplaceringens samverkan med personlighet och KASAMCarty Gabrielsen, Amanda, Fräsén, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Tidigare forskning menar att det äldsta syskonet anses vara mer auktoritärt, det mellersta barnet minst familjeorienterat och det yngsta barnet mer socialt. Uppväxten kan påverka individens KASAM. Studien undersöker om syskonplacering samverkar med människors KASAM, personlighet utifrån femfaktormodellen samt ser till eventuella könsskillnader. Urvalet bestod av högskolestudenter, varav 145 kvinnor och 80 män. Enkätens material analyserades med tvåvägs variansanalyser. Studien uppvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de tre syskonplaceringarna. En tendens till signifikant interaktion visades mellan könen, där kvinnliga mellanbarn har lägre KASAM än de manliga. Studien visade två signifikanta könsskillnader mellan kvinnor och män. Kvinnorna var mer neurotiska och samvetsgranna än männen. Resultatet uppvisade en tendens till signifikans, gällande att kvinnor hade högre grad av personlighetfaktorn öppenhet än männen. Slutligen konstaterades att syskonplaceringen inte samverkar med individens personlighet eller KASAM, men att det finns vissa personlighetsskillnader mellan könen. Resultatet kan bero på brister i studien, som att familjekonstellation inte tillfrågades deltagarna.
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Some Factors in the Development of Personality Traits in College Students Enrolled in Social Fundamentals ClassesJames, Emily Watson 08 1900 (has links)
Working with students in social fundamentals classes in which social comprehension has been found to influence the development of these traits, this study attempts to determine whether sex, college classification and subject-matter are factors in the development of objectivity, agreeableness, and cooperativeness.
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Subject Matter and Class Section as Factors in the Development of Personality Traits in College Students of Social FundamentalsWood, Joyce McKeever 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to determine whether subject matter and the class section are factors in the development of certain personality traits in college students of social fundamentals. Specifically, the purposes are: (1) to determine whether subject matter field and class section are factors in the development of personality traits referred to as objectivity, agreeableness, and co-operativeness; and (2) to determine which subject matter fields and class sections are responsible for group differences.
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The Relationship between Personality Traits and Preferences for Instructional MethodsPatterson, Howard Roscoe 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop an instrument that will measure student preference toward different classroom teaching methods; and to test whether significant differences exist between each of the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey scales for individuals preferring group-oriented and lecture-oriented instruction.
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A Study of Personality Traits, Situational Factors, and Leadership Actions of Selected School Maintenance SupervisorsWells, Weldon Stanley. 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between certain personality traits, certain situational factors, scores on the leadership behavior dimensions, and scores on the effectiveness and efficiency scale of selected school maintenance supervisory personnel.
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The Relationship of Subject Area and Selected Personality Traits to the Preference to Teach by the Group or Lecture MethodJones, John Martin 06 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the relationship between preference of experienced secondary teachers to instruct by the Group or Lecture method, their subject field, and selected personality traits.
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An Investigation of the Relationship of Self-Concept and Selected Personal Characteristics of Student Teachers to Success in Student TeachingPassmore, Wynoka Sue, 1941- 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the relationships that exist between elementary student teachers' personality factors and success in student teaching.
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Modes of Resolving Motor Conflict Situations, Certain Personality Variables, and Scholastic AchievementMathis, James O. 08 1900 (has links)
This was a study of modes of resolving experimentally induced motor conflict situations, certain personality variables, and scholastic achievement of a group of college students.
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Student Teacher Expectations of the Leadership Role of the PrincipalHays, Bob Burk 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to determine student teacher expectations of the behavior of the principal in two dimensions of leadership as measured by the Ohio State Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) and the extent to which these expectations were related to sex, race, level of preparation, and the eight personality traits measured by the Gordon Personal Profile (GPP) and the Gordon Personal Inventory (GPI).
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Determinants of Small Firm Performance: the Importance of Selected Managerial Personality Traits, Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Scanning Activities, and Managerial Goal Setting ActivitiesWalker, Jim L. 05 1900 (has links)
Much of the previous research on organizational performance deals with the larger businesses. As such, the owner/managers of small firms and researchers interested in small businesses have had to work with planning models which were not formulated with small businesses in mind. Therefore, the general purpose of this study is to help correct this deficiency and add to the body of knowledge concerning the contributions specific factors make toward increasing the performance of small firms. Specifically, selected managerial personality traits, managerial perceived environmental uncertainty, managerial scanning habits, and managerial goal setting activities are utilized to develop three models. The three models are used to determine the relationship the factors have to each other and the contribution the variables make toward the performance of the firm. The firms included in this study are located in a South Central metropolitan area. The firms have between 2 and 100 employees, sales of less than 3 million dollars, and have been in operation 2 years or longer. This study utilizes regression analysis and path analysis to determine the effects the factors have on each other and their contribution to the firm's performance. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSSx) is utilized to run the regression analysis. An Analysis of Linear Structural Relationships by the Method of Maximum Likelihood (LISREL) is utilized for the path analysis. Using path analysis, the third model demonstrates a total coefficient of determination for structural equations of 0.09. However, only two of the four factors have a t value of 2.0 or greater. The study also indicates the personality trait of dogmatism is inversely related to managerial scanning -.349 p <.01. Perceived environmental uncertainty is negatively correlated to performance at -.215 p <.05. None of the remaining factors demonstrated significant relationship to the firm's performance.
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