Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pharmaceutical""
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Efeito da irradiação na toxicidade de fármacos em solução aquosa: cloridrato de fluoxetina, diclofenaco de sódio e mistura de ambos / Radiation effects onto toxicity of pharmaceuticals solution: hydrochloride fluoxetine, sodium diclofenac and their mixtureTominaga, Flavio Kiyoshi 25 August 2016 (has links)
As evidências da contaminação das águas por resíduos de medicamentos e seus subprodutos levou esse grupo de resíduos a compor a lista de poluentes orgânicos emergentes, como consequência da expansão do uso de medicamentos, como o antidepressivo cloridrato de fluoxetina e o anti-inflamatório diclofenaco. Diversos Processos Oxidativos Avançados vêm sendo aplicados para a degradação destes compostos. Dentre eles, o processo de irradiação com feixe elétrons obteve bons resultados na remoção de toxicidade e degradação de fármacos. O presente estudo consistiu em aplicar radiação ionizante como uma possível tecnologia para degradar os fármacos em águas. A irradiação de solução aquosa contendo os fármacos foi aplicada usando acelerador de elétrons, cuja eficiência foi discutida mediante análises químicas (Cromatografia Líquida Ultra Rápida e Carbono Orgânico Total (COT)), ecotoxicológicas (ensaios de toxicidade com Vibrio fischeri e Daphnia similis) e biológicas (Ensaios Respirométricos). Os resultados de COT indicaram mineralização não significativa dos compostos, mesmo sendo observada degradação máxima de 99,9% para o diclofenaco e 55% para o cloridrato de fluoxetina na mistura (1:1) em 5.0 kGy. Foi observada toxicidade aguda dos fármacos, sendo mais acentuada para a fluoxetina, seguido do diclofenaco e, finalmente, da mistura para V. fischeri. Quando D. similis foram empregadas nessa avaliação, a ordem de toxicidade foi de fluoxetina, a mistura de ambos os medicamentos e do diclofenaco. Além disso, foi observada remoção de toxicidade nas amostras irradiadas em todas as doses aplicadas para a bactéria V. fischeri, com maior eficiência de remoção de toxicidade de 55%, em 5 kGy, na mistura dos dois fármacos. Para a D. similis, foi observada remoção significativa de toxicidade da mistura apenas na dose 2,5 kGy. Os ensaios respiroétricos não indicaram biodegradabilidade após o tratamento. / The evidence of water contamination by pharmaceuticals and byproducts residues took them to the list of wastewater emerging organic pollutants, as a result of expansion in drug usage. Fluoxetine hydrochloride antidepressant and diclofenac anti-inflammatory are good examplex. Several Advanced Oxidation Processes have been applied for degradation of these compounds. Among them, the electron beam irradiation process obtained good results in the removal of toxicity and degradation of pharmaceutical. The present study aimed to apply ionizing radiation as a possible technology to degrade the pharmaceutical in water. Irradiation of aqueous solution containing the pharmaceutical was applied using electron accelerator, whose efficiency was discussed through Chemical Analysis, COT, ecotoxicological (Toxicity Testing using Vibrio fischeri and Daphnia similis) and biological measurements (respirometric tests). The COT results indicated not significant mineralization of the compounds. It was observed maximum degradation of 99.9% for diclofenac and 55% for fluoxetine hydrochloride in a mixture solution (1:1) at 5.0 kGy. Regarding ecotoxicity, acute effects were more pronounced for fluoxetine, followed by diclofenac and finally the mixture, to Vibrio fischeri. When Daphnia similis were exposed fluoxetine was more toxic, followed by the mixture of both products and the third was diclofenac. Furthermore, radiation effects for removing toxicity was more effective with V. fischeri bacterium, all applied doses and > 55% removal of toxicity at 5 kGy (in the mixture). To D. similis, toxicity removal was effective when treated with 2.5 kGy ( mixture). No improvements in biodegradability was obtained by radiation ( respirometric tests).
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L’adsorption des produits pharmaceutiques par interactions organo-minérales : processus et applications environnementales / Pharmaceuticals adsorption by organo-mineral interactions : processes and environmental applicationsThiebault, Thomas 16 December 2015 (has links)
Les compartiments aquatiques sont pollués par des micropolluants d’origine anthropique, tels les produits pharmaceutiques. Ces pollutions sont principalement engendrées par le rejet continu des effluents des stations d’épuration les eaux naturelles. C’est pourquoi le premier objectif de ce travail fut de caractériser les capacités épuratoires des trois types de station d’épuration actuellement utilisées, les boues activées, les lagunages naturels et les filtres plantés. Les analyses des effluents ont démontré que l’épuration des produits pharmaceutiques dans ces stations est insuffisante. Il est donc nécessaire, notamment dans le cadre de le directive cadre sur l’eau, de penser à des traitements innovants et à bas coût. De part des propriétés d’adsorption significatives, les argiles naturelles comme les smectites sont des matériaux qui ont un potentiel en ce sens. Le second objectif de ce travail a donc été de mettre en interaction la smectite naturelle avec les produits pharmaceutiques dans différentes conditions expérimentales. En débutant par des conditions standards à concentrations dopées pour aboutir à des solutions naturelles. Les expérimentations ont également été menées sous différentes dynamiques pour vérifier l’adéquation du matériau choisi avec un usage en conditions industrielles. Les résultats démontrent que la smectite a une capacité d’adsorption significative sur une grande variété de produits pharmaceutiques et que cette capacité est meilleure dans des solutions complexes. Ceci permet de postuler que le matériau choisi peut représenter une solution à bas coût et efficace pour l’épuration des effluents des stations d’épuration. / The water compartments are contaminated by anthropic micropollutants, as pharmaceuticals. These pollutions are mainly due to the constant spillage of effluents in natural waters. That’s why the first objective of this study was to evaluate the removal capacity of three treatment chains, activated sludge, lagoon-based system and planted filter. The effluent analyses exhibited that the removal of pharmaceuticals in these sewage plants is insufficient. It is thus necessary to think about low cost and innovative purification solution especially framed by the water framework directive. Due to significant adsorptions properties, natural clay minerals as smectites have a potential in that way. The second objective of this work was thus to realize organo-mineral interactions between the smectite and pharmaceuticals in different experimental conditions. Beginning with standard conditions and boosted concentrations to finish with natural solutions. To verify the field use of the chosen material, differents dynamics were tested. Results demonstrated that the smectite has a significant sorption capacity on a wide variety of pharmaceuticals and that this capacity is enhanced in complex solutions. This permit to postulate, that the chosen material can represent an efficient low-cost solution for the purification of the effluents of sewage treatment plants.
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Biodegradation of the steroid progesterone in surface watersOjoghoro, Jasper Oreva January 2017 (has links)
Many studies measuring the occurrence of pharmaceuticals, understanding their environmental fate and the risk they pose to surface water resources have been published. However, very little is known about the relevant transformation products which result from the wide range of biotic and abiotic degradation processes that these compounds undergo in sewers, storage tanks, during engineered treatment and in the environment. Thus, the present study primarily investigated the degradation of the steroid progesterone (P4) in natural systems (rivers), with a focus on the identification and characterisation of transformation products. Initial work focussed on assessing the removal of selected compounds (Diclofenac, Fluoxetine, Propranolol and P4) from reed beds, with identification of transformation products in a field site being attempted. However, it was determined that concentrations of parent compounds and products would be too low to work with in the field, and a laboratory study was designed which focussed on P4. Focus on P4 was based on literature evidence of its rapid biodegradability relative to the other model compounds and its usage patterns globally. River water sampling for the laboratory-based degradation study was carried out at 1 km downstream of four south east England sewage works (Blackbirds, Chesham, High Wycombe and Maple Lodge) effluent discharge points. Suspected P4 transformation products were initially identified from predictions by the EAWAG Biocatalysis Biodegradation Database (EAWAG BBD) and from a literature review. At a later stage of the present work, a replacement model for EAWAG BBD (enviPath) which became available, was used to predict P4 degradation and results were compared. Samples were analysed using low resolution and accurate-mass time-of-flight mass spectrometers. Three degradation studies were conducted. Sampling for all studies was carried out at the same time in the year to minimize temporal variability in conditions and allow for effective comparison of results. Androgenic and progesterone yeast screens were carried out to assess the biological activity of transformation products.
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Avaliação ecotoxicológica do fármaco Triclosan para invertebrados de água doce com ênfase em ensaios com sedimento marcado (\"spiked sediment\") / Ecotoxicological assessment of the pharmaceutical compound Triclosan to freshwater invertebrates with emphasis to spiked sediment testsFabio Hermes Pusceddu 10 February 2010 (has links)
O aumento crescente da ocorrência de fármacos e produtos de cuidados pessoais (Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products PPCPs) no ambiente aquático pode causar efeitos adversos à saúde humana e às comunidades aquáticas. O risco ambiental dos PPCPs, associado à possibilidade de efeitos sinérgicos entre estes compostos, assim como o aumento do uso de compostos orgânicos sintéticos, desencadearam grande preocupação com relação ao potencial tóxico à biota. O Triclosan (5-cloro-2-(2,4-diclorofenoxy)-fenol) é um produto farmacêutico mundialmente utilizado pelo seu mecanismo de efeito bactericida, sendo encontrado em pelo menos 932 produtos, como shampoos, sabonetes, desodorantes, loções, pastas de dentes, detergentes, roupas esportivas entre outros. Atualmente, estudos sobre a toxicidade do Triclosan na água e, principalmente, nos sedimentos, são escassos. Sabe-se que a fotodegradação deste produto gera dioxinas e, no momento, órgãos ambientais, como a EPA, discutem se haverá ou não restrições ao uso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do Triclosan na mortalidade da larva de inseto Chironomus xanthus, e mortalidade e reprodução do microcrustáceo Ceriodaphnia dubia, expostos a sedimentos marcados com Triclosan, com base nas metodologias da EPA e OECD. O valor médio de CE50;96H obtido nos testes de toxicidade aguda com C. xanthus foi de 45,26 mg.Kg-1. Os testes de toxicidade crônica com C. dubia com sedimento marcado foram realizados de acordo com os procedimentos de Burton & MacPherson (1995). A concentração de efeito não observado (CENO) e a menor concentração de efeito observado (CEO) foram de 5,78 e 6,94 mg.Kg-1, respectivamente. Palavras-chave: Triclosan, fármaco, Chironomus xanthus, Ceriodaphnia / in the aquatic environment cause adverse effects on the human health and aquatic communities. The environmental risk of the PPCPs associated with the possibility of synergic effects between PCPPs and the increase of the use of synthetic organic compounds, unchained a great concern on the toxic potential to biota aquatic. Triclosan (5-cloro-2-(2,4-diclorofenoxy)-fenol) is a pharmaceutical compound widely used due your antibacterial mechanism effect, found in at least 932 products such as shampoos, toilet soaps, deodorants, lotions, toothpaste, detergents, socks and underwear, among others. Currently, studies about the Triclosan toxicity in the water and, mainly in the sediment, are poorly. We have the knowledge that the photodegradation of this product results into dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, and now it has great discussion on environmental agencies, like EPA, about the release or restriction of this product. The aim of this work is to assess the effects of Triclosan on mortality of insect larvae Chironomus xanthus and mortality and reproduction inhibiton of microcrustacea Ceriodaphnia dubia exposed to Triclosan spiked sediments based on standard methods EPA and OECD. The EC50;96H obtained on acute toxicity tests with C. xanthus was 45,26 mg.Kg-1. The chronic toxicity tests with C. dubia using spiked sediments were performed following the procedure in Burton & MacPherson (1995). A no-observed-effect concentrations (NOEC) and lowest-observed-effect concentration (LOEC) were 5,78 e 6,94 mg.Kg-1, respectively.
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Efeito da irradiação na toxicidade de fármacos em solução aquosa: cloridrato de fluoxetina, diclofenaco de sódio e mistura de ambos / Radiation effects onto toxicity of pharmaceuticals solution: hydrochloride fluoxetine, sodium diclofenac and their mixtureFlavio Kiyoshi Tominaga 25 August 2016 (has links)
As evidências da contaminação das águas por resíduos de medicamentos e seus subprodutos levou esse grupo de resíduos a compor a lista de poluentes orgânicos emergentes, como consequência da expansão do uso de medicamentos, como o antidepressivo cloridrato de fluoxetina e o anti-inflamatório diclofenaco. Diversos Processos Oxidativos Avançados vêm sendo aplicados para a degradação destes compostos. Dentre eles, o processo de irradiação com feixe elétrons obteve bons resultados na remoção de toxicidade e degradação de fármacos. O presente estudo consistiu em aplicar radiação ionizante como uma possível tecnologia para degradar os fármacos em águas. A irradiação de solução aquosa contendo os fármacos foi aplicada usando acelerador de elétrons, cuja eficiência foi discutida mediante análises químicas (Cromatografia Líquida Ultra Rápida e Carbono Orgânico Total (COT)), ecotoxicológicas (ensaios de toxicidade com Vibrio fischeri e Daphnia similis) e biológicas (Ensaios Respirométricos). Os resultados de COT indicaram mineralização não significativa dos compostos, mesmo sendo observada degradação máxima de 99,9% para o diclofenaco e 55% para o cloridrato de fluoxetina na mistura (1:1) em 5.0 kGy. Foi observada toxicidade aguda dos fármacos, sendo mais acentuada para a fluoxetina, seguido do diclofenaco e, finalmente, da mistura para V. fischeri. Quando D. similis foram empregadas nessa avaliação, a ordem de toxicidade foi de fluoxetina, a mistura de ambos os medicamentos e do diclofenaco. Além disso, foi observada remoção de toxicidade nas amostras irradiadas em todas as doses aplicadas para a bactéria V. fischeri, com maior eficiência de remoção de toxicidade de 55%, em 5 kGy, na mistura dos dois fármacos. Para a D. similis, foi observada remoção significativa de toxicidade da mistura apenas na dose 2,5 kGy. Os ensaios respiroétricos não indicaram biodegradabilidade após o tratamento. / The evidence of water contamination by pharmaceuticals and byproducts residues took them to the list of wastewater emerging organic pollutants, as a result of expansion in drug usage. Fluoxetine hydrochloride antidepressant and diclofenac anti-inflammatory are good examplex. Several Advanced Oxidation Processes have been applied for degradation of these compounds. Among them, the electron beam irradiation process obtained good results in the removal of toxicity and degradation of pharmaceutical. The present study aimed to apply ionizing radiation as a possible technology to degrade the pharmaceutical in water. Irradiation of aqueous solution containing the pharmaceutical was applied using electron accelerator, whose efficiency was discussed through Chemical Analysis, COT, ecotoxicological (Toxicity Testing using Vibrio fischeri and Daphnia similis) and biological measurements (respirometric tests). The COT results indicated not significant mineralization of the compounds. It was observed maximum degradation of 99.9% for diclofenac and 55% for fluoxetine hydrochloride in a mixture solution (1:1) at 5.0 kGy. Regarding ecotoxicity, acute effects were more pronounced for fluoxetine, followed by diclofenac and finally the mixture, to Vibrio fischeri. When Daphnia similis were exposed fluoxetine was more toxic, followed by the mixture of both products and the third was diclofenac. Furthermore, radiation effects for removing toxicity was more effective with V. fischeri bacterium, all applied doses and > 55% removal of toxicity at 5 kGy (in the mixture). To D. similis, toxicity removal was effective when treated with 2.5 kGy ( mixture). No improvements in biodegradability was obtained by radiation ( respirometric tests).
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Remoção da toxicidade do fármaco propranolol e de sua mistura com cloridrato de fluoxetina em solução aquosa empregando irradiação com feixe de elétrons / Removal of toxicity the pharmaceutical propranolol and your mixture with fluoxetine hydrochloride in aqueous solution using radiation with electron beamNathalia Fonseca Boiani 25 November 2016 (has links)
A saúde do meio ambiente vem sendo comprometida devido ao descarte incorreto de produtos e seus subprodutos. Dentre os contaminantes emergentes encontram-se os fármacos, causadores de problemas ambientais por serem descartados no meio ambiente através dos efluentes. As técnicas convencionais de tratamento são insuficientes na remoção de diversos fármacos, por apresentarem resíduos resistentes e baixa biodegradabilidade. Sendo assim os processos oxidativos avançados vêm sendo estudados como alternativa para o tratamento de diferentes tipos de efluentes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi aplicar o processo de irradiação com feixe de elétrons para reduzir os efeitos tóxicos do propranolol, e de sua mistura com cloridrato de fluoxetina, em solução aquosa. Foram realizados ensaios ecotoxicológicos com o fármaco propranolol, e de sua mistura com o cloridrato de fluoxetina, utilizando como organismos-teste o microcrustáceo Daphnia similis, e a bactéria Vibrio fischeri. Observamos que o organismo D. similis mostrou-se mais sensível as amostras de fármacos quando comparado à bactéria V.fischeri. Após serem submetidas ao tratamento com radiação ionizante, todas as doses aplicadas para o propranolol e a mistura, mostraram significativa redução de toxicidade, tendo como organismo-teste D. similis. Para a bactéria V. fischeri apenas na dose de 5,0 kGy foi verificada a redução da toxicidade para o fármaco propranolol. Quanto à mistura dos fármacos, apenas as doses de 2,5 e 5,0 kGy apresentaram eficiência de remoção da toxicidade. A dose 5,0 kGy mostrou-se a melhor, apresentando redução de 79,94% para D. similis, e 15,64% para V. fischeri, quando expostas ao fármaco propranolol. Quanto à mistura, apresentou 81,59% e 26,93%, para D.similis e V.fischeri, respectivamente. / Environmental health has been damage due to incorrect disposal of products and by-products. Among emerging pollutants it is possible to account with several pharmaceuticals, causing those problems when disposed in the environment by effluents. Conventional processing techniques are insufficient in removal of the pharmaceuticals, for having resistant waste and low biodegradability. Thus the advanced oxidation processes have been studied as an alternative for the treatment of different types of effluents. The objective of this study was to apply the process of irradiation with electron beam in order to reduce the toxic effects of propranolol, and the mixture with fluoxetine hydrochloride in aqueous solution. Ecotoxicological tests conducted with propranolol, and the mixture with fluoxetine hydrochloride, for Daphnia similis microcrustacean, and the Vibrio fischeri bacterium. It was observed that D. similis was more sensitive to propranolol drug and to the mixture, when compared to bacterium V.fischeri. After being subjected to the treatment with ionizing radiation, all applied doses to the propranolol and the mixture, showed significant reduction of toxicity, for D. similis. Different were the results for V. fischeri, when only 5.0 kGy reduced toxicity to propranolol. The mixture of pharmaceuticals required 2.5 and 5.0 kGy for reducing toxicity. 5.0 kGy showed the best removal efficiency for toxicity: 79.94 % for D. similis and 15.64 % for V. fischeri, when exposed to propranolol. The mixture reduction eficacy were 81.59 % and 26.93 % for D.similis and V.fischeri, respectively.
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Are You Still Smarter than a Student Pharmacist? A Case Law ReviewHagemeier, Nicholas E., Fitzgerald, W. 09 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Are You Smarter than a Student Pharmacist? A Case Law ReviewFitzgerald, W., Hagemeier, Nicholas E. 20 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparative removal of pharmaceuticals and antimicrobials in conventional and constructed wetland wastewater treatment in cold climateGorsalitz, Emily Kristine 01 July 2012 (has links)
In this study we compare the ability of nitrifying activated sludge (NAS) and nitrifying trickling filter (NTF) wastewater treatment to remove the following contaminants: acetaminophen, caffeine, 1,7-dimethylxanthine, cotinine, ibuprofen, sulfamethoxazole, triclosan, and trimethoprim. Removal of acetaminophen, cotinine and caffeine was greater than 99% and removal 1,7-dimethylxanthine, ibuprofen, and triclosan was greater than 90% using NAS and NTF treatment. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim were inadequately removed in both NAS and NTF treatments. The horizontal, subsurface flow treatment wetland showed removals of 45-89% for sulfamethoxazole and greater than 96% for trimethoprim. There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) between aeration, temperature and vegetation in the treatment wetland for the removal of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.
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The Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Conventional and Engineered On-Site Wastewater Drain FieldsBeardall, James 01 May 2015 (has links)
Utah State University Division of Environmental Engineering student, under the direction of Ms. Judith L. Sims, has investigated the fate of six pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in conventional and engineered on-site wastewater drain fields. The presence of PPCPs in the environment, especially in aquatic environments, has raised awareness to the effects of PPCPs on aquatic life and the fate of these PPCPs, and has caused regulators to become more involved in setting requirements for the removal of PPCPs from wastewater.
This research investigated the fate of caffeine, acetaminophen, carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, progesterone, and fluoxetine in laboratory scaled columns that simulate conventional pipe and gravel on-site wastewater drain fields as well as engineered columns similar to the pipe and gravel simulated columns, but with the addition of media below the gravel layer to enhance PPCP removal via sorption and biodegradation. Results from the month long experiment showed that sulfamethoxazole removal in the columns representing conventional systems peaked at 74%. The other PPCPs were non-detectable. Sulfamethoxazole removal increased to 81% in columns engineered with a layer of sphagnum peat moss beneath the gravel layer and below the method detection limit (5.5 ng/mL) in columns engineered with a layer of charred straw beneath the gravel layer. No other PPCPs analyzed from the engineered columns were detected. Batch experiments indicated that sorption is the main mechanism for PPCP removal with the exception of progesterone, where biodegradation is a major mechanism.
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