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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reator termofílico acidogênico/sulfetogênico seguido de reator metanogênico para tratamento de água residuária rica em sulfato / Thermophilic acidogenic/sulfidogenic reactor followed by methanogenic reactor to treat sulfate-rich wastewater

Garcia, Carolina Gil 11 May 2018 (has links)
O tratamento de água residuária rica em sulfato por via de processo anaeróbio é um grande desafio, devido ao potencial de redução do sulfato pela via biológica a sulfeto, o que pode inviabilizar o aproveitamento do biogás e afetar o tratamento por seus efeitos tóxicos e inibitórios. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho investigou a potencial aplicação da separação de fase para minimizar tais problemas de operação. A operação de reator de primeira fase visa estabelecer um ambiente sulfetogênico sob condições acidogênicas. Os efeitos da pré-acidificação da água residuária sobre a produção de metano foram avaliados por meio do monitoramento de dois reatores metanogênicos, um sistema de fase única alimentado com água residuária rica em sulfato e um sistema de duas fases alimentado com água residuária acidificada. Em todos os casos foram utilizados reatores anaeróbios de leito estruturado, aplicada condições termofílica de temperatura (55°C). Para o sistema de primeira fase, dois reatores com diferentes materiais foram comparados: reator com cilindros de polietileno de baixa densidade (RAS-PEBD) com cinco etapas de operação (13 subetapas) e outro reator com cubos de espuma de poliuretano (RAS-PU) com quatro etapas de operação. As principais estratégias operacionais para otimização da redução do sulfato a variação do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH: 6-15 h RAS-PEBD; 12 - 16 h RAS-PU ), carga orgânica volumétrica (COVafl: 10 - 20,0 kg-DQO m-3 d-1 - RAS-PEBD; 15 - 20 kg-DQO m-3 d-1 - RAS-PU), carga de sulfato volumétrica (CSV: 3,2-16,0 kg-SO4 m-3 d-1 - RAS-PEBD; 4 - 8 kg-SO4 m-3 d-1 - RAS-PU) e velocidade ascensional (Va: 0,06 3,35 m h-1 - RAS-PEBD; 3,42 7,9 m h-1 - RAS-PU). Após longo período de adaptação da biomassa no RAS-PEBD, verificou-se o aumento da eficiência e stripping do sulfeto. A recirculação controlada do efluente foi um fator chave para melhoria do sistema. O mesmo não foi obtido em RAS-PU, apresentando perda de desempenho devido a problemas de colmatação e subsequente aparecimento de vias preferenciais. O efluente do reator de primeira fase com carga de sulfato residual menor que 7% (COVefl de 15,12 kg-DQO m-3d-1 e sulfeto de 256 mg L-1, subetapa X) foi aplicado em reator metanogênico de segunda fase (RMI). Considerando a comparação entre os sistemas metanogênicos, fixou-se uma carga orgânica (CO) inicial de 2,5 g-DQO d-1, sendo aumentada até 5 g d-1. A partida do reator de fase única apresentou limitações, requerendo aplicação de baixos valores de CO, o que demandou 140 dias até a estabilização para a carga de 5 g-DQO d-1. Por sua vez, o sistema com duas fases necessitou de 102 dias e apresentou maior geração de metano (RMI 1,95 L-CH4 d-1 e RMII 1,76 L-CH4 d-1). A separação de fases permitiu a geração de efluente acidificado com menores concentrações de sulfato residual, resultando em maior produção de metano e reduzida concentração de sulfeto no biogás no sistema de duas fases, quando comparado ao sistema de fase única. / The treatment of sulfate-rich wastewater via anaerobic processes is challenging, due to the potential biological sulfate reduction to sulfide, which limits biogas use and affect treatment performance due to toxic and inhibitory effects. In this context, this study investigated the potential application of phase separation to minimize such operating problems. The operation of the first-stage reactor aimed to establish a sulfidogenic environment under acidogenic conditions. The effects of pre-acidifying the wastewater over methane production was further assessed through monitoring two methanogenic reactors, i.e., one single-phased system fed with raw sulfate-rich wastewater and one two-phased system fed with acidified wastewater. In all cases anaerobic structured-bed reactors were used as well as thermophilic temperature conditions were applied (55ºC). For the first-phase system, two reactors with different materials were compared: reactor with low density polyethylene cylinders (RAS-PEBD) with five operating steps (13 sub-stages) and another reactor with polyurethane foam cubes (RAS-PU) with four operating steps. The main operational strategies for the optimization of sulfate reduction were the variation of hydraulic retention time (HRT: 6-15 h RAS-PEBD; 12-16 h RAS-PU:), organic loading rate (OLRinfl: 10-20 kg-COD m-3 d-1 - RAS-PEBD; 15-20 kg-COD m-3 d-1 - RAS-PU), sulfate loading rate (SLR: 3.2-16.0 kg-SO4 m-3 d-1 - RAS-PEBD; 4 - 8 kg-SO4 m-3 d-1 RAS-PU), and upflow velocity (Vu: 0.06 - 3.35 m h-1 - RAS-PEBD ; 3.42-7.9 m h-1-RAS-PU). After a long period of biomass adaptation in RAS-PEBD, increasing efficiency patterns and sulfide stripping were observed. Controlling effluent recirculation was the key-factor to improve system performance. The same pattern was not obtained in RAS-PU, which presented performance losses due to clogging-related problems and the subsequent establishment of preferential pathways. The effluent from the first-phase reactor with residual sulfate load rate of less than 7% (OLRefl of 15.12 kg m-3 d-1 and sulfide of 256 mg L-1, sub-step X) was applied to a second-phase methanogenic reactor. Considering the comparison between the methanogenic systems, an initial organic load (OL) of 2.5 g-COD d-1 was set, which was further increased up to 5 g d-1. The start-up of the single-phase reactor presented limitations, requiring the application of lower OL values, in order to require 140 days up to the stabilization of the load of 5 g-COD d-1. In turn, the two-phase system required 102 days and presented higher methane generation rates metano (RMI 1,95 L-CH4 d-1 and RMII 1,76 L-CH4 d-1). Phase separation enabled the generation of an acidified effluent with lower residual sulfate concentrations, leading to higher methane production and low sulfide concentration in the biogas in the two-phase system, when compared to the single phase system.

Variabilité spatio-temporelle de la composition des fluides hydrothermaux (observatoire fond de mer EMSO-Açores, Lucky Strike) : traçage de la circulation hydrothermale et quantification des flux chimiques associés / Spatial and temporal variability of the composition of hydrothermal fluids (Deep sea observatory EMSO-Azores, Lucky Strike) : tracing the hydrothermal pathway and quantification of the associated chemical fluxes

Leleu, Thomas 27 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude détaillée de la composition des fluides de haute température du champ hydrothermal de Lucky Strike (37°N, dorsale médio atlantique) s'appuyant sur 3 campagnes d'échantillonnage réalisées dans le cadre de l'observatoire fond de mer EMSO-Açores. Ce champ hydrothermal s'est développé autour d'un lac de lave fossile bordé au Nord-Ouest, Nord Est et Sud Est par des cônes volcaniques plus anciens. En 2013, la découverte du site hydrothermal de Capelinhos à l'Est, et présentant des compositions de fluides inédites à Lucky Strike (concentration faible en Cl et forte en Fe et Mn), nous permet de proposer un nouveau modèle de circulation hydrothermale basé sur l'application de géothermobaromètres (Si ; Si-Cl ; Fe-Mn) chimiques sur 13 évents hydrothermaux. Nous avons défini 5 groupes de sites selon leur chlorinité et leur position par rapport au lac de lave. Les fluides de Capelinhos, dominés par la phase vapeur, sont rapidement extraits de la zone de séparation de phase (estimée à 2600 m sous le plancher océanique). Les fluides à proximité du lac de lave, avec des chlorinités variables, suggèrent un rééquilibrage à des pressions et températures plus faibles qu'à Capelinhos, cohérent avec des processus de refroidissement conductif et/ou d'entrainement de saumures prenant place lors de la remontée des fluides jusqu'à la base de la couche 2A. La fluctuation de la chlorinité témoigne de la variabilité du temps de résidence du fluide dans la zone de remontée, et ses relations avec les caractéristiques physiques de la croûte océanique. Nous avons évalué la variabilité temporelle de la composition des fluides collectés au cours des campagnes effectuées entre 2009 et 2015. Deux échelles de temps sont mises en évidence. (1) l'échelle de l'échantillonnage, i.e. de l'heure, répond à des phénomènes de subsurface, et révèle qu'un fluide hydrothermal refroidi conductivement (T<150°C) est stocké dans la roche poreuse entourant le site de décharge. (2) l'échelle de temps pluri-annuelle montre une fluctuation des conditions de P et T apparentes de la zone de séparation de phase et du degré d'altération du substratum dans la zone de réaction. Les variations intersites du rapport Ca/Na (indicateur du degré d'albitisation) sont dues à la séparation de phase, à l'exception des sites du Sud-Est du lac de lave qui indiquent un degré d'altération plus élevé. La concentration en Li et sa composition isotopique indiquent que le basalte du substratum est relativement frais avec des rapports W/R proches de 1 pour tous les groupes, avec des d7Li du fluide identiques au substratum. Pour le Sr nous calculons des rapports W/R plus élevés, autour de 7-8, qui sont dus au Sr de l'eau de mer initiale qui est partiellement stocké et à la formation de minéraux secondaires(l'albite et l'anhydrite) lors des interactions eau-roche dans le faciès schiste vert. La faible teneur en métaux des fluides situés autour du lac de lave est probablement due à un piégeage en subsurface, équivalent à ~65% du Fe mobilisé dans la zone de réaction (basé sur les teneurs des fluides de Capelinhos). La variabilité de chlorinité des fluides de Lucky Strike offre l'opportunité d'étudier le comportement des terres rares à l'échelle d'un site hydrothermal. Ainsi, nous montrons l'effet de la séparation de phase sur les terres rares légères et lourdes ainsi que le lien entre l'Eu et le cycle géochimique du Sr. Les terres rares dissoutes dans le panache hydrothermal montrent une perte au cours du mélange ainsi que des phénomènes de redissolution visible via la signature isotopique en Nd. Cette modification des compositions isotopiques en Nd de l'eau de mer profonde est similaire au " boundary exchange " observé aux interfaces océan-plateforme continentale. Au vue de la répartition des champs hydrothermaux sur les dorsales océaniques, ce phénomène pourrait avoir un impact sur le bilan océanique du Nd et donner lieu à un phénomène de " ridge exchange ". / This thesis present a detailed study of the composition of high temperature fluid from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (37°N, Mid Ocean Ridge) collected during three sampling campaigns within the framework of the deep sea observatory EMSO-Azores. The hydrothermal field has developped around a fossil lava lake framed by three ancient volcanic cones. In 2013, the discovery of a new active site to the East of the system, and presenting an unprecedented fluid composition at Lucky Strike (low Cl concentration and high Fe and Mn concentration), lead to a new model of hydrothermal circulation based on chemical geothermobarometer (Si; Si-Cl) and geothermometer (Fe-Mn) applied to 13 venting sites. We defined 5 groups of sites based on their chlorinity and location around the lava lake. It appears that vapor-dominated Capelinhos fluids were extracted relatively fast from the phase separation zone (estimated at ~2600mbsf). Nevertheless, fluids in the vicinity of the lava lake, both vapor and brine dominated, display P and T conditions of equilibration lower than for Capelinhos fluids. This highlights on-going equilibration process through conductive cooling and/or brine entrainment in the upflow zone up to the layer 2A of the oceanic crust. Chlorinity variations highlight the varying residence time in the upflow of the fluids between vents which depends on physical characteristics of the crust. We studied the temporal variability of fluid composition collected between 2009 and 2015. Two time scales have been evidenced. The first is the sampling scale, i.e. ~1h, and corresponds to subsurface processes indicating that a hydrothermal fluid, conductively cooled (T<150°C), was stored in the porous substratum close to the discharge. The second is at the scale of the year. It shows fluctuations of P and T conditions in the phase separation and different degree of alteration of the substratum in the reaction zone. Intersites variations of Ca/Na ratios (proxies for albitisation) are related to phase separation expected the South Eastern sites that display a more altered substratum. To avoid this issue, we use Li and Sr isotopes which are not affected phase separation. Li concentration and isotopic composition indicates that basalt substratum is relatively fresh with W/R ratio close to 1 calculated for all groups with d7Li of fluid equivalent to substratum. Sr concentration and isotopic composition suggest higher W/R ratio (~7-8) because of seawater Sr partially removed in the recharge. Moreover, other parameters are at play such as secondary mineral formation (albite, anhydrite) during water rock interaction in the greenschist facies. Because the basalt is relatively fresh, the low metal content in the fluid around the lava lake is due to storage, in the subsurface, of approximately ~60-70% of Fe that is mobilized in the reaction zone compared to Fe-Mn rich Capelinhos fluids. Furthermore, the Cl variability from the fluids at Lucky Strike brings a unique opportunity to study the REE distribution from the reaction zone to the discharge into the deep ocean. We show that the LREE are preferentially concentrated into the brine phase. Furthermore, the Eu is linked to the Sr geochemical cycle. Dissolved REE from buoyant plume fluids highlight a scavenging effect. The Nd isotopic compositions indicate redissolution process. This Nd isotopes modification of the deep seawater is similar to the process of "boundary exchange" that occurs at the ocean/continents interface. Considering the global distribution of submarine hydrothermalism, the Nd modification at the ridge could have an impact on the global Nd cycle in the oceans and act as a "ridge exchange".

Optimization and application of Trim-Away for studying a liquid-like spindle domain in mammalian oocytes

So, Chun 19 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Structure property relationship and thermal stability of organic photovoltaic cells

Motaung, David Edmond January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, regioregularpoly( 3-hexylthiophene) (rr-P3HT) polymer was used as a light absorption and electron donating material, while the C60 fullerene and its derivative [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were used as electron acceptor materials. The effect of solvent to control the degree of mixing of the polymer and fullerene components, as well as the domain size and charge transport properties of the blends were investigated in detail using P3HT:C60 films. The photo-physical, structural and electrical transport properties of the polymer blends were carried out according to their ratios. A distinctive photoluminescence (PL) quenching effect was observed indicating a photo-induced electron transfer. In this thesis, the effect of solvents on the crystallization and interchain interaction of P3HT and C60 fullerene films were studied using XRD, UV-vis, PL, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The polymer blends formed with non-aromatic solvents exhibited an improved crystallinity and polymer morphology than that formed with aromatic solvents. An improved ordering was demonstrated in the polymer films spin coated from non-aromatic solvents. This indicates that the limited solubility of rr P3HT in a marginal solvent such as non-aromatic solvents can offer a strategy to obtain highly ordered crystal structures and lead directly to optimal morphologies on the films.</p>

Associative phase separation in admixtures of pea protein isolates with gum Arabic and a canola protein isolate with i-carrageenan and alginate

Klassen, Darlene Renae 28 June 2010
The overall goal of this thesis is to better understand mechanisms governing associative phase separation within admixtures of plant proteins (e.g., pea and canola) and anionic polysaccharides (e.g., gum Arabic, alginate or é-carrageenan). The process involves the electrostatic attraction between two biopolymers of opposing charges, and typically results in the formation of both soluble and insoluble complexes during an acidic pH titration. If successful, polysaccharides could be triggered to coat the proteins surface to give novel, and hopefully improved functionality as ingredients for food and biomaterials.<p> In the first study, the effect of protein enrichment and pH on the formation of soluble and insoluble complexes in admixtures of pea legumin (Lg) and vicilin (Vn) isolates with gum Arabic (GA) was investigated by turbidimetric, surface charge and fluorometric measurements. The solubility of the protein isolates and mixed biopolymer systems was also studied as a function of pH. Enrichment of the crude Lg and Vn isolates by low pressure liquid chromatography led to a shift towards higher pHs at the onset of soluble complex formation in the presence of GA for both protein isolates, whereas the onset of insoluble complex formation was unaffected. Complexation of the Lg (or Vn) isolates with GA resulted in a shift in the pH where neutrality (zeta potential = 0 mV) occurred to lower pH values, relative to the Lg (or Vn) isolates alone. In the case of the enriched Vn isloate, changes to its tertiary structure were observed by fluorometry upon complexation with GA, whereas no changes were found for the enriched Lg isolate. Complexation of Lg and Vn isolates with GA also had little effect on their solubilities relative to protein alone solutions.<p> In the second study, the formation of soluble and insoluble complexes, and the nature of their interactions as determined by optical density analysis, were investigated in admixtures of canola protein isolate (CPI) and anionic polysaccharides (alginate and é-carrageenan) as a function of pH and biopolymer weight mixing ratio. The solubilities of formed complexes were also investigated versus protein alone. In both CPI-polysaccharide systems, critical pH associated with the onset of soluble and insoluble complexes shifted to higher pHs as the mixing ratios increased from 1:1 to 20:1 (CPI:polysaccharide), and then became constant. There complexes formed primarily through electrostatic attractive forces with secondary stabilization by hydrogen bonding. The solubilities of the CPI-alginate complexes were significantly enhanced relative to CPI alone or CPI-é-carrageenan, which were similar.

Associative phase separation in admixtures of pea protein isolates with gum Arabic and a canola protein isolate with i-carrageenan and alginate

Klassen, Darlene Renae 28 June 2010 (has links)
The overall goal of this thesis is to better understand mechanisms governing associative phase separation within admixtures of plant proteins (e.g., pea and canola) and anionic polysaccharides (e.g., gum Arabic, alginate or é-carrageenan). The process involves the electrostatic attraction between two biopolymers of opposing charges, and typically results in the formation of both soluble and insoluble complexes during an acidic pH titration. If successful, polysaccharides could be triggered to coat the proteins surface to give novel, and hopefully improved functionality as ingredients for food and biomaterials.<p> In the first study, the effect of protein enrichment and pH on the formation of soluble and insoluble complexes in admixtures of pea legumin (Lg) and vicilin (Vn) isolates with gum Arabic (GA) was investigated by turbidimetric, surface charge and fluorometric measurements. The solubility of the protein isolates and mixed biopolymer systems was also studied as a function of pH. Enrichment of the crude Lg and Vn isolates by low pressure liquid chromatography led to a shift towards higher pHs at the onset of soluble complex formation in the presence of GA for both protein isolates, whereas the onset of insoluble complex formation was unaffected. Complexation of the Lg (or Vn) isolates with GA resulted in a shift in the pH where neutrality (zeta potential = 0 mV) occurred to lower pH values, relative to the Lg (or Vn) isolates alone. In the case of the enriched Vn isloate, changes to its tertiary structure were observed by fluorometry upon complexation with GA, whereas no changes were found for the enriched Lg isolate. Complexation of Lg and Vn isolates with GA also had little effect on their solubilities relative to protein alone solutions.<p> In the second study, the formation of soluble and insoluble complexes, and the nature of their interactions as determined by optical density analysis, were investigated in admixtures of canola protein isolate (CPI) and anionic polysaccharides (alginate and é-carrageenan) as a function of pH and biopolymer weight mixing ratio. The solubilities of formed complexes were also investigated versus protein alone. In both CPI-polysaccharide systems, critical pH associated with the onset of soluble and insoluble complexes shifted to higher pHs as the mixing ratios increased from 1:1 to 20:1 (CPI:polysaccharide), and then became constant. There complexes formed primarily through electrostatic attractive forces with secondary stabilization by hydrogen bonding. The solubilities of the CPI-alginate complexes were significantly enhanced relative to CPI alone or CPI-é-carrageenan, which were similar.

Nano-scale Phase Separation And Glass Forming Ability Of Iron-boron Based Metallic Glasses

Aykol, Muratahan 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study is pertinent to setting a connection between glass forming ability (GFA) and topology of Fe-B based metallic glasses by combining intimate investigations on spatial atomic arrangements conducted via solid computer simulations with experimentations on high GFA bulk metallic glasses. In order to construct a theoretical framework, the nano-scale phase separation encountered in metallic glasses is investigated for amorphous Fe80B20 and Fe83B17 alloys via Monte Carlo equilibration and reverse Monte Carlo simulation. The phenomenon is identified regarding three topological aspects: 1) Pure Fe-clusters as large as ~0.9 nm and Fe-contours with ~0.72 nm thickness, 2) Fe-rich highly deformed body centered cubic regions, 3) B-centered prismatic units with polytetrahedral order forming distinct regions of high and low coordinations are found. All topological aspects are compiled into a new model called Two-Dimensional Projection Model for predicting contributions to short and medium range order (MRO) and corresponding spacing relations. The outcome geometrically involves proportions approximating golden ratio. After successfully producing soft magnetic Fe-Co-Nb-B-Si based bulk metallic glass and bulk nanocrystalline alloys with a totally conventional route, influences of alloying elements on structural units and crystallization modes are identified by the developed model and radial distributions. While Co atoms substitute for Fe atoms, Nb and Si atoms deform trigonal prismatic units to provide local compactions at the outset of MRO. Cu atoms alter the type of MRO which resembles crystalline counterparts and accompanying nanocrystals that precipitate. The GFA can be described by a new parameter quantifying the MRO compaction, cited as &amp / #934 / .

Advanced pressure swing adsorption system with fiber sorbents for hydrogen recovery

Bessho, Naoki 29 October 2010 (has links)
A new concept of a "fiber sorbent" has been investigated. The fiber sorbent is produced as a pseudo-monolithic material comprising polymer (cellulose acetate, CA) and zeolite (NaY) by applying hollow fiber spinning technology. Phase separation of the polymer solution provides an appropriately porous structure throughout the fiber matrix. In addition, the zeolite crystals are homogeneously dispersed in the polymer matrix with high loading. The zeolite is the main contributor to sorption capacity of the fiber sorbent. Mass transfer processes in the fiber sorbent module are analyzed for hydrogen recovery and compared with results for an equivalent size packed bed with identical diameter and length. The model indicates advantageous cases for application of fiber sorbent module over packed bed technology that allows system downsizing and energy saving by changing the outer and bore diameters to maintain or even reduce the pressure drop. The CA-NaY fiber sorbent was spun successfully with highly porous structure and high CO2 sorption capacity. The fiber sorbent enables the shell-side void space for thermal moderation to heat of adsorption, while this cannot be applied to the packed bed. The poly(vinyl alcohol) coated CA-NaY demonstrated the thermal moderation with paraffin wax, which was carefully selected and melt at slightly above operating temperature, in the shell-side in a rapidly cycled pressure swing adsorption. So this new approach is attractive for some hydrogen recovery applications as an alternative to traditional zeolite pellets.

Structure property relationship and thermal stability of organic photovoltaic cells

Motaung, David Edmond January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, regioregularpoly( 3-hexylthiophene) (rr-P3HT) polymer was used as a light absorption and electron donating material, while the C60 fullerene and its derivative [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were used as electron acceptor materials. The effect of solvent to control the degree of mixing of the polymer and fullerene components, as well as the domain size and charge transport properties of the blends were investigated in detail using P3HT:C60 films. The photo-physical, structural and electrical transport properties of the polymer blends were carried out according to their ratios. A distinctive photoluminescence (PL) quenching effect was observed indicating a photo-induced electron transfer. In this thesis, the effect of solvents on the crystallization and interchain interaction of P3HT and C60 fullerene films were studied using XRD, UV-vis, PL, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The polymer blends formed with non-aromatic solvents exhibited an improved crystallinity and polymer morphology than that formed with aromatic solvents. An improved ordering was demonstrated in the polymer films spin coated from non-aromatic solvents. This indicates that the limited solubility of rr P3HT in a marginal solvent such as non-aromatic solvents can offer a strategy to obtain highly ordered crystal structures and lead directly to optimal morphologies on the films.</p>

An Atom-Probe Tomography Study of Phase Separation in Fe-Cr Based Steels

Zhou, Jing January 2014 (has links)
Stainless steels are very important engineering materials in a variety of applications such as in the food industry and nuclear power plants due to their combination of good mechanical properties and high corrosion resistance. However, ferrite-containing stainless steels are sensitive to the so-called ‘475°C embrittlement’, which is induced by phase separation of the ferrite phase, where it decomposes into Fe-rich ferrite (α) and Cr-rich ferrite (α'). The phase separation is accompanied with a severe loss of toughness. Therefore, the upper service temperature of ferrite-containing stainless steels in industrial applications has been limited to around 250°. In the present work, Fe-Cr based steels were mainly investigated by atom probe tomography. A new method based on the radial distribution function (RDF) was proposed to quantitatively evaluate both the wavelength and amplitude of phase separation in Fe-Cr alloys from the atom probe tomography data. Moreover, a simplified equation was derived to calculate the amplitude of phase separation. The wavelength and amplitude was compared with evaluations using the auto-correlation function (ACF) and Langer-Bar-on-Miller (LBM) method, respectively. The results show that the commonly used LBM method underestimates the amplitude of phase separation and the wavelengths obtained by RDF shows a good exponential relation with aging time which is expected from the theory. The RDF is also an effective method in detecting the phenomena of clustering and elemental partitioning. Furthermore, atom probe tomography and the developed quantitative analysis method have been applied to investigate the influence of different factors on the phase separation in Fe-Cr based alloys by the help of mainly mechanical property tests and atom probe tomography analysis. The study shows that: (1) the external tensile stress during aging enhances the phase separation in ferrite. (2) Phase separation in weld bead metals decomposes more rapidly than both the heat-affected-zone metals and the base metals mainly due to the high density of dislocations in the welding bead metals which could facilitate the diffusion. (3) The results show that Ni and Mn can enhance the phase separation comparing to the binary Fe-Cr alloy whereas Cu forms clusters during aging. (4) Initial clustering of Cr atoms was found after homogenization. Two factors, namely, clustering of Cr above the miscibility gap and clustering during quenching was suggested as the two responsible mechanisms. (5) The homogenization temperatures significantly influence the evolution of phase separation in Fe-46.5at.%Cr. / <p>QC 20140910</p> / Spinodal Project

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