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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Students' conceptual modeling of simple DC electric circuits during computer-based instruction

Abel, Jerian 06 June 2008 (has links)
A dynamic research strategy was employed to track the development of mental models of simple DC circuits and reasoning patterns of students learning these concepts for the first time. The medium for research and instruction was a computer tutorial that allowed students to explore their ideas and beliefs as they manipulated simple materials. The study utilized structured observations generated from videotaped data and transcribed analysis of students' verbal commentaries. Verbal protocol analysis (Ericsson and Simon, 1994) provided data for the development of conceptual maps (Dykstra, Boyle, and Monarch, 1992) from which students' conceptual frameworks and mental models were inferred. The sequence and types of changes the models underwent were illustrated by the changes in the conceptual maps as the subjects progressed from a naive understanding towards a more scientific understanding. Both assimilation and accommodation occurred to different degrees: from the acquisition of a single, simple idea (or separation of a single, minor idea) to the development of elaborate and inter-related ideas. In both cases, the process was not simple nor straight forward. Rather, the process is better described as a painful negotiation and renegotiation of conflicting beliefs. The "path" from naive towards expert understanding goes in both directions, with subjects moving backward (toward personal theories) as easily, if not more so, as forward (toward expert understanding). Studying conceptual change in physics learning is necessary in order to develop appropriate instructional materials and strategies that take into account students' preconceptions and how those preconceptions change during instruction. / Ph. D.

Early childhood education and care : parent conceptions of ECEC services and choice of services

Noble, Karen January 2005 (has links)
This study details a phenomenographic and grounded theory investigation aimed at generating new knowledge of an under-researched area, namely that of parental choice of early childhood education and care services. Given the complexity and range of choice of early childhood services, and the diversity of family situations, research eliciting parent conceptions of their choices of early childhood services is both necessary and timely. Findings from this study may be used to inform early childhood professionals by expanding their awareness of the variation that exists in the way that parents conceptualise early childhood services and make choices for young children. This study addresses both the dilemmas of individual parents in conceptualising and choosing services for their children and the implications of their individual decisions in aggregate. Single in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 parents from the local area of Boyne Island, Central Queensland, Australia. The sample of parents comprised mothers only, although mothers and fathers were invited initially to join the study. The parents were drawn from the four local early childhood education and care (ECEC) services that operate in this area. In the first stage of the analysis, a phenomenographic framework was used to develop an outcome space to describe the eight parent conceptions of ECEC services. These categories describe the way parents see ECEC services as: Demographically convenient, Safe, secure and hygienic, Providing a routine, Caring and nurturing, Having trained and qualified staff, Valuing parents and keeping them informed, Preparing for further learning, Providing socialisation. These eight categories of description are understood and distinguished in terms of three dimensions, those being physical, personnel and personal. The physical dimension refers to the location and availability of services catering to the needs of the family. The personnel dimension refers to how ECEC services are judged according to the personnel who work within that environment. The personal dimension refers to how the ECEC service is judged according to how the individual children and their family are catered for and responded to within the environment. In the second stage of analysis, an orthodox grounded theory approach was used to explore how parents understood their choice of ECEC services for their young children. This later analysis found that parent choice is influenced by: Relationship with child; Influence of significant others; Understandings of childhood; Maximising the child's potential. The grounded theory that developed as a result of this stage of analysis was that parents make complex and pragmatic choices within social contexts. An understanding of the relationships between parent conceptions and the influences that they consider when choosing ECEC services was used to develop a model. This model demonstrates the complexities of choice of service juxtaposed with parent conceptions of ECEC services. Tensions for parents and their choice of service arose when their conceptions of ECEC services were compromised. Therefore, central to the model presented is the understanding that the ECEC services were located within a specific societal context and as such, any one, or combination of, the dimensions of conceptions of service, impact upon choice.

Teachers' intercultural learning and competence

Jokikokko, K. (Katri) 07 December 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this research is to provide more theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding on the process of teachers’ intercultural learning and the nature of intercultural competence in teachers’ work. It is a qualitative study based on various types of questionnaires and interviews collected from former ITE (Intercultural Teacher Education) students in the Department of Educational Sciences in the University of Oulu. The research consists of five articles and a summary part. The research falls with in the area of intercultural education. The theoretical framework of the research is based on critical pedagogy, various models of intercultural competence as well as various learning theories (transformative, experiential, sociocultural) which are seen as approaches that provide analytical and theoretical tools for understanding intercultural learning. Phenomenographical and narrative research approaches construct the methodological framework for the research. The data have been collected twice. The first data consist of open-ended questionnaires (15) and half-structured interviews (10). This set of data was analysed phenomenographically. The second data consist of 10 biographical interviews which are analysed narratively. The main results of the study suggest that, according to the conceptions of the research subjects, teachers’ intercultural competence is less related to specific skills and knowledge than it is comprised of a holistic approach to issues. It is perceived more as an ethical orientation to people, life and diversity, which guides a person’s thinking and behavior rather than an ability to perform something well in an intercultural environment. On the basis of the research, teachers’ intercultural learning processes differ, depending on the person’s background, living environment and other experiences. There does not seem to be only one theory that would comprehensively describe this varied process. Teachers’ intercultural learning is a process involving the combination of formal and informal learning. While it can be a gradual process affected by various life experiences, it sometimes occurs rather suddenly through crises and turning points as assumed in transformative theory. The significant roles of environment and other people for intercultural learning are obvious although individual self-reflection is needed as well. The research also highlights the importance of emotionally strong experiences for intercultural learning. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tuoda lisää teoreettista ja käytännöllistä tietoa ja ymmärrystä opettajien interkulttuurisen oppimisen prosessista sekä interkulttuurisen kompetenssin luonteesta. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen, ja se perustuu erityyppisiin kyselylomakkeisiin ja haastatteluihin, joita olen kerännyt entisiltä Oulun Yliopiston Kasvatustieteellisen tiedekunnan ITE (Interkulttuurinen opettajankoulutus) -ohjelman opiskelijoilta. Tutkimus koostuu viidestä artikkelista ja yhteenveto-osasta. Tutkimus sijoittuu interkulttuurisen kasvatuksen alueelle. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu kriittiseen pedagogiikkaan, interkulttuurisen kompetenssin malleihin sekä erilaisiin oppimisteorioihin (transformatiivinen, kokemuksellinen ja sosiokulttuurinen). Näiden teorioiden katson tarjoavan analyyttisiä ja teoreettisia välineitä interkulttuurisen oppimisen ymmärtämiseen. Tutkimusmetodologiana olen soveltanut fenomenografista ja narratiivista lähestymistapaa. Aineistoa olen kerännyt kahdesti. Ensimmäinen aineisto koostuu avoimista kyselylomakkeista (15) ja puolistrukturoiduista haastatteluista (10). Tämän aineiston analysoin fenomenografisesti. Toinen aineisto koostuu 10 elämänkerrallisesta haastattelusta, jotka analysoin narratiivisesti. Tutkimuksen päätulosten mukaan opettajat eivät koe interkulttuurista kompetenssia niinkään erityisinä taitoina tai tietoina vaan enemmän kokonaisvaltaisena lähestymistapana. Opettajien mukaan interkulttuurinen kompetenssi on ennen kaikkea eettinen orientaatio ihmisiä, elämää ja moninaisuutta kohtaan. Sen katsotaan ohjaavan ihmisen ajattelua ja toimintaa kokonaisvaltaisesti, eikä sitä siis nähdä pelkästään kykynä suorittaa jotain taitavasti monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä. Tutkimuksen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että opettajien interkulttuurisen oppimisen prosessit ovat moninaisia riippuen henkilön taustasta, elinympäristöstä ja muista kokemuksista. Mikään kuvatuista oppimisteorioista ei näytä kokonaisvaltaisesti selittävän ja kuvaavan tätä moninaista prosessia. Opettajien kulttuurienvälinen oppiminen sisältää formaalia, informaalia ja nonformaalia oppimista. Se voi olla vähittäinen prosessi, johon erilaiset elämänkokemukset vaikuttavat pikkuhiljaaa. Se voi joskus tapahtua myös yhtäkkisesti kriisien ja elämänmuutosten kautta, kuten transformatiivisen oppimisen teoriassa oletetaan. Merkittävillä toisilla sekä ympäristöllä on interkulttuurisessa oppimisessa suuri rooli, vaikka yksilöllistäkin reflektiota tarvitaan. Tutkimuksessa nousi keskeiseksi myös tunneperäisesti vahvojen kokemusten merkitys interkulttuurisessa oppimisessa.

Muuttuuko lääketieteen opiskelijoiden käsitys terveydestä peruskoulutuksen aikana:kuusivuotinen seurantatutkimus

Kallio, M. (Miki) 13 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract This longitudinal study analyses the differences between the students' concept of health at different stages of basic medical education. The collected data were processed through phenomenographic analysis and qualitative concept map analysis. The purpose of this study was to determine whether medical students adopt the biopsychosocial model of health, and if so, whether that complete model strengthens during their education or students' concept of health changes towards the narrower biomedical model. The research material consists of 720 concept maps drawn by the 274 students who began their education in the fall 2006 at the medical faculties of the Universities of Turku and Oulu. An initial evaluation of medical students' concepts and thinking was performed in the beginning of their first academic year; thereafter, the change of the concepts was followed annually in the spring of the first, third and fifth academic year and finally in the winter of the sixth academic year. This study is part of the longitudinal Learning Medical Expertise (LeMEx) study. The obtained findings show that the students' concept of health became slightly more extensive during the first year of studies. After the first year of clinical studies, the students' concept of health was more biased. Students' concept of health was the most biased after the fifth year of studies. The last summer's health centre work and the studies of the last spring had a positive influence and students' concept became significantly more biopsychosocial. University of Turku students' concept of health was more extensive than that of the University of Oulu students' until the end of the fifth academic year, but the situation was reversed at the end of the education. The significant change towards a more extensive concept in Oulu appears to arise from the changes to the structure and content of some final-year courses. This study revealed some problematic points of basic medical education. The results can be utilized in development of medical education. / Tiivistelmä Tutkin tässä pitkittäistutkimuksessa sitä, miten lääketieteen opiskelijoiden käsitys terveydestä muuttuu lääketieteellisen peruskoulutuksen aikana. Analyyseissa olen käyttänyt fenomenografista lähestymistapaa sekä laadullista käsitekartta-analyysia. Tutkimalla opiskelijoiden käsityksiä ja niiden muutoksia olen halunnut selvittää, omaksuvatko opiskelijat lääketieteellisen koulutuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena olevan biopsykososiaalisen mallin terveydestä ja vahvistuuko tuo kokonaisvaltainen käsitys opintojen edetessä, vai muuttuuko opiskelijoiden käsitys mahdollisesti kohti yksipuolisempaa biolääketieteellistä näkemystä. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostivat Turun ja Oulun yliopistojen lääketieteellisissä tiedekunnissa vuoden 2006 syksyllä opintonsa aloittaneiden 274:n lääkäriopiskelijan laatimat 720 käsitekarttaa. Ensimmäinen opiskelijoiden ajattelua ja käsityksiä kartoittava kysely toteutettiin heti koulutuksen ensimmäisellä viikolla, jonka jälkeen opiskelijoiden käsitysten muuttumista seurattiin ensimmäisen, kolmannen ja viidennen lukuvuoden keväällä sekä koulutuksen loppuvaiheessa kuudennen lukuvuoden talvella. Tutkimus on osa Learning Medical Expertise (LeMEx) pitkittäistutkimusta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että koulutuksen ensimmäinen vuosi muutti opiskelijoiden käsitystä terveydestä hieman laaja-alaisemmaksi. Ensimmäinen kliininen opiskeluvuosi puolestaan muutti opiskelijoiden käsitystä yksipuolisempaan suuntaan. Opiskelijoiden käsitys terveydestä oli yksipuolisimmillaan koulutuksen viidennen lukuvuoden jälkeen. Koulutuksen lopussa tapahtui käänne ja viimeisen kesän terveyskeskustyöskentely sekä koulutuksen viimeinen syksy muuttivat opiskelijoiden käsityksen laaja-alaisempaan suuntaan. Turun yliopiston opiskelijoilla oli oululaisia laaja-alaisempi käsitys terveydestä viidennen lukuvuoden kevääseen asti. Koulutuksen lopussa tilanne kääntyi päinvastaiseksi. Oulussa tapahtuneen selkeän käsitysten laaja-alaistumisen taustalla näyttävät olleen onnistuneet ratkaisut opetussuunnitelmatyössä. Tutkimuksen avulla on löydetty lääketieteellisen peruskoulutuksen sisällön ongelmakohtia. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä lääketieteellistä koulutusta.

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