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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solid-fluid interaction in a pillar based phononic crystal / Interaction solide-fluide dans le cristaux phononique de piliers

Mohd Razip Wee, Farhan 28 December 2017 (has links)
Les cristaux phononiques (CP) sont des structures constituées de motifs élémentaires périodisés qui sont conçus et dimensionnés de manière à obtenir une propagation d’ondes acoustiques ou élastiques très différente de la propagation naturelle dans un matériau non structuré. C’est un moyen très efficace pour façonner la propagation des ondes acoustiques grâce notamment à la présence de bandes interdites liées à la périodicité des motifs élémentaires ou liées à leurs résonances intrinsèques. Ces mécanismes de contrôle de la propagation d’ondes constituent un énorme potentiel technologique dans diverses applications (filtre, multiplexeur, guide d’onde, résonateur et capteur). De nombreux travaux ont permis le développement de dispositifs à ondes acoustiques de surface (SAW) intégrant des CP pour le contrôle d’ondes à haute fréquence. Néanmoins, de tels dispositifs devant fonctionner en présence d’un liquide en contact avec le CP présentent des difficultés de conception liées à l’affaiblissement des ondes à l’interface solide-fluide à cause de la radiation vers le fluide des ondes à composantes hors plan. Dans le cas particulier d’un usage au titre d’un capteur, les performances d’un tel dispositif sont souvent insuffisantes.L’objectif de l’étude menée dans le cadre de cette thèse est de remédier à ce problème en utilisant les résonances localisées de cristaux phononiques constitués de piliers pour concevoir des dispositifs opérationnels en milieu liquide.Dans un premier temps, des outils numériques basés sur la méthode des éléments finis ont été développés et validés pour la modélisation de cellules élémentaires d’un CP à base de piliers. Cela nous a permis de démontrer que la présence de résonances localisées de piliers judicieusement dimensionnés permet de ralentir la vitesse de l’onde Scholte-Stoneley à l’interface solide-fluide. Les modèles de dispositifs à base de CP ont été implémentés et utilisés pour valider les résultats retenus du modèle unitaire, dans un deuxième temps. Quant à la partie expérimentale, elle nous a permis de valider la persistance en milieu liquide des bandes interdites à résonances localisées qui est attribuée au fait qu’à la résonance des piliers, l’énergie reste confinée dans ces derniers empêchant ainsi sa radiation dans le fluide. Ces résultats nous ont permis de concevoir des guides d’ondes persistantes en milieu liquide par l’intégration au sein du CP de défauts géométriques sous forme d’une chaine de piliers ayant des dimensions différentes du reste des piliers du CP.L’étude théorique a montré que les ondes guidées que l'on peut engendrer en utilisant les deux types de bandes interdites (Bragg et résonances localisées) ont des propriétés proches d’une onde de surface de Rayleigh. Les résultats obtenus dans ce travail ont permis d’élucider et d'expliciter les mécanismes à l’origine de la persistance des modes propagatifs dans les CP à résonances localisées. Cela devrait permettre d'ouvrir un champ d’investigation visant à développer des capteurs SAW phononiques pour des applications en micro-fluidique, notamment des dispositifs de type lab-on-chip. / Phononic crystal(PC) can be defined as an artificial structure built from periodical unit cell which could achieve interesting acoustic and elastic propagation thanks to the presence of phononic bandgap(PnBg) related to the periodicity and its intrinsic resonance of the unit cell. These mechanisms to control the wave’s propagation illustrate a huge potential that could led to several promising applications (filtering, waveguiding, resonator and sensor). Many works proposed the integration of surface acoustic wave(SAW) with PC with the purpose to manipulate the wave’s propagation at high frequency(UHF-VHF range). Nevertheless, the presence of liquid on the surface of such device induces an attenuation of the wave at the interface of solid-fluid due to the out-of-plane displacement which radiate into the fluid. For the development of such device as a sensor, its performance is usually degraded and not sufficient compared to the current state of art. The objective of this thesis is to provide a solution to the above problem through the utilization of locally-resonant mechanism in PC composed of an array of pillars to design a device which could operate in the liquid environment. First, we developed a theoretical model based on Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation for a unit cell of pillar-based structure embedded with a liquid medium. We demonstrated that local resonances of pillars with optimized dimension could decrease the phase velocity of Scholte-Stoneley wave, to produce a slow wave at the solid/fluid interface. For the experimental part, we showed the conservation of locally-resonant bandgap when the fabricated device is loaded with liquid. This conservation is attributed to the local resonance of pillars that confine the energy inside the pillar to prevent radiation of energy into the fluid. The obtained results allow us to design a waveguide persistent under liquid medium by the integration of geometrical defect in the PC in the form of a chain of pillars with a different dimension compared to the rest. Furthermore, the theoretical studies indicated also that the waveguide induced in the both type of band gap(Bragg and locally-resonant) has a close appearance as a Rayleigh SAW. The results from this study could elucidate the mechanism of the persistence of the propagation mode of locally-resonant PC. This could open a new perspective for a further investigation to develop SAW phononic especially in the in a microfluidic and lab on chip application.

Reduction of vibration transmission and flexural wave propagation in composite sandwich panels

Motipalli, V. V. Satish K. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / Liang-Wu Cai / X. J. Xin / Thin walled structures such as plates and shells have application in many fields of engineering because these structures are light weight and can support large loads when designed suitably. In real world, loads may cause these structures to vibrate which can be undesirable causing fatigue and failure of the structure. Such undesirable vibrations need to be reduced or eliminated. In this work, analytical studies of flexural wave propagation for idealized geometries are conducted and finite element method (FEM) is used to explore the effects of composite panel designs of finite size for the reduction of vibration transmission. In the analytical studies, the influence of the material properties on the reflection and transmission characteristics are explored for an infinite bi-material plate, and infinite plate with a strip inhomogeneity. In the analytical study of an infinite thin plate with a solid circular inclusion, the far and near field scattering characteristics are explored for different frequencies and material properties. All the analytical studies presented here and reported in the literature consider infinite plates to characterize the flexural wave propagation. Obtaining closed form solutions to characterize the flexural wave propagation in a finite plate with inclusions is mathematically difficult process. So, FEM is used to explore the composite panel designs. The understanding gained about the material properties influence on the flexural wave propagation from analytical studies helped with the choice of materials for FEM simulations. The concept of phononic crystals is applied to define the design variations that are effective in suppressing vibration transmission. Various design configurations are explored to study the effects of various parameters like scatterer’s material properties, geometry and spatial pattern. Based on the knowledge gained through a systematic parametric study, a final design of the composite sandwich panel is proposed with an optimum set of parameters to achieve the best vibration reduction. This is the first study focused on reducing vibration and wave transmission in composite rotorcraft fuselage panels incorporating the concept of phononic crystals. The optimum sandwich panel design achieved 98% vibration transmission reduction at the frequency of interest of 3000 Hz.

Phase-Space Properties of Two-Dimensional Elastic Phononic Crystals and Anharmonic Effects in Nano-Phononic Crystals

Swinteck, Nichlas Z. January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation contains research directed at investigating the behavior and properties of a class of composite materials known as phononic crystals. Two categories of phononic crystals are explicitly investigated: (I) elastic phononic crystals and (II) nano-scale phononic crystals. For elastic phononic crystals, attention is directed at two-dimensional structures. Two specific structures are evaluated (1) a two-dimensional configuration consisting of a square array of cylindrical Polyvinylchloride inclusions in air and (2) a two-dimensional configuration consisting of a square array of steel cylindrical inclusions in epoxy. For the first configuration, a theoretical model is developed to ascertain the necessary band structure and equi-frequency contour features for the realization of phase control between propagating acoustic waves. In contrasting this phononic crystal with a reference system, it is shown that phononic crystals with equifrequency contours showing non-collinear wave and group velocity vectors are ideal systems for controlling the phase between propagating acoustic waves. For the second configuration, it is demonstrated that multiple functions can be realized of a solid/solid phononic crystal. The epoxy/steel phononic crystal is shown to behave as (1) an acoustic wave collimator, (2) a defect-less wave guide, (3) a directional source for elastic waves, (4) an acoustic beam splitter, (5) a phase-control device and (6) a k-space multiplexer. To transition between macro-scale systems (elastic phononic crystals) and nano-scale systems (nano-phononic crystals), a toy model of a one-dimensional chain of masses connected with non-linear, anharmonic springs is utilized. The implementation of this model introduces critical ideas unique to nano-scale systems, particularly the concept of phonon mode lifetime. The nano-scale phononic crystal of interest is a graphene sheet with periodically spaced holes in a triangular array. It is found through equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation techniques, that phonon-boundary collision effects and coherent phononic effects (band-folding) are two competing scattering mechanisms responsible for the reduction of acoustic and optical phonon lifetimes. Conclusions drawn about the lifetime of thermal phonons in phononic crystal patterned graphene are linked with the anharmonic, one-dimensional crystal model.

Etude des cavités actives dans les nanostructures périodiques à gap de photons / Study of the nanostructured active cavities with photonic bandgaps

Soussi, Abdallah El 09 July 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, une étude des microstructures périodiques et de leurs applications à la modulation optique par ondes acoustiques est présentée. Plus spécifiquement, le sujet traite du couplage opto-mécanique dans les cavités des cristaux phoXoniques. Cette étude montre comment la théorie des perturbations fournit un outil efficace d’analyse et de prédiction du comportement de la modulation dans de telles structures. Cette méthode permet également d’économiser du temps de calcul en comparaison aux calculs numériques purs. L'étude théorique de la propagation des ondes dans les milieux périodiques est d'abord introduite, puis les paramètres de l'existence simultanée des bandes interdites photoniques et phononiques sont déduites. Le développement d’une méthode semi-analytique ayant pour but d’analyser l'efficacité du couplage acousto-optique dans les structures périodiques artificielles est ensuite réalisé. La théorie des perturbations est développée jusqu'au 2ème ordre. Celle-ci, associée à des considérations de symétrie, est utilisée pour l'interprétation des résultats. Une illustration de la versatilité de la méthode, basée d'une cavité ponctuelle L1 sur substrat silicium, est présentée. Les résultats obtenus sont en accord avec ceux donnés par une méthode purement numérique. / In this thesis, a study of periodic microstructures and their applications to optical modulation by acoustical waves is presented. More specifically, it deals with opto-mechanical coupling in phoXonic crystal cavities. This study shows how the perturbation theory provides an efficient tool to analyse and predict the behaviour of modulation in such structures. Moreover, when compared to pure numerical ones, this method leads to calculation time saving. The theory of periodic media is first introduced and then we derive the parameters for the simultaneous existence of photonic and phononic bandgaps. We end up by the development of a semi-analytical method to analyze acousto-optical coupling efficiency in artificial periodic structures. The perturbation theory is developed up to 2nd order and is used together with symmetry considerations for interpretations. An illustration of the versatility of the developed method is presented using an L1 point defect cavity on silicon substrate and validated with classical numerical results.

Impedance and resolvent methods for calculating the shear waves spectra in 1D and 2D phononic waveguides / Méthodes de l’impédance et de la résolvante pour le calcul des modes de cisaillement dans des guides d’ondes phononiques 1D et 2D

Korotyaeva, Maria 06 November 2014 (has links)
Nous proposons deux méthodes pour calculer le spectre des ondes de cisaillement dans les cristaux phononiques (CP) 1D et 2D. Commençant notre étude par les CP 1D, nous développons la méthode des impédances scalaires pour la couche sur le substrat 1D.Le focus principal de ce travail est sur les CP 2D : en particulier, on considère la couche sur le substrat 2D, la plaque à conditions libres 2D et la couche entre les deux substrats 2D. Comme la matrice propagateur M à travers la cellule unitaire obtenue via l’expansion des ondes planes dans une coordonnée peut avoir des composants très grandes, notre approche consiste à la substituer par sa résolvante R= (zI−M)−1qui est numériquement stable (où z est un nombre complexe hors des pecM). Deux autres outils centraux définis par la résolvante, le projecteur spectral P de t propagateur Md pour les ondes évanescentes, entrent en jeu pour le cas des CP avec un substrat. La méthode de la résolvante, fournissant les équations de dispersion et du champ d’ondes en termes de R,P de tMd, a de multiples avantages. Elle est d’une bonne précision grâce à la solution exacte dans une coordonnée, efficace grâce à la réduction du problème à une seule cellule unitaire, même pour un substrat semi-infini, et polyvalente, puisque applicable pour les structures uniformes ou périodiques à 1D ou 2D. De plus, la méthode peut être généralisée aux CP à 3D et aux ondes vectorielles.Dans les exemples numériques, nous calculons les bandes d’arrêt de basse fréquence et les comparons avec les profils de symétrie axiale et les profils perturbées. / We propose two methods for calculating the shear waves spectra in 1D and 2D phononiccrystal (PC) wave guides. Starting this study with 1D PC, we consider the 1D-periodic coated substrate. Here we develop scalar impedance method providing efficient means for analysis and calculation of dispersion spectrum. The main focus of our work in on the 2D PC’s: the 2D PC layer on a substrate, the freePC plate and the PC plate sandwiched between two substrates.Since the propagator Mover a unit cell approximated by Fourier harmonics in one coordinate can have very large components, we introduce its resolvent R= (zI−M)−1(z is a complex number outside of specM) as a numerically stable substitute. Another two key tools given in terms of there solvent, a spectral projector Pd and propagator Md for the decreasing modes, come intoplay in the case of a wave guide with a substrate. The resolvent method providing simple dispersion and wave field equations in termsof R,Pd and Md has several advantages. It is of a good precision due to the exact solution in one direction, computationally cheap due to the reduction of the problem to one unitcell even in a semi-infinite substrate, and versatile since it is applicable to uniform, 1D- or 2D-periodic structures. More over, it is extendible to P/SVwaves and 3D PC.In numerical examples, we model low-frequency band gaps and compare them for the mirror-symmetric and perturbed profiles.

Silicon-Integrated Two-Dimensional Phononic Band Gap Quasi-Crystal Architecture

Norris, Ryan Christopher January 2011 (has links)
The development and fabrication of silicon-based phononic band gap crystals has been gaining interest since phononic band gap crystals have implications in fundamental science and display the potential for application in engineering by providing a relatively new platform for the realization of sensors and signal processing elements. The seminal study of phononic band gap phenomenon for classical elastic wave localization in structures with periodicity in two- or three-physical dimensions occurred in the early 1990’s. Micro-integration of silicon devices that leverage this phenomenon followed from the mid-2000’s until the present. The reported micro-integration relies on exotic piezoelectric transduction, phononic band gap crystals that are etched into semi-infinite or finite-thickness slabs which support surface or slab waves, phononic band gap crystals of numerous lattice constants in dimension and phononic band gap crystal truncation by homogeneous mediums or piezoelectric transducers. The thesis reports, to the best of the author's knowledge, for the first time, the theory, design methodology and experiment of an electrostatically actuated silicon-plate phononic band gap quasi-crystal architecture, which may serve as a platform for the development of a new generation of silicon-integrated sensors, signal processing elements and improved mechanical systems. Electrostatic actuation mitigates the utilization of piezoelectric transducers and provides action at a distance type forces so that the phononic band gap quasi-crystal edges may be free standing for potentially reduced anchor and substrate mode loss and improved energy confinement compared with traditional surface and slab wave phononic band gap crystals. The proposed phononic band gap quasi-crystal architecture is physically scaled for fabrication as MEMS in a silicon-on-insulator process. Reasonable experimental verification of the model of the electrostatically actuated phononic band gap quasi-crystal architecture is obtained through extensive dynamic harmonic analysis and mode shape topography measurements utilizing optical non-destructive laser-Doppler velocimetry. We have utilized our devices to obtain fundamental information regarding novel transduction mechanisms and behavioral characteristics of the phononic band gap quasi-crystal architecture. Applicability of the phononic band gap quasi-crystal architecture to physical temperature sensors is demonstrated experimentally. Vibration stabilized resonators are demonstrated numerically.

One and Two-Dimensional Mass Spring Computational Model for Phononic Band Gap Analysis

Cao, Zhan John January 2009 (has links)
Computation model is presented for mass spring systems of one and two dimensional phononic band gap crystals and micro-electro-mechanical systems. The computation model is veri ed with existing work, and phononic band gap microelectro- mechanical systems are analyzed. Phononic band gap in the scienti c and industrial community is discussed. The motivation and the recent popular methods are discussed. The computation models are highlighted with their pros and cons and adequate computational applications. The one dimensional mass spring model is developed and the simulator operation is validated through comparison with the published simulation data in the original paper by J.S. Jensen et al.. Additionally, the one dimensional mass spring simulator is validated for a micro-electro-mechanical system band structure. The two dimensional mass spring model is developed, as well, the simulator operation is validated through comparison with the published simulation data in the original paper by J.S. Jensen et al.. The two-dimensional simulator is utilized to analyze solid square-shaped, hollow square-shaped, solid diamond-shaped, and hollow diamond-shaped inclusion micro-electro-mechanical band gap structures. The solid inclusion-based micro-electro-mechanical band gap results are compared with hollow inclusion-based micro-electro-mechanical structures.

One and Two-Dimensional Mass Spring Computational Model for Phononic Band Gap Analysis

Cao, Zhan John January 2009 (has links)
Computation model is presented for mass spring systems of one and two dimensional phononic band gap crystals and micro-electro-mechanical systems. The computation model is veri ed with existing work, and phononic band gap microelectro- mechanical systems are analyzed. Phononic band gap in the scienti c and industrial community is discussed. The motivation and the recent popular methods are discussed. The computation models are highlighted with their pros and cons and adequate computational applications. The one dimensional mass spring model is developed and the simulator operation is validated through comparison with the published simulation data in the original paper by J.S. Jensen et al.. Additionally, the one dimensional mass spring simulator is validated for a micro-electro-mechanical system band structure. The two dimensional mass spring model is developed, as well, the simulator operation is validated through comparison with the published simulation data in the original paper by J.S. Jensen et al.. The two-dimensional simulator is utilized to analyze solid square-shaped, hollow square-shaped, solid diamond-shaped, and hollow diamond-shaped inclusion micro-electro-mechanical band gap structures. The solid inclusion-based micro-electro-mechanical band gap results are compared with hollow inclusion-based micro-electro-mechanical structures.

Ultrasound propagation through complex media with strong scattering resonances

Lee, Eric Jin Ser 21 August 2014 (has links)
The propagation of ultrasound through two- and three-dimensional strongly scattering media, with either random or ordered internal structures, has been investigated through experiments and finite element simulations. All media investigated have strong scattering resonances, leading to novel transport behaviour. The two-dimensional samples consist of nylon rods immersed in water. When the nylon rods are arranged in a triangular lattice to form two-dimensional phononic crystals, very unusual dispersion properties are observed when the lattice constant is adjusted so that Bragg and hybridization gaps overlap in frequency. This behaviour is attributed to the competition between two co-existing propagating modes, leading to a new method for tuning bandgap properties and adjusting the transmission by orders of magnitude. The scattering resonance of the nylon rods also leads to unusual Dirac cone properties at the K point of the triangular lattice. The three-dimensional media were fabricated by brazing aluminum beads together to form a disordered porous solid network, with either vacuum or air in the pores, depending on the experiment. This system is of particular interest because it has been shown to exhibit Anderson localization of ultrasound. Two experimental approaches were developed to investigate previously unstudied properties of this system. By directly counting the modes in the frequency domain, the density of states was measured. At intermediate frequencies, the density of states was found to be approximately independent of frequency, while at higher frequencies, the frequency dependence was consistent with traditional density-of-states models. The level statistics of the modes was also investigated to determine the conditions under which level repulsion occurs. By using a laser interferometer to measure the ultrasonic displacements on the surface of a large slab-shaped sample, sub-diffusive behaviour was observed, demonstrating the feasibility of using such measurements to investigate the transition to Anderson localization in these samples.

Time-varying Phononic Crystals

Wright, Derek 02 September 2010 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of acoustic wave propagation in phononic crystals, particularly those that include materials whose properties can be varied periodically in time. This research was accomplished in three ways. First, a 2D phononic crystal was designed, created, and characterized. Its properties closely matched those determined through simulation. The crystal demonstrated band gaps, dispersion, and negative refraction. It served as a means of elucidating the practicalities of phononic crystal design and construction and as a physical verification of their more interesting properties. Next, the transmission matrix method for analyzing 1D phononic crystals was extended to include the effects of time-varying material parameters. The method was then used to provide a closed-form solution for the case of periodically time-varying material parameters. Some intriguing results from the use of the extended method include dramatically altered transmission properties and parametric amplification. New insights can be gained from the governing equations and have helped to identify the conditions that lead to parametric amplification in these structures. Finally, 2D multiple scattering theory was modified to analyze scatterers with time-varying material parameters. It is shown to be highly compatible with existing multiple scattering theories. It allows the total scattered field from a 2D time-varying phononic crystal to be determined. It was shown that time-varying material parameters significantly affect the phononic crystal transmission spectrum, and this was used to switch an incident monochromatic wave. Parametric amplification can occur under certain circumstances, and this effect was investigated using the closed-form solutions provided by the new 1D method. The complexity of the extended methods grows logarithmically as opposed linearly with existing methods, resulting in superior computational complexity for large numbers of scatterers. Also, since both extended methods provide analytic solutions, they may give further insights into the factors that govern the behaviour of time-varying phononic crystals. These extended methods may now be used to design an active phononic crystal that could demonstrate new or enhanced properties.

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