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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photonic crystal fibres and their applications in the nonlinear regime

Stone, James January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents several advances in the technology and applications of photonic crystal fibres achieved over the last three years. Chapters 1 and 2 give the background material important to understand the results presented in chapters 3, 4 and 5. In chapter 1, linear properties of optical fibres are described. This chapter focuses particularly on how the engineering of the cladding structure of solid core photonic crystal fibres can be used to vary the fibre properties, most importantly the group index and dispersion. Propagation in all-solid photonic bandgap fibres is also discussed in terms of the anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide model. Chapter 2 introduces the nonlinear optical effects that are important to understand the work presented in chapters 4 and 5. In chapter 3, a method to reduce bend losses in all-solid photonic bandgap fibres is outlined. The reduction of these losses is achieved by redesigning the high-index inclusions in the cladding structure to suppress cladding modes that strongly couple to the fundamental core-guided mode when the fibre is bent. In chapter 4, a method of tapering photonic crystal fibres in order to decrease the dispersion along their length is described. The tapers are used to compress solitons via adiabatic soliton compression and a combination of adiabatic soliton compression and soliton effect compression, achieving a factor of 15 compression of a transform-limited pulse to below 50 fs. Chapter 5 describes how engineering the cladding structure of photonic crystal fibres can be used to generate shorter frequencies in supercontinuum generation. The method by which this achieved is experimentally verified and then exploited to generate a continuum incorporating the entire visible spectrum using low cost, low maintenance pump sources.

Photonic crystal fibres for coherent supercontinuum generation

Hooper, Lucy January 2012 (has links)
In this research photonic crystal fibres were developed for the purpose of generating coherent supercontinua. Two photonic crystal fibres were fabricated with all-normal group velocity dispersion profiles, with low dispersion at pump wavelengths 800 nm and 1064 nm. Supercontinua generated using these fibres were shown to have superior stability and coherence compared with supercontinua generated in fibres with anomalous dispersion at the pump wavelength. Using a short piece of photonic crystal fibre with all-normal group velocity dispersion, pumped at 1064 nm, a self phase modulation spectrum spanning 200 nm was generated. The supercontinuum was re-compressed using linear chirp compensation to 26 fs, which was within a factor of two of the theoretical transform limit. This demonstrates the high spectral coherence, stability, and almost-linear chirp of the supercontinuum. Simulations showed that pulse compression using a supercontinuum generated in a photonic crystal fibre with anomalous dispersion at the pump wavelength would be limited by shot-to-shot fluctuations in the spectral intensity and phase, and the nonlinear chirp. Using a longer piece of all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fibre, supercontinuum is generated by self phase modulation, and optical wave breaking. A broad flat supercontinuum spanning 700 nm, centred at 1064 nm was generated. This supercontinuum was spectrally filtered, and the pulses obtained analysed in the temporal domain. Clean, stable sub-picosecond pulses were achieved, demonstrating the applicability of such a supercontinuum as part of a compact, tunable laser source. The same experiment was carried out using a photonic crystal fibre with anomalous dispersion at the pump wavelength, resulting in pulses with a large portion of energy contained in broad shoulders, and higher order modes. Interferometric coherence measurements were carried out at 800 nm using a Ti:Sapphire laser. A supercontinuum was generated in all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fibre with low dispersion at 800 nm, spanning 400 nm. Supercontinuum pulses generated by consecutive laser pulses were brought together in time using an interferometer. The interference between consecutive pulses was viewed spectrally, and the interference fringes had high visibility across the whole supercontinuum bandwidth. This demonstrates high spectral coherence. A supercontinuum generated in photonic crystal fibre with anomalous dispersion at 800 nm was tested in the same way, and the interference fringes obtained had lower visibility, indicating low spectral coherence. The research presented demonstrates that photonic crystal fibres with all-normal dispersion profiles can be used to generate supercontinua with high coherence and intensity stability. This type of supercontinuum is applicable to ultra-short pulse compression, and can be spectrally filtered to create a broadband tunable ultra-short laser source.

Fibre-optic nonlinear optical microscopy and endoscopy

Fu, Ling, n/a January 2007 (has links)
Cancer is a major health problem in the world today. Almost all cancers have a significantly better chance for therapy and recovery if detected at their early stage. The capability to perform disease diagnosis at an early stage requires high-resolution imaging that can visualise the physiological and morphological changes at a cellular level. However, resolving powers of current medical imaging systems are limited to sub-millimeter sizes. Furthermore, the majority of cancers are associated with morphological and functional alterations of cells in epithelial tissue, currently assessed by invasive and time-consuming biopsy. Optical imaging enables visualisations of tissue microstructures at the level of histology in non-invasive means. Optical imaging is suitable for detecting neoplastic changes with sub-cellular resolution in vivo without the need for biopsy. Nonlinear optical microscopy based on multi-photon absorption and higher harmonic generation has provided spectacular sights into visualisation of cellular events within live tissue due to advantages of an inherent sectioning ability, the relatively deep optical penetration, and the direct visualisation of intrinsic indicators. Two-photon excited uorescence (TPEF) from intrinsic cell components and second harmonic from asymmetric supermolecular structures can provide complementary information regarding functionalities and morphologies in tissue environments, thus enabling premalignant diagnosis by detecting the very earliest changes in cellular structures. During the past sixteen years, nonlinear optical microscopy has evolved from a photonic novelty to a well-established laboratory tool. At present, in vivo imaging and long-term bedside studies by use of nonlinear optical microscopy have been limited due to the fact that the lack of the compact nonlinear optical instrument/imaging technique forces the performance of nonlinear optical microscopy with bulk optics on the bench top. Rapid developments of fibre-optics components in terms of growing functionalities and decreasing sizes provide enormous opportunities for innovation in nonlinear optical microscopy. Fibre-based nonlinear optical endoscopy will be the soul instrumentation to permit the cellular imaging within hollow tissue tracts or solid organs that are inaccessible with a conventional optical microscope. Lots of efforts have been made for development of miniaturised nonlinear optical microscopy. However, there are major challenges remaining to create a nonlinear optical endoscope applicable within internal cavities of a body. First, an excitation laser beam with an ultrashort pulse width should be delivered eciently to a remote place where ecient collection of faint nonlinear optical signals from biological samples is required. Second, laser-scanning mechanisms adopted in such a miniaturised instrumentation should permit size reduction to a millimeter scale and enable fast scanning rates for monitoring biological processes. Finally, the design of a nonlinear optical endoscope based on micro-optics must maintain great exibility and compact size to be incorporated into endoscopes to image internal organs. Although there are obvious diculties, development of fibre-optic nonlinear optical microscopy/endoscopy would be indispensible to innovate conventional nonlinear optical microscopy, and therefore make a significant impact on medical diagnosis. The work conducted in this thesis demonstrates the new capability of nonlinear optical endoscopy based on a single-mode fibre (SMF) coupler or a double-clad photonic crystal fibre (PCF), a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) mirror, and a gradientindex (GRIN) lens. The feasibility of all-fibre nonlinear optical endoscopy is also demonstrated by the further integration of a double-clad PCF coupler. The thesis concentrates on the following key areas in order to exploit and understand the new imaging modality. It has been known from the previous studies that an SMF coupler is suitable for twoii photon excitation by transmitting near infrared illumination and collecting uorescence at visible wavelength as well. Although second harmonic generation (SHG) wavelength is farther away from the designed wavelength of the fibre coupler than that of normal TPEF, it is demonstrated in this thesis that both SHG and TPEF signals can be collected simultaneously and eciently through an SMF coupler with axial resolution of 1.8 um and 2.1 um, respectively. The fibre coupler shows a unique feature of linear polarisation preservation along the birefringent axis over the near infrared and the visible wavelength regions. Therefore, SHG polarisation anisotropy can be potentially extracted for probing the orientation of structural proteins in tissue. Furthermore, this thesis shows the characterisation of nonlinear optical microscopy based on the separation distance of an SMF coupler and a GRIN lens. Consequently, the collection of nonlinear signals has been optimised after the investigation of the intrinsic trade-off between signal level and axial resolution. These phenomena have been theoretically explored in this thesis through formalisation and numerical analysis of the three-dimensional (3D) coherent transfer function for a SHG microscope based on an SMF coupler. It has been discovered that a fibreoptic SHG microscope exhibits the same spatial frequency passband as that of a fibreoptic reection-mode non-uorescence microscope. When the numerical aperture of the fibre is much larger than the convergent angle of the illumination on the fibre aperture, the performance of fibre-optic SHG microscopy behaves as confocal SHG microscopy. Furthermore, it has been shown in both analysis and experiments that axial resolution in fibre-optic SHG microscopy is dependent on the normalised fibre spot size parameters. For a given illumination wavelength, axial resolution has an improvement of approximately 7% compared with TPEF microscopy using an SMF coupler. Although an SMF enables the delivery of a high quality laser beam and an enhanced sectioning capability, the low numerical aperture and the finite core size of an SMF give rise to a restricted sensitivity of a nonlinear optical microscope system. The key innovation demonstrated in this thesis is a significant signal enhancement of a nonlinear optical endoscope by use of a double-clad PCF. This thesis has characterised properties of our custom-designed double-clad PCF in order to construct a 3D nonlinear optical microscope. It has been shown that both the TPEF and SHG signal levels in a PCF-based system that has an optical sectioning property for 3D imaging can be significantly improved by two orders of magnitude in comparison with those in an SMF-based microscope. Furthermore, in contrast with the system using an SMF, simultaneous optimisations of axial resolution and signal level can be obtained by use of double-clad PCFs. More importantly, using a MEMS mirror as the scanning unit and a GRIN lens to produce a fast scanning focal spot, the concept of nonlinear optical endoscopy based on a double-clad PCF, a MEMS mirror and a GRIN lens has been experimentally demonstrated. The ability of the nonlinear optical endoscope to perform high-resolution 3D imaging in deep tissue has also been shown. A novel three-port double-clad PCF coupler has been developed in this thesis to achieve self-alignment and further replace bulk optics for an all-fibre endoscopic system. The double-clad PCF coupler exhibits the property of splitting the laser power as well as the separation of a near infrared single-mode beam from a visible multimode beam, showing advantages for compact nonlinear optical microscopy that cannot be achieved from an SMF coupler. A compact nonlinear optical microscope based on the doubleclad PCF coupler has been constructed in conjunction with a GRIN lens, demonstrating high-resolution 3D TPEF and SHG images with the axial resolution of approximately 10 m. Such a PCF coupler can be useful not only for a fibre-optic nonlinear optical probe but also for double-clad fibre lasers and amplifiers. The work presented in this thesis has led to the possibility of a new imaging device to complement current non-invasive imaging techniques and optical biopsy for cancer detection if an ultrashort-pulsed fibre laser is integrated and the commercialisation of the system is achieved. This technology will enable in vivo visualisations of functional and morphological changes of tissue at the microscopic level rather than direct observations with a traditional instrument at the macroscopic level. One can anticipate the progress in bre-optic nonlinear optical imaging that will propel imaging applications that require both miniaturisation and great functionality.

Hole control in photonic crystal fibres

Chen, Yong January 2014 (has links)
Photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) are special fibres with air holes which run along the whole fibre length. These holes not only determine the fibres' unique properties, but also provide a new degree of freedom for fibre modications. In this thesis, we focus on hole control in PCFs from two perspectives: during their fabrication and after they have been made. We found for the first time that the direct information of viscosity was not necessary for description of the fibre drawing process. This conclusion matched our experimental results without recourse to any adjustable fitting parameters. By post-processing of PCFs, which modifies the cladding and core structure and shape, we have achieved a series of novel devices for both linear and nonlinear applications. We have demonstrated fibre devices with cores resembling Young's double slits that have good performance in terms of compatibility and intensity enhancement for a specific application in fibre optic spectrometers. The bulk of this thesis reports on higher-order modes and their nonlinear applications. We achieved all-fibre, low loss and broadband mode converters in highly nonlinear PCFs (HNPCFs) which converted the fundamental mode (LP01) to a higher-order mode (LP02), which can then be converted back if necessary. This higher-order mode has been used for supercontinuum (SC) generation and four wave mixing (FWM) at wavelengths unobtainable for the fundamental mode. This is achieved by utilising the profound dispersion properties of the higher-order mode. We also demonstrated another kind of mode conversion: from the fundamental mode to a Bessel-like beam or its Fourier transform version, an annular beam. Three different methods were implemented experimentally to achieve this non-diffractive, self-healing beam.

Negative frequency waves in optics : control and investigation of their generation and evolution

McLenaghan, Joanna Siân January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with various methods for the control and investigation of pulse dynamics in a Photonic Crystal Fibre (PCF) and of the radiation driven by a short pulse. In particular the focus is on pulses in the anomalous dispersion region which would form solitons in the absence of higher order effects. Several different types of radiation can be driven by such pulses if they are perturbed by higher order dispersive and non-linear effects - for example Resonant Radiation (RR) and Negative Resonant Radiation (NRR) two dispersive waves which gain energy at the expense of the pulse. The feature of NRR which is of particular importance is that it is the first observed example of a coupling between positive and negative frequencies in optics. This has only been possible due to recent advances in fields such as PCFs, lasers and analogue systems. As with many scientific discoveries, NRR was found by bringing together ideas and techniques from these different fields. Both the pulse and the driven radiation are investigated using a number of different pulse and PCF parameters. These include power, chirp, polarisation and PCF dispersion. These are used to vary the wavelengths at which the driven radiation occurs as well as its generation efficiency. Furthermore the power and chirp are used to vary where in the PCF the driven radiation is generated by controlling where the driving pulse compresses and spectrally expands. This property is used to investigate different stages in the evolution of the pulse and driven radiation as well as to optimise the generation efficiency of the driven radiation.

Polymer segmented cladding fibres: cross fibre modelling, design, fabrication and experiment

Yeung, Anson Chi-Ming, Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents the first research on polymer-segmented-cladding-fibre (PSCF), an emerging class of microstructured- optical-fibres (MOFs), which allows single-mode operation with ultra-large-core area. This research covers the modelling, design, fabrication and experiment of the polymer optical cross-fibre (4-period-SCF) whose cross-sectional view resembles a cross. A new wedge waveguide model has been formulated and applied to demonstrate that for any given parameters, the cross fibre gives the same performance for single-mode operation as the N-period-SCFs (for N = 2, 6 and 8). These fibres behave identically if the high-index segment angle, θ1, is the same and the low-index segment angular width, θ2, is sufficiently large for negligible adjacent mode coupling effects. This remarkable finding has significant ramifications for SCF fabrication, design and performance. Theoretical predictions confirmed by experiments demonstrated that a cross-fibre is all that needed to fabricate a large-core single-mode-fibre with no geometry-induced birefringence. The high-index outer ring effects on the cross fibre single-mode performance have been systematically investigated for the first time. The study reveals that the ring index value higher than its core index has very strong effects on single-mode performance. Within a narrow range of θ1, the minimum fibre length required for single-mode operation is reduced but outside this angle range, longer single-mode length is required. Furthermore, the fibre can be anti-guiding if θ1 exceeds the cutoff angle. Incorporating the fabrication constraints, the optimal cross-fibre design with high-index ring is achieved by optimising the relative index difference, high-index segment angle and core-cladding diameter ratio. Two preform-making techniques developed for the cross-fibres fabrication include the cladding-segment-in-tube method and the core-cladding-segment-in-tube method. The innovative approach in these methods overcomes the problems of bubble formation and fractures, which are related to the fibre structure complexity and the polymer intrinsic properties and their processing. It enables the successful drawing of single-mode fibres. This thesis reports the first experimental demonstration of single-mode operation of large-core cross-fibre. Three experimental studies with different cross-fibre designs have demonstrated (i) large-core single-mode operation, (ii) high-index ring effects on fibre performance and (iii) cross-fibre optimal design trial. Apart from this, the 8-period-SCF fibre performance has been demonstrated experimentally.

Polymer segmented cladding fibres: cross fibre modelling, design, fabrication and experiment

Yeung, Anson Chi-Ming, Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents the first research on polymer-segmented-cladding-fibre (PSCF), an emerging class of microstructured- optical-fibres (MOFs), which allows single-mode operation with ultra-large-core area. This research covers the modelling, design, fabrication and experiment of the polymer optical cross-fibre (4-period-SCF) whose cross-sectional view resembles a cross. A new wedge waveguide model has been formulated and applied to demonstrate that for any given parameters, the cross fibre gives the same performance for single-mode operation as the N-period-SCFs (for N = 2, 6 and 8). These fibres behave identically if the high-index segment angle, θ1, is the same and the low-index segment angular width, θ2, is sufficiently large for negligible adjacent mode coupling effects. This remarkable finding has significant ramifications for SCF fabrication, design and performance. Theoretical predictions confirmed by experiments demonstrated that a cross-fibre is all that needed to fabricate a large-core single-mode-fibre with no geometry-induced birefringence. The high-index outer ring effects on the cross fibre single-mode performance have been systematically investigated for the first time. The study reveals that the ring index value higher than its core index has very strong effects on single-mode performance. Within a narrow range of θ1, the minimum fibre length required for single-mode operation is reduced but outside this angle range, longer single-mode length is required. Furthermore, the fibre can be anti-guiding if θ1 exceeds the cutoff angle. Incorporating the fabrication constraints, the optimal cross-fibre design with high-index ring is achieved by optimising the relative index difference, high-index segment angle and core-cladding diameter ratio. Two preform-making techniques developed for the cross-fibres fabrication include the cladding-segment-in-tube method and the core-cladding-segment-in-tube method. The innovative approach in these methods overcomes the problems of bubble formation and fractures, which are related to the fibre structure complexity and the polymer intrinsic properties and their processing. It enables the successful drawing of single-mode fibres. This thesis reports the first experimental demonstration of single-mode operation of large-core cross-fibre. Three experimental studies with different cross-fibre designs have demonstrated (i) large-core single-mode operation, (ii) high-index ring effects on fibre performance and (iii) cross-fibre optimal design trial. Apart from this, the 8-period-SCF fibre performance has been demonstrated experimentally.

Génération de paires de photons corrélés par mélange à quatre ondes spontané dans des fibres microstructurées à coeur liquide / Generation of correlated photon pairs by spontaneous four-wave mixing in liquid-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibres

Barbier, Margaux 13 November 2014 (has links)
Une technique couramment employée pour développer les sources de paires de photons corrélés indispensables au domaine des télécommunications quantiques repose sur le processus non linéaire de mélange à quatre ondes, qui peut avoir lieu directement dans le cœur d’une fibre optique. Cette architecture fibrée permet de s’adapter au mieux aux besoins des réseaux de communications quantiques (en particulier en minimisant les pertes par couplage lors de la connexion de la source aux autres composants du réseau). L’utilisation d’une fibre microstructurée plutôt que d’une fibre de silice conventionnelle permet d’ajuster les propriétés de dispersion de la fibre et d’optimiser l’efficacité du processus non linéaire. Cependant, les sources fibrées usuelles, à cœur de silice, présentent une limitation majeure : leur pureté quantique est fortement dégradée par la diffusion Raman spontanée, qui survient elle aussi dans le cœur en silice de la fibre. Pour s’affranchir de ce problème, notre idée est de remplacer le cœur en silice par un cœur liquide, en utilisant une fibre microstructurée à cœur creux rempli d’un liquide non linéaire. Nos recherches nous ont ainsi conduits à faire la première démonstration expérimentale de génération de paires de photons corrélés dans une fibre à cœur liquide, et à montrer que, grâce aux propriétés Raman particulières des liquides (dont le spectre Raman se présente en général sous la forme de raies très fines), il était possible de réduire de plusieurs ordres de grandeur le niveau de diffusion Raman spontanée dans la source. Ce travail ouvre donc la voie au développement de sources de paires de photons corrélés fibrées de très haute qualité quantique. / Quantum telecommunication technologies rely on correlated photon pair sources, which are often based on the third-order nonlinear process of spontaneous four-wave mixing in silica-core photonic crystal fibres. A fibred architecture is advantageous because it minimizes the coupling losses between the optical source and the other components of quantum communication networks. Moreover, using a photonic crystal fibre rather than a conventional silica fibre offers the possibility of improving the photon generation (thanks to a small effective core area) and extending the wavelength coverage (thanks to dispersion management through the microstructuration design). However, the performances of silica-core photonic crystal fibre sources are limited in terms of quantum purity, because of the ubiquitous spontaneous Raman scattering process, which is a source of uncorrelated broadband noise photons in silica. We propose an original solution to this Raman problem by replacing the silica core by a liquid core, thanks to a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre filled with a nonlinear liquid. We actually performed the first experimental demonstration of the generation of correlated photon pairs in a liquid-core fibre, and demonstrated that, thanks to the specific Raman properties of liquids (which usually exhibit thin-line Raman spectra), it is possible to reduce the Raman noise level by several orders of magnitude. This work opens the way for the development of high quantum quality correlated photon pair fibred sources.

Modes and propagation in microstructured optical fibres

Issa, Nader January 2005 (has links)
Microstructured optical fibres (MOFs), also commonly called photonic crystal fibres or holey fibres, describe a type of optical fibre in which continuous channels of (typically) air run their entire length. These `holes' serve to both confine electromagnetic waves within the core of the fibre and to tailor its transmission properties. In order to understand and quantify both of these functions, a new computational algorithm was developed and implemented. It solves for the eigenvalues of Maxwell's wave equations in the two-dimensional waveguide cross-section, with radiating boundary conditions imposed outside the microstructure. This yields the leaky modes supported by the fibre. The boundary conditions are achieved exactly using a novel refinement scheme called the Adjustable Boundary Condition (ABC) method. Two implementations are programmed and their computational efficiencies are compared. Both use an azimuthal Fourier decomposition, but radially, a finite difference scheme is shown to be more efficient than a basis function expansion. The properties of the ABC method are then predicted theoretically using an original approach. It shows that the method is highly efficient, robust, automated and generally applicable to any implementation or to other radiating problems. A theoretical framework for the properties of modes in MOFs is also presented. It includes the use of the Bloch-Floquet theorem to provide a simpler and more efficient way to exploit microstructure symmetry. A new, but brief study of the modal birefringence properties in straight and spun fibres is also included. The theoretical and numerical tools are then applied to the study of polymer MOFs. Three types of fibres are numerically studied, fabricated and characterised. Each is of contemporary interest. Firstly, fabrication of the first MOFs with uniformly oriented elliptical holes is presented. A high degree of hole ellipticity is achieved using a simple technique relying on hole deformation during fibre draw. Both form and stress-optic birefringence are characterized over a broad scaled-wavelength range, which shows excellent agreement with numerical modelling. Secondly, an analysis of leaky modes in real air core MOFs, fabricated specifically for photonic band gap guidance, is then used to identify alternative guiding mechanisms. The supported leaky modes exhibit properties closely matching a simple hollow waveguide, weakly influenced by the surrounding microstructure. The analysis gives a quantitative determination of the wavelength dependent confinement loss of these modes and illustrates a mechanism not photonic band gap in origin by which colouration can be observed in such fibres. Finally, highly multimode MOFs (also called `air-clad' fibres) that have much wider light acceptance angles than conventional fibres are studied. An original and accurate method is presented for determining the numerical aperture of such fibres using leaky modes. The dependence on length, wavelength and various microstructure dimensions are evaluated for the first time for a class of fibres. These results show excellent agreement with published measurements on similar fibres and verify that bridge thicknesses much smaller than the wavelength are required for exceptionally high numerical apertures. The influence of multiple layers of holes on the numerical aperture and capture efficiency are then presented. It shows that a substantial increase in both these parameters can be achieved for some bridge thicknesses. Simple heuristic expressions for these quantities are given, which are based on the physical insight provided by the full numerical models. The work is then supported by the first fabrication attempts of large-core polymer MOFs with thin supporting bridges. These fibres exhibit relatively high numerical apertures and show good agreement with theoretical expectations over a very wide scaled-wavelength range.

Modes and propagation in microstructured optical fibres

Issa, Nader January 2005 (has links)
Microstructured optical fibres (MOFs), also commonly called photonic crystal fibres or holey fibres, describe a type of optical fibre in which continuous channels of (typically) air run their entire length. These `holes' serve to both confine electromagnetic waves within the core of the fibre and to tailor its transmission properties. In order to understand and quantify both of these functions, a new computational algorithm was developed and implemented. It solves for the eigenvalues of Maxwell's wave equations in the two-dimensional waveguide cross-section, with radiating boundary conditions imposed outside the microstructure. This yields the leaky modes supported by the fibre. The boundary conditions are achieved exactly using a novel refinement scheme called the Adjustable Boundary Condition (ABC) method. Two implementations are programmed and their computational efficiencies are compared. Both use an azimuthal Fourier decomposition, but radially, a finite difference scheme is shown to be more efficient than a basis function expansion. The properties of the ABC method are then predicted theoretically using an original approach. It shows that the method is highly efficient, robust, automated and generally applicable to any implementation or to other radiating problems. A theoretical framework for the properties of modes in MOFs is also presented. It includes the use of the Bloch-Floquet theorem to provide a simpler and more efficient way to exploit microstructure symmetry. A new, but brief study of the modal birefringence properties in straight and spun fibres is also included. The theoretical and numerical tools are then applied to the study of polymer MOFs. Three types of fibres are numerically studied, fabricated and characterised. Each is of contemporary interest. Firstly, fabrication of the first MOFs with uniformly oriented elliptical holes is presented. A high degree of hole ellipticity is achieved using a simple technique relying on hole deformation during fibre draw. Both form and stress-optic birefringence are characterized over a broad scaled-wavelength range, which shows excellent agreement with numerical modelling. Secondly, an analysis of leaky modes in real air core MOFs, fabricated specifically for photonic band gap guidance, is then used to identify alternative guiding mechanisms. The supported leaky modes exhibit properties closely matching a simple hollow waveguide, weakly influenced by the surrounding microstructure. The analysis gives a quantitative determination of the wavelength dependent confinement loss of these modes and illustrates a mechanism not photonic band gap in origin by which colouration can be observed in such fibres. Finally, highly multimode MOFs (also called `air-clad' fibres) that have much wider light acceptance angles than conventional fibres are studied. An original and accurate method is presented for determining the numerical aperture of such fibres using leaky modes. The dependence on length, wavelength and various microstructure dimensions are evaluated for the first time for a class of fibres. These results show excellent agreement with published measurements on similar fibres and verify that bridge thicknesses much smaller than the wavelength are required for exceptionally high numerical apertures. The influence of multiple layers of holes on the numerical aperture and capture efficiency are then presented. It shows that a substantial increase in both these parameters can be achieved for some bridge thicknesses. Simple heuristic expressions for these quantities are given, which are based on the physical insight provided by the full numerical models. The work is then supported by the first fabrication attempts of large-core polymer MOFs with thin supporting bridges. These fibres exhibit relatively high numerical apertures and show good agreement with theoretical expectations over a very wide scaled-wavelength range.

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