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The influence of occupational socialization on physical education teachers' interpretation and delivery of teaching games for understandingO'Leary, Nicholas January 2012 (has links)
Despite sound policy and educative reasons for its adoption, the use of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) (Bunker and Thorpe, 1982, 1986b) amongst Physical Education (PE) teachers remains limited. Previous research has indicated that PE (student) teachers’ past and current experiences influence their interpretation and application of this instructional model. The purposes of this interpretative case study therefore were to (a) examine how PE teachers not formally educated in its use interpreted and delivered TGfU using net games and (b) identify the factors that led to their interpretation and delivery of this model. The participants were three purposefully selected teachers from a Sports Academy in the West Midlands, United Kingdom (UK). Data were collected through formal, stimulated-recall and informal interviews, lesson observation field notes, teacher reflective journals and lesson planners. The theoretical framework used to guide data collection and analysis was occupational socialization¹ (Lawson, 1983a, b). The data was inductively analysed teacher by teacher and then by cross-case analysis (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). Findings showed that the teachers demonstrated differing versions of TGfU based around teaching tactics, techniques and use of social constructivist learning strategies. Themes that influenced the teachers’ interpretations and use of TGfU individually and/or collectively were their knowledge of games; the capabilities and behaviour of their pupils and the influence of past and present colleagues. The original contribution to knowledge of this thesis is that the workplace appears incapable of encouraging the full version of the model to be utilised by teachers not previously educated in its use in the UK, irrespective of the relative simplicity of the game taught and the time frame. It is recommended that teachers receive Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to develop their understanding of the tactical problem-solving nature of games; ensure they have sufficient content knowledge and be able to implement the underpinning learning theory effectively.
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The implementation of a cognitive teaching approach to games in Hong KongLiu, Yuk-kwong R. January 1998 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide a more reflective climate for the teaching of games in Hong Kong and if appropriate, to start the process of introducing a different teaching approach. The current climate of games teaching in Hong Kong was evidenced by the review of the P. E. syllabus, the feedback collected from the P. E. lecturers, national governing bodies and P. E. teachers who are in favour of the traditional approach. Interestingly, 47 out of 155 teachers (30.4%) found difficulty with the existing teaching approach. A pilot study and two workshops provided encouraging results to pave the road for the main and second trial teachings. To suit the culture in Hong Kong, the modified cognitive approach was adopted in the main trial teaching and then followed by the cognitive approach (teaching games for understanding) in the second trial teaching. Two groups of 8 experienced and inexperienced P. E. teachers (4 male and 4 female) were invited to teach Basketball and Volleyball to 420 students in two trials of teaching. Two sets of questionnaires were distributed to study the affective aspects of the teachers and students after each approach. A follow-up interview was designed to study teachers' changes one year after the workshop. For the teachers' responses in the Basketball group, significant results indicated that the teachers (t value 3.29 p<0.05) gained more enjoyment with the modified cognitive approach. The results in the follow-up interview indicated that they had different changesin fluencedb y the new approach.F or the students' responses of the Basketball and Volleyball groups, significant result showed that the boys obtained more enjoyment with the modified cognitive approach taught by the male teachers than the girls taught by the female teachers. No significant difference was found in the Basketball group but in the Volleyball group, the students were more enjoyable with the modified cognitive approach taught by the experienced teachers. The findings imply that since both the teachers and students felt comfortable and enjoyed teaching games with the understanding approach, it is an appropriate time to introduce it to Hong Kong.
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The role of the TGfU pedagogical approach in promoting physical activity levels during physical education lessons and beyondSmith, Lindsey Rachel January 2010 (has links)
The study was designed to initially determine levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) occurring during physical education in 11-12 year olds using appropriate objective methods. Subsequently, the potential of a pedagogical method; ‘teaching games for understanding’ to increase PA levels and self determined motivation during PE lessons, and habitual physical activity during leisure time was examined. The most reliable and valid PA measurement tool for the chosen age group was the RT3 ® triaxial accelerometer. PA levels during PE lessons fell short of the recommended 50% (20 minute) criterion, with children accumulating 16.4 ± 2.3 minutes (44.9 ± 5.6%) of mean MVPA during lesson time. Seven day habitual activity monitoring revealed that time spent in MVPA on a PE day was significantly higher (P <0.05) than on a weekend day. This study also highlighted that on non PE days the lack of PE-related activity was not compensated by engagement in other activity. An investigation into the effects of a 12 week TGfU pedagogical strategy on MVPA and elements of Self Determination Theory during PE lessons revealed that boys assigned to the intervention displayed significantly higher (P <0.01) levels of MVPA, and significantly higher levels of autonomy (P < 0.05) post-intervention versus the control group. In addition, a non significant trend for an increase in habitual PA for boys assigned to the intervention lessons was revealed. No significant differences were displayed in the constructs of the TPB pre-post intervention and no significant benefits of TGfU were noted for girls. The reported increases in MVPA and levels of autonomy during PE lessons in boys using a TGfU approach are novel and promising. However it is suggested that future research incorporates such strategies in a health-promoting PE environment in addition to the traditional skills-based activities. This may have potential in enhancing MVPA during PE in girls and boys, and may promote greater transference to habitual physical activity levels. The potential for self determined environments positively impacting upon motivation and intentions to be physically active both during and outside of PE lessons warrants further exploration but over longer time periods.
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A organização do ensino e a formação do pensamento estético-artístico na teoria histórico-cultural / The organization of teaching and the formation of aesthetic-artistic thinking in the cultural-historical theoryNascimento, Carolina Picchetti 17 June 2010 (has links)
Compreender o processo de organização do ensino para o desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico constituiu-se no objetivo central desta pesquisa. Com base nos estudos da teoria histórico-cultural entendemos ser possível e necessário organizar o ensino de modo que o mesmo seja maximamente favorável ao desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico dos educandos. Considerando que o pensamento teórico em geral forma-se a partir de um objeto concreto, procuramos investigar o processo de organização do ensino para a formação do pensamento teórico a partir de uma manifestação particular desse tipo de pensamento: o pensamento teórico no campo da arte ou o pensamento estético-artístico. Procuramos demonstrar ao longo do trabalho a possibilidade de vincular esse tipo de pensamento ao ensino da educação física, disciplina que tem como objetivo organizar a apropriação dos significados das atividades da cultura corporal, dentre eles o estético-artístico. Organizamos a presente pesquisa como uma investigação bibliográfico-conceitual (em que analisamos o papel da arte no processo de formação humana; a atividade de estudo e a formação do pensamento teórico; o processo de organização do ensino e alguns princípios didáticos presentes na teoria histórico-cultural) e uma investigação didático-experimental (em que criamos as condições para a análise do processo de organização do ensino para a formação do pensamento teórico). Nosso experimento didático, instrumento investigativo para a análise do trabalho pedagógico, foi constituído pela elaboração, e posterior realização com estudantes do 4º ano do ensino fundamental I, de uma unidade didática sobre o circo. A partir da explicitação da unidade fundamental do circo (a composição de cenas) e das suas abstrações conceituais (os elementos de criação das cenas), organizamos o ensino buscando garantir que os estudantes tivessem momentos diretos de trabalho com os conceitos, isto é, que agissem mediados pelos conceitos. Assim, a exposição das sínteses conceituais para os estudantes, o planejamento orientado da criação das cenas e a análise das cenas criadas mediadas pelos conceitos teóricos permitiram que os educandos trabalhassem com o modo geral de ação do artista circense, ou seja, o modo como o artista abstrai os elementos da realidade e os sintetiza em uma nova realidade ou no seu objeto artístico. Avaliamos que esse percurso de aprendizagem e essa forma de organização do ensino possibilitam ao sujeito a apropriação de instrumentos para abstrair os elementos essenciais de uma dada realidade artística, bem como para criar conscientemente seu próprio objeto artístico, o que lhe permite uma maior aproximação da arte, um maior conhecimento desse tipo de atividade humano-genérica. Por fim, a pesquisa nos indica para uma real possibilidade de construção de um modo geral de ação docente ou uma base teórico-metodológica para a organização do ensino referenciada na teoria histórico-cultural. / Understanding the organization of teaching for the development of theoretical thinking constitutes the main goal of this research. Based on the cultural-historical theory we assume that it is possible and even necessary to organize teaching in order to contribute to students theoretical thinking development. Considering that theoretical thinking always develops from a concrete object, in our research we sought to investigate the teaching organization process for the formation of theoretical thinking from a particular point of view: the aesthetic-artistic thinking, which is the theoretical thinking present in art. Throughout this work we have tried to demonstrate the possibility of linking this type of thinking to physical education a school subject that aims to organize the appropriation of the meanings of body culture activities, and among those meanings is the aesthetic-artistic. We organized this present research as a conceptual-bibliographical investigation (in which we analyzed the role of art in human development; the studying activity and the formation of theoretical thinking; the process of organizing teaching and some didactic principles present in cultural-historical theory) and as a didactic-experimental investigation (in which we created the conditions to analyze the process of organizing teaching for the development of theoretical thinking). Our teaching experiment, which is an investigative instrument to analyze pedagogical work, was formed by the preparation and subsequent implementation, with students in 4th year of elementary school, of a didactic unit about the circus. From the explicitness of the fundamental unity of circus (to compose the scenes) and its conceptual abstractions (the elements that create the scenes), we organized teaching seeking to ensure that students had moments of direct work with the concepts, that is, that they could act mediated by them. Thus, exposure of students to conceptual overviews, the guided planning of the scenes making and the analysis of the created scenes mediated by theoretical concepts allowed the students to work with the general way of action of the circus artist, which is how the artist abstracts the elements of reality and summarizes them in a new reality or in his artistic object. We assess that this learning course and this form of organizing teaching enable the subject to appropriate instruments, both to abstract the essential elements of a given artistic reality, as to consciously create its own artistic object, which allows a closer approximation of art, a greater knowledge of this type of human-generic activity. Finally, the research points us to a real possibility of constructing a general mode of teaching action or a theoretical and methodological basis for the organization of teaching, referenced in the cultural- historical theory.
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A organização do ensino e a formação do pensamento estético-artístico na teoria histórico-cultural / The organization of teaching and the formation of aesthetic-artistic thinking in the cultural-historical theoryCarolina Picchetti Nascimento 17 June 2010 (has links)
Compreender o processo de organização do ensino para o desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico constituiu-se no objetivo central desta pesquisa. Com base nos estudos da teoria histórico-cultural entendemos ser possível e necessário organizar o ensino de modo que o mesmo seja maximamente favorável ao desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico dos educandos. Considerando que o pensamento teórico em geral forma-se a partir de um objeto concreto, procuramos investigar o processo de organização do ensino para a formação do pensamento teórico a partir de uma manifestação particular desse tipo de pensamento: o pensamento teórico no campo da arte ou o pensamento estético-artístico. Procuramos demonstrar ao longo do trabalho a possibilidade de vincular esse tipo de pensamento ao ensino da educação física, disciplina que tem como objetivo organizar a apropriação dos significados das atividades da cultura corporal, dentre eles o estético-artístico. Organizamos a presente pesquisa como uma investigação bibliográfico-conceitual (em que analisamos o papel da arte no processo de formação humana; a atividade de estudo e a formação do pensamento teórico; o processo de organização do ensino e alguns princípios didáticos presentes na teoria histórico-cultural) e uma investigação didático-experimental (em que criamos as condições para a análise do processo de organização do ensino para a formação do pensamento teórico). Nosso experimento didático, instrumento investigativo para a análise do trabalho pedagógico, foi constituído pela elaboração, e posterior realização com estudantes do 4º ano do ensino fundamental I, de uma unidade didática sobre o circo. A partir da explicitação da unidade fundamental do circo (a composição de cenas) e das suas abstrações conceituais (os elementos de criação das cenas), organizamos o ensino buscando garantir que os estudantes tivessem momentos diretos de trabalho com os conceitos, isto é, que agissem mediados pelos conceitos. Assim, a exposição das sínteses conceituais para os estudantes, o planejamento orientado da criação das cenas e a análise das cenas criadas mediadas pelos conceitos teóricos permitiram que os educandos trabalhassem com o modo geral de ação do artista circense, ou seja, o modo como o artista abstrai os elementos da realidade e os sintetiza em uma nova realidade ou no seu objeto artístico. Avaliamos que esse percurso de aprendizagem e essa forma de organização do ensino possibilitam ao sujeito a apropriação de instrumentos para abstrair os elementos essenciais de uma dada realidade artística, bem como para criar conscientemente seu próprio objeto artístico, o que lhe permite uma maior aproximação da arte, um maior conhecimento desse tipo de atividade humano-genérica. Por fim, a pesquisa nos indica para uma real possibilidade de construção de um modo geral de ação docente ou uma base teórico-metodológica para a organização do ensino referenciada na teoria histórico-cultural. / Understanding the organization of teaching for the development of theoretical thinking constitutes the main goal of this research. Based on the cultural-historical theory we assume that it is possible and even necessary to organize teaching in order to contribute to students theoretical thinking development. Considering that theoretical thinking always develops from a concrete object, in our research we sought to investigate the teaching organization process for the formation of theoretical thinking from a particular point of view: the aesthetic-artistic thinking, which is the theoretical thinking present in art. Throughout this work we have tried to demonstrate the possibility of linking this type of thinking to physical education a school subject that aims to organize the appropriation of the meanings of body culture activities, and among those meanings is the aesthetic-artistic. We organized this present research as a conceptual-bibliographical investigation (in which we analyzed the role of art in human development; the studying activity and the formation of theoretical thinking; the process of organizing teaching and some didactic principles present in cultural-historical theory) and as a didactic-experimental investigation (in which we created the conditions to analyze the process of organizing teaching for the development of theoretical thinking). Our teaching experiment, which is an investigative instrument to analyze pedagogical work, was formed by the preparation and subsequent implementation, with students in 4th year of elementary school, of a didactic unit about the circus. From the explicitness of the fundamental unity of circus (to compose the scenes) and its conceptual abstractions (the elements that create the scenes), we organized teaching seeking to ensure that students had moments of direct work with the concepts, that is, that they could act mediated by them. Thus, exposure of students to conceptual overviews, the guided planning of the scenes making and the analysis of the created scenes mediated by theoretical concepts allowed the students to work with the general way of action of the circus artist, which is how the artist abstracts the elements of reality and summarizes them in a new reality or in his artistic object. We assess that this learning course and this form of organizing teaching enable the subject to appropriate instruments, both to abstract the essential elements of a given artistic reality, as to consciously create its own artistic object, which allows a closer approximation of art, a greater knowledge of this type of human-generic activity. Finally, the research points us to a real possibility of constructing a general mode of teaching action or a theoretical and methodological basis for the organization of teaching, referenced in the cultural- historical theory.
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Aprenentatge integrat de continguts d'educació física i llengua anglesa: Educació física al cicle superior de primària / Physical education ant English integrated learning: PE in CLIL in 5th grade of Primmary SchoolCoral i Mateu, Josep 25 April 2012 (has links)
Tesi doctoral, Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Formació del Professorat, 2012 / The present dissertation is concerned with the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach as it is applied to Physical Education (PE). CLIL is a teaching approach which uses foreign language as a tool to enhance the subject learning process.
The PE-in-CLIL programme is based on Coyle’s 4Cs framework (Coyle 2006, 2007 and Coyle, Hood and Marsh 2010). PE-in-CLIL should be understood as a holistic approach that utilises a basic, yet essential principle of learning; that is, we learn by doing. It is based on tasks wherein students are being pushed to go further and are given the support to do so (Gibbons 2009). It fosters content, language, cognition and cultural awareness. Although PE is a popular subject in CLIL, very little research has been published about it.
The question of the research is: how does a Physical Education and Language Integrated programme significantly improve children’s oracy in their 5th primary year? Four aims are established. The first aim is to identify the features of Physical Education tasks that improve integrated learning. The second is to identify the specific teaching strategies that improve oral communication. The third is to check that meaningful improvements occur in both oral comprehension and oral interaction. Finally, the fourth aim of this study is to identify the Physical Education and English integrated tasks which appeal most to students.
Action Research is used because it solves problems in a realistic way based on the correlation between teachers and professional academics. The PE-in-CLIL Action Research project tries to mesh the curriculum with the reality of school life. It changes the current state of things using systematic reflection. The praxis of the research involves theorizing about practical problems in particular situations and identifying which of these practical theories are widely applicable. PE-in-CLIL research methodology is composed of three Action Research cycles and three levels of analysis. The first level is carried out during the field-work research, and both the second and third levels are carried out after the research.
Twenty-six fifth grade students in a primary school in Catalonia participate in the research. Four different tools are used for gathering data: teacher diaries, video recordings, analysis of documents and one motivational test. The findings were henceforth applied to different complementation and triangulation techniques. Finally, Action Research questions are answered, and teaching dilemmas that had emerged during the research are solved. The trustworthiness of this study is grounded in data collection and data analysis. This PE-in-CLIL research uses a wide range of strategies to achieve Guba’s (1985) criteria for evaluation of research in pursuit of a trustworthy qualitative study.
The analysis reveals that many features of PE tasks that promote integrated learning are linked to balanced tasks. A task is said to be balanced when it has a measured equivalence amongst motor, communication and cognition skills. Tasks need to be balanced and efficient to improve integrated learning. They must meet five requirements: be motivating, include physical activity, foster oral interaction, develop thinking and be socially conducive. The study also shows that collaborative and cooperative strategies, combined with the leader technique, foster oracy in PE-in-CLIL.
The results presented indicate that there are significant improvements in both oral comprehension and oral interaction. The most advantageous PE-in-CLIL activity involves a balanced task that incorporates language and movement without slowing down the pace of the activity. Drills with long explanations that reduce time allotted to physical activity are rejected.
The dissertation also discusses the pedagogical implications of its final product: teaching dilemmas and improvements proposals. The analysis of the teaching dilemmas shows how two different tasks can be transformed into a new integrated, holistic, task which proves to be more beneficial than the sum of its parts. The improvement proposals are presented in three parts: those related to scaffolding, those related to teaching, and those related to PE-in-CLIL pedagogy. Finally, the limitations of the study are exposed and the implications for future research of both motor and language learning are detailed. / Aquesta tesi estudia l’aplicació de l’enfocament educatiu AICLE/CLIL a l’educació física. Els acrònims AICLE (Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts i Llengua Estrangera) i CLIL (Content and language Integrated learning) fan referència a un enfocament educatiu que utilitza la llengua estrangera com llengua vehicular en el procés d’aprenentatge d’assignatures que tenen altres continguts més enllà dels puramente lingüístics.
El programa d’educació física en CLIL està basat en el 4Cs framework (Coyle 2006, 2007 and Coyle, Hood and Marsh 2010). L’educació física en CLIL és un enfocament holístic que utilitza els principis d’aprendre fent per ensenyar continguts motrius a través d’una llengua estrangera i, al mateix temps, impulsar les habilitats cognitives i desenvolupar les relacions interpersonals i socials. Pel que fa a la recerca en CLIL, la major part dels estudis fan referència a aspectes lingüístics. S’han trobat molt poques recerques que vinculin l’educació física i l’enfocament CLIL.
L’objecte d’estudi té a veure amb la resposta que dóna l’educació física a una demanda social i institucional de plena actualitat com és l’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la llengua estrangera. Es pretén comprovar com el programa integrat afavoreix la didàctica de l’educació física i com contribueix a la competència comunicativa en llengua anglesa. En aquest punt es formula la següent pregunta inicial de la recerca: Com pot un programa d’aprenentatge integrat de continguts d’educació física i llengua anglesa millorar significativament la capacitat comunicativa oral de l’alumnat del cicle superior de primària? Per donar resposta a la pregunta s’estableixen quatre objectius: 1/ Determinar les característiques de les tasques d’educació física que afavoreixen l’aprenentatge integrat. 2/ Identificar les estratègies didàctiques específiques del programa d’educació física en CLIL que milloren la comunicació oral (comprensió i expressió oral – listening and speaking). 3/ Comprovar que amb l’aplicació del programa d’educació física en CLIL es produeix una millora significativa en la comprensió i l’expressió oral en llengua anglesa. 4/ Identificar les tasques integrades d’educació física i llengua anglesa amb més interès per l’alumnat.
S’ha escollit la investigació-acció com a mètode de recerca per tres raons. En primer lloc, perquè pot millorar l'aprenentatge i les pràctiques educatives. En segon lloc, perquè permet avançar en el coneixement i la teoria, és a dir, aportar noves idees sobre com les coses es poden fer i per què. Finalment, perquè permet al professorat ser investigador pràctic i desenvolupar la recerca en el propi centre educatiu. Concretament s’escull, i s’adapta, el model d’Elliot (1990, 1991, 2007) pel seu pragmatisme i perquè promou un procés que té lloc entre la teoria i els problemes de la seva aplicació a l’aula.
La mostra és un grup natural de vint-i-sis estudiants de cinquè nivell de l’ensenyament primari d’una escola pública de Catalunya. La informació s’obté mitjançant els diaris (del professor-investigador i dels observadors externs) com instruments principals i l’enregistrament en vídeo, l’anàlisi documental a més del test de motivació AMPET com instruments complementaris. S’han utilitzat diferents estratègies per garantir el rigor científic de la recerca (Guba 1985). Entre d’altres es disposen de diversos diaris de contrast i un grup interdisciplinar d’experts. Aquests col•laboradors crítics i validadors han contrastat els enregistraments relatius a la millora de l’expressió oral i els Key Learning Moments corresponents a les tasques d’educació física en CLIL.
L’anàlisi es desenvolupa en tres nivells. Un primer nivell que engloba tots els cicles d’investigació-acció. Un segon nivell que analitza, per separat, els resultats dels instruments utilitzats i un tercer nivell en el qual es determinen les coincidències i les discrepàncies entre els resultats dels diferents instruments mitjançant l’ús de tècniques de complementació i triangulació.
L’anàlisi revela la relació entre tasques equilibrades i aprenentatge integrat. Les tasques d’educació física en CLIL han de ser equilibrades i eficients per assolir un aprenentatge integrat. Es defineixen cinc característiques que han de complir: ser motivants, incloure activitat física, facilitar la comunicació oral, desenvolupar les habilitats cognitives i ser socialitzadores. L’estudi també mostra que les estratègies d’aprenentatge cooperatiu combinades amb la tècnica del líder i els jocs motrius estimulen la interacció oral. Els resultats que es presenten mostren una millora significativa en la comprensió i l’expressió oral en llengua anglesa. Es destaca la importància d’incorporar el llenguatge a la tasca motriu sense alentir l’activitat. Les tasques que requereixen d’explicacions llargues que redueixen el temps destinat a l’activitat física són rebutjades. Finalment, es tracten les implicacions pedagògiques i millores per les dues assignatures (educació física i llengua anglesa), la importància del suport lingüístic (scaffolding), les limitacions de l’estudi i les noves possibilitats de recerca en els camps de l’aprenentatge motriu i lingüístic. / Esta tesis estudia la aplicación del enfoque educativo AICLE/CLIL en la educación física. Los acrónimos AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera) y CLIL (Content and language Integrated learning) se refieren a un enfoque educativo que utiliza la lengua extranjera como lengua vehicular en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de asignaturas que tienen otros contenidos más allá de los puramente lingüísticos.
El programa de educación física en CLIL está basado en el 4Cs framework (Coyle 2006, 2007 and Coyle, Hood and Marsh 2010). La educación física es un enfoque holístico que utiliza los principios del learning by doing para enseñar contenidos motrices mediante el uso de una lengua extranjera y, al mismo tiempo, impulsar las habilidades cognitivas y desarrollar las relaciones interpersonales y sociales. En referencia a la investigación en CLIL, la mayor parte de los estudios hacen referencia a aspectos lingüísticos. Se han hallado muy pocas investigaciones que relacionen la educación física y el enfoque educativo CLIL.
El objeto del estudio está vinculado con la respuesta que la educación física da a una demanda social e institucional de plena actualidad como es la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Se pretende comprobar cómo el programa integrado favorece la didáctica de la educación física y cómo contribuye a la competencia comunicativa en lengua inglesa. Se formula la siguiente pregunta inicial: cómo puede un programa de aprendizaje integrado de contenidos de educación física y lengua inglesa mejorar significativamente la capacidad comunicativa oral del alumnado del ciclo superior de primaria? Para dar respuesta a la pregunta se establecen cuatro objetivos: 1/ Determinar las características de las tareas de educación física que favorecen el aprendizaje integrado. 2/ Identificar las estrategias didácticas específicas del programa de educación física en CLIL que mejoran la comunicación oral (comprensión y expresión oral -listening and speaking). 3/ Comprobar que con la aplicación del programa de educación física en CLIL se produce una mejora significativa de la comprensión y la expresión oral en lengua inglesa. 4/ Identificar las tareas integradas de educación física y lengua inglesa que despiertan más interés en el alumnado.
Se ha escogido la investigación-acción como método de investigación por tres razones. En primer lugar, porque puede mejorar el aprendizaje y las prácticas educativas. En segundo lugar, porque permite avanzar en el conocimiento y la teoría, es decir, aportar nuevas ideas sobre cómo las cosas se pueden realizar y por qué. Finalmente, porque permite al profesorado ser investigador práctico y desarrollar la investigación en el propio centro educativo. Concretamente se escoge, y se adapta, el modelo de Elliot (1990, 1991, 2007) por su pragmatismo y porque promueve un proceso que tiene lugar entre la teoría y los problemas de su aplicación en el aula.
La muestra corresponde a un grupo natural de veintiséis estudiantes de quinto nivel de educación primaria de una escuela pública de Catalunya. La información se obtiene mediante los diarios (del profesor-investigador y de los observadores externos) como instrumentos principales y la grabación en vídeo, el análisis de documentos y el test de motivación AMPET como instrumentos complementarios. Se han utilizado diversas estrategias para garantizar el rigor científico de la investigación (Guba 1985). Entre otras, se disponen de diversos diarios de contraste y de un grupo interdisciplinar de expertos colaboradores críticos y validadores. Se han contrastado los registros relativos a la mejora de la expresión oral y los Key Learning Moments correspondientes a las tareas de educación física en CLIL.
El análisis se desarrolla en tres niveles. El primer nivel abarca todos los ciclos de investigación-acción. En el segundo nivel se analizan, por separado, los resultados de los diferentes instrumentos utilizados y en el tercer nivel se determinan las coincidencias y discrepancias entre los resultados de los diferentes instrumentos usando técnicas de complementación y triangulación.
El análisis revela la relación entre tareas equilibradas y aprendizaje integrado. Las tareas de educación física en CLIL han de ser equilibradas y eficientes para alcanzar un aprendizaje integrado. Se definen cinco características que han de cumplir: ser motivantes, incluir actividad física, facilitar la comunicación oral, desarrollar las habilidades cognitivas y ser socializadoras. El estudio también muestra que las estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo combinadas con la técnica del líder y los juegos motrices estimulan la interacción oral. Los resultados que se presentan muestran una mejora significativa en la comprensión y la expresión oral en lengua inglesa. Se destaca la importancia de incorporar el lenguaje a la tarea motriz sin ralentizar la actividad. Las tareas que requieren de largar explicaciones que reducen el tiempo dedicado a la actividad física son rechazadas. Finalmente, se tratan las implicaciones pedagógicas y mejoras para las dos asignaturas (educación física y lengua inglesa), la importancia del soporte lingüístico (scaffolding), las limitaciones del estudio y las nuevas posibilidades de investigación en los campos del aprendizaje motor y lingüístico.
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