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Problematika ošetřovatelské péče v traumacentrech České republiky / Nursing care in trauma centras in the Czech RepublicPOLANOVÁ, Alena January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The thesis deals with the issues of nursing care in trauma centres in the Czech Republic. Injuries requiring complex and multidisciplinary treatment apart from surgery therapy are still more frequent nowadays. This is why trauma centres have been established in the Czech Republic. Their establishment increases demands for caring staff of non-physician fields. These increasing demands are of mental and physical character and of course demands for further education. The aim of the thesis was to find what opportunities nurses of trauma centres have in the field of further education, what are their biggest problems and how they cope with mental and physical stress in their work. The following hypotheses were set upon qualitative research in the form of unstructured interviews with nurses of trauma centres. Hypothesis 1: Nurses working in trauma centres prefer specialization education to tertiary education. Hypothesis 2: Nurses working in trauma centres cooperate with nurses from other clinical branches on provision of nursing care. Hypothesis 3: Nurses working in trauma centres get education not only in traumatology, but also in further clinical fields. Hypothesis 4: Nurses working in trauma centres cope with mental stress. Hypothesis 5: Nurses working in trauma centres cope with physical stress. Quantitative research in the form of questionnaires was applied on confirmation or refutation of the hypotheses. The research sample consisted of nurses working in trauma centres in the Czech Republic. Upon evaluation of the results hypotheses 1, 2 and 5 were confirmed and hypotheses 3 and 4 were refuted. The research results confirm that the work of nurses in trauma centres is hard in terms of mental and physical stress. There are still some reserves in further education of nurses not only on the part of the top managements but also on the part of the health care staff themselves. The thesis result may help in recruiting new staff to departments where the expected psychical and physical intensity might be an incentive to the care about an employee in the field of mental hygiene and improvement of interdisciplinary cooperation in trauma centres in the Czech Republic.
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<p>Human actions and the resultant global warming are leading to considerable environmental changes that are negatively impacting marine ecosystems and their biodiversity. Luidia clathrata, a starfish species, is essential to the marine ecosystem, and understanding its sensitivity to stressors can help predict its future adaptations and role in the reef ecosystem. The study involved subjecting L. clathrata to thermal stress by incrementally raising the temperature by 1°C each day for a period of seven days. Physiological responses were evaluated on two separate occasions: day 1, which corresponded to the acute stress response, and day 7, which corresponded to the chronic stress response. The results showed a minor increase in phagocytic activity during acute thermal stress, but a significant decrease during chronic exposure. Although there was a slight decrease in total coelomic plasma protein during acute thermal stress, it significantly increased during post-chronic exposure. The amputated starfish avoided using the injured arm when righting themselves, indicating the development of neurosensory potential. Total cell count increased slightly in all stressed groups during acute stress but decreased after prolonged exposure to stressors. The mortality rate of the temperature-stressed groups was 33%, indicating that prolonged exposure to temperatures exceeding expected future temperatures could be harmful to L. clathrata. To support the hypothesis at the molecular level, RNA/DNA ratios and Heat shock protein gene 90, a molecular marker for cellular stress, were studied. Although no significant differences were observed in transcriptomic level, the temperature-stressed group showed slightly upregulated hsp90 gene expression. The findings indicate that L. clathrata responds to stress similarly to vertebrates, highlighting the potential impact of climate change on marine ecosystems. This study provides a baseline for comprehending the stress response of starfish, and further research is recommended with a larger sample size and over a more extended period. It is interesting to note that the gonad and body wall extracts of starfish exhibit significant inhibitory activity against various tested pathogens. The findings suggest that starfish extracts may have potential medicinal uses as antimicrobial agents. However further research is needed to understand the mechanisms of action behind these inhibitory activities and to identify the specific compounds responsible for them.</p>
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Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Aktivität und gesteigerter sympathischer Nervenaktivität bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung / Relationship between physical stress and increased sympathetic nerve activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseFolle, Jan 16 June 2015 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD) ist eine der Haupttodesursachen weltweit. Eine gesteigerte Aktivität des sympathischen Nervensystems wird als wesentlicher pathophysiologischer Aspekt vermutet. Grundsätze: Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte die muskelsympathische Nervenaktivität (MSNA) und die Baroreflex-Sensitivität bei COPD-Patienten und gesunden Probanden in Ruhe sowie unter moderater körperlicher Belastung. Ergebnisse: COPD-Patienten zeigten in Ruhe eine signifikant gesteigerte MSNA sowie eine signifikant verminderte Baroreflex-Sensitivität. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die Resultate vorausgegangener Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals ein signifikanter Anstieg der MSNA unter moderater statischer Belastung bei COPD-Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Fazit: In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals eine Korrelation zwischen sympatho-vagaler Imbalance und verminderter körperlicher Leistungsfähigkeit bei COPD-Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Eine Modifikation der neuro-humoralen Aktivität bei COPD-Patienten könnte in Zukunft eine Rolle in der Behandlung der COPD spielen und sollte in größeren, randomisierten Studien untersucht werden.
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Hygienická problematika faktorů hluk, prach a vibrace na pracovišti broušení odlitků / Hygiene Factors Issues of Noise, Dust and Vibrations in the Workplace Grinding CastingsSTODOLOVSKÁ, Květa January 2014 (has links)
My diploma work is focusing on the health problems of selected factors in the working enviroment of grinding the metal castings. There are high-risk factors, which are harmful to worker´s health, especially physical stress, noise, dust and vibrations, which are passed on hands. The employer is under the obligation to take precautions to carry on worker´s health, in consideration of exceed the health limits. The aim of this diploma work was setting the efficiency of precautions to health protection in work enviroment. The situation had been monitoring in a company in the South Bohemia over ten years. There were used results of factor´s precautions (noise, dust, vibrations) in work enviroment, where workers grind the metal castings by hand grinders. The monitoring ensemble was created by employess in a company, which makes the metal castings by hand grinders in its work enviroment. To data collecting were used the following methods: non-aligned observation, conversation with the chief of the company, studying of positive law and technical literature incl. test codes of the health institute (department Ceske Budejovice). The data of the test codes were processed by the secundary analysis and summarized to tables and graphs. Within qualitative analysis I determinated four research questions, which were answered gradually in my work: 1)Which precautions are carry out by employers to particular factors of employee´s health protection? 2)What is the factor´ s efficiency? 3)What impact do the precautions have on results of factor´s measuring? 4)Which precautions can I recommend on the grounds of the evalutation of the work enviroment? Both means of collective and individual protection belong to the precautions of worker´s health protection today. The technical, technologiacal and organisational precautions are included to collective protections. The individual precautions are focusing especially on employees and offer the substitute solutions. All precautions are specific to individual factors. I found out, that all precautions, which are used by the employers in work enviroment of metal casting, are effective. Especially we can talk about the precautions to protection of employee´s health against excessive dust (instalation of air ventilation with strong effect), which caused the exceed of dust concetration in work enviroment of grinding. Finally I can say, that this branch of metal casting has been connecting with certain high-risk factors all the time. Although all the protective precautions has been realized, the health limits given for noise, vibrations passed on hands and dust are still exceed. For this reason it´s very important to regularly inform the workers of high-risk factors, which they could meet in their work enviroment of cast grinding.
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Erste Erkenntnisse zur Anwendbarkeit von vorhandenen Verfahren zur ergonomischen Bewertung von Belastungen in logistischen ProzessenHentschel, Christian, Kunze, Thomas, Spanner-Ulmer, Birgit January 2012 (has links)
Für die ergonomische Bewertung der auf die Mitarbeiter im Gewerk Logistik einwirkenden Belastungen ist eine valide Systematik anzuwenden. In ersten Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass für typische in der Logistik auftretende Belastungen keine geeignete Systematik verfügbar ist, die sämtliche Belastungsfaktoren bewerten kann. Dazu wurde ausgehend von einer Analyse der identifizierten Belastungen anhand von drei ausgewählten Verfahren versucht, diese zu bewerten. Die dabei identifizierten Defizite bilden die Grundlage für eine Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur vollständigen Bewertung der Belastungen in logistischen Prozessen.
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