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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação de interações proteína-proteína envolvendo os produtos dos Loci hrp, vir e rpf do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Identification of protein-protein interactions involving the products of the loci hrp, vir and rpf the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

Alegria, Marcos Castanheira 24 September 2004 (has links)
O Cancro Cítrico, um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da citricultura atual, é uma doença causada pelo fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). Um estudo funcional do genoma de Xac foi iniciado com o intuito de identificar interações proteína-proteína envolvidas em processos de patogenicidade de Xac. Através da utilização do sistema duplo-híbrido de levedura, baseado nos domínios de ligação ao DNA e ativação da transcrição do GAL4, nós analisamos os principais componentes dos mecanismos de patogenicidade de Xac, incluindo o Sistema de Secreção do Tipo III (TTSS), Sistema de Secreção do Tipo IV (TFSS) e Sistema de \"Quorum Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf. Componentes desses sistemas foram utilizados como iscas na triagem de uma biblioteca genômica de Xac. O TTSS é codificado pelos genes denominados hrp (\"hypersensitive response and pathogenicity\"), hrc (\"hrp conserved\") e hpa (\"hrp associated\") localizados no locus hrp do cromossomo de Xac. Esse sistema de secreção é capaz de translocar proteínas efetoras do citoplasma bacteriano para o interior da célula hospedeira. Nossos resultados mostraram novas interações proteínaproteína entre componentes do próprio TTSS além de associações específicas com uma proteína hipotética: 1) HrpG, um regulador de resposta de um sistema de dois componentes responsável pela expressão dos genes hrp, e XAC0095, uma proteína hipotética encontrada apenas em Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, uma proteína secretada pelo TTSS, HpaB e o domínio C-terminal da HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 e HrpW, 4) HrpB2 e HrcU e 5) interações homotrópicas envolvendo a ATPase HrcN. Em Xac, foram encontrados dois loci vir que codificam proteínas que possuem similaridade com componentes do TFSS envolvido em processos de conjugação/secreção bacteriana: TFSS-plasmídeo localizado no plasmídeo pXAC64 e TFSS-cromossomo localizado no cromossomo de Xac. O TFSS-plasmídeo, o qual possui maior similaridade com sistemas de conjugação, mostrou interações envolvendo proteínas cujos genes estão localizados na mesma região do plasmídeo pXAC64: 1) interação homotrópica da TrwA; 2) XACb0032 e XACb0033; 3) interações homotrópicas da proteína XACb0035; 4) VirB1 e VirB9; 5) XACb0042 e VirB6; 6) XACb0043 e XACb0021b. O TFSS-cromossomo apresentou interações envolvendo as proteínas: 1) VirD4 e um grupo de 12 proteínas que contém similaridade entre si, incluindo XAC2609 cujo gene encontra-se no locus vir, 2) XAC2609 e XAC2610; 3) Interações homotrópicas da VirB11; 4) XAC2622 e VirB9. A análise do sistema de \"Quorum-Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf mostrou interações envolvendo componentes do próprio sistema: 1) RpfC e RpfF; 2) RpfC e RpfG; 3) interações homotrópicas da RpfF; 4) RpfC e CmfA, uma proteína similar a Cmf de Dictyostelium discoideum que, neste organismo, é fundamental para processos de \"quorum-sensing\". As interações proteína-proteína encontradas permitiram-nos entender melhor a composição, organização e regulação dos fatores envolvidos na patogenicidade de Xac. / Citrus Canker, caused by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) presents one of the most serious problems to Brazilian citriculture. We have initiated a project to identify protein-protein interactions involved in pathogenicity of Xac. Using a yeast two-hybrid system based on GAL4 DNA-binding and activation domains, we have focused on identifying interactions involving subunits, regulators and substrates of: Type Three Secretion System (TTSS), Type Four Secretion System (TFSS) and Quorum Sensing/Rpf System. Components of these systems were used as baits to screening a random Xac genomic library. The TTSS is coded by the hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity), hrc (hrp conserved) and hpa (hrp associated) genes in the chromosomal hrp locus. This secretion system can translocate efector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cells. We have identified several previously uncharacterized interactions involving: 1) HrpG, a two-component system response regulator responsible for the expression of Xac hrp operons, and XAC0095, a previously uncharacterized protein encountered only in Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, a protein secreted by the TTSS, HpaB and the C-terminal domain HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 and HrpW; 4) HrpB2 and HrcU; 5) Homotropic interactions were also identified for the ATPase HrcN. Xac contains two virB gene clusters, one on the chromosome and one on the pXAC64 plasmid, each of which codes for a unique and previously uncharacterized TFSS. Components of the TFSS of pXAC64, which is most similar to conjugation systems, showed interactions involving proteins coded by the same locus: 1) Homotropic interactions of TrwA; 2) XACb0032 and XACb0033; 3) XAC0035 homotropic interactions; 4) VirB1 and VirB9; 5) XACb0042 and VirB6; 6) XACb0043 and XACb0021 b. Components of the chromosomal TFSS exhibited interactions involving: 1) VirD4 and a group of 12 uncharacterized proteins with a common C-terminal domain motif, include XAC2609 whose gene resides within the vir locus; 2) XAC2609 and XAC261 O; 3) Homotropic interactions of VirB11; 4) XAC2622 and VirB9. Analysis of Quorum Sensing/Rpf System components revealed interactions between the principal Rpf proteins which control Xanthomonas quorum sensing: 1) RpfC and RpfF; 2) RpfC and RpfG; 3) RpfF homotropic interactions; 4) RpfC and CmfA, a protein that presents similarity with Cmf (conditioned medium factor) of Dictyostelium discoideum, which contrais quorum sensing in this organism. The protein-protein interactions that we have detected reveal insights into the composition, organization and regulation of these important mechanisms involved in Xanthomonas pathogenicity.

Metabolism and pathogenicity in the phytopathogen Rhodococcus fascians / Métabolisme et pathogénicité chez le phytopathogène Rhodococcus fascians

Forizs, Laetitia 10 February 2012 (has links)
Rhodococcus fascians is a Gram-positive phytopathogenic bacterium which induces the development of leafy galls, local amplifications of multiple buds, on most infected plants. This process is linked to the production of phytohormones along with the presence of essential virulence-associated genes like the plasmid loci att and fas and the chromosomal gene vicA. However, the presence of these genes is not sufficient to ensure the infection phenotype development, indicating that other genes play a role in R. fascians pathogenicity. In this work, we studied the metabolic modifications occurring when the bacterium interacts with its host using a proteomic approach. A comparison between virulent and avirulent strains showed variations in the expression of catalases. In the virulent strain, besides the transitory induction of the att locus expression, the bacterium changes its metabolism from the Krebs cycle to the glyoxylate shunt, a process which is frequently observed in bacteria confronted to a hostile environment. The expression of the shunt-specific enzyme isocitrate lyase increased, while expression of fumarate hydratase and pyruvate dehydrogenase decreased. Hence, we focused on the link between the glyoxylate shunt and virulence. A screening of a R. fascians mutant library based on the capacity of bacteria to use acetate as the sole carbon source, a metabolic pathway depending on the glyoxylate shunt, resulted in the identification of a new gene essential for R. fascians pathogenicity. This gene encodes a glycosyl transferase, an enzyme known to be involved in the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis but possibly also implicated in cytokinin secretion. A mutant in this gene harboured an altered colony phenotype and could not induce malformations on infected plants. Accordingly, our results were integrated in the leafy gall pathology model recently presented by Stes et al. (2011). Finally, the several questions that are raised by this work, allowed us to suggest further research perspectives in order to unveil a little more of the R. fascians mysterious ways to interact with the plant./Rhodococcus fascians est une bactérie Gram-positive phytopathogène qui induit le développement de galles feuillées, des amplifications locales de multiples bourgeons, sur la plupart des plantes infectées. Ce processus est lié à la production de phytohormones ainsi qu’à la présence de gènes essentiels associés à la virulence tels que les loci plasmidiques att et fas et le gène chromosomique vicA. Cependant, la présence de ces gènes ne suffit pas à garantir le développement du phénotype d’infection, indiquant que d’autres gènes jouent un rôle dans la pathogénicité de R. fascians. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié les modifications métaboliques qui se produisent lorsque la bactérie interagit avec son hôte par une approche protéomique. Une comparaison entre les souches virulente et avirulente a mis en évidence des variations d’expression au niveau des catalases. Dans la souche virulente, outre l’induction transitoire de l’expression du locus att, la bactérie change son métabolisme pour passer du cycle de Krebs au shunt du glyoxylate, un processus fréquemment observé chez les bactéries confrontées à un environnement hostile. L’expression de l’isocitrate lyase, enzyme spécifique au shunt, augmente, tandis que celle de la fumarate hydratase et de la pyruvate déhydrogénase diminue. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés au lien entre le shunt du glyoxylate et la virulence. Le screening d’une banque de mutants de R. fascians basé sur la capacité de la bactérie à utiliser l’acétate comme seule source de carbone, une voie métabolique dépendant du shunt du glyoxylate, a permis d’identifier un nouveau gène essentiel pour la pathogénicité de R. fascians. Ce gène code pour une glycosyl transferase, une enzyme impliquée dans la biosynthèse de la paroi bactérienne mais également dans la sécrétion des cytokinines. Un mutant dans ce gène présente un phénotype de colonie altéré et ne peut induire de malformations chez les plantes infectées. Finalement, nos résultats et les pistes d’interprétations que nous avons émisent nous permettent de compléter le modèle de l’interaction R. fascians-plante proposé récemment par Stes et al. (2011). Des perspectives de recherches visant une meilleure compréhension de ce pathosystème sont proposées. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Identificação de interações proteína-proteína envolvendo os produtos dos Loci hrp, vir e rpf do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Identification of protein-protein interactions involving the products of the loci hrp, vir and rpf the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

Marcos Castanheira Alegria 24 September 2004 (has links)
O Cancro Cítrico, um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da citricultura atual, é uma doença causada pelo fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). Um estudo funcional do genoma de Xac foi iniciado com o intuito de identificar interações proteína-proteína envolvidas em processos de patogenicidade de Xac. Através da utilização do sistema duplo-híbrido de levedura, baseado nos domínios de ligação ao DNA e ativação da transcrição do GAL4, nós analisamos os principais componentes dos mecanismos de patogenicidade de Xac, incluindo o Sistema de Secreção do Tipo III (TTSS), Sistema de Secreção do Tipo IV (TFSS) e Sistema de \"Quorum Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf. Componentes desses sistemas foram utilizados como iscas na triagem de uma biblioteca genômica de Xac. O TTSS é codificado pelos genes denominados hrp (\"hypersensitive response and pathogenicity\"), hrc (\"hrp conserved\") e hpa (\"hrp associated\") localizados no locus hrp do cromossomo de Xac. Esse sistema de secreção é capaz de translocar proteínas efetoras do citoplasma bacteriano para o interior da célula hospedeira. Nossos resultados mostraram novas interações proteínaproteína entre componentes do próprio TTSS além de associações específicas com uma proteína hipotética: 1) HrpG, um regulador de resposta de um sistema de dois componentes responsável pela expressão dos genes hrp, e XAC0095, uma proteína hipotética encontrada apenas em Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, uma proteína secretada pelo TTSS, HpaB e o domínio C-terminal da HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 e HrpW, 4) HrpB2 e HrcU e 5) interações homotrópicas envolvendo a ATPase HrcN. Em Xac, foram encontrados dois loci vir que codificam proteínas que possuem similaridade com componentes do TFSS envolvido em processos de conjugação/secreção bacteriana: TFSS-plasmídeo localizado no plasmídeo pXAC64 e TFSS-cromossomo localizado no cromossomo de Xac. O TFSS-plasmídeo, o qual possui maior similaridade com sistemas de conjugação, mostrou interações envolvendo proteínas cujos genes estão localizados na mesma região do plasmídeo pXAC64: 1) interação homotrópica da TrwA; 2) XACb0032 e XACb0033; 3) interações homotrópicas da proteína XACb0035; 4) VirB1 e VirB9; 5) XACb0042 e VirB6; 6) XACb0043 e XACb0021b. O TFSS-cromossomo apresentou interações envolvendo as proteínas: 1) VirD4 e um grupo de 12 proteínas que contém similaridade entre si, incluindo XAC2609 cujo gene encontra-se no locus vir, 2) XAC2609 e XAC2610; 3) Interações homotrópicas da VirB11; 4) XAC2622 e VirB9. A análise do sistema de \"Quorum-Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf mostrou interações envolvendo componentes do próprio sistema: 1) RpfC e RpfF; 2) RpfC e RpfG; 3) interações homotrópicas da RpfF; 4) RpfC e CmfA, uma proteína similar a Cmf de Dictyostelium discoideum que, neste organismo, é fundamental para processos de \"quorum-sensing\". As interações proteína-proteína encontradas permitiram-nos entender melhor a composição, organização e regulação dos fatores envolvidos na patogenicidade de Xac. / Citrus Canker, caused by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) presents one of the most serious problems to Brazilian citriculture. We have initiated a project to identify protein-protein interactions involved in pathogenicity of Xac. Using a yeast two-hybrid system based on GAL4 DNA-binding and activation domains, we have focused on identifying interactions involving subunits, regulators and substrates of: Type Three Secretion System (TTSS), Type Four Secretion System (TFSS) and Quorum Sensing/Rpf System. Components of these systems were used as baits to screening a random Xac genomic library. The TTSS is coded by the hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity), hrc (hrp conserved) and hpa (hrp associated) genes in the chromosomal hrp locus. This secretion system can translocate efector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cells. We have identified several previously uncharacterized interactions involving: 1) HrpG, a two-component system response regulator responsible for the expression of Xac hrp operons, and XAC0095, a previously uncharacterized protein encountered only in Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, a protein secreted by the TTSS, HpaB and the C-terminal domain HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 and HrpW; 4) HrpB2 and HrcU; 5) Homotropic interactions were also identified for the ATPase HrcN. Xac contains two virB gene clusters, one on the chromosome and one on the pXAC64 plasmid, each of which codes for a unique and previously uncharacterized TFSS. Components of the TFSS of pXAC64, which is most similar to conjugation systems, showed interactions involving proteins coded by the same locus: 1) Homotropic interactions of TrwA; 2) XACb0032 and XACb0033; 3) XAC0035 homotropic interactions; 4) VirB1 and VirB9; 5) XACb0042 and VirB6; 6) XACb0043 and XACb0021 b. Components of the chromosomal TFSS exhibited interactions involving: 1) VirD4 and a group of 12 uncharacterized proteins with a common C-terminal domain motif, include XAC2609 whose gene resides within the vir locus; 2) XAC2609 and XAC261 O; 3) Homotropic interactions of VirB11; 4) XAC2622 and VirB9. Analysis of Quorum Sensing/Rpf System components revealed interactions between the principal Rpf proteins which control Xanthomonas quorum sensing: 1) RpfC and RpfF; 2) RpfC and RpfG; 3) RpfF homotropic interactions; 4) RpfC and CmfA, a protein that presents similarity with Cmf (conditioned medium factor) of Dictyostelium discoideum, which contrais quorum sensing in this organism. The protein-protein interactions that we have detected reveal insights into the composition, organization and regulation of these important mechanisms involved in Xanthomonas pathogenicity.

Towards Control of Dutch Elm Disease: dsRNAs and the Regulation of Gene Expression in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi / dsRNAs and the Regulation of Gene Expression in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi

Carneiro, Joyce Silva 01 August 2013 (has links)
Ophiostoma novo-ulmi is the causal agent of Dutch elm disease (DED) which has had a severe impact on the urban landscape in Canada. This research program focused on developing molecular genetic strategies to control this pathogenic fungus. The first strategy involved the development of RNA interference (RNAi) for the down-regulation of genes involved in pathogenicity. An efficient RNAi cassette was developed to suppress the expression of the endopolygalacturonase (epg1) locus which encodes a cell-wall degrading enzyme. This epg1-RNAi cassette significantly reduced the amount of polygalacturonase activity in the fungus and resulted in almost complete degradation of epg1 mRNA. The need for a native promoter to selectively down-regulate specific gene loci was addressed by developing a carbon-catabolite regulated promoter (alcA) to drive the expression of the epg1-RNAi cassette. The expression of an alcA-driven epg1-RNAi cassette resulted in the down-regulation of epg expression under glucose starvation but normal levels of expression in high glucose. The expression could therefore be controlled by culture conditions. The second strategy explored the potential of using dsRNA viruses to vector disruptive RNAi cassettes. An isolate of O. novo-ulmi strain 93-1224 collected in the city of Winnipeg, was infected by two dsRNA mitoviruses which upon sequence characterization were named OnuMV1c and OnuMV7. To assess the transmissibility of this dsRNA virus the infected isolate 93-1224 was paired with three naive isolates of the related fungi O. ulmi and O. himal-ulmi. Through the use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers it was determined that the virus OnuMV1c may not rely on mitochondrial fusion for transmission but may have a cytoplasmic transmission route. This investigation of gene expression and manipulation has provided tools to help understand gene regulation in O. novo-ulmi. It has also added to our knowledge of mitoviruses, their transmission and potential use as a biological control. By enhancing our understanding of transmissible hypovirulence this work contributes to efforts to develop a new approach to target DED as well as a potential model for the control of other fungal diseases. / Graduate / 0307 / 0306 / 0369 / jscarneiro@hotmail.com

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