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Virus elimination for in vitro Canna x generalis cultivarsPrestowitz, Catherine M. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Delaware, 2007. / Principal faculty advisor: Robert E. Lyons, Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences. Includes bibliographical references.
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Hammerhead mediated self-cleavage of plant pathogenic RNAs / by Candice Claire Sheldon.Sheldon, Candice Claire January 1992 (has links)
Bibliography : leaves 92-99. / v, 99, [37] leaves, [14] leaves of plates : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Biochemistry, 1992
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The molecular identification and characterisation of Eutypa dieback and a PCR-based assay for the detection of Eutypa and Botryosphaeriaceae species from grapevine in South AfricaSafodien, Sieyaam 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine trunk diseases are caused by invasive pathogens that are responsible for the
slow decline of vines. In particular, Eutypa dieback of grapevine has had a devastating
impact on vineyards worldwide, reducing growth and yield, eventually killing the
grapevine. The causal organism of Eutypa dieback was first described as Eutypa
armeniacae Hansf. & Carter, the pathogen that causes dieback of apricots, but since 1987
this species has been considered a synonym of Eutypa lata (Pers.:Fr.) Tul & C. Tul
(anamorph Libertella blepharis A. L. Smith). Recently, it was proposed that at least two
species that are capable of infecting grapevines are responsible for Eutypa dieback.
Consequently, the molecular identification and characterisation of Eutypa dieback was
used to delineate the species occurring on infected grapevines in South Africa. This
involved the molecular analyses of three molecular markers, namely, the internal
transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) regions of the ribosomal DNA operon,
and the -tubulin gene. The results obtained revealed the presence of a second species,
namely, Eutypa leptoplaca (Mont.) Rappaz, that occurred together with E. lata on
infected grapevines.
Also co-habiting with these pathogens were related fungi form the Diatrypaceae family,
Cryptovalsa ampelina (Nitschke) Fuckel and Eutypella vitis (Schwein.) Ellis & Everhart.
Pathogenicity tests conducted on isolates representing C. ampelina, E. lata, E. leptoplaca,
and E. vitis revealed that all were pathogenic to grapevine. Several species of
Botryosphaeriaceae that commonly invade the woody tissue of grapevines are also
pathogenic to grapevine. The symptoms in grapevine commonly associated with
Botryosphaeriaceae are easily confused with the symptoms produced by Eutypa dieback
which prompted the need for the development of a detection method that can correctly
identify the presence of multiple pathogens.
A reverse dot blot hybridisation (RDBH) method was subsequently applied to provide a
rapid, accurate and reliable means of detecting the Eutypa species involved in the Eutypa
disease complex, as well as those species of Botryosphaeriaceae known to cause disease in grapevines. The method involved the use of multiplex PCR to simultaneously amplify
and label the regions of DNA that are used as pathogen specific probes. Consequently,
membrane immobilised species-specific oligonucleotides synthesised from the ITS, -
tubulin and LSU molecular data were evaluated during the application of this diagnostic
method to detect Eutypa species. It was found that the species-specific oligonucleotides,
designed from ITS sequence data, could consistently detect E. lata and E. leptoplaca.
The application of the RDBH method for the detection of these Eutypa species, based on
-tubulin and LSU sequence data, however, proved to be unsuccessful. Subsequently, a
RDBH method, utilising species-specific oligonucleotides designed from elongation
factor-1α sequence data, was successfully applied for the detection of Botyrosphaeria
dothidea (Moug.:Fr.) Ces. & De Not., Neofusicoccum luteum (Pennycook & Samuels)
Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips, Neofusicoccum parvum (Pennycook & Samuels)
Crous, Slippers, A.J.L. Phillips and Neofusicoccum ribis (Slippers, Crous & M.J. Wingf.)
Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips. The method, however, was unsuccessful for the
detection of Diplodia seriata De Not.
In addition to the above-mentioned shortcomings, the RDBH was not amenable to the
detection of pathogens directly from field or environmental samples, but required
preparation of DNA from pure cultures. The method, however, allows for the
identification of multiple pathogens in a single assay. As DNA extraction methods are
amended, improved and honed to obtain DNA from environmental samples, so would it
increase the usefulness of RDBH. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wingerd stamsiektes word veroorsaak deur patogene wat die vermoë het om
wingerdplante te infekteer en dan stadige agteruitgang van dié wingerde te veroorsaak.
Veral Eutypa terugsterwing het ‘n vernietigende effek op wingerde wêreldwyd deurdat
dit groeikrag en oesmassa verlaag, maar ook omdat dit uiteindelik wingerdstokke kan
dood. Die veroorsakende organisme is aanvanklik as Eutypa armeniacae Hansf. &
Carter beskryf, die patogeen wat terugsterf by appelkose veroorsaak, maar sedert 1987
word hierdie spesies beskou as ‘n sinoniem van Eutypa lata (Pers.:Fr.) Tul & C. Tul
(anamorph Libertella blepharis A. L. Smith). Dit is egter onlangs voorgestel dat ten
minste twee spesies die vermoë het om wingerd te infekteer om Eutypa terugsterwing te
veroorsaak. Gevolglik is molekulêre identifikasie- en karakteriseringstudies geloods om
te bepaal watter spesies Eutypa terugsterwing in Suid-Afrikaanse wingerde veroorsaak.
Dit het die molekulêre analise van drie molekulêre merkers behels, naamlik die interne
getranskribeerde spasiëerderarea (“ITS”), die groot ribosomale subeenheid (“LSU
rDNA”) en β-tubilien geen. Resultate van die filogenetiese analise dui daarop dat ’n
tweede spesies, naamlik Eutypa leptoplaca (Mont.) Rappaz, saam met E. lata in
geïnfekteerde plante voorkom.
Saam met bogenoemde twee spesies het daar ook verwante spesies van die Diatrypaceae
familie voorgekom, naamlik Cryptovalsa ampelina (Nitschke) Fuckel en Eutypella vitis
(Schwein.) Ellis & Everhart. Patogenisiteitstudies wat uitgevoer is met
verteenwoordigende isolate van C. ampelina, E. lata, E. leptoplaca, en E. vitis dui daarop
dat almal patogene van wingerd is. Verskeie Botryosphaeriaceae spesies wat gereeld in
houtagtige wingerdweefsel aangetref word, is ook patogene van wingerd. Interne
simptome wat algemeen met Botryosphaeriaceae infeksies geassosieer word, kan baie
maklik met dié van Eutypa terugsterwing verwar word en dit het die nood laat ontstaan
om ‘n opsporingsmetode te ontwikkel wat akkuraat genoeg is om tussen veelvoudige
infeksies te onderskei. ’n Omgekeerde-stippelklad-hibridisasie (OSH) metode is gevolglik aangewend om
Eutypa spesies betrokke in die Eutypa-siektekompleks op ‘n vinnige, akkurate en
betroubare manier op te spoor, sowel as die Botryosphaeriaceae species wat bekend is as
patogene van wingerd. Die metode behels ’n saamgestelde PKR vir die vermeerdering en
merk van DNS areas wat gebruik word as patogeen spesifieke peilers. Spesies-spesifieke
oligonukleotiede ontwikkel vanaf die ITS, -tubilien en LSU molekulêre data is op ‘n
membraan vasgeheg en gebruik om ’n diagnostiese toets te ontwikkel vir Eutypa species.
Merkers ontwikkel vanaf die ITS kon E. lata and E. leptoplaca konsekwent opspoor. Die
opspoor van Eutypa spesies met merkers vanaf die -tubulien en LSU gene met OSH
was onsuksesvol. Die OSH metode met merkers vanaf die verlengingsfaktor-1α kon
susksesvol gebruik word om Botyrosphaeria dothidea (Moug.:Fr.) Ces. & De Not.,
Neofusicoccum luteum (Pennycook & Samuels) Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips,
Neofusicoccum parvum (Pennycook & Samuels) Crous, Slippers, A.J.L. Phillips and
Neofusicoccum ribis (Slippers, Crous & M.J. Wingf.) Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips
op te spoor. Dié metode kon egter nie Diplodia seriata De Not. opspoor nie.
Bykomend tot bogenoemde tekortkominge, kon die omgekeerde-stippelklad-hibridisasie
metode ook nie aangepas word om patogene direk vanuit plantmateriaal op te spoor nie
en word DNS afkomstig vanaf suiwer kulture benodig. Dié metode laat egter
identifikasie van verskeie patogene in ‘n enkele toets toe. Soos DNS ekstraksie metodes
aangepas, verbeter en verfyn word om DNS vanuit plantmateriaal te verkry, sal die
bruikbaarheid van die omgekeerde stippelklad hibridisasie metode ook verbeter.
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Characterisation of pathogens associated with trunk diseases of grapevinesVan Niekerk, Jan Marthinus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric )--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In an attempt to combat some of the pathogens that are associated with trunk diseases and
disorders of grapevines, research in this thesis focused on the taxonomy and pathological aspects
of Coniellai/Pilidiella, Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis spp.
Previously, conidial pigmentation was used to separate Pilidiella from Coniella.
Recently, however, the two genera have been regarded as synonymous, with the older name,
Coniella, having priority. The most important species in the Coniellai/Pilidiella complex of
grapevines is C. diplodiella (Speg.) Petr. & Syd., the causal organism of white rot of grapevines.
Previous studies found it difficult to distinguish between C. diplodiella and C. fragariae
(Oudem.) B. Sutton, which is known to occur in soil and caused leaf diseases of Fragaria and
Eucalyptus. Both these species have previously been reported from South Africa. None of the
reports on C. diplodiella could be scientifically substantiated; therefore it is still a quarantine
organism. However, this status has been questioned. Based on sequence analyses of the internal
transcribed spacer region (ITS 1, ITS 2), 5.8S gene, large subunit (LSU) and elongation factor 1-
α gene (EF l- α) from the type species of Pilidiella and Coniella, Coniella was separated from
Pilidiella, with the majority of taxa residing in Pilidiella. Pilidiella is characterised by species
with hyaline to pale brown conidia (avg. length: width >1.5), with Coniella having dark brown
conidia (avg. length: width ≤1.5). Pilidiella diplodiella, previously C. diplodiella, causal
organism of white rot of grapevines, was shown to be an older name for C. petrakii. This fungus
is present in South Africa and is therefore no longer of quarantine importance. Based on
analyses of the histone (H3) gene sequences of isolates in the P. diplodiella species complex, P.
diplodiella was separated from a newly described species, P. diplodiopsis. A new species, P.
eucalyptorum, is proposed for isolates formerly treated as C. fragariae, associated with leaf
spots of Eucalyptus spp. This species clustered basal to Pilidiella, and may represent yet a third
genus within this complex. Pilidiella destruens was newly described as anamorph of
Schizoparme destruens, which is associated with twig dieback of Eucalyptus spp. in Hawaii.
The genus Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not. are known to be cosmopolitan, with broad host
ranges and geographical distributions. Several saprotrophic species have been reported from
grapevines, while others are severe pathogens of this host. These species include B. dothidea
(Moug.: Fr.) Ces. & De Not., B. parva Pennycook & Samuels, B. obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker,
B. stevensii Shoemaker, B. lutea A.J.L. Phillips and B. ribis Grossenb. & Duggar. Species
reported from South Africa as grapevine pathogens are B. obtusa, B. dothidea, B. ribis and B.
vitis (Schulzer) Sacco. In the present study, morphological, DNA sequence data (ITS 1, 5.8S, ITS
2 and EFI-α) and pathological data were used to distinguish 11 Botryosphaeria spp. associated
with grapevines from South Africa and other parts of the world. Botryosphaeria australis, B.
lutea, B. obtusa, B. parva, B. rhodina and a Diplodia sp. were confirmed from grapevines in
South Africa, while Diplodia porosum, Fusicoccum viticlavatum and F. vitifusiforme were
described as new species. Although isolates of B. dothidea and B. stevensii were confirmed from
grapevines in Portugal, neither of these species, nor B. ribis, were isolated in this study. All
grapevine isolates from Portugal, formerly presumed to be B. rib is, are identified as B. parva
based on EF1-α sequence data. Artificial inoculations on grapevine shoots showed that B.
australis, B. parva, B. ribis and B. stevensii are more virulent than the other species studied. The
Diplodia sp. collected from grapevine canes was identified as morphologically similar, but
phylogenetically distinct from D. sarmentorum, while D. sarmentorum was confirmed as
anamorph of Otthia spiraeae, the type species of the genus Otthia (Botryosphaeriaceae). A
culture identified as O. spiraeae clustered within Botryosphaeria, and is thus regarded as a
probable synonym. These findings confirm earlier suggestions that the generic concept of
Botryosphaeria should be expanded to include genera with septate ascospores and Diplodia
The genus Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubak contains many species that are plant pathogenic or
saprotrophic. Ten species are known from grapevines. However, only two have been confirmed
as being pathogenic, namely P. viticola (Sacc.) Sacc., causal organism of Phomopsis cane and
leaf spot and P. vitimegaspora Kuo & Leu (teleomorph Diaporthe kyushuensis Kajitani &
Kanem.), causal organism of swelling arm disease of grapevines. P. amygdali (Delacr.) 1.1.
Tuset & M.T. Portilla, a known pathogen from Prunus sp., was shown to be a possible pathogen
of grapevines in a previous study. D. perjuncta Niessl. causes bleaching of dormant canes only
and is therefore of little importance as a grapevine pathogen. Recently a number of Phomopsis
isolates were obtained from grapevines in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Isolations
were made from Phomopsis-like symptoms, pruning wounds and asymptomatic nursery plants.
These isolates showed great variation in morphology and cultural characteristics. Earlier
taxonomic treatments of Phomopsis, based species identification on host specificity, cultural
characteristics and morphology. Recent studies have indicated that these characteristics can no
longer be used to distinguish species of Phomopsis due to wide host ranges and morphological
plasticity of some species. The use of anamorph/teleomorph relationships in species
identification is also untenable, since Diaporthe teleomorphs have only been described for
approximately 20% of the known Phomopsis species. In this study morphological data, DNA
sequences (ITS-I, 5.8S, ITS-2) and pathogenicity data were combined to distinguish Phomopsis
spp. from grapevines. Fifteen species of Phomopsis were delineated by phylogenetic analysis of
ITS sequence data. Diaporthe helianthi, a sunflower pathogen, was reported from grapevines for
the first time, with a further six, unknown species also distinguished. Three different clades
contained isolates previously identified as D. perjuncta. Based on type studies, it appeared that
the name D. viticola was available for collections from Portugal and Germany, a new species, D.
australafricana, was proposed for South African and Australian isolates, formerly treated as D.
perjuncta or D. viticola. An epitype specimen and culture were designated for D. perjuncta.
This species was distinguished from D. viticola and D. australafricana based on morphology and
DNA phylogeny. Artificial inoculations of green grapevine shoots indicated that, of the species
tested, P. amygdali, a known pathogen of peaches in the USA, and P. viticola were the most
virulent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 'n poging om sommige patogene geassosieer met stamsiektes en syndrome, te beveg,
het die navorsing in die tesis gefokus op die taksonomie en patologiese aspekte van
ConiellaiPilidiella, Botryosphaeria en Phomopsis spp
Voorheen is konidium pigmentasie gebruik om Pilidiella (hialien tot ligbruin konidia) van
Coniella (donkerbruin konidia) te skei. Onlangs is hierdie twee genera egter as sinoniem beskou
met die ouer naam, Coniella, wat voorkeur gekry het. Die belangrikste spesies in die
ConiellaiPilidiella kompleks van wingerd is C. diplodiella (Speg.) Petr. & Syd., die
veroorsakende organisme van witvrot van wingerd. Vorige studies het dit moeilik gevind om te
onderskei tussen C. diplodiella en C. fragariae (Oudem.) B. Sutton, wat bekend is dat dit in
grond voorkom en ook blaarsiektes van Fragaria en Eucalyptus veroorsaak. Beide hierdie
spesies is tevore in Suid-Afrika aangemeld. Geen van die aanmeldings van C. diplodiella is
egter wetenskaplik bewys nie en daarom is dit steeds 'n kwarantyn organisme. Hierdie
kwarantyn status is egter bevraagteken. Op grond van DNS volgordes van die interne
getranskribeerde spasieerder area ("ITS 1", "ITS2"), die 5.8S rRNS geen, die groot ribosomale
subeenheid ("LSU") en die verlengingsfaktor 1-α geen ("EF-lα") van die tipe spesies van
Pilidiella en Coniella, is Coniella van Pilidiella geskei, met die meerderheid van die taxa wat
binne Pilidiella resorteer. Pilidiella word gekarakteriseer deur spesies met hialien tot ligbruin
konidia (gem. lengte: breedte > 1.5), in teenstelling met die donkerbruin konidia van Coniella
(gem. lengte: breedte ≤ 1.5). Daar is verder bewys dat Pilidiella diplodiella, voorheen C.
diplodiella, veroorsakende organisme van witvrot van wingerd, die ouer naam van C. petrakii is.
Hierdie swam is teenwoordig in Suid-Afrika en P. diplodiella is dus nie meer van kwarantyn
belang nie. Op grond van analises van die histoon (H3) volgordes van spesies in die P.
diplodiella spesies kompleks, is P. diplodiella geskei van 'n nuut beskryfde spesie, P.
diplodiopsis. 'n Nuwe spesie, P. eucalyptorum, is ook voorgestel vir isolate voorheen beskou as
C. fragariae, geassosieer met blaarvlek van Eucalyptus spp. Hierdie spesie het basaal van
Pilidiella gegroepeer en mag moontlik nog 'n derde genus binne hierdie kompleks
verteenwoordig. Pilidiella destruens is nuut as anamorf van Schizoparme destruens beskryf, wat
geassosieer word met loot terugsterwing van Eucalyptus spp. in Hawaii.
Die genus Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not. is bekend as kosmopolitaans met 'n wye
gasheerreeks en geografiese verspreiding. Verskeie saprofitiese spesies is aangemeld vanaf
wingerd, terwyl ander ernstige patogene van hierdie gasheer is. Laasgenoemde spesies sluit in B.
dothidea (Moug.: Fr.) Ces. & De Not., B. parva Pennycook & Samuels, B. obtusa (Schwein.)
Shoemaker, B. stevensii Shoemaker, B. lutea A.1.L. Phillips en B. ribis Grossenb. & Duggar.
Spesies aangemeld in Suid-Afrika as wingerdpatogene, is B. obtusa, B. dothidea, B. ribis en B.
vitis (Schulzer) Sacco In hierdie studie is morfologiese, DNS volgorde data ("ITSl", "ITS2",
5.8S en "EF-Iα") en plantpatologiese data gebruik om II Botryosphaeria spesies, geassosieer
met wingerde in Suid-Afrika en verskeie ander werelddele, te onderskei. Botryosphaeria
australis, B. lutea, B. obtusa, B. parva, B. rhodina en 'n Diplodia sp. is bevestig van wingerde in
Suid-Afrika, terwyl Diplodia porosum, Fusicoccum viticlavatum en F. vitifusiforme as nuwe
spesies beskryf is. AIhoewel isolate van B. dothidea en B. stevensii bevestig is van wingerde in
Portugal, is geen van hierdie spesies en ook nie B. ribis geïsoleer nie. AIle isolate vanaf wingerd
in Portugal, voorheen beskou as B. rib is, is as B. parva op grond van hul "EF-lα" volgordes
geïdentifiseer. Uit kunsmatige isolasies gemaak op wingerdlote is die gevolgtrekking gemaak
dat B. australis, B. parva, B. ribis en B. stevensii meer virulent is as die ander spesies wat
bestudeer is. Die Diplodia sp. versamel vanaf wingerdlote is geïdentifiseer as morfologies
eenders, maar filogeneties verskillend van D. sarmentorum, terwyl D. sarmentorum bevestig is
as die anamorf van Otthia spiraeae, die tipe spesie van die genus Otthia (Botryosphaeriaceae).
'n Kultuur wat as 0. spiraeae geïdentifiseer is, het binne Botryosphaeria gegroepeer, en word
dus as 'n moontlike sinoniem beskou. Hierdie bevindinge bevestig vroeëre voorstelle dat die
generiese konsep van Botryosphaeria uitgebrei behoort te word om genera met gesepteerde
askospore en Diplodia anamorwe in te sluit.
Die genus Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubak bevat verskeie spesies wat as of plantpatogenies, of
saprofities, beskryf is. Tien spesies is bekend op wingerd. Slegs twee is as patogenies bevestig,
naamlik P. viticola (Sacc.) Sacc., veroorsakende organisme van loot-en-blaarvlek ("streepvlek")
en P. vitimegaspora Kuo & Leu (teleomorf Diaporthe kyushuensis Kajitani & Kanem.),
veroorsakende organisme van geswelde arm van wingerd. In 'n vroeëre studie is bevind dat P.
amygdali (Delacr.) 1.1. Tuset & M.T. Portilla, 'n bekende patogeen van Prunus sp., moontlik ook
'n patogeen van wingerd mag wees. D. perjuncta Niessl. veroorsaak egter net verbleiking van
dormante lote en is dus van min belang as 'n wingerd patogeen. Gedurende die afgelope twee
jaar is verskeie Phomopsis isolate van wingerde in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika
verkry. Isolasies is gemaak van Phomopsis-agtige simptome, snoeiwonde en asimptomatiese
kwekeryplante. Die isolate verkry uit hierdie materiaal het groot variasie ten opsigte van
morfologie en kultuureienskappe getoon. Vroeëre taksonomiese verhandelings van Phomopsis
het spesies-identifikasie op gasheerspesifisiteit, kultuureienskappe en morfologie gebasseer.
Onlangse studies het egter getoon dat, weens wye gasheerreekse en morfologiese plastisiteit van
somnuge spesies, hierdie eienskappe me meer gebruik kan word om Phomopsis spesies te
identifiseer nie. Die gebruik van anamorflteleomorf verwantskappe in die identifikasie van
Phomopsis spesies ook onbruikbaar omdat Diaporthe teleomorwe vir slegs ongeveer 20% van
die bekende Phomopsis spesies beskryf is. Die huidige studie het dus morfologiese data, DNS
volgordes ("ITS 1", 5.8S, "ITS2") en patogenisiteitsdata gekombineer ten einde Phomopsis spp.
vanaf wingerd te identifiseer. Vyftien Phomopsis spesies is deur die filogenetiese analise van die
interne getranskribeerde spasieerder area ("ITS") volgordes geskei. Diaporthe helianthi, 'n
bekende patogeen van sonneblomme, is vir die eerste maal op wingerd aangeteken, terwyl 'n
verdere ses, tans onbekende spesies van Phomopsis ook geidentifiseer is. Drie verskillende
groepe het isolate bevat wat voorheen as D. perjuncta geidentifiseer is. Gebasseer op studies van
tipes, het dit voorgekom dat die naam D. viticola beskikbaar is vir isolate uit Portugal en
Duitsland. 'n Nuwe spesie, D. australafricana, is voorgestel vir Suid-Afrikaanse en Australiese
isolate wat voorheen behandel is as D. perjuncta of D. viticola. 'n Epitipe monster en kultuur is
vir D. perjuncta benoem. Hierdie spesie is van D. viticola en D. australafricana onderskei op
grond van morfologie en DNS filogenie. Kunsmatige inokulasies van groen wingerdlote het
getoon dat P. amygdali, bekende perske patogeen, en P. viticola die mees virulent was.
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The role of arthropods in the dispersal of trunk disease pathogens associated with Petri disease and EscaMoyo, Providence 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Petri disease and esca are devastating grapevine trunk diseases and compromise the
sustainability of viticulture world-wide. Despite being extensively studied, knowledge of
inoculum sources and mechanisms of spread of the causal pathogens is limited. Arthropods
have been suspected to play a role in the spread of Petri disease and esca pathogens.
However, little information is known about the extent to which arthropods are associated
with these pathogens. This study aimed to determine whether arthropods occurring within or
on declining grapevines, are associated with trunk disease pathogens and to identify
arthropods associated with pruning wounds. The potential of selected arthropods to act as
vectors of trunk disease pathogens was also investigated.
Two vineyards exhibiting grapevine trunk disease infections were sampled weekly
for two years for collection of arthropods. Arthropods were collected using pruning wound
traps, visual searches as well as trunk and cordon traps. Fungal spores from surfaces of
arthropods were collected in water. Samples were subjected to nested PCR using primers
Pm1/Pm2 and Pch1/Pch2 to verify the presence of Phaeoacremonium spp. and
Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, respectively. Water samples were also cultured and
grapevine trunk disease pathogens obtained were identified by sequencing the internal
transcribed spacers 1 and 2 and the 5.8S rRNA gene or the partial beta-tubulin gene. A total
of 10 875 arthropod individuals, belonging to more than 31 families, were collected from
declining grapevines. The most abundant arthropods included millipedes, ants, spiders and
beetles. Portuguese millipedes and cocktail ants were associated with fresh grapevine
pruning wounds. Thirty-three percent of the 5677 water samples analysed, contained
propagules of pathogens associated with Petri disease and esca. Of these, 37 % were
recovered from millipedes, 22 % from cocktail ants, 15 % from spiders and 10 % from
beetles. All the major groups of grapevine trunk diseases were detected on the arthropods. Phaeoacremonium species were detected in 1242 samples while Phaeomoniella
chlamydospora was identified from 855 samples. Other fungi isolated included members of
the Botryosphaeriaceae, Diatrypaceae and Diaporthales.
The potential of grapevine sap as a food source for Portuguese millipedes and
cocktail ants was investigated, in vitro. Millipede individuals were offered a choice between
water and grapevine sap while ants in nests were presented with grapevine sap, tuna and
water and monitored for ingestion of sap. Both taxa preferred grapevine sap over the other food items, indicating close association with pruning wounds. Subsequently, the ability of
both taxa to transmit a DsRed-transformed Phaeomoniella chlamydospora isolate to fresh
pruning wounds of canes in polystyrene strips, floating in water, and potted vines was
tested. Arthropods were exposed to the fungus for 24 hours and transferred to the base of the
plants and canes and were removed after three days. Isolations after a month revealed that
millipedes and ants were capable of transmitting the fungus onto wounds and cause
infection. Millipede faecal pellets were also evaluated as potential sources of inoculum.
Millipedes were fed on Phaeomoniella chlamydospora for 24 hours, surface sterilised and
allowed to defaecate in sterile Petri dishes overnight. Faecal material was collected,
macerated in water and plated onto potato dextrose agar. Propagules of Phaeomoniella
chlamydospora survived passage through the gut of millipedes and were passed out in a
viable state to form colonies of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora.
This study concludes that a wide variety of arthropods can be a source of inoculum
of trunk diseases in vineyards. The results of the dissemination trial provides evidence that
millipedes and ants are able to disseminate and infect vines with Phaeomoniella
chlamydospora. It is therefore, highly likely that other grapevine trunk disease pathogens
are transmitted in the same manner. This knowledge highlights the need for control of
certain arthropods to be taken into consideration when managing grapevine trunk disease
pathogens. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Petri siekte en esca is verwoestende wingerd stamsiektes en verhinder die
volhoubaarheid van wingerdproduksie wêreldwyd. Hierdie siektes is al intensief bestudeer,
maar kennis rakende die inokulum bronne en meganismes van verspreiding van die
veroorsakende patogene is beperk. Arthropoda is al vermoed om ‘n rol te speel in die
verspreiding van Petri siekte en esca patogene, maar weinig informasie is bekend oor die
mate waartoe arthropoda geassosieer is met die patogene. Hierdie studie het ten doel gestel
om die arthropoda wat op of in wingerdstokke wat terugsterf voorkom te identifiseer en te
bepaal watter van die arthropoda geassosieer is met stamsiekte patogene. Daar is ook ten
doel gestel om die arthropoda wat geassosieer is met vars snoeiwonde te identifiseer en ook
die moontlike vektor status van die stamsiekte patogene deur arthropoda.
Arthropoda is weekliks vir twee jaar gekollekteer vanaf twee wingerde met
stamsiekte infeksies. Snoeiwond lokvalle, visuele soektogte en stam- en kordon lokvalle
was gebruik om arthropoda te vang. Swamspore van die oppervlak van die arthropoda is
afgewas met water. Van hierdie water monsters is gebruik om dubbelvoudige polimerase
ketting reaksies (PKR) te doen met die inleiers Pm1/Pm2 en Pch1/Pch2 om vir die
teenwoordigheid van Phaeoacremonium spp. en Phaeomoniella chlamydospora
onderskeidelik te toets. Die oorblywende water monster is gekweek op medium om die
swamme teenwoordig te bepaal. Die wingerd stamsiekte patogene is verder geidentifiseer
deur die DNS volgordes te bepaal van die interne getranskribeerde spasies 1 en 2 en die
5.8S rRNS geen of ‘n gedeelte van die beta-tubulien geen. In totaal is 10 875 arthropoda,
wat behoort tot 31 families, gekollekteer vanaf wingerde wat terugsterf. Die mees algemene
arthropoda was duisendpote, miere, spinnekoppe en kewers. Die Portugese duisendpote en
die wipstert mier is geassosieer met vars wingerd snoeiwonde. Van die 5677 water monsters wat geanaliseer is, het 33% propagules van die Petri siekte of esca patogene gehad. Van
hierdie was 37 % afkomstig vanaf duisendpote, 22 % van wipstert miere, 15 % van
spinnekoppe en 10 % van kewers. Al die hoofgroepe van wingerd stampatogene is
opgespoor op die arthropoda. Phaeoacremonium species is opgespoor in 1242 monsters en
Phaeomoniella chlamydospora is gevind in 855 monsters. Ander swamme wat ook geisoleer
is sluit lede van die Botryosphaeriaceae, Diatrypaceae en Diaporthales in.
Die potensiaal van wingerdsap as ‘n bron van voedsel vir Portugese duisendpote en
wipstert miere is in vitro ondersoek. Duisendpoot invidue is ‘n keuse gegee tussen water en wingerd sap terwyl mierneste ‘n keuse gehad het tussen water, wingerd sap en tuna. Die
duisendpote en miere is gemonitor vir die inname van wingerdsap in die teenwoordigheid
van die ander bronne. Beide die duisendpote en miere het wingerdsap verkies wat aandui dat
hulle ‘n noue assosiasie met wingerd snoeiwonde het. Vervolgens is beide taksons getoets
vir hul vermoë om ‘n DsRooi-getransformeerde Phaeomoniella chlamydospora isolaat te
vektor na vars snoeiwonde op lote gemonteer op polistireen stroke wat in water dryf en op
wingerd plante in potte. Die duisendpote en miere is blootgestel aan die swam vir 24 uur en
oorgedra na die basis van die plante en lote en is weer verwyder na drie dae. Na ‘n maand is
isolasies gedoen wat gewys het dat die duisendpote en miere die swam suksesvol kon oordra
na die snoeiwonde en infeksie veroorsaak. Duisendpoot uitwerpsels is geëvalueer vir die
potensiaal as inokulum bron. Duisendpote het gevoed op Phaeomoniella chlamydospora vir
24 uur, daarna oppervlakkig gesteriliseer en toegelaat om oornag uitwerpsels te maak in
steriele Petri bakkies. Uitwerpsels was gekollekteer, fyngemaak in water en op aartappel
dekstrose agar uitgeplaat. Propagules van Phaeomoniella chlamydospora het die
verteringskanaal van die duisendpote oorleef en het tipiese kolonies op die agar gevorm.
Hierdie studie het vasgestel dat ‘n verskeidenheid van arthropoda ‘n bron van
inokulum van stamsiektes in wingerd kan wees. Die resultate van die vektor proewe het
gewys dat duisendpote en miere die vermoë het om Phaeomoniella chlamydospora te
versprei na snoeiwonde wat die swam dan suksesvol geinfekteer het. Dit is daarom hoogs
waarskynlik dat van die ander wingerd stamsiekte patogene ook versprei kan word op
dieselfde manier. Hierdie kennis demonstreer dat die beheer van spesifieke arthropoda in ag
geneem moet word in die bestuur van wingerd stamsiektes. / Winetech, Agricultural Research Council of South Africa and NRF for financial support
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Ecological relevance of suborganismal and population responses of terrestrial oligochaeta to the fungicide copper oxychlorideMaboeta, Mark Steve 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Copper oxychloride is a fungicide that is extensively used in vineyards in the Western
Cape to treat and prevent fungal diseases. It is however not clear what the effects are
on soil organisms, which play an important role in soil fertility, in South African soils.
There is paucity of data linking results obtained in the laboratory to effects observed
in the field, which will only become useful if a clear relation can be demonstrated.
The aims of this study were to:
~ Determine the effects of copper oxychloride on field populations of earthworms
and simultaneously monitor lysosomal membrane stability, measured as neutral
red retention time (NRRT).
~ Validate experimental field studies by doing inventories of earthworm populations
in long-term sprayed vineyards.
~ Determine the LC50 of copper oxychloride and simultaneously measuring NRRT,
and linking them to the experimental field studies.
~ Conduct bioassays, burrowing activity- and soil-avoidance experiments to
investigate their relations to earthworm population responses in the experimental
field studies.
Earthworms were sampled by hand-sorting in the field tests on treated and untreated
field plots in the Western- (October 1998 - July 1999) and Northern Cape (April 1998
- October 1999). Soil samples and worms were analysed for copper contents and
coelomocytes of live earthworms were used to conduct the neutral red retention
Acute toxicity tests were conducted over a period of 28 days during which the
earthworms (Eisenia fetiday were exposed to different concentrations of copper
oxychloride. Change in biomass and mortality were measured as endpoints, as well as
Bioassays, burrowing activity and soil-avoidance were conducted by exposing
Aporrectodea caliginosa to grassland- and vineyard soil as well as grassland soil
spiked with 60 J.1g.g-1copper in the form of copper oxychloride. Growth and
mortality were recorded in the bioassays as well as copper concentrations In
earthworm body tissues and substrates used over a period of28 days. Burrowing activity and soil-avoidance were determined by measuring the length of
tunnels burrowed by A. caliginosa in soil profiles over a period of 4 days under
different exposure regimes.
Results from the field tests showed that spraying of copper oxychloride had a negative
effect on earthworm populations at the prescribed application rates. NRR T in
earthworms from the exposure plots was significantly (p<0.05) lower after just one
spraying application. It was concluded that spraying copper oxychloride at prescribed
application rates caused a decrease in field populations of earthworms and that NRRT
was an early and reliable biomarker since it was indicative of later effects observed at
the population level. Results obtained from the field inventory of earthworms in
vineyards at Nietvoorbij, Robertson end Worcester confirmed data from the two field
The calculated LC50 of 882.78 I1g.g-1 for copper oxychloride and 519.40 I1g.g-1 for
copper was ecologically relevant if a safety factor of 10 was applied. NRRT which
manifested earlier than effects on biomass change in the acute toxicity tests, were
significant when viewed against the background of responses of field populations of
From the bioassay experiments it was found that A. caliginosa exposed to copper
oxychloride spiked soil had significantly (p<0.05) higher weight loss and mortality
than those in grassland- and vineyard soil. This indicated that changes in biomass and
mortality were indicative of population responses in the field and can be considered as
ecologically relevant.
Burrowing activity of A. caliginosa was significantly (p<0.05) lower in vineyard and
copper oxychloride spiked soil than in grassland soil. Similarly in the soil avoidance
experiments it was found that A. caliginosa avoided vineyard- and copper oxychloride
contaminated soil. It is therefore concluded that burrowing activity and soil
avoidance were ecologically relevant endpoints since they corresponded with
population responses in the field.
The study thus revealed that the long-term usage of copper oxychloride could have
negative effects on earthworm populations. The spraying of copper oxychloride can
have important implications on the sustainable use of agricultural soils since
earthworms and other soil organisms play such an important role in soil fertility. The
use of biomarkers and other ecotoxicological indicators can provide an early warning
that soil organisms are under environmental stress. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fungisied koperoksichloried word wyd gebruik in die Wes-Kaap om swamsiektes
in wingerde te beheer en te voorkom. Dit is egter nie bekend wat die effek daarvan op
Suid Afrikaanse grondbiota, wat 'n belangrike rol speel in grondvrugbaarheid, is nie.
Daar is ook 'n tekort aan inligting wat die resultate van laboratoriumondersoeke in
verband bring met veldstudies.
Die doelstellings van die studie was om:
~ Die effek van koperoksichloried op erdwurmpopulasies in die veld te ondersoek
en terselfdertyd membraanstabiliteit, as moontlike biomerker, gemeet as neutraal
rooi retensietye (NRRT), te monitor.
~ Die geldigheid van eksperimentele veldstudies te toets deur ook grondanalises te
doen in wingerde wat oor langtermyn met koperoksichloried bespuit is.
~ Die LC50 van koperoksichloried vir erdwurms te bepaal en terselfdertyd NRR T te
meet asook om dié gegewens in verband te bring met die resultate van seisoenale
veldstudies oor die uitwerking op erdwurmpopulasies.
~ Bio-evaluerings ("bioassays"), tonnelaktiwiteit- en vermydingseksperimente te
onderneem en die verband tussen die toksiteitstoetse en populasieresponse, soos
waargeneem in die veld, te ondersoek.
Erdwurms is versamel deur handsortering tydens die veldtoetse in die Wes- (Oktober
1998 - Julie 1999) en Noord-Kaap (April 1998 - Oktober 1999) op kontrole en
bespuite persele. Grondmonsters en erdwurms is spektrofotometries geanaliseer om
koperinhoude te bepaal. Die selomosiete van lewende wurms is gebruik om NRR T te
bepaal. Akute toksisiteitstoetse is uitgevoer oor 'n tydperk van 28 dae waartydens
Eisenia fetida blootgestel is aan verskillende koperoksichloried konsentrasies.
Veranderinge in biomassa en mortaliteit is bepaal asook NRRT.
Bioevaluerings ("bioassays"), tonnelaktiwiteit- en vermydingseksperimente IS
uitgevoer deur Aporrectodea caliginosa bloot te stel aan grasveld- en wingerdgrond
asook grasveldgrond wat met koperoksichloried gekontamineer is. Groei en
mortalitiet is bepaal in die "bioassays" asook koperkonsentrasies in die grond en
erdwurm liggaamsweefsels oor 'n tydperk van 28 dae. Tonnelaktiwiteit en
grondvermyding is bepaal deur die lengte van tonnels wat deur A. caliginosa gegrawe
is te meet oor 'n tydperk van vier dae vir die verskillende blootgestelde groepe.
Die resultate het aangedui dat koperoksichloriedbespuiting 'n negatiewe invloed het
op erdwurmpopulasies teen die voorgeskrewe toedieningsprogram. NRRT in
erdwurms van die blootstellingperseel, was beduidend (p<0.05) laer na 'n enkele
bespuiting. Daar is verder bevind dat NRR T 'n betroubare en vroeë biomerker is,
aangesien dit 'n aanduiding gegee het van latere effekte wat op populasievlak na vore
getree het. Veldopnames in Nietvoorbij, Robertson en Worcester het die geldigheid
van data verkry uit die veldstudies ondersteun.
Die berekende LC50 van 882.78 ug.g" vir koperoksichloried en 519.40 ug.g" VIr
koper was ekologies relevant indien 'n veiligheidsfaktor van 10 toegepas is. NRRT se
ekologiese relevansie is bevestig deur dit te vergelyk met response wat in die
veldtoetse waargeneem is.
Deur bioevalueringseksperimente is bevind dat gewigsverlies en mortaliteit van A.
caliginosa beduidend hoër was in koperoksichloried gekontamineerde grond as in die
grasveld- (kontrole) en wingerdgronde. Veranderinge in biomassa en mortalitiet was
aanduidend van populasieresponse soos waargeneem in die veldstudies en kan dus as
ekologies relevante eindpunte beskou word.
Tonnelaktiwiteit van A. caliginosa was beduidend (p<0.05) laer in wingerd- en
koperoksichloried gekontamineerde grond as in grasveldgrond. Dieselfde is gevind in
die grondvermydingstoetse waar A. caliginosa wingerd- en koperoksichloried
gekontamineerde grond vermy het. Dit kan dus afgelei dat tonnelaktiwiteit en
grondvermyding ook ekologies bruikbare eindpunte is aangesien dit verband hou met
populasieresponse soos waargeneem in die veldstudies.
Hierdie studie het getoon dat die herhaalde gebruik van koperoksichloried 'n nadelige
invloed kan hê op erdwurmbevolkings. In die lig van die belangrike rol wat
erdwurms en ander grondorganismes speel in grondvrugbaarheid kan die oormatige
gebruik van hierdie fungisied ernstige implikasies inhou vir volhoubare benutting van
landbougronde. Die gebruik van biomerkers en ander ekotoksikologiese eindpunte
kan egter as vroeë waarskuwingsmetode dien dat die grondorganismes onder
omgewingstres verkeer.
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Viral Suppression of Host DefensesMahadevan, Geetha B. 07 May 2004 (has links)
Upon detection of a pathogen, plants initiate specific signaling events designed to prevent host colonization and pathogen proliferation. Appearance of the hypersensitive response (HR), a type of programmed cell death signifies activation of active defenses in response to a one-to-one recognition of host, Resistance or R gene, and pathogen, avirulence or avr gene, encoded products. Turnip crinkle virus (TCV), however, has been shown to suppress the ability of Col-0 Arabidopsis thaliana plants to produce the HR in response to an avirulence factor. The extent of suppression was quantified by measuring cellular electrolyte leakage resulting from programmed cell death. Interestingly, cellular ion leakage levels were significantly lower in TCV-infected plants when challenged with bacteria expressing either of two bacterial effectors avrRpt2 or avrRpm1, suggesting that TCV can suppress the HR to a range of HR-inducing avirulence factors. In order to determine the viral component(s) responsible for mediating this suppression, each of the five TCV open reading frames (ORFs) was tested using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient expression assay in Nicotiana benthamiana. Though sequencing of the five TCV clones revealed mutations in the p28, p88, and p9 clones, Agro infiltration of an HR-inducing system in conjunction with individual TCV ORFs, or combinations of, was used to gather data to determine the role each may possess in the suppression phenotype. Full-length TCV was also expressed in the presence of AvrPto/Pto to establish suppression phenotype in Nicotiana. To assay for suppression of cell death in a heterologous system, both the mutant and wild-type clones were also tested in yeast for cell-death suppression induced by hydrogen peroxide exposure.
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Evaluation of seed and drench treatments for management of damping-off and seedling blight pathogens of spinach for organic productionCummings, Jaime Anne, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in plant pathology)--Washington State University, December 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Control Garden PestsTate, Harvey F., Roney, J. N. 01 1900 (has links)
This item was digitized as part of the Million Books Project led by Carnegie Mellon University and supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Cornell University coordinated the participation of land-grant and agricultural libraries in providing historical agricultural information for the digitization project; the University of Arizona Libraries, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the Office of Arid Lands Studies collaborated in the selection and provision of material for the digitization project.
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Characterization of the Brassica napus-fungal pathogen interactionYang, Bo Unknown Date
No description available.
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