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Caracterização e otimização da produção de resina em Pinus elliottii Engelm. - Papel de moduladores bioquímicosRodrigues, Kelly Cristine da S January 2006 (has links)
A produção de oleoresina (uma complexa mistura de mono, sesqui e diterpenos) por espécies de coníferas é uma resposta de defesa contra ataques por insetos e microrganismos patogênicos. A extração de oleoresina de Pinus elliottii é também uma importante atividade econômica, pois seus derivados voláteis, terebintina (mono e sesquiterpenos) e breu ou rosina (diterpenos), encontram diversas aplicações na indústria química e farmacêutica. O processo de extração de oleoresina é baseado na realização de estrias seqüenciais na casca, expondo a interface entre o xilema secundário e o floema. O ferimento ativa a liberação de resina dos ductos resiníferos, sendo aplicada sobre a estria uma pasta comercial estimuladora de resina que contém ácido sulfúrico e um precursor do etileno, os quais favorecem o fluxo do produto. Até o presente estudo, havia escassez de informação sobre a fisiologia da produção de resina em Pinus no sul do Brasil. Neste trabalho foi realizada a investigação da produção sazonal de oleoresina por Pinus elliottii em diferentes sítios florestais, bem como avaliado o papel de possíveis agentes moduladores da produção de resina, selecionados com base eu seu papel fisiológico geral em plantas, para inclusão em pastas estimulantes de resina. Foram monitoradas mais de 5000 árvores. Os resultados mostraram que o desempenho de produção é afetado pela temperatura e condições edáficas, sendo que o melhor rendimento está associado às estações mais quentes e a solos relativamente pobres e/ou temporariamente alagados. A produção de inverno, estação normalmente não incluída no ano de resinagem, no entanto, foi expressiva. Dentre os agentes testados como adjuvantes da pasta estimuladora de resina, destacaram-se auxina (2-4-D), ácido salicílico e extrato de levedura. Em determinadas concentrações e estações do ano estes adjuvantes agregados à pasta foram superiores na capacidade de indução de resina em relação à pasta comercial. Alguns deles (como auxina e ácido salicílico) foram capazes de substituir o precursor de etileno com rendimento de resina equivalente ou superior. Os custos dos adjuvantes de pasta identificados são bastante vantajosos em relação aos atualmente usados. Os resultados indicaram que o componente induzido da resina de P. elliottii possui expressiva importância, mostrando que a espécie utilizada não só é componente constitutivo de resina em respostas de defesa.
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Acido abietico como sinton quiral em estudo de rotas exploratorias visando a sintese de produtos naturais e avaliação de atividade biologicaSantos, Catarina dos 01 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Mitsuo Imamura / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T08:26:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Santos_Catarinados_D.pdf: 7731213 bytes, checksum: 729ccbc78f86912acf0ce49a69d1cfca (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2002 / Doutorado
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Evolution and applications of pine microsatellitesKarhu, A. (Auli) 27 February 2001 (has links)
The evolution of microsatellites was studied within and between the pine species. Sequences showed that microsatellites
do not necessarily mutate in a stepwise fashion and that size homoplasy is common due to flanking sequence and repeat area
changes within and between the species. Thus, some assumptions of statistical methods based on changes in repeat numbers may
not hold.
Sequences from cross-species amplifications revealed evidence of duplications of microsatellite loci in pines. On two
independent occasions, the repeat area of the microsatellite had undergone a rapid expansion during the last 10-25 million of
Microsatellite markers were used together with other molecular markers (allozymes, RFLPs, RAPDs, rDNA RFLPs) and an
adaptive trait (date of bud set) to study patterns of genetic variation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
in Finland. All molecular markers showed high level of within population variation, while differentiation among populations
was low (FST = 0.02). Of the total variation in bud set, 36.4 % was found among the populations which
experience a steep climatic gradient. Thus, the markers applied were poor predictors of population differentiation of the
quantitative trait studied
The distribution of genetic variation was studied in five natural populations of radiata pine (Pinus
radiata), species which has gone through bottlenecks in the past. Null allele frequencies were estimated and used
in later analyses. Microsatellites showed high level of variability within populations (He =
0.68-0.77). Allele length distributions and average number of alleles per locus showed some traces of bottlenecks. Instead,
comparison of observed genetic diversities and expected diversities suggested post-bottleneck expansion of populations.
Genetic differentiation (FST and RST) among populations was over 10 %,
reflecting situation in the isolated radiata pine populations.
Using microsatellites and a newly developed Bayesian method, individual inbreeding coefficients were estimated in five
populations of radiata pine. Most individuals were outbred while some were selfed. Presumably, in ancestral radiata pine
populations the recessive deleterious alleles have been eliminated after bottlenecks and the mating system has changed as a
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Important pests and diseases of plantation grown Pinus and Eucalyptus in Colombia and their controlRodas Pelaez, C.A. (Carlos Alberto) 13 January 2013 (has links)
Colombia covers an area of approximately 114 million hectares (ha) of which the
potential forestly land has been estimated at 60.7 million ha, about 53% of the
total area. Only 54 million ha are considered as natural forest, leaving
approximately 29 million ha to be used for livestock and agriculture. In order to
provide an alternative source of timber, Colombian groups have planted
approximately 327 000 ha to different species of Pinus, Eucalyptus and native
species. This clearly represents only a small proportion of the total area that
might be used for forestry, which is set to grow in the future.
In general, trees established in plantations have been grown as monocultures
that allow for substantial productivity per management unit. But this is also a
homogeneous genetic resource that is highly susceptible to damage caused by
insect pests and diseases. It is therefore, surprising that relatively little work has
been conducted on pests and pathogens negatively affecting plantation foresty in
Colombia. In this regard, the studies presented in this thesis present the first
comprehensive treatment of the topic for the country. It is consequently hoped
that these will form a basis for the future management and sustainability of
forestry in Colombia.
In the first Chapter of this thesis, I provide a historical background and the
current pest and disease situation for the forestry sector in Colombia. This
includes an overview of the main pest and diseases affecting commercial nonnative
trees, especially species of Pinus and Eucalyptus. A wide range of sites
occurring in Colombia were considered and the document also includes the
impact of different climatic conditions on the incidence and management of the
various pests and diseases treated.
Some of the most important defoliators in Colombia reside in the order
Phasmatodea and one of these, Litosermyle ocanae, was treated in studies
presented in chapter two. The overall aim was to contribute basic knowledge of
L. ocanae including an understanding of the biology, egg population dynamics,
and potential biological control assessments based on early detection of the
insect. vi
Chapter three includes the discovery of one of the members of the
Geometridae that causes serious damage due to defoliation of Pinus and
Eucalyptus plantations. This pest, known as Chrysomima semiluteraria, has been
known in Colombia for many years and this study included a comprehensive
evaluation of its biology and field monitoring contributing to an Integrated Pest
Management strategy for it. The insect was studied under field and laboratory
conditions and a special emphasis was placed on its biological control using the
egg parasitoid Telenomus alsophilae.
Pinus plantations in Colombia have been affected by numerous pests, including
recently, the adelgid Pineus sp. To establish management strategies to assist
commercial forestry operations, the life cycle of this insect and the susceptibility
of different Pinus species were determined in Chapter four. In addition, the
possible role of a Ceraeochrysa sp. as a biological control agent was
In chapter five, Fusarium circinatum is recorded for the first time on Pinus spp.
in Colombia. The discovery of this fungus, known to cause the disease Pitch
Canker has had an important impact on forestry, especially with regard to
management strategies aimed at reducing its impact. Studies in this chapter
included those to evaluate the susceptibility of families and provenances of Pinus
spp., which are currently used in forestry planting programs in Colombia.
The first emergence of the foliage pathogen Dothistroma septosporum as an
important constraint to pine forestry in Colombia is treated in chapter six. This
fungus is a serious pathogen of many species of Pinus around the world. It was,
however, not recognised as a serious threat to forestry in Colombia until it
emerged as a serious source of damage to Pinus tecunumanii. In this chapter,
the aim was firstly to confirm the identity of the pathogen based on DNA
sequence data. Subsequently, the host range and distribution of the pathogen
was established in different Colombian forestry areas. The impact of the disease
and the susceptibility of different provenances of P. tecunumanii was also
assessed. In chapter seven, the main objective was to described the susceptibility of E.
grandis clones to a new species of Ceratocystis and to identify clones resistant to
it. The fungus was described as Ceratocystis neglecta and management
strategies are suggested for it.
This thesis includes two Appendices treating new reports of insect pests and an
important Eucalyptus pathogen. In Appendix 1, I report on the importance of
three different pest insects. Appendix 2 includes a description of a new disease,
as well as the potential risks that this disease poses for the Colombian forestry
sector. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) / Unrestricted
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Allelopathic effect of the weed Cyperus esculentus on the growth of young Pinus patula plantationsBezuidenhout, Suzette Rene 11 October 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the 00front part of this document. / Dissertation (MSc Agric (Weed Science))--University of Pretoria, 2001. / Plant Production and Soil Science / Unrestricted
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Habitat Assessment for Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus Polyphemus) and Grassland Birds in South MississippiStukey, Nathan Andrew 06 May 2017 (has links)
I studied eight habitat types of south Mississippi from 2009-2010 to examine habitat conditions and faunal communities associated with the presence of gopher tortoise burrows (Gopherus polyphemus). Field methods included burrow surveys, vegetation sampling, mound counts, and point count surveys. Active tortoise burrow presence was influenced by percent coverage of bare ground, native legumes, grass-like plants, basal area, overstory canopy, and woody plants. Fire ant mound densities were influenced by percent coverage of overstory canopy cover, bare ground, grass-like vegetation, and woody plants. Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and Bachman’s sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) were detected more frequently in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) dominated habitats supporting gopher tortoises. My findings will be used to address the paucity of information related to gopher tortoise conservation on private and public lands and identify potential areas for inclusion in conservation initiatives supporting longleaf pine restoration or gopher tortoise conservation in the southeastern lower coastal plain.
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The morphogenetic changes involved with the differentiation of a unicellular fertilized egg to an organised multicellular embryo pass through a cycle of events. Manifestation of differentiation in structural diversity starts from the physiological differences In the tissue. These differences can be demonstrated through biochemical variations.
These ideas are examined In the gametophyte-embryo complex of Ginkgo biloba and Pinus resinose.
It is shown that the embryo experiences different physiological conditions during the various phases of development. In addition, the potentialities of embryonic cells to grow and differentiate vary during these phases. Alternative developmental sequences can occur if the nutritional environment is altered. Radiosensitivity of the embryo as measured by abortion and abnormal differentiation is shown to be dependent on the stage of embryonic development. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Elemental Analysis and Microscopical Studies of the Mature Seeds of Eleven Species of PinusWest, Maria M 08 1900 (has links)
The storage reserves in the mature seeds of eleven
species of Pinus were investigated. Lipids and proteins 1
sequestered in lipid vesicles and protein bodies respectively 1
were found to be the major storage reserves of pine seeds.
All seed tissues of mature Pinus seeds contained protein
bodies with one or more protein crystalloids andjor one or
more globoid crystals. Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis
of globoid crystals in all species of Pinus that were studied
revealed the presence of P 1 K and Mg 1 a fact that is
consistent with globoid crystals being phytate-rich. Traces
of Ca and Fe were also detected in the globoid crystals of
some seed tissues.
High levels of Fe and significant levels of P1 K and
Mg were detected in small (often .:::; 0. 3 3 J,£m) 1 naturally
electron-dense particles that were distributed throughout the
tissues of the embryo and female gametophyte. Unlike
conventional phytate-rich globoid crystals 1 these Fe-rich
particles were not contained in the proteinaceous matrix of
typical protein bodies. Instead 1 the particles were contained
within membrane-bound structures resembling plastids.
Neutron activation analysis and spectrophotometric
phosphorus analysis were used to provide a quantitative
determination of elements in whole female gametophyte and
embryo tissue samples. High levels of P, K, Mg and S and
significant levels of Cl, Ca, Mn, Zn and Fe were detected in
pine seed tissues. Environment and growth conditions under
which the seed developed did not appear to affect the total
mineral nutrient levels of mature pine seeds.
Seed size and weight varied greatly between the eleven
species of Pinus investigated. A major focus of this study
was to determine whether seed size was correlated to the
distribution of minerals in pine seeds. Previous studies
showed that mineral distribution was related to seed size in
cucurbits. Phosphorus, Mg and Ca concentrations in globoid
crystals and Fe concentrations in electron-dense particles of
Pinus seed tissue were found to be negatively correlated with
seed size.
A comparative study of nutrient reserves in haploid
female gametophyte tissue versus diploid embryo tissues was
made. Within each species of Pinus, the total mineral
nutrient concentrations in whole female gametophyte samples
were similar to total mineral nutrient concentrations within
whole embryo samples. Protein body structure and the types of
mineral nutrients stored in globoid crystals of protein bodies
were also similar between female gametophytes and their corresponding embryos. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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A study of the Morphological States in the In Vitro Development of the Proembryo of Pinus Nigra Arn. Var. Austriaca A. & GR. / The Development In Vitro of the Proembryo of PinusWoods, Arthur Brant 09 1900 (has links)
The earliest embryonic stages, because of the simplicity of their organization and cellular structure, are logical starting points for developmental studies of plants as a whole. The zygote and early post-zygote phases of embryonic development are periods of minimum cell form differentiation, if the cells possess a potentially to develop in a number of different ways at any stages in their development, it is in all likelihood at this early date. Becoming more and more specialized with continued growth, they finally form tissues and organs with the capacity for specific functions in the division of labour of the mature plant organization. it was felt that the more specialized the cells became, the less impressionable they would be to the influence of an in-vitro environment. Accordingly, this treatise deals with the culture in artificial medium of the early post-fertilization periods in the embryonic growth of Pinus nigra, var. austriaca, in an effort to discover and assess those factors which influence and govern the embryonic development pattern. The present study was begun in 1951 at the suggestion of Professor N.W. Radforth. I wish to express my appreciation to Professor Radforth for his guidance in conducting my research, without which this investigation could not have been carried out. This work was undertaken as part of a programme which has been assisted through a grant from the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, for which Dr. Radforth is the grantee. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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A Study of the Growth in vitro of the Proembryo and Prothallium of sinus nigra ARN. VAR austriaca A. & GRPegoraro, Louise 10 1900 (has links)
Little is known about fundamental mechanisms of growth control on the growth ff single or small groups of cells of the higher plants. Study of these effects in vitro requires the knowledge of the primary conditions for growth in vitro. In this work a procedure was outlined and used in an effort to establish a basis for the standard procedure. Also the associated effects of the physical, and to some extent, the chemical environment on the growth of the proembryo and prothallium. of Linus were studied. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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