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Decay fungi from New Zealand leaky buildings isolation, identification and preservative resistance /Stahlhut, Dirk. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. Biological Sciences)--University of Waikato, 2009. / Title from PDF cover (viewed July 10, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 184-202)
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Heterobasidion - conifer pathosystem : heterologous array analysis and transcriptional shift from saprotrophic to necrotrophic growth /Lundén, Karl, January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2010. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.
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Hormonal control of wood formation in radiata pine : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Cell Biology, University of Canterbury /Welsh, Shayne K. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Canterbury, 2006. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-118). Also available via the World Wide Web.
504 |
The effect of site and cambial age on selected anatomical properties ofWondifraw, Daniel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this project was to determine the site effect- especially water availability -
and the effect of cambial age on selected anatomical properties of Pinus radiata, in
order to be able to predict possible changes in wood quality due to an expected
change in climate. A second objective was to correlate ring and fibre properties, in
order to determine, if ring properties could be used as a proxy to describe wood
quality. The samples consisted of 12 trees, sampled at an age of 1 to 16 from six
selected sites in the Western Cape, which ranged from water stressed to moist.
Apart from the water availability all other external factors, such as elevation etc. were
kept as equal as possible.
Anatomical wood properties such as fibre length and fibre diameter, lumen diameter,
cell wall thickness, ring width and earlywood/latewood ratio were determined and
their change with cambial age and water availability was evaluated. Fibre length,
fibre diameter and cell wall thickness increased with increasing cambial age, and
ring width and earlywood/latewood ratio decreased with increasing cambial age. No
significant correlations were found between any of the ring or fibre properties and
water availability. Most of the fibre properties were significantly correlated with ring
width and earlywood/latewood ratio when age was not considered as covariate, but
showed no correlation when the age effect was excluded. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die projek was om die perseel se effek te bepaal, veral water
beskikbaarheid, ten opsigte van die effek van kambium ouderdom en geselekteerde
anatomiese eienskappe van Pinus radiata, om sodoende die moontike verandering
in hout kwaliteit as gevolg van verwagte klimaatsverandering te voorspel. ‘n Tweede
doelwit was om die ring en vesel eienskappe te korreleer en ook te bepaal of ring
eienskappe gebruik kan word om hout kwaliteit te beskryf. Die monsters het bestaan
uit bome van ses geselekteerde persele in die Wes Kaap en het gevarieer van ‘n
water tekort na klam. Behalwe vir water beskikbaarheid is al die ander eksterne
faktore, soos hoogte ens., konstant gehou waar moontlik.
Anatomiese hout eienskappe soos vesel lengte en deursnee, sel deursnee, selwand
dikte, ring wydte en E/L verhouding was bepaal asook die verandering met kambium
ouderdom en water beskikbaarheid. Vesel lengte , vesel deursnee en selwand dikte
het toegeneem met toename in kambium ouderdom, en ring wydte en E/L
verhouding het afgeneem met toename in kambium ouderdom. Toename in water
beskikbaarheid het gelei to afname in vesel lengte en selwand dikte, waar vesel
deursnee, sel deursnee, E/L verhouding en ring wydte toegeneem het. Meeste van
die vesel eienskappe het betekenisvol gekorrelleer met ring wydte en E/L verhouding
wanneer ouderdom nie as ko-variant gebruik is nie.
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Thermomechanical pulping (TMP), chemithermomechanical pulping (CTMP) and biothermomechanical pulping (BTMP) of bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) and Pinus PatulaVena, P. F. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Forest and Wood Science))—University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / In this study the mechanical pulping characteristics of Solanum mauritianum (Bugweed) were investigated using Thermomechanical (TMP), Chemithermomechanical (CTMP) and Biothermomechanical (BTMP) methods. Results were compared with those obtained from Pinus patula pulps treated under similar conditions. In the TMP pulping trials, the pretreatment of wood chips involved soaking of chips in water overnight prior to refining. The CTMP pulping trials involved first the impregnation of wood chips with 3% sodium sulfite and 2% sodium carbonate solution for 24 hours before refining. Coculture of hemicellulolytic Aspergillus flavipes and ligninolytic Pycnoporus sanguineus were inoculated to the wood chips in BTMP trials, to enhance wood chip breakdown.
Solanum mauritianum (Bugweed) wood chips produced the highest pulp yields and less shive content compared to Pinus patula treated under similar pulping conditions. This could be ascribed to easier fibre separation and lesser fibre damage, as well as its lower extractive content. Results showed that the pretreatment of wood chips prior to TMP pulping increased paper strength properties compared to the pulp prepared from the untreated wood chips. Chemically pretreated wood chips consumed a larger amount of refining energy. With regard to brightness levels, handsheets from Pinus patula pulps recorded lower brightness values than those from Bugweed pulps. This was related to the lighter colour of the Bugweed wood chips and the higher extractive content of Pinus patula. The high brightness level of the CTMP pulps could be attributed to a modification of the lignin chromophores and the extractive removal, which contributed to a lower absorption coefficient of the pulp. Handsheets from BTMP pulps showed a reduction in brightness compared to the TMP and CTMP pulps. This was caused by the darkening of the wood chips during the fungal incubation period. Pulp and paper properties of Bugweed compared favourably to those results published for other hardwoods. The results of this study suggest possibilities for using Bugweed in high yield pulping processes.
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A sampling study of branching characteristics towards obtaining more efficiency for tree selection in breeding trialsGwebu, Simosabo Bhekinkhosi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A total of 125 trees covering a range of tree diameters were selected from a progeny trial
of open pollinated progenies of Pinus patuia for studies on trait assessments and
evaluation for branching characteristics. The trees comprised 25 families with each
family having five trees. The trial was 36 months old and was located in a relatively high
yielding site in Block B at Usutu in Swaziland. The height, diameter, the number of
branches and the number of whorls of each tree were recorded. In addition to these
objective assessments on individual trees, trees were given scores for branch size, branch
angle, stem straightness and crown coarseness. For the detailed branch evaluation study,
trees were marked at 20% and 50% of the total tree height and the section between this
range was used. On this section the internode length, the internode diameter, the branch
diameter and the branch angle were measured. It was observed that the objective
assessments correlated strongly with the scoring (subjective) and it was further
recommended that a closer look is needed to consider the prospects of employing
subjective assessments as a means of reducing costs incurred during objective trait
assessments. The branch sampling study revealed that there were prospects of assessing
fewer branches on a tree as opposed to assessing all the branches, which could be a major
contributor to the high costs in tree breeding. All three methods used to explore this
prospect showed some reasonable agreement with each other in this regard. The best
sample is to measure all branches in whorl one and two above 20% tree height followed
by sampling four branches, two from the first whorl and two from the second whorl.
There is a slight difference in these two samples as determined by the coefficents of determination. The study recommends that four branches can be used in the assessment
of the branch angle and the branch diameter on the trees when one considered the cost
elements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 'n ondersoek na die evaluering van tak-eienskappe van Pinus patuIa is 125
bome in 'n oop-bestuifde nageslags-proef geselekteer. Hierdie bome is gekies met
groottes wat strek oor 'n wye verskeidenheid van borshoogtedeursnee. Die ondersoek het
25 families ingesluit met elke familie wat uit 5 bome bestaan. Die proef is 36 maande
oud en is gevestig in'n hoë produksiearea van Blok B, Usutu, in Swaziland. Die hoogte,
borshoogtedeurnee, aantal takke en die hoeveelheid takkranse is gemeet en bepaal by elk
van die 125 bome. Verder is punte toegeken vir takgrootte, takhoek, graad van
stamkromming en kroon grofheid. In die gedetailleerde tak-evaluasie is slegs die
stamseksie tussen 200!o en 50% van die totale boomhoogte gebruik. Op hierdie seksie
van die boomstam is die internodale afstand, die internodale deursnee, die takdeursnee en
die tak-hoek gemeet. Uit die gegewens wat versamel is, het dit geblyk dat daar sterk
korrelasie tussen die objektiewe evaluasie en die subjektiewe evaluasie (met gebruik van
kwalitatiewe eienskappe op 'n tellingbasis) verkry is. Hieruit word aanbeveel dat meer
aandag aan subjektiewe evaluasie (as vereenvoudigde evaluasieprosedure) bestee word
om kostes te besnoei. Die gedetailleerde tak-evaluasiestudie het aangedui dat die gebruik
van slegs 'n paar takke, in teenstelling met al die takke op die boom, voordelig kan wees
om verdere kostes van evaluasie te bespaar. Die beste monster is om al die takke in die
eerste twee takkranse bo 20% boomhoogte te meet. Daarnaas is die beste monster die
eerste twee grootste takke in die eerste en tweede takkranse. Die gebruik van hierdie
kleiner monsters vir evaluering het in sekere opsigte nog beter voorspellings gelewer as
in die gevalle waar al die takke in die eerste takkrans gebruik is. Die studie b aan dat In
betroubare monster van vier takke (twee uit elke takkrans bo 20% boomhoogte) geneem
kan word om die boom se takeienskappe te be-oordeel.
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Classification of timber from Pinus radiata trees exposed to forest firesRust, Stephanus Marthinus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aimed to classify wood from trees that were exposed to forest fires with regards to their end use. Exposure to high temperatures over time is known to degrade wood in various ways. This degradation could limit the end use by altering mechanical, chemical and physical properties, leading to difficulty in processing or failing to meet required specifications for various grades.
In this study wood from Pinus radiata trees that were exposed to forest fires of different levels of heat intensity was analysed with regards to its anatomical and physical changes. Trees were visually classified into three classes of burn severity. Moisture content measurements were taken from 135 standing trees, divided among the three classes. 30 trees, 10 from each of the three classes, were sampled and used for CT analysis. Samples were taken to include growth from before and after the fire. Two samples were taken from each tree, one from the charred and one from the uncharred side. The CT data was analysed and used to measure properties like growth ring width, cell wall thickness, lumen diameter and cell wall density. The data was used to compare properties from the charred and uncharred sides within a given year, as well as compare properties between years.
The study showed that there were significant differences in the MC between the burnt and unburnt sides of trees from classes 2 and 3. The difference between the MC measurements on the burnt sides of three classes differed significantly from each other. Lightness measurements were taken on samples from classes 2 and 3. These samples showed no significant difference between the burnt and unburnt sides for either of the two classes. The samples from the less exposed class were lighter, but not significantly so.
The macroscopic wood density was determined using core samples. A decrease in wood density was observed with an increase in fire exposure. The mean densities for all three classes however still fulfilled the requirements for structural timber set by the SABS.
Growth ring width, cell wall thickness and lumen diameter analysis gave varied results, with some cases showing a decline in properties while others were seemingly unaffected. For many of the outcomes of this study, results found by previous studies could not be reproduced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het gepoog om bome wat aan plantasiebrande blootgestel is volgens hul eindgebruik te klassifiseer. Dit is bekend dat blootstelling aan hoë tempreature hout in vele maniere afbreuk. Hierdie afbreuking kan die eindgebruik van die hout beperk deur die meganiese, fisiese en chemiese eienskappe sodanig te verander dat dit kan lei tot probleme met verwerking of ongeskiktheid vir sterktegrade.
In hierdie studie is Pinus radiata bome wat aan plantasiebrande van verskillende grade blootgestel is ondersoek in terme van hul fisiese en anatomiese veranderinge. Bome is visueel in drie klasse van verskillende brandskade gegroepeer. Voglesings is op 135 staande bome, verdeel tussen die drie klasse, geneem. Monsters is van 30 bome, 10 uit elke klas, geneem vir CT analiese. Monsters is so geneem dat dit groei van voor en na die brand ingesluit het. Daar is twee monsters van elke boom geneem, een van die gebrande en een van die ongebrande kant. Die CT data is geanalieseer en gebruik om eienskappe soos jaarringwydte, selwanddikte, lumendiameter en selwand digtheid te meet. Die data is gebruik om eienskappe tussen die gebrande en ongebrande kante, sowel as tussen jare te vergelyk.
Die studie het gewys dat daar noemenswaardige verskille is tussen die voginhoud van die gebrande en ongebrande kante van bome uit klasse 2 en 3. Die voginhoud van die gebrande kante van al drie klasse verkil ook noemenswaardig van mekaar. Ligtheidmetings is gedoen op monsters van klasse 2 en 3. Die monsters het nie ‘n noemenswaardige verskil tussen die gebrande en ongebrande kante getoon nie. Alhoewel die klas 2 monsters ligter vertoon het as die klas 3 monsters, was die verskil nie betekenisvol nie.
Houtdigtheid is bepaal deur fisiese metings op die monsters wat vir die CT skandering gebruik is te doen. ‘n Daling in digtheid met ‘n toename in blootstelling aan die brand het duidelik na vore gekom. Die digtheid is egter nog hoog genoeg om aan die vereistes vir strukturele hout te voldoen, soos die die SABS bepaal.
Jaarringwydte, selwanddikte en lumen diameter het wisselende resultate opgelewer, met sommige gevalle wat ‘n afname in eienskappe wys en ander wat ooglopend onveranderd was. Vir vele van hierdie uitkoms kon die resultate van vorige studies nie bevestig word nie.
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Anatoquímica de nós de Pinus elliottii var. elliottiiAmaral, Deise January 2014 (has links)
Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Graciela Ines Bolzon de Muniz / Co-orientador : Prof. Dr. Heber dos Santos Abreu / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 13/10/2014 / Inclui referências : f. 141-152 / Área de concentração : Tecnologia e utilização de produtos florestais / Resumo: Os nós são considerados um dos defeitos mais prejudiciais a aplicação da madeira. Sua ocorrência é inerente a cada espécie, fazendo parte da fisiologia natural da árvore, mas, em espécies florestais de interesse econômico, são considerados prejudiciais por reduzir o valor comercial de peças de madeira. Pela sua influência nas propriedades tecnológicas da madeira, mercados de comercialização de produtos florestais elaboram normas de classificação específicas e institutos de pesquisas viabilizam estudos com intuito de avaliar sua interferência, minimizar sua ocorrência, reduzir os prejuízos causados por eles e expandir possibilidade de utilização em outros fins, mas apesar dos inúmeros trabalhos científicos divulgados a respeito de nós, existe uma lacuna de conhecimento básico sobre sua composição química e arranjo anatômico. Neste contexto, a finalidade desse trabalho é fornecer informações sobre dinâmica de elementos químicos e anatômicos que formam os nós. A espécie utilizada para o estudo foi o Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, largamente utilizado na indústria de papel e celulose e também utilizada para a produção de madeira processada. Para dar suporte ao trabalho, o Capítulo 1 apresenta revisão de estudos e pesquisas sobre o assunto. O detalhamento do estudo anatômico é apresentado no Capítulo 2: caracterização anatômica de nós em Pinus elliottii var. elliottii e o estudo químico, apresentado no Capítulo 3: estudo químico de lignina e celulose em madeira de nós de Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. No estudo anatômico, os resultados indicaram que os elementos de estudos do desenvolvimento das traqueídes (comprimento, espessura da parede, diâmetro total e de lume) apresentaram características específicas, em padrões distintos dos observados para a madeira de entorno dos nós. Nos estudos químicos foi identificada a existência de um gradiente crescente de percentual de lignina e cristalinidade da molécula de celulose entre regiões de nó, madeira livre de nó e transição; formação de estrutura mais aldeídicas em ligninas da madeira livre de nó ocorrente no entorno do nó e lignificação em estágio de maturação mais avançado nas amostras de nós. Palavras-chave: Pinus elliottii; nós; anatomia; lignificação; cristalinidade da celulose. / Abstract: The knots are considered one of the most harmful defects the application timber. Its occurrence is inherent in each species, part of the natural physiology of the tree, but tree species of economic interest, are considered harmful by reducing the commercial value of wood pieces. By its influence on technological properties of wood, commercialization of forest products markets elaborate standards of specific classification and research institutes enable studies designed to assess their interference, minimize its occurrence, reduce the harm caused by them and expand the possibility of using other purposes, but despite numerous scientific papers published about knots, there is a lack of basic knowledge about their chemical composition and anatomical arrangement. In this context, the purpose of this work is to provide information on the dynamics of chemical and anatomical elements that form the knots. The species used for the study was the Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, widely used in the pulp and paper industry and also used for the production of processed wood. To support the work, Chapter 1 presents review of studies and research on the subject. The details of the anatomical study is presented in Chapter 2: anatomical characterization of knots in Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and the chemical study, presented in Chapter 3: Chemical study of lignin and cellulose in wood of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. In the anatomical study, the results indicated that the elements of studies of the development of tracheids (length, wall thickness, overall diameter and volume) presented specific characteristics in different patterns observed for the wood around the knots. In chemical studies has identified the existence of a gradient increasing percentage of lignin and cellulose crystallinity of the molecule between knots regions, clear wood and transition; formation of more aldehydic wood lignin structure in clear wood occurring in the vicinity of the knot and lignification in more advanced stage of maturation in samples from knots. Keywords: Pinus elliottii; knots; Anatomy; lignification; cellulose crystallinity.
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Avaliação do desempenho de compensados de Pinus taeda submetidos a tratamento térmico e químico /Ferreira, Bruno Santos. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Gustavo Ventorim / Coorientadora: Cristiane Inácio de Campos / Banca: Júlio César Molina / Banca: Ricardo Marques Barreiros / Banca: André Luis Christoforo / Banca: Francisco Antronio Rocco Lahar / Resumo: O setor madeireiro tem crescido nos últimos anos no Brasil, visto que o país possui vastas áreas com florestas de reflorestamento. Entretanto, com o passar dos anos, tem crescido a consciência de uma melhor utilização das matérias-primas, inclusive da madeira. Neste contexto, surgem os painéis à base de madeira, os quais utilizam melhor as toras, que podem ser de diferentes dimensões. Dentre estes painéis, destaca-se o compensado laminado, que é um painel produzido com um número ímpar de lâminas de madeira, dispostas perpendicularmente umas às outras com relação a direção da grã. Este painel possui ampla utilização, principalmente na indústria moveleira e na construção civil, podendo ser utilizado em construções do tipo wood frame. Além disso, o compensado necessita passar por algum processo de tratamento contra o ataque de fungos, insetos e intempéries. Assim, este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar a influência de tratamentos preservativos nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas do compensado laminado de Pinus taeda. Para isso, foi realizada a termorretificação, com três diferentes temperaturas (160°C, 180°C e 200°C) e o tratamento químico com CCA. Foram realizados os tratamentos das lâminas antes da produção do compensado e os tratamentos dos painéis já produzidos, sem prévio tratamento das lâminas, com o intuito de avaliar qual forma de tratamento é a mais adequada. Foram realizadas as análises de teor de extrativos totais, molhabilidade das lâminas, microscopia eletrônica d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The forestry sector has grown recently in Brazil, since the country has vast reforestation fields. However, over the years, there has been growing the consciousness of a better use of raw materials, including wood. In this context arise the wood based panels, which make better use of logs, which may be of different dimensions. Among these panels is highlighted the plywood, which is a panel produced with an odd number of wood veneers arranged perpendicularly to each other with respect to the grain direction. This panel has wide application, especially in the furniture industry and in construction and can be used in wood frame type construction. Besides that, the plywood needs to undergo some treatment process against the attack of fungi, insects and weatherproof. Thus, this study aims to analyze the influence of preservative treatments on physical and mechanical properties of Pinus taeda plywood. To this were performed the heat treatment with three different temperatures (160 °, 180 ° C and 200 ° C) and chemical treatment with CCA. It was carried out the veneers treatments before the production of plywood and the panel treatment, without prior veneers treatment, in order to assess which form of treatment is most appropriate. The analyzes of extractive content, veneers wettability, scanning electron microscopy and physical and mechanical tests were performed. The results showed that the heat treatment and CCA treatment improved the dimensional stability of the plywood due to chemical changes in the wood. In addition, both treatments decreased mechanical strength in static bending and bonding quality. However, all treatments continued to meet the minimum specifications of specialized organs. Based on all the analyzes it was concluded that the heat treatment of the panel at 200°C was more adequate / Doutor
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Qualidade física de um latossolo em diferentes sistemas agrícolas no cerrado de baixa altitude /Pereira, Diego dos Santos. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rafael Montanari / Resumo: A utilização de áreas de florestas nativas na região do Cerrado, convertidas para a produção agrícola e florestal, tem provocado efeitos sobre a qualidade física dos solos (QFS). Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência da ocupação de espécies florestais em comparação com uma área de Mata Ciliar (Reflorestada), implantados há 30 anos, sobre a qualidade física de um Latossolo Vermelho, na região do Cerrado brasileiro. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no município de Selvíria-MS, durante o ano agrícola de 2016/17. Os tratamentos corresponderam a três áreas (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e Mata Ciliar reflorestada). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos, e vinte e cinco repetições. A QFS foi avaliada em quatro profundidades (0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,30 e 0,30-0,40 m), utilizando dez atributos físicos do solo: macroporosidade (Ma), microporosidade (Mi), porosidade total calculada (PTc), porosidade total determinada (PTd), densidade no solo (DS), densidade da partícula (DP), resistência mecânica à penetração (RP), umidade gravimétrica (UG), umidade volumétrica (UV) e a granulometria do solo (areia, silte e argila). Os tratamentos influenciaram à QFS, alterando a DS, Mi, Ma, UG, RP e UV. A área de Eucalyptus Camaldulensis foi a que apresentou a melhor QFS, em comparação com a Mata Ciliar. / Abstract: The use of native forest areas in the Cerrado region, converted to agricultural and forestry production, has had effects on the physical quality of soils (SPQ). Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the occupation of forest species in comparison with an area of Ciliary Forest (reforested), implanted 30 years ago, on the physical quality of a Oxisol, in a low Cerrado region. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, during the agricultural year 2016/17. The treatments corresponded to three areas (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Pinus caribaea var. Hondurensis and Reforested ciliary forest). The experimental design was a completely randomized design with three treatments and twenty five replicates. The SPQ was evaluated at four depths (0.00-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.40 m) using ten soil physical attributes: soil attributes analyzed were: macroporosity (Ma), microporosity (Mi), calculated total porosity (PTc), determined total porosity (PTd), bulk density (BD), real particle (RP), mechanical resistance to penetration (PR), gravimetric moisture (GM), volumetric moisture (VM) and soil grading (sand, silt and clay). The treatments influenced SPQ by altering BD, Mi, Ma, GM, RP and VM. The area of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis was the one that presented the best SPQ, compared to the Ciliary Forest. / Mestre
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