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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moisture content in radiata pine wood: Implications for wood quality and water-stress response

Moreno Chan, Julian January 2007 (has links)
This thesis studied the influence of moisture content on the dynamic estimation of stiffness in wood of Pinus radiata D. Don. This is an important non-destructive measure for estimation of stiffness in standing trees, logs and lumber. Moisture content affects both acoustic velocity and density in the fundamental equation of dynamic MOE (DMOE = V²ρ, where V = acoustic velocity and ρ = density). Investigation included measurements with boards in the laboratory considering moisture contents below and above FSP as well as temperatures below and above 0°C. This also included field measurements of trees in contrasting climate sites and over different seasons including a long drought. Methods for measuring green density and moisture content and the patterns of variation of these parameters were also investigated. A secondary component of this thesis explored the wood quality and some mechanisms of tree response to water stress in two contrasting sites in terms or rainfall and water deficits in a region of Australia. The large increases in DMOE for frozen wood above the FSP (4.5 to 6 GPa) will limit the use of DMOE for grading logs in regions with freezing winters. Results from the experiment remeasuring young trees and the upper range of moisture content and temperatures above 0°C from the experiment with boards showed small to moderate variation in DMOE (0.1 to 1 GPa) which calls for further investigation on analytical procedures for adjustment of DMOE. Such procedures should consider that variations in acoustic velocity and density with changes in moisture content are not proportional and that there are counteracting effects between the two parameters. It remains to be investigated whether the typical variation (under normal climate conditions) in sapwood green density observed in our experiments has some implications for the use of DMOE. On the other hand, it is anticipated that the large differences along the stem and among stands in whole-section green density may bias DMOE measurements in logs for resource assessment. This also needs to be investigated. A comparison between acoustic velocity alone and DMOE for resource assessment under different scenarios is recommended. The study in two contrasting climate sites (high-altitude vs. warm-dry) in the Hume region of Forests NSW, Australia, including young (10-11 years) and mature trees (34 36 years) of radiata pine showed distinctive short and long-term responses of trees to cope with the water-limiting environment. In response to long-term water deficits the warm-dry site developed heartwood and thus reduced sapwood earlier and at faster rates than the high-altitude site. The onset of heartwood formation seemed to be triggered by some site threshold for water use as broadly indicated by the sapwood area/ha. The latter was consistently lower for the warm-dry site across the different stands. The warm-dry site also showed increased short-term responses to water stress and these were interpreted as seasonal mechanisms of the trees to cope with the limiting environment. The trees compensated for the lower available moisture and higher transpiration rates by lowering their saturation and disrupting water conduction at some points (cavitation). The inverse trends of cavitation spots and cavitation bands with height in the stem suggested the trees have different strategies to sacrifice conducting xylem depending on the position on the stem. Finally, it is suggested that saturation tended to fall to critical 'safe' levels as a result of water stress and this varied depending on age, site, and position in the stem. Significant decreases in DMOE and basic density were observed for the warm-dry site and were attributed to lower proportions of latewood due to lower rainfall for that site during the period of latewood formation. These showed no obvious association with any of the long-term water-stress traits (sapwood percentage and number of heartwood rings).

Climate Warming and Drought Effects on Pinus and Juniperus Species: Contrasting Drought Tolerance Traits Limit Function and Growth in Tree Seedlings

Lenoir, Katherine Judith 03 October 2013 (has links)
Junipers and pines exhibit contrasting patterns of growth decline and mortality with climate change-type warming and drought; yet, the underlying physiological mechanisms are not fully understood. Does warming exacerbate the effects of drought on gas exchange physiology and growth? Do the combined effects of drought and warming differ for pines and junipers? To what extent do isohydric vs. anisohydric responses to water limitation in pines and junipers constrain net leaf CO2 exchange and plant growth response to drought and warming? To address these questions, we compared responses of leaf gas exchange and growth in seedlings of juniper (Juniperus scopulorum, J. virginiana) and pine (Pinus edulis, P. taeda) species of contrasting arid and mesic origin in a study of combined warming (ambient, +1.8 °C) and enhanced summer drought (long-term mean, -40%). Warming and enhanced summer drought each reduced photosynthesis and growth and effects were largely independent, suggesting that warming exacerbates drought effects on growth. Enhanced summer drought and warming had distinct impacts on photosynthetic carbon gain that were differentially revealed depending upon soil water content. Warming reduced light-saturated net photosynthesis (Asat) under low soil water contents, whereas carry-over effects of drought treatment were evident under well-watered conditions. Short-term soil drying led to greater reduction of Asat in pines (-51%) rather than junipers (-30%). Under short-term water-limited conditions, Asat and gs were about two-times higher for junipers compared to pines. Relative growth rate of junipers declined with warming (-28%) and drought (-50%) treatments. In contrast, pine growth and Asat declined more with warming than drought. Only P. edulis exhibited increased mortality in response to warming and drought, reaching 75% in the combined warming and drought treatment. Diminished sensitivity of R to water limitations, coupled with steeper reductions in Asat with decreasing soil water content in isohydric pines compared to anisohydric junipers could account for the greater sensitivity of pines to warming and drought under climate change.

Genetic Characterization Of Pinus Nigra Subspecies Pallasiana Varieties, Natural Populations (seed Stands), Seed Orchards And Plantations

Cengel, Burcu 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana is one of the most widespread and economically important forest tree species in Turkey. Primary objective of the present study was to to reveal the effects of forestry practices by determining genetic diversity of natural and managed seed sources by means of RAPD markers. Secondly, two varieties were also investigated to reveal their pattern of genetic variation. Seed stands, seed orchards and plantations were screened against 11 RAPD primers and generated 152 polymorphic DNA loci. Two varieties were compared with a reference seed source and 4 natural seed sources. Seven primers generated 66 polymorphic DNA loci. An overall average for effective number of alleles was 1.68&plusmn / 0.030 / observed heterozygosity was 0.49&plusmn / 0.024 / expected heterozygosity was 0.38&plusmn / 0.014 and proportion of polymorphic loci was 93% for all seed sources considered. Results revealed that there was no considerable variation between seed source categories but some degree of variation was observed within seed orchards and plantations. Mean FST value estimated for the natural populations revealed that 94% of the total genetic variation was within populations. Nei&rsquo / s genetic distance values were also estimated for seed source categories (0.03-0.14). Nevertheless, varieties&rsquo / genetic distance values were considerably higher than other natural seed sources (0.07-0.19). Their dendrogram also claimed that two varieties are genetically different from natural populations. The extent of genetic diversity explored by RAPD markers revealed that forestry practices caused no major changes in the managed populations with respect to natural populations. Moreover, further study is needed to illustrate genetic divergence of varieties.

Effects of NaCl on growth and physiology of Pinus leiophylla seedlings

Jimenez-Casas, Marcos 11 1900 (has links)
Identification of salt- resistant tree species and genotypes is needed for rehabilitation of lands affected by salinity in Mexico. This dissertation consists of four studies for analyzing the responses of Pinus leiophylla seedlings to salt. In the first study, resistance to salt stress was studied in six-month-old seedlings from eight different sources of seed collected from the areas with contrasting precipitation levels. Plants from the xeric areas were shorter and had smaller stem diameters but were less sensitive to salt stress and recovered faster from salt injury compared with the plants from mesic sites, suggesting that morphological and physiological adaptations to drought were helpful with salt stress resistance. In the second study, fascicle needle production and tissue ion accumulation were examined in NaCl-treated three-month-old seedlings from two populations of the xeric origin and two populations from the mesic areas. Seedlings from the xeric population of San Felipe developed fewer fascicles and had shorter needles compared with seedlings from the remaining three populations. NaCl treatment delayed the emergence of fascicles and reduced the fascicle needle production and needle length. However, the extent of needle injury and ion accumulation in shoots were lower in the San Felipe seedlings compared with the other studied populations. In the third study, the effects of branch pruning and seedling size on total transpiration and accumulation of Na+ and Cl- in tissues were examined. Total plant transpiration, as affected by plant size and branch pruning, was correlated with Na+ and Cl- needle concentrations and needle necrosis. Branch pruning reduced ion accumulation in the shoots and needle necrosis levels in short seedlings but not in the tall seedlings. In the fourth study, sprouting and physiological responses of 16 month-old-seedling to salt were examined. NaCl treatment concentrations of 100, 150, and 200 mM reduced gas exchange and root hydraulic conductance, caused needle injury and triggered sprouting of adventitious shoots. Sprouting from the upper parts of the main stem and lateral branches was three times greater with 100 and 150 mM NaCl compared with 200 mM NaCl treatment but, at the base of the stem, sprout numbers were similar for all NaCl treatments.

The influence of management on runoff and water quality in a coastal lowland PINUS plantation, Southeast Queensland

Forsyth, Adam January 2006 (has links)
The exotic Pinus plantations of southeast Queensland occupy approximately 130 000 ha and are prominent in catchments which drain to estuarine and marine waters that are economically, socially, and environmentally important. Recently, the deterioration of estuarine and marine water quality has raised concerns about the possible off-site impacts from the intensive management of the Pinus estate in southeast Queensland. Additionally, forest managers have raised questions over the effects of the currently adopted management practices on soil, water, and nutrient resources within plantations. A paucity of information regarding the impacts of these plantations in the humid sub-tropics of southeast Queensland initiated the research presented here. The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the influence specific Pinus management techniques (harvesting, site-preparation, prescribed burning and forest roads) have on runoff generation; (ii) quantify fluxes of some nutrients (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron (Fe)) and suspended solids (SS) in runoff from these management treatments; and, (iii) assess the overall effectiveness of the currently adopted Best Management Practices (BMP's) in protecting on-site soil, water and nutrient resources, as well as protecting off-site waters from pollution. The study site was located in an intensively managed sub-catchment within the Beerburrum State Forest Pinus plantation on the coastal plain of the Pumicestone region, southeast Queensland. This study was established in October 2001 and consisted of a 141 ha catchment based investigation into water quality and hydrology, which received a 50 ha harvest treatment in February and March 2002. Water was monitored for two water years (October 2001 - September 2003), and incorporated site-preparation and the establishment of the subsequent rotation. The influence of a forest road stream crossing was also monitored in this component of the investigation. Two discrete forest road plots were monitored for the same period to measure the response of runoff, nutrient and sediment fluxes to different road surface materials (gravelled and ungravelled), road maintenance and traffic intensity. Rainfall simulation was used on small plots covering specific management treatments (clearfall harvest, cultivation, fertilised cultivation, prescribed fire and established trees) within the general plantation area to determine their influence on water, sediment and nutrient fluxes. The investigation in the catchment receiving inter-rotation management revealed that that there was very little difference in water quality indices up and downstream of the forest road stream crossing, which suggests that road borne runoff contributed only minor amounts of N, P, Fe and SS to the stream. Perched groundwater quality within the general plantation area was similar to that observed in the adjacent stream. Water quality monitoring within the Coochin-Mellum and Coonowrin Creek catchments showed that the mean annual concentrations of N and P in surface waters were highest from catchments hosting agriculture and residential areas, respectively. Mean annual DOC and Fe concentrations were highest from the catchment hosting native Wallum vegetation. The mean annual concentration of SS was highest from an unmanaged native forest catchment. The rainfall simulation on specific management treatments revealed that mean losses of N and P from unfertilised and unburnt treatments were comparable to loads reported from catchment scale studies in the Pinus plantations of south-east Queensland. Mean SS loads from all treatments were considerably higher than stream loads reported in the literature from catchment scale investigations, and suggest that the currently adopted mitigation practices between the general plantation area and streams are effective in promoting the deposition of entrained solids. The investigation into gravelled and ungravelled forest roads revealed that the mean runoff coefficient (runoff depth / rainfall depth) was consistently higher from the gravelled road plot with 0.57, as compared to the ungravelled road with 0.38. Total sediment loss over the two year period was greatest from the gravelled road plot. Suspended solids contributed 86% of the total sediment loss from the gravelled road and 72% from the ungravelled road over the two years. When road and drain maintenance (grading) was performed runoff and sediment loss was increased from both road types. It should be noted that the results presented herein were based on only two water years, and both years experienced below average rainfall. As such it is important that future research in a catchment prone to waterlogging be conducted over a longer term so as to increase the chance of quantifying water, nutrient and sediment fluxes in response to average and above average rainfall years. It is likely that in above average rainfall years the results for nutrient and sediment fluxes from the general plantation area would be significantly different as runoff would be more readily generated and sustained for longer periods. Overall, the research presented suggests that the management of an exotic Pinus plantation during the inter-rotation period results in relatively low fluxes of N, P, SS Fe and DOC in stream water and vindicates the use of the current practices in protecting on-site water, soil and nutrient resources.

A comparative study of the flora and fauna of exotic pine plantations and adjacent, indigenous eucalypt forests in Gippsland, Victoria

Friend, Gordon Ray Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The introduction and establishment of a new and markedly different environment within a long established natural system provides an excellent opportunity to study the principles of adaptation and colonisation by native species. In Australia, an example is furnished by the conversion of large areas of native eucalypt forests to mono-cultured plantations of Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata). The principal aim of this study was to assess which species of native mammals, birds and higher plants are able to utilise or occupy such plantations. Successional aspects of community structure, and colonisation in pine forest systems, were investigated by considering stands of different ages. A variety of adjacent native eucalypt forests provided controls and indicated the range of potential colonisers. Various habitats in both forest types were studied with regard to potential nest sites and availability of food, in order to determine those habitats most favourable for mammals and birds. The effect, on wildlife, of clearing eucalypt forests, but leaving forest remnants along gullies, was also assessed.

A study of intra-ring checking and xylogenesis in Pinus radiata D.Don

Nair, Hema January 2006 (has links)
Pinus radiata is the dominant species of the plantations forests in New Zealand. The forest industry in New Zealand is heavily dependant on it. However, Pinus radiata can develop wood quality flaw called 'intra-ring checking'. The checks or splits appear in wood during kiln drying and usually affect the earlywood region of the wood. It lowers value of appearance grade timber leading to huge economic loses for the forest industry. This thesis presents a study that was undertaken as a part of ongoing collaborative work that is being carried out to understand wood quality issues in Pinus radiata, with a vision of improving its wood quality. This study was a part of that effort and was conducted with an aim to gain an insight into intra-ring checking, and the process of xylogenesis in Pinus radiata. The investigations for this study were carried out in two steps. The first step was to understand intra-ring checking. The location of intra-ring checking was determined by observing the checks using various microscopy techniques. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that checking was as an intercell failure that usually occurs at the cm1/S1 boundary. A comparative study was also conducted to see if the checked wood had some inherent properties that made it more susceptible to checking. It was found that checking could be influenced by tracheid geometry and cell wall thickness. If the wood had large tracheids with thin walls, it was more likely to develop checks during drying. Lignin distribution in the cell wall layers was also seen to play an important role in checking. Lower lignin levels and disruption in the pattern of lignification of the cell wall layers increased the tendency of the wood to develop checks. Similarly, it the tracheids have larger pits then their tendency to check increases. Structural features that disrupt the uniformity of the interlocking pattern of the tracheid such as rays and resin canals could also play a role in checking. Checked wood tends to have more surface area occupied by ray tissue. However, resin canals do not seem to be directly involved in checking, though their arrangement could indicate disturbances during xylogenesis. The second step was to understand the process of xylogenesis in Pinus radiata especially with respect to the influence of auxin and boron on it. Nutrient and organ culture methods were manipulated and successfully used to study xylogenesis. An exhaustive comparative study was carried out to observe and measure selected wood properties. Microscopy and image analysis revealed that auxin and boron changes in the medium led to the alterations in the cell division, expansion and lignification. However, the analysis of the measurements and the observations displayed complex 'between-tree' and 'within-culture variations'. Clear trends did not emerge from the analysis hence, a confident conclusion on the association between auxin, boron and lignification could not be drawn from this organ culture study. The study has added to the knowledge about checking and wood properties associated with it. A new tool of organ culture had been established that can hlep future research on the process of xylogenesis in Pinus radiata.

Effect of a Trichoderma bio-inoculant on ectomycorrhizal colonisation of Pinus radiata seedlings

Minchin, Rhys January 2010 (has links)
Ectomycorrhizal colonisation potential of Pinus radiata seedlings inoculated with the commercially available Trichoderma species bio-inoculant, Arbor-Guard™, was investigated in a commercial containerised nursery setting and in a separate glasshouse experiment, which included the co-inoculation of specific ectomycorrhizal fungi. Application of Arbor-Guard™ to Pinus radiata seedlings in a containerised commercial nursery had no significant effect on the ability of the naturally occurring ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi to colonise the seedlings. Thelephora terrestris was the dominant ectomycorrhizal species colonising the P. radiata root tips and has been described as a species able to rapidly outcompete other ECM species colonisation, particularly in high organic matter media like that used at the containerised commercial nursery investigated. In a similar experiment run to augment the commercial experiment, specific ECM fungi identified as Rhizopogon roseolus, Suillus luteus, and Rhizopogon villosulus were co-inoculated with Arbor-Guard™ to investigate the effect on the colonisation potential of the respective ECM species in combination with Trichoderma. The treatment effect of the addition of Arbor-Guard™ did not negatively impinge on the ECM species found, or the abundance of ECM root tips colonising the P. radiata seedlings. Ectomycorrhizal species in the Thelephoraceae family were the dominant species found colonising the P. radiata root tips. Of the inoculated ECM, S. luteus was the only detected species colonising the P. radiata root tips but was only found in low abundance. Non-conducive abiotic factors for optimum ECM colonisation were considered the most likely reason for the low colonisation of the inoculated ECM species. Any effect of the unintentional co-inoculation of the wood decaying fungi Hypholoma fasciculare and Lentinula edodes, due to misidentification, with the inoculated ECM species was unable to be resolved in this study. However, it was speculated that H. fasciculare may have had a negative effect on the inoculated ECM species colonisation. In vitro dual culture assays were initiated to investigate the specific interactions between each of the candidate ECM fungi inoculated in the glasshouse experiment when challenged with each of the six Trichoderma isolates in Arbor-Guard™. Both competition for nutrients and/ or space were concluded to be the main antagonistic mechanisms potentially used by five of the Trichoderma isolates against all co-inoculated ECM species and L. edodes. Hypholoma fasciculare was not inhibited by the five Trichoderma isolates, however, one Trichoderma isolate (LU 663) competitively antagonised all inoculated ectomycorrhizal/ saprophytic species before the mycelial fronts converged. Agar diffusible secondary metabolites were speculated to be potential mechanism of antagonism expressed by LU 663 over volatile antibiotics such as 6-pentyl-α-pyrone. No direct correlation could be dervived from the in vitro dual culture assays and what was observed in the containerised in planta results. Overall the results indicated no negative impact of the Trichoderma bio-inoculant Arbor-Guard™ on ectomycorrhizal colonisation of Pinus radiata seedlings in a containerised nursery system.

Seed orchards - genetic considerations on function, management and seed procurement /

Prescher, Finnvid, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 11 uppsatser.

Aspects of precommercial thinning in heterogeneous forests in southern Sweden /

Fahlvik, Nils, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Alnarp : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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