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Kritéria výběru sportovních střelců / Selection criteria for sport shootersZrůst, David January 2020 (has links)
Title: Selection criteria for sport shooters Objectives: The aim of the work will be discovering of the fact, if criteria such as vital capacity of the lungs and apnoea can affect the shooting of air pistol and then mark these criteria as suitable for the selection of talented people. Methods: In this work was used analysis of documents and other professional publications with the possibility of selecting sports talents in sport shooting. Two laboratory measurements were demonstrated, to determine the vital capacity of the lungs by using a personal spirometer and measurement of apnea. At the same time, the probands height and weight were measured. Subsequently, an experiment was proven, in place of probands fired 15 shots from an air pistol according to ISSF rules. Results: The results of the work brought the fact that the vital capacity of the lungs together with apnea do not have a significant effect on the shooting itself in the shooting discipline "air riffle 10m" and is therefore not suitable for use in the eventual selection of individuals for sport shooting. Keywords: selection, sport, shooter, rifle, pistol
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Terče na prvních novodobých olypmijských hrách a v období na přelomu 19. a 20. století / Targets used at the first modern Olympic Games and in the period of the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuriesDostálová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Title: Targets used at the first modern Olympic Games and in the period of the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries. Aim of Thesis: The aim of this thesis is to describe the development in individual targets in the period of the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries. The climax should feature the discovery and description of target evaluation at the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Method: The thesis subject is an analysis of shooting evaluation in a defined period. The methods used for this analysis are data secondary analysis, induction and abduction. Results: Based on the above mentioned methods there were totally five targets of five concentric circles discovered. These targets could have been used for rifle disciplines at the first modern Olympic Games. The values of individual targets were as follows: 1st (10, 21, 33, 46, 60), 2nd (11, 23, 36, 50, 65), 3rd (12, 25, 39, 54, 70), 4th (13, 27, 42, 58, 75), 5th (14, 29, 45, 62, 80). Keywords: shooting sport, pistol disciplines, rifle disciplines
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Dispositional Optimism Effects on Stress and Police Task PerformancePerez, Roland Art 01 January 2018 (has links)
The study of stress on police task performance is important as this relationship can positively or negatively impact encounters with the public. This study focused on protective factors of positive psychology within the measured construct of dispositional optimism as a possible mediator of stress effects on physical task performance. The cognitive processing models used were the performance efficiency theory and attentional control theory as they apply in perceptual motor skill. Using a mediation model, the research question asked whether dispositional optimism mediated the relationship between stress and a pistol performance accuracy task. This study used a limited data set collected by a law enforcement training center (N = 80). The survey instruments used to measure stress and dispositional optimism were the Perceived Stress Scale and the Life Orientation Test - Revised, respectively. Correlation and multiple regression were used to analyze the significance of the mediation model. Ultimately, the results were unable to detect significance between dispositional optimism (p > .05) and stress (p > .05) on pistol accuracy outcomes. However, a significant relationship was found between dispositional optimism and stress (p < .05). Future research recommendations include an intervention protocol with several levels of pistol shooting difficulty and biological stress measurements. Implications for social change include further understanding of how to better manage stress for increased accuracy in pistol performance tasks along with increased mental processing and increased positive outcomes. Overall, better education and training for the officer will contribute to more positive encounters with the public.
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The effects of heat on performance in wheelchair shootersBroad, Elizabeth, n/a January 1997 (has links)
Six elite wheelchair shooters undertook a simulated competition of 2 hr duration
under three different conditions: 1. 24-26 °C and 40% humidity (C), 2. 36 °C and
60% humidity (H), and 3. the H condition whilst using simple head, neck and torso
cooling devices (HC). The trials were undertaken at the same time on consecutive
days in a counter-balanced, randomised order. Two shooters were removed from the
H trial at t=75 and t=105 min, respectively, due to tympanic temperature elevations
above 39 °C, but were able to complete the full 2 hr of competition during the C and
HC conditions. Heart rates were significantly elevated for the group during the H
condition compared to C and HC (106 ± ll, 80 ± 10, 90 ± 7 beats.min-' respectively
at t=90 min, p<0.05) as were perceptions of thermal discomfort (6.4 ± 0.7, 3.5 ± 0.4,
4.8 ± 1.0 respectively at t=90 min, p<0.05). These responses were at least partially
alleviated by the use of the simple, yet practical, cooling devices. Practically, this
may improve performance in shooting competitions as it allows more time to fire a
shot between heart beats, and enables shooters to concentrate more easily on the task
required of them. Responses to heat exposure were more pronounced in athletes
with a higher level of disability (CS versus T4 versus cerebral palsy), and those who
wore heavy leather shooting jackets (rifle versus pistol shooters). Although further
research is recommended, it would appear that the rules governing shooting attire
and prolonging exposure to heat should be reconsidered for events in which
wheelchair athletes compete.
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EXCENTRISKT av Iza : FÄLTMÅLTAVLOR FÖR PISTOLSKYTTESjödin, Izabell January 2017 (has links)
Skytte, i synnerhet pistolskytte, är en utmanande sport och är en av de största sporterna i världensett till antal utövare. En mycket omtyckt gren inom pistolskyttet är fältskytte, vilket utövas ute i de svenska skogarna. I fältskytte skjuter man på olikformade måltavlor under olika tider, avstånd och ställning, vilket gör fältskyttet till en väldigt omväxlande och utmanande gren. För fältskytte finns en mängd olika måltavlor som är godkända att användas, och dessa är alla välkända av skyttar som sysslar med fältskytte då de varit oförändrade i många år utan några systematiska försök tillutveckling. Min uppfattning är att det finns förbättringar att göra av de måltavlor som används idag. Syftet med det här designarbetet är att med hjälp av en designprocess identifiera och utreda olika förbättringsområden för fältmål, för att med den informationen skapa ett nytt system för fältmål som är bättre än existerande lösningar. Detta väntas leda till att andra skyttar inspireras till att själva utforska nya möjligheter. Jag hoppas att på så sätt starta en utvecklingstrend som i sin tur moderniserar och för hela sporten framåt i utvecklingen. Arbetet resulterade i de fyra nya måltavlorna ”Ettan”, ”Tvåan”, ”Trean”, och ”Fyran” som tillsammans kallas för ”EXCENTRISKT av Iza”. EXCENTRISKT-måltavlorna passar in bland- och påminner om- existerande utbud måltavlor. Samtidigt har de vissa egenskaper som förbättrats, exempelvis måltavlornas förväntade livslängd, funktion och användning. Detta genom att utmana det konventionella sättet att tänka när det gäller poängmåltavlor för fältskjutning, och få skyttarna att sikta mot andra delar av tavlan än bara mot mitten. Resultatet förhåller sig till rådande reglementen som finns kring fältskjutning, framställt av Svenska Pistolskytteförbundet. Resultatet togs fram utifrån behov och tankar som framkommit genom intervjuer, enkäter och observationer med en grupp fältskyttar från huvudsakligen Gävle Pistolskytteklubb. Namnet ”EXCENTRISKT” är latin och betyder i princip ”något som ligger utanför mitten”, vilket ansågs passande då poängzonerna i måltavlorna flyttat ut från just mitten.
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Vliv fyzické zátěže na přesnost střelby z ruční zbraně / Effect of physical load on handgun shooting accuracyVokoun, Jaroslav January 2021 (has links)
Title: Effect of physical load on handgun shooting accuracy. Objective: The aim of this work is to detect and compare the effects of physical activity (in the form of a shuttle run at the limit of 85% SF max.) on the shooting accuracy from a short firearm. Methods: This was an experimental study with an intra-subject design. Thirty randomly assigned police officers at age 35.9 years (SD = 4.5) made 5 shots from a Glock 17 pistol (gen. 3) within 5 seconds in a stable position without support before and after physical activity (shuttle run on length10 m in time until the completion of 85% SF max.) to a fixed target at a distance of 8 meters. Comparison of shooting accuracy from the middle point of impact between interventions (shooting before and after physical activity) was performed by using a paired T-test. The level of statistical significance was set at p ≥ 0.05. Cohen's d was used to determine the magnitude of the strength of the effects. Results: Based on the paired T-test, a statistically significant difference was found in the accuracy of shooting from the middle point of impact without and after physical activity (p = 0.007, d = 0.498). We also consider the deterioration of shooting accuracy after physical exertion by 9 mm from the middle point of impact, which is 21.78%, to be factually...
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Využití analýzy parametrů textury povrchu při výrobě pistole / Use of surface texture parameters analysis in the manufacture of a pistolRožnovský, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of surface texture parameters during pistol production. The aim of the diploma thesis was to formulate requirements for pistol quality, to analyze the existing production process of the chosen pistol component, to analyze the texture of the functional surface after selected technological operations with a proposal for correction of the manufacturing process and recommendations for practice. The work includes mapping the life cycle of the pistol with a focus on the technological procedure of processing the main part of the pistol - the slide of the pistol. The surface texture of surface texture is also described, depending on the measurement of the defined area. Based on 250 measured and evaluated surface texture parameters, recommendations for correction of the manufacturing process and recommendations for the design and development of the pistol were formulated.
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Vliv střelecké polohy vstoje na přesnost opakovaných výstřelů Hard Task Rangers / Impact of standing position on the accuracy of The Hard Task Rangers pointing shooting/multiple shotsHofmann, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Title: Effect of standing shooting position on precision of repeated shots of Hard Task Rangers. Objectives: The aim of this work is to find out in which standing stance will be the most precise shots with double tap shots. Methods: In this thesis was used descriptive analysis when collecting data about standing shooting stance problematic. Mainly through studying of literature and lecturing videos on this subject. Testing was used in the actual collecting data about shooting performance. The measurement was used to collect data on the weight, height and stability of the examined shooters. Data analysis was performed when evaluating individual shooting performance. Results: It has been found out, based on data from a group of twelve shooters from Hard Task Rangers, that even though the standing position is the furthers part of the shooting pyramid, it still provides a solid foundation for all subsequent parts of the shooters performance. Furthermore, it was found that the best standing position for firing repeated shots (double tap) was the stance called Quality universal stance. This thesis is probably the first literary study to analyze in more detail the standing shooting stance in its various forms when comparing individual attitudes and its advantages in dynamic and defensive shooting....
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