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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Shapes of Planet Transits and Planetary Systems

Sandford, Emily Ruth January 2020 (has links)
In this Thesis, I explore transiting exoplanets: what we can learn from modeling their light curves, and what we can learn from their arrangement in planetary systems. I begin in Chapter 1 by briefly reviewing the history of transit modeling, from the earliest theoretical models of eclipsing binary stars to the models in current widespread use to model exoplanet transits. In Chapter 2, I model the transits of a sample of Kepler exoplanets with strong prior eccentricity constraints in order to derive correspondingly strong constraints on the density of their host stars, and find that the density constraints I derive are as precise as density constraints from asteroseismology if the transits are observed at high signal-to-noise. In Chapter 3, I apply the same methodology in reverse: using prior knowledge of the stellar density based on Gaia parallax measurements, I model the transits of twelve singly-transiting planets observed by K2 and derive constraints on their periods. In Chapter 4, I consider the general problem of deducing the shape of a transiting object from its light curve alone, which I term ``shadow imaging;'' I explore the mathematical degeneracies of the problem and construct shadow images to explain Dips 5 and 8 of Boyajian's Star. I next turn to multi-planet systems: in Chapter 5, I investigate the underlying multiplicity distribution of planetary systems orbiting FGK dwarfs observed by Kepler. I find that we can explain the multiplicities of these systems with a single Zipfian multiplicity distribution, without invoking a dichotomous population. In Chapter 6, I consider the arrangement of planets in those systems, and use neural networks inspired by models used for part-of-speech tagging in computational linguistics to model the relationship between exoplanets and their surrounding "context," i.e. their host star and sibling planets. I find that our trained regression model is able to predict the period and radius of an exoplanet to a factor of two better than a naive model which only takes into account basic dynamical stability. I also find that our trained classification model identifies consistent classes of planets in the period-radius plane, and that it is rare for multi-planet systems to contain a neighboring pair of planets from non-contiguous classes. In Chapter 7, I summarize these results and briefly discuss avenues for future work, including the application of our methods to planets and planetary systems discovered by TESS.

Planet-induced Stellar Pulsations in HAT-P-2's Eccentric System

Wit, Julien de, Lewis, Nikole K., Knutson, Heather A., Fuller, Jim, Antoci, Victoria, Fulton, Benjamin J., Laughlin, Gregory, Deming, Drake, Shporer, Avi, Batygin, Konstantin, Cowan, Nicolas B., Agol, Eric, Burrows, Adam S., Fortney, Jonathan J., Langton, Jonathan, Showman, Adam P. 14 February 2017 (has links)
Extrasolar planets on eccentric short-period orbits provide a laboratory in which to study radiative and tidal interactions between a planet and its host star under extreme forcing conditions. Studying such systems probes how the planet's atmosphere redistributes the time-varying heat flux from its host and how the host star responds to transient tidal distortion. Here, we report the insights into the planet-star interactions in HAT-P-2's eccentric planetary system gained from the analysis of similar to 350 hr of 4.5 mu m observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The observations show no sign of orbit-to-orbit variability nor of orbital evolution of the eccentric planetary companion, HAT-P-2b. The extensive coverage allows us to better differentiate instrumental systematics from the transient heating of HAT-P-2b's 4.5 mu m photosphere and yields the detection of stellar pulsations with an amplitude of approximately 40 ppm. These pulsation modes correspond to exact harmonics of the planet's orbital frequency, indicative of a tidal origin. Transient tidal effects can excite pulsation modes in the envelope of a star, but, to date, such pulsations had only been detected in highly eccentric stellar binaries. Current stellar models are unable to reproduce HAT-P-2's pulsations, suggesting that our understanding of the interactions at play in this system is incomplete.


Mommert, M., Trilling, D. E., Borth, D., Jedicke, R., Butler, N., Reyes-Ruiz, M., Pichardo, B., Petersen, E., Axelrod, T., Moskovitz, N. 24 March 2016 (has links)
Using the Wide Field Camera for the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), we measure the near-infrared colors of near-Earth objects (NEOs) in order to put constraints on their taxonomic classifications. The rapid-response character of our observations allows us to observe NEOs when they are close to the Earth and bright. Here we present near-infrared color measurements of 86 NEOs, most of which were observed within a few days of their discovery, allowing us to characterize NEOs with diameters of only a few meters. Using machine-learning methods, we compare our measurements to existing asteroid spectral data and provide probabilistic taxonomic classifications for our targets. Our observations allow us to distinguish between S-complex, C/X-complex, D-type, and V-type asteroids. Our results suggest that the fraction of S-complex asteroids in the whole NEO population is lower than the fraction of ordinary chondrites in the meteorite fall statistics. Future data obtained with UKIRT will be used to investigate the significance of this discrepancy.

Planets Around Solar-Type Stars: Methods for Detection and Constraints on their Distribution from an L' and M Band Adaptive Optics Survey

Heinze, Aren Nathaniel January 2007 (has links)
We have attempted adaptive optics (AO) imaging of planets around nearby stars in the L' and M bands, using the Clio instrument on the MMT. The MMT AO system, with its deformable secondary mirror, offers uniquely low background AO-corrected images in these bands. This allowed us to explore a wavelength regime that has not been well utilized in searches for extrasolar planets, but offers some advantages over the more commonly used shorter-wavelength H band regime. We have taken deep L' and M band images of the interesting debris disk stars Vega and ϵ Eri. Our observations of ϵ Eri attain better sensitivity to low mass planets within 3 arcseconds of the star than any other AO observations to date. At 1.7 arcsec, the maximum separation of the known planet ϵ Eri b, our M band sensitivity corresponds to objects only 9-16 times brighter than the predicted brightness of this planet. M is by far the most promising band for directly imaging this planet for the first time, though Clio would require a multi-night integration. We have carried out a survey of 50 nearby stars, using mostly the L' band. The survey objective was to determine whether power law fits to the statistics of planet mass m and orbital semimajor axis a from radial velocity (RV) surveys apply when extrapolated to orbital radii beyond the outer limits of RV sensitivity. Given dN/dm ~ m^{-1.44}, our survey null result rules out dN/da ~ a^{-0.2} extending beyond 155 AU, or dN/da constant extending beyond 70 AU, at the 95% confidence level. We have not placed as tight constraints on the planet distributions as the best H band surveys. However, we have probed older planet populations and by using a different wavelength regime have helped diversify results against model uncertainties. We have developed careful and well-tested observing, image processing, sensitivity analysis, and source detection methods, and helped advance L' and M band AO astronomy. These wavelengths will become increasingly important with the advent of new giant telescopes sensitive to interesting, low-temperature planets with red H-L' and H-M colors.

An evaluation of ISIS

Bodee, Bradley Robert 03 May 2014 (has links)
ISIS is a program that specializes in detecting variable stars within clusters, both open and globular. ISIS has historically been used in surveys searching for variable stars. However, recent work has identified new uses for ISIS, such as the detection of exoplanet transits in clusters of stars. This thesis will evaluate ISIS, both how the program functions and for which objects it is most efficient and appropriate. I examined five clusters: three open, and two globular, for one night surveys. With this survey, I identified twenty-five variable stars. Twenty-two variables were previously known, and three variable stars were previously undiscovered. In total, from my short one night surveys, I confirmed twenty-five previously known variable stars and four unknown variable stars. Furthermore, ISIS has detected several δ Scuti stars whose amplitude of variation is on par with an exoplanet transit. These data suggest that ISIS can be used for the detection of exoplanet transits. / Department of Physics and Astronomy


Reddy, Vishnu, Sanchez, Juan A., Bottke, William F., Thirouin, Audrey, Rivera-Valentin, Edgard G., Kelley, Michael S., Ryan, William, Cloutis, Edward A., Tegler, Stephen C., Ryan, Eileen V., Taylor, Patrick A., Richardson, James E., Moskovitz, Nicholas, Le Corre, Lucille 14 November 2016 (has links)
Small near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) (< 20 m) are interesting, because they are progenitors for meteorites in our terrestrial collection. The physical characteristics of these small NEAs are crucial to our understanding of the effectiveness of our atmosphere in filtering low-strength impactors. In the past, the characterization of small NEAs has been a challenge, because of the difficulty in detecting them prior to close Earth flyby. In this study, we physically characterized the 2 m diameter NEA 2015 TC25 using ground-based optical, near-infrared and radar assets during a close flyby of the Earth (distance 128,000 km) in 2015 October 12. Our observations suggest that its surface composition is similar to aubrites, a rare class of high-albedo differentiated meteorites. Aubrites make up only 0.14% of all known meteorites in our terrestrial meteorite collection. 2015 TC25 is also a very fast rotator with a period of 133 +/- 6 s. We combined the spectral and dynamical properties of 2015 TC25 and found the best candidate source body in the inner main belt to be the 70 km diameter E-type asteroid (44) Nysa. We attribute the difference in spectral slope between the two objects to the lack of regolith on the surface of 2015 TC25. Using the albedo of E-type asteroids (50%-60%) we refine the diameter of 2015 TC25 to 2 m, making it one of the smallest NEAs ever to be characterized.

An Observational Upper Limit on the Interstellar Number Density of Asteroids and Comets

Engelhardt, Toni, Jedicke, Robert, Vereš, Peter, Fitzsimmons, Alan, Denneau, Larry, Beshore, Ed, Meinke, Bonnie 27 February 2017 (has links)
We derived 90% confidence limits (CLs) on the interstellar number density (rho(CL)(IS)) of interstellar objects (ISOs; comets and asteroids) as a function of the slope of their size-frequency distribution (SFD) and limiting absolute magnitude. To account for gravitational focusing, we first generated a quasi-realistic ISO population to similar to 750 au from the Sun and propagated it forward in time to generate a steady state population of ISOs with heliocentric distance <50 au. We then simulated the detection of the synthetic ISOs using pointing data for each image and average detection efficiencies for each of three contemporary solar system surveys-Pan-STARRS1, the Mt. Lemmon Survey, and the Catalina Sky Survey. These simulations allowed us to determine the surveys' combined ISO detection efficiency under several different but realistic modes of identifying ISOs in the survey data. Some of the synthetic detected ISOs had eccentricities as small as 1.01, which is in the range of the largest eccentricities of several known comets. Our best CL of rho(CL)(SI) = 1.4 x 10(-4) au(-3) implies that the expectation that extra-solar systems form like our solar system, eject planetesimals in the same way, and then distribute them throughout the Galaxy, is too simplistic, or that the SFD or behavior of ISOs as they pass through our solar system is far from expectation.

A High-precision Technique to Correct for Residual Atmospheric Dispersion in High-contrast Imaging Systems

Pathak, P., Guyon, O., Jovanovic, N., Lozi, J., Martinache, F., Minowa, Y., Kudo, T., Takami, H., Hayano, Y., Narita, N. 01 December 2016 (has links)
Direct detection and spectroscopy of exoplanets requires high-contrast imaging. For habitable exoplanets in particular, located at a small angular separation from the host star, it is crucial to employ small inner working angle (IWA) coronagraphs that efficiently suppress starlight. These coronagraphs, in turn, require careful control of the wavefront that directly impacts their performance. For ground-based telescopes, atmospheric refraction is also an important factor, since it results in a smearing of the point-spread function (PSF), that can no longer be efficiently suppressed by the coronagraph. Traditionally, atmospheric refraction is compensated for by an atmospheric dispersion compensator (ADC). ADC control relies on an a priori model of the atmosphere whose parameters are solely based on the pointing of the telescope, which can result in imperfect compensation. For a high-contrast instrument like the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system, which employs very small IWA coronagraphs, refraction-induced smearing of the PSF has to be less than 1 mas in the science band for optimum performance. In this paper, we present the first on-sky measurement and correction of residual atmospheric dispersion. Atmospheric dispersion is measured from the science image directly, using an adaptive grid of artificially introduced speckles as a diagnostic to feedback to the telescope's ADC. With our current setup, we were able to reduce the initial residual atmospheric dispersion from 18.8 mas to 4.2 in broadband light (y- to H-band) and to 1.4 mas in the H-band only. This work is particularly relevant to the upcoming extremely large telescopes (ELTs) that will require fine control of their ADC to reach their full high-contrast imaging potential.


Schlawin, E., Herter, T., Zhao, M., Teske, J. K., Chen, H. 28 July 2016 (has links)
The intriguing exoplanet candidate KIC 12557548b is believed to have a comet-like tail of dusty debris trailing a small rocky planet. The tail of debris scatters up to 1.3% of the stellar light in the Kepler observatory's bandpass (0.42-0.9 mu m). Observing the tail's transit depth at multiple wavelengths can reveal the composition and particle size of the debris, constraining the makeup and lifetime of the sub-Mercury planet. Early dust particle size predictions from the scattering of the comet-like tail pointed toward a dust size of similar to 0.1 mu m for silicate compositions. These small particles would produce a much deeper optical transit depth than near-infrared transit depth. We measure a transmission spectrum for KIC 12557548b using the SpeX spectrograph (covering 0.8-2.4 mu m) simultaneously with the MORIS imager taking r' (0.63 mu m) photometry on the Infrared Telescope Facility for eight nights and one night in H band (1.63 mu m) using the Wide-field IR Camera at the Palomar 200 inch telescope. The infrared spectra are plagued by systematic errors, but we argue that sufficient precision is obtained when using differential spectroscopic calibration when combining multiple nights. The average differential transmission spectrum is flat, supporting findings that KIC 12557548b's debris is likely composed of larger particles greater than or similar to 0.5 mu m for pyroxene and olivine and greater than or similar to 0.2 mu m for iron and corundum. The r' photometric transit depths are all below the average Kepler value, suggesting that the observations occurred during a weak period or that the mechanisms producing optical broadband transit depths are suppressed.


Armitage, Philip J., Eisner, Josh A., Simon, Jacob B. 25 August 2016 (has links)
We develop a simple model to predict the radial distribution of planetesimal formation. The model is based on the observed growth of dust to millimeter-sized particles, which drift radially, pile-up, and form planetesimals where the stopping time and dust-to-gas ratio intersect the allowed region for streaming instability-induced gravitational collapse. Using an approximate analytic treatment, we first show that drifting particles define a track in metallicity-stopping time space whose only substantial dependence is on the disk's angular momentum transport efficiency. Prompt planetesimal formation is feasible for high particle accretion rates (relative to the gas, (M) over dot(p)/(M) over dot greater than or similar to 3 x 10(-2) for alpha = 10(-2)), which could only be sustained for a limited period of time. If it is possible, it would lead to the deposition of a broad and massive belt of planetesimals with a sharp outer edge. Numerically including turbulent diffusion and vapor condensation processes, we find that a modest enhancement of solids near the snow line occurs for centimeter-sized particles, but that this is largely immaterial for planetesimal formation. We note that radial drift couples planetesimal formation across radii in the disk, and suggest that considerations of planetesimal formation favor a model in which the initial deposition of material for giant planet cores occurs well beyond the snow line.

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