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NoneChen, Chu-ping 14 June 2004 (has links)
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The intension model of purchasing houses for Kaohsiung female consumersChou, Chia-Yi 24 September 2004 (has links)
The intension model of purchasing houses for Kaohsiung female consumers
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noneWang, Chiao-ru 20 July 2005 (has links)
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Research of the Relationship Between Travelers¡¦ Attitude¡Bthe Degree of Involvement¡BGroup affection¡BIntention and Mode Choice Behavior¡XA case study for Taipei Metropolitan AreaLin, Wei-Cheng 20 August 2005 (has links)
In the analysis of travelers¡¦ decision-making behavior, Discrete Choice model in Revealed Preference data or Stated Preference data, such as logit model and probit model, is generally used in the exploration of travelers¡¦ mode choice behavior. Some former research adapted Structural Equation Model (SEM) or Fuzzy Theory in exploring the variables of travelers¡¦ psychological decision process, because the variables which were not easily measured directly and tend to be latent variables.This study combines Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and EMB Model in consumer behavior science, to investigate the relationship and degree of interaction between psychological variables and actual mode choice behavior.
The comuter represent high percentage of inter-city transportation, therefore, this empirical study has focused on the commuters in Taipei metropolitan area. Commuter¡¦s feedback on MRT preference was collected through the face-to-face interview. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS10.0 for chi-square test, the regression analysis and multi-variables analysis. Through the study of their attitude, the degree of involvement, group affection and intention towards various modes, the psychological decision process for commuter was analyzed and concluded.
The results of the research concluded that: private transportation users have higher degree of involvement to MRT than the public ones. It is observed that the variables of age, occupation, possession of veheche, the distance from commutes' place to MRT station, among all variables, have significant reciprocity with the degree of involvement for MRT.In the aspects the commuters' attitude of using the MRT¡¦s, both private and public transportation users showed positive opinions. Among all variables, the group influence had the least significance to the action intention, while the involvement and attitude showed high significance to the MRT¡¦s action intention.The public transportation users show higher difference between actual mode use behavior and intention, as compared to the private one. Therefore, the traffic authorities and businessman need to increase the quality of the service of MRT and convience of transfer between transportation modes, if they want to raise the percentage of commuters to using MRT.
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A Study on the Government Web Sites UsageChiu, Kuan-Hsieh 02 July 2001 (has links)
As the continuous waves of new technology, there has been an explosion of electronic access to government information. It has undeniably not only led to a dramatic change in the way people communicate, but also increased the ability of institutions, businesses and individuals to channel information. Among various formats of electronic access, the World Wide Web (WWW) is the most powerful way to disseminate information.
Governments are well placed to take advantage of the Internet's ability to disseminate electronic documents quickly, cheaply and efficiently. Moreover, as new communication technologies make it possible to establish a closer relationship between citizens and their governments, it is increasingly likely that the Internet's role in the political process will evolve beyond the mere dissemination of information.
The intention of this study is to compare the Technology Acceptance Model to a traditional version and a decomposed version of the Theory of Planned Behavior in terms of their contribution to the understanding of the government web sites usage. Data from a field study of 207 students are used to test these models using structural equation modeling. The results are concluded as follows:
The coefficient of determination R2BI of the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior is about 0.4, in other words, approximately 40% of the variation in behavioral intention is explained by linear regression of behavioral intention on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. In the view of behavioral intention, the explanatory power of the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior is equivalent to the Technology Acceptance Model, and is moderately better than the Theory of Planned Behavior.
There are several managerial implication. First, the designers of the government web sites should pay more attention to understand the information need of users, not just put effort on technical level. Second, Ease of use with readable format is the best discipline of the government web sites design. Third,. The designers may have to enrich the content of the government web sites so as to enhance intention of users.
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noneShiuan, Woei-Hua 04 February 2002 (has links)
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A Study of Cognitive and Behavioral Consistency in Virtual Knowledge SharingChiang, Pei-Chen 19 June 2002 (has links)
Knowledge has been recognized as one of the most important valuable resources for organizational competitiveness in our information society. Consequently, many organizations are implementing knowledge management systems. Yet, as the old saying ¡§actions speak louder than words¡¨ suggest, they are finding out that the actual level of knowledge sharing has lacked behind the espoused excitement.
In this study, we attempt to investigate the psychological mechanisms that underlie people¡¦s inaction in knowledge sharing knowledge even though they understand the benefit. Specifically, we focus on the relationship between individual¡¦s cognition and behavior of knowledge sharing in a virtual community. The site that we choose for observation is SCTNet (http://sctnet.edu.tw/index.htm), which is a website designed for sharing knowledge by teachers of primary and middle-high schools. It allows them to upload/download files and to provide electronic forums for sharing their innovations. This study applies the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Action Control Theory to examine factors that may influence individual¡¦s intention and behavior of knowledge sharing in a virtual community. The results are useful to understand the dynamics of knowledge sharing in virtual community and provide insights for mangers of knowledge management systems.
Keywords¡GKnowledge Management, Theory of Planned Behavior, Action Control Theory
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Exploring Knowledge Sharing Behavior of IS Personnel with Theory of Planned BehaviorWu, Sheng 02 July 2003 (has links)
Competing in the age of knowledge economics, we have faced a whole new regimentation since the traditional production elements become the secondary resources, the knowledge is exactly the primary resources to business. To multiply the knowledge value, business have to advocacy the concept of knowledge sharing as the more knowledge the employees share, the more worth the business have.
In this study, we propose a knowledge sharing model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior to study how the IS personnel behave in their respective practices concerning knowledge sharing. Also, through reviewing of knowledge management and knowledge sharing literature, we have identified several antecedents contributing to knowledge sharing behavior and those affecting attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control.
In validating our research model with SEM, our data supported all the individual causal paths postulated by TPB except the relationship from subjective norm to knowledge sharing intention. The importance of significant antecedents such as expected associations, expected loss, altruism, and task interdependence have impacted on the attitude toward knowledge sharing; the affect-based trust and task interdependence have impacted on the subjective norm, also, the resources fit has impacted on the perceived behavioral control. The result will be useful to both the academic and business in their advocacy of the conduct of knowledge sharing.
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noneWang, Chin-chiu 24 July 2008 (has links)
The researches applied theory of planned behavior(TPB) are enormously
inpliemented.Also there are some researches with theory of planned behavior address
training programs in organizations.Althougtht training programs are an important
compotent in most of companies,little theoretical guidance is available for their
implementation in information technology services industry
This research proposes the behavior model originated from Ajzen¡¦s (1985)theory of
planned behavior(TPB) to understand how employees¡¦ attitude, subject norm and
perceived control behavior determinants of employees¡¦ behavior in training programs.
Data were collected from a company of information service industry in Taiwan. The
results indicate traning programs must be suitable and acceptable to employees,
otherwise, it wouldn¡¦t change employee¡¦s attitude toward training programs even they
have plenty of choices and opportunities. Personl attidute and subject norm predicts
employees¡¦ behavior, salient individuals or groups, such as supervisors, co-workers¡A
friends and families affact employees¡¦ behavior much more than their personal
The results only partially support the theory of behavior because information service
industry is a highly skilled required. Employee who has willing to attend the training
program is by personal professional needs instead of the self convinence level to
training attendance or the diversites of training programs.
This research provided factors affect intensions of employees¡¦ behavior in training
programs and would be instructive suggestions to better understandig of training
programs development in the future.
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The Influence of Personal Value on Blog Future Usage IntentionHuang, Chin-hao 25 August 2008 (has links)
Behind ¡§e-mail¡§, ¡§BBS¡¨, ¡§Instant Messenger¡¨, weblog is regarded as the fourth kind of ¡§killer application¡¨ of the Internet. Therefore, ¡§weblog usage behavior¡¨ becomes a popular issue to study in not only industry but also academia. However, there is still not a complete framework to explain the motivation of blog usage and the influence factors.
This research extends the ¡¥Attitudinal Belief Structure¡¦ of ¡¥Theory of Planned Behavior¡¦ and discusses which personal values among social value, utilitarian value, hedonic value and psychological value are the main motivations to use blog. In addition, we look into ¡¥past use¡¦, ¡¥attachment styles¡¦, ¡¥information recipients¡¦ and ¡¥blog type¡¦ deeply to find out which influence factors moderate the research model.
This study used survey method to collect data from the Internet users and use PLS to analyze it. The result found the social value and psychological value are significant motivations among four personal values, and the influence of hedonic value is comparatively week. Then, the influence of personal value on blog usage intention is generally weaker among heavier users than among lighter users. Otherwise, psychological value influence people with preoccupied attachment style less. However, when the information recipients of blog trend to intimate friends, psychological value becomes more important. Finally, as types of blog are different, the influence of user¡¦s psychological value on future usage intention will be different.
In sum, we extend the ¡¥Attitudinal Belief Structure¡¦ and renew it with social psychological theories to build a complete model. The research model can offer future study a framework to refer, and give weblog .com several marketing suggestions.
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