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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptação de empréstimos em esperanto / Loanword adaptation in Esperanto

Oliveira, Karina Gonçalves de Souza de 25 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou avaliar por quais caminhos fonológicos novas raízes são incorporadas ao esperanto. As palavras foram selecionadas a partir das revistas Kontakto, revista oficial da Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - Organização Mundial da Juventude Esperantista), lançada em 1963, enviada a assinantes em mais de 90 países, e Esperanto, revista oficial da Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA - Associação Universal de Esperanto), que teve sua primeira publicação em 1905, e é enviada a leitores em 115 países, além de uma lista terminológica sobre tecnologia (Nevelsteen, 2012), e, ainda, palavras listadas como não dicionarizadas no blog <http://vortaro-blogo.blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivaj-vortoj-i.html>. Foram coletadas palavras de 13 línguas diferentes: árabe, chinês, coreano, espanhol, francês, inglês, japonês, komi, português, russo, turco, sânscrito e suaíli. A base teórica que orientou a análise foi a Fonologia de Empréstimo (Loanword Phonology), principalmente os escritos de Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) e Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). Fizemos, também, um levantamento bibliográfico de trabalhos já realizados sobre a fonética e a fonologia do esperanto, e comentamos questões gerais sobre as línguas planejadas e a comunidade de fala que o esperanto possui. A análise do corpus evidenciou que as palavras podem ser adaptadas tanto por meio da forma fonética ou da forma ortográfica da raiz na língua de origem. Além disso, verificou-se que ataques complexos que não violam restrições fonológicas do esperanto foram mantidos; a rima sofre, necessariamente, influência da morfologia quando adaptada; vogais longas foram adaptadas, em sua maioria, como vogais simples; e que algumas palavras possuem duas formas em variação sincrônica na língua. / This masters dissertation tried to investigate by which phonological directions new roots are incorporated into Esperanto. Words were selected from the following magazines: Kontakto, official magazine of Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - World Esperanto Youth Organization), which was first published in 1963 and is sent to subscribers in over 90 countries, and Esperanto, official magazine from Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA Esperanto Universal Association), which had its first release in 1905 and is sent to readers in 115 countries, in addition to a terminology list about technology (Nevelsteen, 2012) and to words not quoted on dictionaries but published on a list in the blog <http://vortaroblogo. blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivajvortoj-i.html>. Words were collected from 13 different languages: arabic, chinese, corean, spanish, french, english, japanese, komi, portuguese, russian, turkish, sanskrit and swahili. The theory basis that guided this analysis was Loanword Phonology, mostly the works of Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) and Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). We also made a bibliographic search on previous works about Esperantos phonetics and phonology, and we discussed general matters about planned languages and Esperantos community of speakers. The corpuss analysis showed that words can be adapted by its phonetic form as well as by its roots orthographic form on the original language. Furthermore, we observed that complex onsets which do not violate phonological restrictions of Esperanto were sustained; rime, when is adapted, is necessarily influenced by morphology; long vowels were, for the most part, adapted as simple vowels; and some words present two forms in languages synchronic variation.

Adaptação de empréstimos em esperanto / Loanword adaptation in Esperanto

Karina Gonçalves de Souza de Oliveira 25 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou avaliar por quais caminhos fonológicos novas raízes são incorporadas ao esperanto. As palavras foram selecionadas a partir das revistas Kontakto, revista oficial da Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - Organização Mundial da Juventude Esperantista), lançada em 1963, enviada a assinantes em mais de 90 países, e Esperanto, revista oficial da Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA - Associação Universal de Esperanto), que teve sua primeira publicação em 1905, e é enviada a leitores em 115 países, além de uma lista terminológica sobre tecnologia (Nevelsteen, 2012), e, ainda, palavras listadas como não dicionarizadas no blog <http://vortaro-blogo.blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivaj-vortoj-i.html>. Foram coletadas palavras de 13 línguas diferentes: árabe, chinês, coreano, espanhol, francês, inglês, japonês, komi, português, russo, turco, sânscrito e suaíli. A base teórica que orientou a análise foi a Fonologia de Empréstimo (Loanword Phonology), principalmente os escritos de Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) e Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). Fizemos, também, um levantamento bibliográfico de trabalhos já realizados sobre a fonética e a fonologia do esperanto, e comentamos questões gerais sobre as línguas planejadas e a comunidade de fala que o esperanto possui. A análise do corpus evidenciou que as palavras podem ser adaptadas tanto por meio da forma fonética ou da forma ortográfica da raiz na língua de origem. Além disso, verificou-se que ataques complexos que não violam restrições fonológicas do esperanto foram mantidos; a rima sofre, necessariamente, influência da morfologia quando adaptada; vogais longas foram adaptadas, em sua maioria, como vogais simples; e que algumas palavras possuem duas formas em variação sincrônica na língua. / This masters dissertation tried to investigate by which phonological directions new roots are incorporated into Esperanto. Words were selected from the following magazines: Kontakto, official magazine of Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - World Esperanto Youth Organization), which was first published in 1963 and is sent to subscribers in over 90 countries, and Esperanto, official magazine from Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA Esperanto Universal Association), which had its first release in 1905 and is sent to readers in 115 countries, in addition to a terminology list about technology (Nevelsteen, 2012) and to words not quoted on dictionaries but published on a list in the blog <http://vortaroblogo. blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivajvortoj-i.html>. Words were collected from 13 different languages: arabic, chinese, corean, spanish, french, english, japanese, komi, portuguese, russian, turkish, sanskrit and swahili. The theory basis that guided this analysis was Loanword Phonology, mostly the works of Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) and Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). We also made a bibliographic search on previous works about Esperantos phonetics and phonology, and we discussed general matters about planned languages and Esperantos community of speakers. The corpuss analysis showed that words can be adapted by its phonetic form as well as by its roots orthographic form on the original language. Furthermore, we observed that complex onsets which do not violate phonological restrictions of Esperanto were sustained; rime, when is adapted, is necessarily influenced by morphology; long vowels were, for the most part, adapted as simple vowels; and some words present two forms in languages synchronic variation.

Esperanto: Geschichte und Vision einer Kunstsprache / Sprache – Literatur – Gemeinschaft

Beckmann, Viola 22 February 2023 (has links)
Als die Plansprache Esperanto 1887 veröffentlicht wurde, blieb den Zeitgenossen weitgehend verborgen, dass ihr Erfinder Ludwig Lejzer Zamenhof (1859-1917) sie stets auch als Teil eines ethisch-kosmopolitischen Projekts verstand. Erst 1972 wurde diese Gesamtrahmung mit der Publikation seines Hillelismus. Projekt zur Lösung der Judenfrage (1901) in öffentlich. Die Arbeit begreift Esperanto als ein kulturhistorisches Phänomen, das auf eine beginnende Globalisierung antwortet und politisch-emanzipatorische sowie ethisch-religiöse Zwecke erfüllt. Die Arbeit fokussiert Esperanto dabei in zweifacher Hinsicht als sprachliches Phänomen mit kultureller Folgewirkung: Der erste Aspekt betrifft die Bedeutung einer ‚neutralen‘ Sprache für die Formierung (trans-)kultureller Identitäten: Esperanto, so die These, ist als Versuch einer neutralen Kunstsprache zu begreifen, die auf die komplexen Zusammenhänge von Sprache, Kultur, Volk, Nation und Religion im historisch-politischen Kontext reagiert und auf neue transkulturelle Identitätsentwürfe im Zeichen des Kosmopolitismus abzielt. Fern einer linearen Geschichtserzählungen stellt die Dissertation die Ambivalenzen heraus, die zwischen Zamenhofs politisch-ethischem Anspruch und der reduktionistischen Außenwahrnehmung von Esperanto bestanden. Der zweite Aspekt betrifft die Bedeutung der Literatur im Kontext von Sprache und Gemeinschaftsbildung. Im Gegensatz zum rein pragmatischen Verständnis einer Internationalen Sprache geht die Untersuchung von der These aus, dass für Zamenhof und die frühen Esperantisten die Entwicklung und aktive Förderung von Literatur der zentrale Weg zur Etablierung von Esperanto als einer besonderen Gemeinschaftssprache sein sollte. Indem die Arbeit eine breitere kulturtheoretische und kulturgeschichtliche Perspektive auf die Wirkmächtigkeit von Literatur und Sprache für die Konstituierung (trans-)nationaler Identitäten eröffnet, liefert sie einerseits neue Ansätze für eine esperantistische Literaturgeschichte. / When the planned language Esperanto was published in 1887, it remained largely hidden from contemporaries that its inventor Ludwig Lejzer Zamenhof (1859-1917) always understood it also as part of an ethical-cosmopolitan project. It was not until 1972 that this overall framing was revealed with the publication of his Hillelism. Project for the Solution of the Jewish Question (1901) in public. The thesis understands Esperanto as a cultural-historical phenomenon that responds to an incipient globalization and fulfills political-emancipatory as well as ethical-religious purposes. The first aspect concerns the significance of a 'neutral' language for the formation of (trans-)cultural identities: Esperanto, according to the thesis, is to be understood as an attempt at a neutral artificial language that responds to the complex interrelationships of language, culture, people, nation, and religion in a historical-political context and aims at new transcultural identity designs under the sign of cosmopolitanism. Far from a linear historical narrative, the dissertation highlights the ambivalences that existed between Zamenhof's political-ethical claim and the reductionist external perception of Esperanto. The second aspect concerns the meanings of literature in the context of language and community building. In contrast to the purely pragmatic understanding of an International Language, the study starts from the thesis that for Zamenhof and the early Esperantists the development and active promotion of literature should be the central way to establish Esperanto as a special community language. By opening up a broader cultural-theoretical and cultural-historical perspective on the efficacy of literature and language for the constitution of (trans-)national identities, the work provides, on the one hand, new approaches to an Esperantist literary history.

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