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Užitkovost a plodnost plemenic skotu při vícečetném dojení / Production and fertility of dams for multiple milkingTRCH, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluated fertility and milk performance due to multiple milking technology which was used. The monitoring was carried in 2011 in farms Agrospol, Malý Bor a.s. and the farm Dub. System evaluation of fertility and milk performance of dairy cows at multiple milking were evaluated in 186 lactations of Czech pied cattle breeding. The average number of milking in the parlour was 2.96x/day and robot 2.36x/day. 107 lactations were obtained during milking in the milking parlour and 79 of lactation during milking by robots. In this thesis were measured indicators of fertility (insemination interval, service period, the mean time and age at first calving) and indicators of milk production (lactation length, the amount of milk fat, protein and lactose content). In the reproductive indicators were taken statistically highly difference in age at first calving, where the average difference was 195 days. For other indicators of fertility were all statistically significant results in favor of milking in the milking parlour (2.96x/day). Czech pied cattle milked in the milking parlour per normative lactation average amount of milk produced 8 599.8 kg, cows milked by robot 7 272.5 kg. Among these values was statistically highly significant difference. The best results in the production of milk per normative lactation were gained by milked cows in the milking parlour (9 284.4 kg) and the second lactation cows milked in the milking parlour (9 033.0 kg) on the third and more lactation. The lowest milk production in normative lactation gained dairy cows milked by robot at first lactation (6 874.7 kg). The higher average fat content had dairy cows milked in the milking parlour with a value of 4.47 %, dairy cows milked by robot had fat content of 4.15 %. Between these values was statically highly significant difference. In the average protein content in dairy cows has been demonstrated statistically significant difference. Dairy cows milked in the milking parlour reached the value 3.41 % compared to cows milked by a robot, where the average value of protein was 3.47 %. The difference in lactose content between groups was not statistically significant.
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Sezónní změny v užitkovosti a plodnosti krav v souvislosti s teplotními a vlhkostními poměry prostředí / Season changes in milk efficiency and fertility of the cows in relation to the temperature and humidity environment conditionsŤOUPALOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
High level of fertility and milk efficiency be ranked among major premise profitability of the company. If are not i extenso independent all necessaries of life dairycows, it is impossible expect favourableness. Human factor have in locking needs dairycows most important and fungible role, above all in the area corresponding sustenance and correct rearing technique and attendance fiduciary animals. On fertility and milk efficiency affect all row of other factors, from which ours imposition was evaluate seasonal establishment temperature influence and relative humidity. Average milk yield in herd Holstein cows attained 6 254 kg milks behind standardized lactation 305 days. Avarage deily vessel descending reduction on standardized lactation do 20,5 litre. Highest values reached average daily milk yild in spring 22,09 litres milk during lactation. Big throughs was recorded in summer, average daily vessel doed mere 16,96 litres milk during lactation. By the help of ANOVA test was ascertained statistically significant difference on significance level P 0,05 among spring and summer, among spring and winter, among summer and autumn and among summer and winter. Effected regression analysis confirmed fall average daily milk yield depending on raising temperatures inside stabling. Maximum cows at average daily efficiency about 20 - 23 litres milk here of achievement reached at 10 - 12 °C. Optimum thermal balk strode low-water mark of 28 x plus upper boundary 247 x. Temperature above 20 °C was overstepped 104 x. Optimum D shell relative humidity crossed ceiling 211 x. Average meantime in heard attained 419 days, SP 127 days and insemination interval 78 days, near over most 50 % cows was level fertility evaluation like bad. According to results ultrasonografik investigation gravided every 3. - 4. cow, which is wanting. In case executant defects was highest percent occurrence recorded near sweeping and ovarian cysts. Influence of season, let us say temperatures on fertility indices plus defect incidence wasn´t evidenced. Bad level fertility had in the framework year continual course.
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Porovnání reprodukčních programů u stáda dojnic / Comparison of reproductive health programmes at the dairy herdREŠOVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to compare the use of two hormonal preparations for the preparation of dairy cows to be inseminated, considering the matter of success, as well as the matter of the economy. The observation took place in the Agricultural cooperative Chodeč. 83 pcs of heifer were observed under the application of Ovsynch and 294 pieces of heifer were tested for Estrofan. The reference period was March 2013 - March 2014. Parameters were evaluated according to individual lactation. The milk yield (kg) of individual lactation was main parameter of milk performance. Fertility was indicated by these parameters: the length of the service period (days), insemination interval (days) and the insemination index.
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Polymorfizmus FGF2 v asociaci k mléčné užitkovosti a reprodukci skotu / Association Between Polymorphism of FGF2 and Milk Yield in CattleBRZÁKOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of polymorphism of the FGF2 gene locus at the milk yield and fertility of Holstein cows. Review contains information about milk yield and reproductive performance of Holstein cows and point out the problem with decreasing fertility of high-producing dairy cows. The second part of review contains information about FGF family, its characterization and its effect of production traits and reproductive traits in Holstein cows. FGF2 was chosen for this study because it is a member of the placental lactogen pathway and interferon- and which means that, FGF2 is included in initiation and maintaining of pregnancy in ruminants and therefore is possible to expect an effect on FGF2 on the milk traits and reproductive traits of cattle. The experimental part of the work deals with the genotyping of 150 bulls of Holstein breed. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP method. Data was obtained and statistically evaluated. No significant effect of SNP11464 FGF2 polymorphism was found with association to milk production of Holstein breed. However, a significant effect of SNP11464 was found in regards to fertility with association to fertility of cows and breeding cattle of the Holstein breed line NXA. This effect was not significant in heifers of both lines and fertility of cows and breading cows in line NEA. SNP11646 FGF2 gene might be useful as a criterion in gene-assisted selection to increase the fertility of Holstein dairy cows but prior to its introduction as a selection criteria in the breeding programme a further investigation of possible effect on fertility is necessary.
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Vyhodnocení plodnosti a užitkovosti stáda holštýnských krav / Evaluation of the reproduction and milk performance of Holstein cattlePEŠTA, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the diploma work is to evaluation the reproduction level and the milk performance level of the concrete herd of cattle Holstein breed. The evaluation took place in family farm of Vladimír Pešta. The farm manages 73 hectares of soil and keeps 40 cows with closed herd turnover. Collection of input data took place in the years 2004 - 2007. There were monitored basic indicators of milk performance, indicators of reproduction and the development of body condition score (BCS) during the lactation period. The increasing milk production of the groups with performance to 7000 kg, 7000 {--} 8000 kg and over 8000 kg of milk affected negatively indicators of reproduction and there were the statistically demonstrable differences between groups. The duration of service period (SP) of groups by performance was 154, 165 and 175 days. Order of lactation period had no effect on reproduction. The milk production was by 1st lactation period 6 909 kg, by 2nd lactation period 8 435 kg and by 3rd lactation period 7 894 kg. There was the higher milk production by the dairy cows, which were calved in spring and in autumn, and it was 7 822kg and 7 898 kg. The dairy cows, which were calved in winter and in summer, had the performance lower by 400 kg. There were reached the better reproduction results by the dairy cows calved in winter and in spring, SP 164 and 153 days. The dairy cows calved in summer and in autumn had SP 174 and 182 days. The differences between the groups by season of year were not statistically demonstrable, neither at reproduction nor at milk production. The size of body framework of cattle had no effect on the milk production. The average value of body condition score on the beginning of lactation period was 3.59 points. The value of BCS was decreasing until 6th month of lactation period on 2.43 points. In the next months the BCS was slowly improving. The values of BCS oscillated during different phases of lactation period in range of 2 points. In the days of gestation the value of BCS was 2.65 points. The rate of the milk component fat/protein was on the beginning of lactation period 1.75, until 4th month of lactation period decreased on 1.35 and in the next months the rate was oscillated between 1.3 and 1.4. The average age by first calving was 834 days (27.4 months). By increasing age by first calving the subsequent performance sloped down. But this relationship was not statistically demonstrable. The average tallness in the small of the back amounted by cows, which are calving for the first time, to 149.8 cm. The attained milk performance was satisfactory. The reproduction results were less favourableness. From recognized relationships we can draw conclusions, that on the production and reproduction of the monitored herd the breeding conditions, the nutrition, the health state and the herd management have an mainly influence. By improvement of these factors we can achieve the better reproduction results. The influences like the season of year or the body framework of cattle are not too important.
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Vyhodnocení užitkovosti a plodnosti krav ve stádě českého strakatého skotu / Evaluation milk yield and fertility cows in drove of Bohemian Spotted cattleZADÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work was evaluation of milk yield and fertility of cows´ groups, which were formed on the basis of milk production quantity, age, a calving season, pedigree, body framework of cattle and a level of body condition. There were evaluated results at 690 cows in years from 2004 to 2007. The foundation dates about the yield and the fertility of animals were abtoined by check of the yield. The body framework of cattle and condition were investigated with regular month intervals during the year 2007. Body condition was considered in an interval from 1 to 5 points with accuracy of 0,25 point. During the watching years milk yield increased from 6 616 kg to 8 507 kg. Milk components reduced with increasing milk yield, when the contents of fat was gradually reduced from initial 4,2 % to 3,87 %. The contens of proteins was also reduced from 3,5 % to 3,37 %. It was investigated that the decline of body condition after calving was connected with extension of insemination interval and service period by six days and its increase with shortening of interval and SP by four days. The higher milk yield (8 281 kg) but at the same time longer service period was investigated with cows of bigger body framework (the hight in back from 145 to 150 cm). During the evaluation of effect breeding groups (C1, C2, C3) to fertility weren´t investigated more important differences among the groups. But the breeding groups influence the hight of milk yield, ehen the C3 group (share of dairy breed more than 50 %) has the highest milk yield (7 866 kg). The highest milk yield was investigated with cows at the second lactation period (7 900 kg), at the third lactation period was almost on the same level (7 886 kg)and in the following lactation periods the quantity of milk gradually fell down. The examination of lactation curve courses at cows´ group with a different level of yield indicated , thet the higher care in a herd is devoted to milk production than to cows´ fertility. The length of service period at the highyield cows was as 200 days.
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Vyhodnocení reprodukčních ukazatelů ve vybraném chovu ovcí / Evaluation of reproductive performance in selected breeding of sheepBRÁZDOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the reproductive performance over the period from 2007 to 2010 in selected Suffolk sheep. The evaluation was carried out on the basis of records kept in the selected breeding sheep at Agris Markvarec s r.o. and on own observations. During the reporting period was evaluated 1115 ewes, which were monitored the following parameters such as fertilization, fertility, intensity, rearing of lambs, infertility, ewes lambing, percentage of sheep abortions, stillborn lambs, mortality, percentage of breeding lambs and percentages of sheep by percent occurrence of the cast. There was also observed age structure of the ewes, the dependence of age on fertility of ewes and the effect of father mother on her fertility. In the observed breeding was found the following results, which are presented as an average over the reporting period, so the percentage of fertilization is 91.2%, fertility 145.2% and rearing 81.3%. The percentage of idleness of sheep is 8.8%, which directly affected the percentage of the intensity, which is 118.3% and the lambing percentage, which ranks lower value 81.2%. A relatively high percentage was achieved in postnatal mortality, which is 11.4%. Percentage of sheep abortions in the average is 5.4% and the percentage of stillborn lambs is 4.9%. Breeding lambs 92.3%. The effect of age of ewes on fertility was confirmed by F - test for the significance level of p ? 0,05. Subsequent testing has been demonstrated median significant differences between groups of ewes aged 2 and 3 years and between age groups 3 and 5 years. On the same level of significance was also demonstrated effects of father mother on fertility of mother and on the basis of the results was found that the lowest average fertility rates in the ewes, their father is out of line Yog (110%) and conversely the highest fertility rate (170,8%) is achieved for mothers whose father is out of line Harald. Further testing, which was focused on the effect of age of breeding ewes and breeding year in terms of the father´s line on the mother's fertility wasn´t demonstrated.
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Vliv bioklimatických podmínek stáje na zdravotní a produkční parametry a vybrané fyziologické ukazatele u krav. / The influence of bioclimatic conditions of the cow shed on health and production parameters and chosen physiological indicators among cowsHOFEROVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyse chosen parameters of microclimate in a cow shed with loose stabling in coherence with a season of a year, and to judge the impact on the efficiency, production parameters and representative physiological indicators among cows.The temperature, relative humidity and the rapidity of atmospheric circulation was measured once a week in the cowhouse {--} in the premises of stabled animals and outside it -, and the cooling-down temperature was counted.
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Porovnání ekonomiky chovu krav ve volném a vazném ustájení / The comparing of the economics of breeding cow in the free and stanchion housingKOTTOVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The aim was to compare and evaluate the economics of breeding in the free and stanchion housing, in the free housing for the use of modern milking robots. The account has been taken as parameters of performance and fertility and return on investment in free housing with milking robots. The results of the holding area farming of 1800 hectares at an altitude of 500-800 meters above sea level, two stanchion housing and one free stalls, which were used in the milking robot is an economically challenging investment were evaluated in the study. All three stalls were followed for two years, the milk production and fertility were analyzed and the economics of processing the results were recorded in 1083 cows. It was found that in the stall with free housing and milking with robots, while costs increased, but compared to the breeding of stanchion housing has reached the breeding of higher productivity, lower losses and less incidence of health disorders. In the first period this activity showed a profit. In the second period, the results are affected by problems of low farm-gate milk prices, which persist to this day. Observed results suggest that the favorable economic situation of the company in terms of investment and breeding conditions can only recommend a change from a serious technology for open housing, but also the use of milking robots, which are significant savings in labor costs. However, it is necessary to allow for depreciation of new buildings and thus with the high cost of feeding cows the day or unit of production. Free housing has high performance and milk quality, was also detected in the free stall successful reproduction due to better recognize heat and favorable overall welfare of dairy cows.
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Chov normandského skotu v České republice / Breeding of Normande cattle in Czech republicKABÁTKOVÁ, Zdenka January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma work was to review the current state of breeding of Normande cattle in Czech republic. The reason for introducing the breeding of this cattle is some of its qualities. The most important of these include a higher percentage of casein in milk as well as good conversion of nutrients from the bulk feed and meat quality. Monitoring of cattle took place in four separate farms in years 2005 - 2009. There was created basic monitored group from pure Normande breed. Control groups were from pure Holstein dairy cattle, Czech Spotted dairy cattle. Fertility evaluation was done by following four indicators: age at first calving, insemination interval, service period and interlude. Evaluation of efficiency was based on milk production, protein production and content of the milk constituents. Results of fertility show that with the exception of age of first calving (832 days), the breeding goal hasn't been met to Breeders Association of Normande cattle. Value of insemination interval was 88,74 days, value of service period was 134,28 days and value of interlude was evaluated at 462,38 days. When we compare the Normande breed with Holstein breed, milk production of Normande breed is lower about 2025,4 kg, as well as lower protein production about 48,6 kg. Difference between fertility results for both breeds is within statistical discrepancy. In comparison with the Czech Spotted breed, the Normande breed is at least competitive in both indicators: fertility and efficiency as well. Content of milk constituents in Normande cows milk is significantly higher than in the milk of the other two breeds (4,38 to 4,41% of fat, 3,76 to 3,81% of protein, 4,89 to 5,20% of lactose). There was the highest culling (57.4%) in the basic selection of pure Normande dairy cows in comparison to selections of other breeds. The main reason for discarding were the other health reasons.
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