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Analýza vybraných vlivů na mléčnou užitkovost a plodnost dojnic u stáda českého strakatého skotu / Analysis of some of the effects on milk production and fertility of dairy cows in the herd Czech FleckviehTOMAN, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This work occupy with analysis of selected impact milk efficiency and fertility milk cow of herd of czech motley cattle in enterprise Šumavský statek Dlouhá Ves. Main selected impact are genotype, grazing of milk cow, age of first calve, duration of servis period, duration interlude and exterior of milk cow. From result emerge, the biggest impact milk efficiency had age during first calve, Heifer calve in later life had statistical verifiably higher milk yield at first and another lactations. Milk cowswhit lower part of blood of breed czech motley cattle had higher milk yield. In persue years was always reach the biggest milk yield during graze. Durations of servis period and interlude was identical with reached average of Czech Republic. At judge milk cow was find out positive correlational relations between exterior and average daily milk yield only at judge muscle and at judge udder. The enterprise have been anprofitable without provision of subsidy all year long 2012.
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Vyhodnocení produkčních vlastností plemene ovcí merinolandschaf / Evaluation of the breed of sheep production MerinolandschafKRÁLOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to evaluate the levels of production traits in sheep breed Merinolandschaf. Evaluation of the effect of selected factors on commercial properties in the herd of the breed. This thesis mainly focuses on the effect of age ewes, rams line at impact, influence the frequency of newborn lambs on production indicators. The evaluation of these properties were used data from performance tests and evidence from past years. The thesis should clarify some advantages in breeding should point out shortcomings and problems that occur in the breed while providing solutions to improve the situation in the selected breed. In 2009, the percentage of fertilization to the lowest value of 77.1. The performance tests from 2006 to 2012, we can see that the percentage of fertility by 2010 rising, thanks to the experience breeder. Average intensity of the years 2006 - 2012 was 120.9%. Thanks to the year 2009, the average number of weaned lambs from ewes low number of 107%. Minimum number of weaned lambs in 2009 and to 77.1% and the maximum number was reached in 2010 - 123,4%. Average weight of lambs at birth breed Merinolandschaf for the period was 3.41 kg and 100 days of age 22.55 kg. When comparing fertility ewes depending on their age were detected statistically significant differences at the level p < 0.001 yen sheep aged 5 and 7 year olds. When evaluating the impact of fertility ewes depending on the line of ram, a statistically significant difference at moderate level of p < 0.001 > 0.01 MACEK between lines and between the lines and MESTEK MAGOR and MESTEK. Highest percentage of sheep with singleton was achieved in 2010 and the lowest percent in 2009, while in 2009 it achieved the highest percentage of sheep with twins and multiple litters. Based on the results it can be stated average level of breeding. About this fact testifies above all to achieve reproduction indicators, which were compared with countrywide results.
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Vyhodnocení ukazatelů užitkovosti a dlouhověkosti u stáda dojnic červeného holštýnského skotu / Evaluation of indicators of performance and longevity in dairy herd of red Holstein cattleVONDRA, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects selected for milk production, fertility and longevity in dairy herd of Holstein cattle (RED). Data processing for the thesis was collected from cows that ended the lactation period from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013, ie during the previous inspection year. From the reports were selected information on lactation, genotype, milk yield, meantime, service period, due to retirement, days of lactation and age at first calving for each cow separately. By tracking and a total of 274 cows Holstein cattle (RED) genotypes R1 (R88% or more), R2 (R76% - 87%) and R3 (R51% - 75%). There were statistically significant differences (P <0,05) milk yield of dairy cows with genotype R3, divided by lactation. When the third lactation had the highest yields (8,520 kg of milk). In the thesis was relationship between age at first calving and lifetime performance (rxy = -0,21). The relationship between age at first calving and age at retirement wasn´t demonstrated. Other differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The highest yield of dairy cows in the investigated group reached the second lactation (7571 kg of milk). The average time of insemination interval was 71 days, best service period amounted to dairy cows on the third and higher lactation (107 days). The average length of the interim reporting for dairy herd does not exceed the limit of 400 days. Shortest age at first calving cows reached genotype R1 and R2 (777 days). Longevity culled dairy cows in lactation was 2,8.
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Etologické projevy dojnic ve stájovém prostředí / Ethological manifestations of dairy cows in the stable environmentSCHÖNOVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor´s thesis was to capture the basic behaviour categories in dairy cattle breeding cows in production stable in relation to their reproductive cycle. The research was carried out on four groups: after calving (12 pcs), between 1st - 3rd insemination (50 pcs), heavily pregnant (39 pcs) and cows in the dry period (32 pcs). The milk and combined utility type of dairy cows were housed in a large scale stable. Milk yield was monitored as a factor of milk performance traits. Milk yield of Holstein cattle (H) and Czech Fleckvieh cattle (C) were 35.10 kg and 30.88 kg (P>0.05) during increasing milk flow. In a group of dairy cows in insemination period Holstein and Czech Fleckvieh cows produced 31.16 kg of milk respectively 25.15 kg. The differences in milk yield were statistically significant (P0.01). In the group of heavily pregnant cows decreased milk yield in both Holstein and Czech Fleckvieh cattle to 18.18 kg respectively 17.31 kg of milk (P>0.05). The length of insemination interval (from the group of fertility traits) reached 75.57 days within group of dairy cows H and 67.82 days within group C. Service period of dairy cows H was 151.99 days and 152.25 days within dairy cows C (P>0.05). The length of feed intake was determined while differences in behaviour were being assessed between groups. In the group after calving took the feed intake 25.7 % days, in the group of dairy cows in insemination period 23.9 %, by heavily pregnant cows 25.8 % and by dairy cows standing in the dry period 29.6 % of total time. The length of standing achieved by the group after calving was 18.8 %, by the group of dairy cows in the insemination period 24.0 %, by heavily pregnant dairy cows 16.5 % and by dry cows 15.7 % of total time. The length of rest was by the group after calving 42.0 %, by the group of dairy cows in the insemination period 37.1 %, by heavily pregnant dairy cows 53.9 %, and by dry cows 53.2 % of total time. The average aggression in the group after calving reached a value 3.67 per one cow. In the group of dairy cows in the mating period increased aggressiveness on 4.68. In the group of heavily pregnant dairy cows fell the average to 0.33 and nearly the same was in the group of dry cows (0.38). The incidence of comfort behaviour in a group of cows after calving was for one cow 11.08. In the group of inseminated cows decreased significantly to 3.78. Other decrease was observed within the group of heavily pregnant dairy cows and by the group of dry cows too (1.44 or 1.28 per one dairy cow).
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Vybrané faktory ovlivňující plodnost plemene zwartblesSTAŇKOVÁ, Dana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was evaluate fertlility of the Zwartbles sheep in zhe flock of sheep breed by Mrs. Marie Schickerová. In the reporting period of 5 years (2013 2015) were a total of 429 ewes evaluated by the followinf parameters: fertlization, reproduction intensity, total rearing. Basic reproductive parameters were compared with the flocks originating from the Union sheep and goats of the Czech Republic. They were monitored factors that have or may have an impact on fertility. The first factor was the impact of age on fertility, selected second order lambing and the last was the influence line. The average fertility of the herd reached 197,13%. The average share of fertilization was assessed at 94,01%. Sterility reached the level of 5,99 %. The amount of the total breeding herd stood at 164,67%. Intensity of production reached 185,24 %.. Based on calculations, it was found a hightly significant effect of age and rank lambing fertility. Influence line was not clearly demonstrated. Statistical evaluation of indicators of fertility, the intensity of reproduction, fertilization and overal breeding showed differences in the average monitored herds compared with herds in the performance tests. In the observed herd these values were significantly higher.
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Analýza užitkovosti a plodnosti stáda holštýnského skotu / Analysis of efficiency and fertility herd of holstein cattleKORYNTOVÁ, Karolína January 2007 (has links)
Problems of efficiency and fertility dairycows of holstein cattel herd in warious types of lairage.
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Analýza užitkovosti a plodnosti stáda krav plemene holštýn / Analysis of utility and fertility of a cow herd of Holstein breedZETKOVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The point of the work was to make an analysis of milk production an and fertility and to attest dependence of milk production and fertility in the holstein cattle herd. Background materials were acquired especially from milk production control and cattle accompanying documents. Data of 251 dairy cows were worked up. Big problem of the high producing dairy cows is the low fertility. That is why the work was focused on analysing of milk production and fertility index. Service period, insemination interval and interval were analysed out of the fertility index. Milk production, proteins and fats percentage content represent the efficiency. The results show the high selection of cows out of the herd. It result shows from a number of included heifers. Most frequent reasons of selection are health condition, low milk efficiency and fertility disorders. Average efficiency in control increases. On the other hand the protein contest in milk is weak. A breading aim 3,3% was achieved only in year 2003 (3,32%). Milk production increases from the first to the third lactation. Milk production is decreasing from the fourth lactation. Fat percentage content increases to the third lactation, then it stagnates. The protein content goes down with number of lactation. Required interval length to 400 days is exceed in all lactation. Service period is to high regardless of lactation number. Insemination interval increases to the third lactation, then it decreases, but it is nonconforming all the time. The results show that fat and protein content decreases with milk production. The high milk production was reached on cows calved in autumn (8920,77 kg) and in winter (9231,48 kg). Data of cows calved in spring and in summer are almost the same. The results evidence general rule, that fertility decreases with increasing milk production.
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Porovnání chovu dvou plemen ovcí chovaných ve stejné oblasti / The comparison of two breed of sheeps reared in the same areaRAABOVÁ, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The comparison of two breed of sheeps reared in the same area. The aim of the master thesis was the evaluation of the level of the reproductive and the productive traits by the two breeds of sheeps in the area of Novohradské Hory Mts. The examination was conducted from 2006 to 2009. The farm recording and the author´s personal observation were both used for the evaluation. The following traits were recorded: insemination, fertility, intensity, lamb rearing, infertility, mortality. The production traits recorded were the weight of the wool and weight gain in 100 days after the birth. The following results (arithmetic means) were obtained: the rate of insemination by the Valaška breed was 94.3 %, fertility 168.4 %, intensity 158.5 % and the lamb rearing 150.2 %. The rate of infertility was 5.9 % and rate of mortality 5.1 %. The average wool weight was 2.21 kg and the weight gain 175.8 g day-1. By the Merinolandschaf breed, the rate of insemination was 87 %, fertility 134.4 %, intensity 116.1 % and the lamb rearing 101.5 %. The rate of infertility was 13.2 % and rate of mortality 8.8 %. The average wool weight was 4.2 kg and the weight gain 236.9 g day-1. The herd A revealed better results as regards the reproduction traits while the herd B revealed better results concerning the production traits. The significant differences between the examined herd of Valaška sheeps and the Czech population were found in the fertility, intensity and the lamb rearing (T test). By the Merinolandschaf herd, the significant differences from the Czech population were found by the weight gains (T test). The significant differences between the two breeds were found in the fertility, intensity and lamb rearing (T test).
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Zdravotní rizika odkladu rodičovství do vyššího věku / Health risks of childbearing postponementVlachová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of women delaying pregnancy and parenthood to later in life. The aim of this thesis is to map out the health risks related to pregnancies in mothers who are over 35 years old, to find out the reasons for the later in life pregnancy and whether women realize the health risks associated. The thesis describes the health risks resulting from pregnancies in older women at the time of the birth and using the method of linear regression to analyze the dependence of the mother age of 35 or higher on the low birth weight of the live birth. Further, the issue of postponing pregnancy and motherhood is examined from women's point of view in more detail through the method of semistructured interviews, especially the reasons for delaying pregnancy and information about health risks. The results show that with women, who become pregnant at an older age, there is a certain increase in health risks; however, generally women are not very well informed about these complications. Keywords: fertility, fertility timing, health risks
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Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících reprodukční užitkovost prasnic v podmínkách užitkového chovuBezděková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to analyse the factors affecting the reproductive performance of sows in the conditions of farming. Self-monitoring of awakening in selected pig breeding, data for evaluation was published in PIGMATIC. The period from 2016 to 2018 was selected for evaluation. Sows were Topigs genotype and boars of BO x PN genotype were embedded. In terms of the reproductive indicators there were evaluated successful insemination and the frequency of piglets, the number of all piglets born, the number of alive and stillborn piglets and the number of piglets weaned. It was evaluated according to the order of the reproduction indicator. Furthermore, an assessment was conducted in accordance with the parity and the specific causes of the elimination. It can be stated from the evaluation of the achieved results that the company has average reproductive performance and the litter order has a significant influence on the litter size. The best reproductive parameters were achieved in 2018, namely 14.7 of all births, 13.3 live births and 11.5 weaned piglets per litter. The stillborn piglets averaged 8.22% in 2016, 9.78% in 2017 and 9.39% of the litter in 2018. In 2016, the number of born piglets in the 4th litter, in 2017 in the 7th litter and in 2018 in the 5th in the year of litter increased in the number of all born piglets. In the case of older sows, the number of piglets born decreased. In evaluating the success of the insemination, it can be said that the best results were achieved in 2016, when 89.5% of the total number of admitted breeders took over. The worst results were achieved in 2017, when 86.2% of the total number of admitted sows were pregnant. Despite this, it means good sowing of sows mainly due to the successful search for rut and proper insemination techniques. The sows in the observed breed were better with young from the 8th litter. Furthermore, it was found that sows and gilts were the worst in the summer months. The highest number of sows was eliminated in 2016 after the first litter, in 2017 after the tenth litter and in 2018 after the eighth litter. The main cause of the decommissioning of breeding was poor health in 2016 and 2017, in 2018 it was old age. Due to old age, sows were eliminated in 2016 from the 8th litter, in 2017 from the 10th litter and in 2018 already from the 7th litter. Other reasons for decommissioning of sows were overrunning, limb defects, low yield, difficult births and abortion. Sows in breeding reach high litters, which indicates very good individual zootechnical care for individual sow.
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