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Plodnost dubu letního na území CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví - porostní variabilita a distribuce opaduSitta, Josef January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with fruitfulness and stand structure of Pedunculate oak mature stands (Quercus robur L.) in the Protected Landscape Area Litovelské Pomoraví. Aim of this thesis is to determine variability in stand structure and fruitfulness. A partial aim was to analyse a litter distribution under the single oak trees. In total 4 groups of stands and 3 single oak trees were analysed. Stand structure was detected by using Field Map technology on transects. This survey was representation of individual tree species, standing volume inventory, tree height, tree crown height, then positions of individual trees and their crown projection. Thereafter the indices of aggregation and competition were detected. Fruitfulness was studied in years 2013 and 2014 on plots about 1 m2 located in the center transect at intervals of 5 m. The seed containers were used as a control. Representation of oak according to the number spread over a 21 % to 38 %, according to breast-height circular base from 35% to 66 % and according to standing volume inventory from 40 % to 73 %. The fruitfull intensity in 2013 varied from 0 to 65 pcs and in 2014 from 0 to 31 pcs. The highest harvest was in stand with the largest number of oak trees. The abundance of acorns under the single oak trees from the bottom of the trunk to the edge of the crown was possible to describe by linear trend y=25,3926-0,0344×x in 2013 and y=2,2206-0,0047×x in 2014.
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Hodnocení růstových a sklizňových údajů kamčatských borůvek (Lonicera caeruela L.)Becha, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis on the topic : Evaluation of growth and harvest data of sweetberry honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) is focused on the evaluation of growth, harvest and phenological characteristics of different varieties of honeysuckle. In the thesis there were evaluated from the growth characteristics the height of shrubs, cubic capacity of shrubs, annual growth and evaluation of flowering. For harvesting parameters there were observed the height and width of fruits, weight of one fruit, fruit shapes, refractometric dry substance content, the content of vitamin C and the dry matter content in fruits. In phenological phases there were recorded the date of budding, flowering, ripening of the fruits, harvesting and loss of leaves. The thesis is supplemented with charts and tables of published results and with the description in the text part of the work. It also includes the description of some most commonly grown varietes. During the observation there was taken continuous photo documentation. On the base of the findings it is possible now to to select the variety with the largest fruits, the heaviest fruits, the largest content of vitamin C, refractive dry matter or total dry mater content in the fruits or with the largest cubic capacity growth of the shrub.
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Analýza užitkových vlastností základního stáda prasnic.KORABIKOVÁ, Xenie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the status of breeding work in the reserve stock for selective breeding in Czech Landrace pigs. Evaluation covers the reproductive and productive indicators. The sows of the base stock are split into four groups by age structure: gilts, sows with risk litters, sows with production litters and sows with litter 6 or more. Evaluation covers reproductive indicators, i.e. fertility (number of piglets born, number of live-born piglets and number of surviving piglets) and milk production. The enterprise under evaluation achieved an average of 13 live-born piglets and 11 surviving piglets per sow and litter; the farrowing interval is seven days longer compared with what is normally reported as the best time. Evaluation covers the results of individual performance in gilts and male pigs according to the methodology for field tests. For individual performance, the assessment covers the average daily gain (g), the average backfat thickness (mm) and lean meat percentage (%). The herd shows a smaller gain, while backfat thickness and lean meat percentage is comparable with the population. Key words: Number of piglets, sow, fertility, performance
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Sledování vnitřních vlivů na produkci a kvalitu mléka / Monitoring internal factors on milk production and qualityKrálová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the influence of internal influences on the production and milk quality on selected farm. Data for preparation of this thesis were obtained on a farm in Skalica in Frydek-Mistek belonging to the joint-stock company Beskyd Agro. Data used in this thesis were evaluated for two years (1.10.2013-30.9.2014, 1.10.2014-30.9.2015). Data were analyzed and statistically processed using Microsoft Excel software. Evaluation of milk production and reproductive performance were based on the results obtained from regular inspections. For milk yield parameters were evaluated milk yield (kg) Fat (%, kg) Protein (%, kg) of milk somatic cell count (SB) depending upon reproduction and lactation. Evaluated herd were divided into 2 groups: I. lactation, II. lactation and the next lactation. Hypothesis: Worsening indicators of reproduction have negative impact on the level of milk production and its components.
The final evaluation of the data were used, comprising 280 cows of Holstein cattle, which were included in monitoring performance period. The results show that the average length of the interim period was around 416 days in average.Milk yield was 10,062 kg of milk with fat contents of 4.21%, 3.37% proportion of protein and somatic cell count 477.75 thousand / ml. The difference in milk yield of heifers at first (9 326.38 kg) and second lactation (9 901.47 kg) reached 575.09 kg. Maximum milk production was achieved on 4th lactation, when milk yield reached 10 432.16 kg per lactation.
Positive effect was demonstrated between the % fat content and protein content in%. With the increase in the% fat content, and increased protein content in%. The highest value of the average amount of fat has been statistically proven at 5th lactation and values of 4.18%. For proteins the highest number was reached during the lactation no. 6 with values of 3.40%.
The best values were obtained in lactation number 4., where the rate reached the following parameters:
milk yield per lactation 10,432, 16 kg
daily milk yield: 34.20 kg
fat: 4.08%
protein: 3.35%.
It was determined that the amount of milk yield per lactation in kg was positively affected by the value of the daily milk yield in kg, with the value (r = 1st) verified at a significance level (P <0.001). Increased milk yield per lactation kg should result in an increase daily milk yield. The negative impact was demonstrated in representating % fat content of milk (r = -0.653) and protein (r = -0.442) at the level of significance (P <0.001). Increased milk yield per lactation in kg was negatively effected and reduced the component of fat and protein. Milk yield per lactation had a positive effect on service period. Positive effect on milk yield heifers was demonstrated in service period and with a positive value (r = 0.327) with evidential significance level (P <0.05). Effect of milk yield per lactation, age at first calving was not demonstrated.
Effect of daily milk yield in kg of milk, had a negative effect on the proportion of components in % fat (r = -0.653) and protein (r = -0.442). Conclusive came to the level of significance (P <0.001). Increase in daily milk yield will reduce the content of components of protein and fat milk. The positive impact of the daily milk yield was demonstrated in connection with the service period (r = 0.247) at a level of significance (P <0.05). Increasing daily milk yield, this will extend the service period.
From the resulting data, negative effect on lactation representation% protein content (r = -0.288) and fat (r = -0.052) with evidential significance level (P <0.001) was determined . Effect of lactation on milk yield per lactation, daily milk yield, calving interval and service period has been shown.
Daily milk yield in kg of milk is affected by the amount of milk yield per lactation in kg (r = 1). Conclusive came to the level of significance (P <0.001). Increased milk yield per lactation is proportional to increase of daily milk yield. Milk yield per lactation negatively affected% of fat content (r = -0.187) and% representation of protein (r = -0, 208). Conclusive came to the level of significance (P <0.05). Increasing milk yield per lactation kg reduces% fat and protein. The relationship between milk yield per lactation in kg, service period, and interim periods has not been demonstrated.
Effect of daily milk yield in kg, had a negative effect on the% fat content (r = -0, 187) and protein (r = -0.208) with evidential significance level (P <0.05). Reduced% protein content and milk fat is a result of increased daily milk yield in kg. Effect of daily milk yield on service period and the interim has not been demonstrated.
Fat content in% and the protein in% (r = 0.603) were demonstrated at a level of significance (P <0.001). Increased if the% fat content, increased the% protein content.
The positive effect was demonstrated between service period and interim periods (r = 0.266) with evidential significance level (P <0.001). The longer the period of service increases the length meantime.
It was confirmed that with increasing lactation milk yield as per lactation, daily milk yield and milk components content.
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Vliv vybraných faktorů na reprodukční vlastnosti dojnic / Effect of selected factors on reproductive characteristics of dairy cowsŠťásková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the effect of selected factors on the reproductive characteristics of Montbeliard dairy cows. Hypothesis said that high milk production, poor health and high air temperatures have a negative effect on reproductive indicators of cows.
In the literature review, there were summarized knowledge about the factors affecting fertility, reproductive indicators and a description of the breed. Observation was carried out on the farm Osičky, which is one of the centers of the company Agrodružstvo Lhota pod Libčany. To assess the influence of milk yield and health were monitored all standard lactations of dairy cows, which were completed in the period from 1. 1. 2014 to 31. 12. 2015. This gave rise to a set of 632 lactations.
To evaluate the milk production was data set divided by the number of lactation, quarter of calving and the rate of milk production into three groups. As a disease with an expected negative impact on fertility, mastitis was selected. Besides air temperature, the relative humidity was assessed too. Indicators such as days open, days from calving to calving and services per conception were evaluated. In order to assess the impact of climate change on fertility data file was divided into 3 groups of air temperature, by quarter, according to the category of cows and by calendar year. Services per conception, pregnancy after the first insemination and pregnancy after all insemination, were assessed. Data could be obtained only from a whole herd of cows and heifers. For statistical evaluation has been used SAS 9.3 software (SAS / STAT 9.3, 2011).
Achieved an average length of days open was 98.07 days, days from calving to calving 380.62 days, services per conception was 1.94, pregnancy after the first insemination in heifers 54.28% and 48.43% in cows, yield per lactation was 8 407, 98 kg of milk with fat contents of 3.65 % and a protein contents of 3.53 %. Mastitis occurred only in 17.72 % of cases. The average monthly air temperature during the year 2014 ranged from 1.3 ° C to 21.2 ° C, in 2015 it was 1.5 ° C - 23.2 ° C.
From the results of the regression analysis, it was found that the milk production per lactation had a statistically significant effect on the length of the days open (r = 0.214; P <0.001), services per conception (r = 0.296; P <0.001) and days from calving to calving (r = 0.147; P < 0.01). Therefore we can talk about the significant influence of milk production per lactation. With the increasing amount of milk kg days open and days from calving to calving extended and services per conception also grew. Analysis of variance confirmed the effect of the amount of milk yield per lactation on days from calving to calving (P <0.05), days open (P <0.001) and services per conception (P <0.001). Furthermore, quarter of calving had a significant effect (P <0.05) on services per conception and days open and the effect of category on pregnancy after all insemination (P <0.01) and services per conception has been demonstrated (P <0.05). Heifers showed demonstrably better results of assessed reproductive characteristics compared to cows. There was no effect of the incidence of mastitis on days open, days from calving to calving and services per conception proven (P> 0.05). Effect of air temperature on services per conception, pregnancy after the first insemination and pregnancy after all insemination, was not statistically proven (P > 0.05). Furthermore it has been approved many correlations between different parameters at the levels of significance (P < 0.001, P < 0.05).
The hypothesis was confirmed only for the negative impact of high milk production, but the impact of poor health and high air temperatures on reproduction was not approved. The results indicate a healthy herd in terms of mastitis, good management of breeding, which minimizes heat stress and which is of relatively high milk yield and proven negative impact of high milk production to reproduction, achieved a good level of reproduction.
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Zhodnocení chovu prasat na rodinné farmě se zaměřením na reprodukční vlastnosti prasnicKrálová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I focused on evaluation of reproductive characteristics on a selected family farm. In the first part, I conducted a literature study on a given topic, where I described fertility and milkiness of sows, the birth process and the fertility of boars. Further, I described different breeds that were used in an experiment. The final part of literature study focused on the general economic review of pig production in the Czech Republic and in the European Union. In the practical part of my thesis, I observed reproductive characteristics of sows raised on a family farm in Stavěšice. The practical research monitored the whole number of piglets born, the number of piglets born alive and the number of piglets weaned. Further, the weight and the gender of piglets was monitored as well as the preweaning losses of piglets, the gestation length, the average daily weight gain and the boar influence on the gender and the weight of piglets. The concluding part of the thesis consists of the economic analysis of pig production in general and the economic analysis of the farm in Stavěšice.
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Reprodukční analýza stád českého strakatého skotuKubíčková, Markéta January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Zhodnocení výsledků inseminace koní na vybraných inseminačních stanicíchNovohradská, Vlasta January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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level of cattle breeding is putting growing demands on milk production and it is closely related with fertility. The aim of this work was based on data analysis to determine fertility of dairy cows bred in modern technology in the context of the quality of nutrition, stabling and milk production and determine the level of the relationship between fertility and milk production. Monitoring herds proceeded in two breeds from May 2010 to December 2011. The data was obtained from the reports for monitoring performance, and the accompanying sheets cattle and T4C program (Time for Cows), which records detailed data on milking cows. Overall, more than 19,000 data entries on fertility and yield of cows were statistically evaluated. It was found that dairy cows kept in modern technology, which uses AMS (Automatic Milking Systems) the interval 368.97 days and 406.27 days, which is about 30 or 15.72 less compared with the average of Czech Republic. The value of service period in selected farms was 109.19 and 119.58 days. Compared to the national average is about 12.80 and 3.31 on shorter SP. Insemination interval of 62.63 and 81.06 days was again a 20.36 and 1.93 days shorter than the average insemination interval in Czech Republic in 2010. Correlation relationship between milk production and fertility was found to be statistically significant only for insemination interval rxy = - 0.302+ service period and rxy = 0.402+. The hypothesis, that using AMS does not have a negative effect on fertility was confirmed.
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Užitkovost a plodnost pastevně odchovaných jalovic holštýnského skotu / The performance and fertility of pasture reared Holstein heifersNEJEDLÁ, Alice January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the parameters of the milk performance, reproduction indicators and health of Holstein cows that were raised on pasture. The data were obtained from 50 pure bred animals and its crossbreeds which had been grazed and the control group which was represented by 20 heifer which had been reared in stable. The evaluation of parameters was set on the first standardized lactation in the range of 240 to 305 days. The first lactation milk performance traits were: quantity of milk (kg), quantity and content of fat (kg; %), quantity and content of protein (kg; %). The fertility traits were: length of service period (days), insemination interval (days), age at first calving (days).
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