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Bezsensorové řízení polohy solenoidu / Sensorless position control of solenoid valvePiňos, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with position control of movable solenoid core without using a distance sensor. There are several methods of sensorless position estimation presented in theoretical part. The method based on measurement of ripple current is chosen for experiments. Firstly, it is verified by simulations with mathematical model of solenoid. After that, the experiment is created. The goal is position control based on sensorless method.
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Sledování polohy pomocí GPS / Location tracking via GPSStříteský, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with the subject of tracking via GPS and focuses on possibilities of the practical implementation of user tracking system with the help of mobile end user devices. The introductory theoretical part shortly describes the properties and history of the GPS navigation system. It outlines possible development of end user mobile applications on the level of operating systems and mobile web applications. The final theoretical part provides a short outline of properties of tacking systems available in the Czech market. The primary aim of the thesis was to create an application which would enable the tracking of user position via GPS. The practical part describes the selected solution as well as the individual parts of the designed tracking system. The resulting system allows to record and track user position determined by a mobile phone with an integrated GPS module. The systems also enables the creation of user groups, tracking their routes and visualization of the given position or entire route on a map.
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Konstrukce GPS přístroje / Construction of The GPS deviceHlaváč, Libor January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is a complete design and realization of a device that is able to communicate with GPS module iTrax300 and display the coordinates received from the module. The thesis deals with the GPS, localization principles and the standard communication protocol for navigation systems - the NMEA 0183 protocol. Futhermore it is dealing with the particular steps in the realization of the engineered device (from the specification of requirements at the beginning to the testing of its functionality in the end). The GPS coordinates, the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the date, the altitude and the speed on the ground can be displayed. There is also a possibility to put in any coordinates, the direction and the distance to the point are displayed afterwards. The device enables the track storage in the memory as well. The track is viewable while connecting the device and the PC through the USB interface.
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Modul pro sledování mobilních objektů / Mobile Objects Tracking ModuleFamfulík, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to innovate NCL 07 unit made by NAM system a.s. The new device is intended to have improved parameters and diminished dimensions. It should be fully comparable to similar products on market. In the first part there are described features and individual circuits of NCL07 unit. Further there is done an analysis to suggest modifications leading to reduce proportions of DPS and to enhance other parameters including SW design improvement. Theoretical part deals with selection of main measured values and methods of verification of measurement accuracy. There is also described theoretical basis used in the oncoming sections of the thesis. In the practical part there are presented procedures of designs of innovated product. In the conclusion there will be made testing of new unit and results will be compared to competitive commodities.
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Servomechanické řízení pohybu fotovoltaických panelů / Servomechanical movement control of photovoltaic panelUher, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Thesis deals with the introduction to the production of electricity using photovoltaic panels and the relative position between panels and the Sun. The project aim was to design equipment to ensure the vertical position of the solar panels towards the Sun during the day so as to achieve maximum energy gain from sunlight. Pointing mechanism will be governed by the date and time.
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Modelování a simulace robustních řídicích algoritmů pro EC motory / Modeling and simulation of robust control algorithms for BLDC motorsSmilek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on developing algorithms for brushless AC motor control. First part of the thesis contains derivation of mathematical model and overview of selected sensor and sensorless control methods. Second part introduces simulation model of the motor, developed in Matlab/Simulink environment, with usage of SimPowerSystems toolbox. Following chapter describes realization of control algorithm, utilizing Hall sensors and position estimation. After that, sensorless rotor position estimation module is developed, and its implementation into the model is mentioned. Last chapters deal with development of graphical user interface, meant for changing selected motor and control parameters, and they also summarize and compare achieved results.
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Návrh kamerového systému pro detekci polohy karoserie automobilu / Design of a vision system for localization of a car bodyHvížďala, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This work is dealing with creation of suitable system for positioning of car body in the 3D space. In this work is described process of choosing of suitable software and hardware and creation process of mathematical algorithm for calibration and positioning of each car body. For successful completing was necessary to design simulation 3D model, on which were all algorithms tested and then applied on sealing lines.
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Hybridní modul pro průmyslovou lokalizaci / Hybrid module for industrial localizationSedláček, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl návrh hybridního lokalizačního zařízení, které je schopno lokalizace uvnitř i vně budov. Lokalizace uvnitř budov je dosažena pomocí technologie Ultra Wideband a venkovní lokalizace je provedena pomocí kombinace technologie RTK GNSS a PPP pomocí open - source softwaru zvaného RTKLIB. První část textu se zaměřuje na vysvětlení používaných technologií a výběr nejpřesnější technologie pro venkovní lokalizaci. Druhá část se zaměřuje ma vývoj potřebného hardware a software finálního zařízení a na integraci systému pro venkovní lokalizaci do systému pro lokalizaci vnitřní. Výstupem práce je plně funkční zařízení, které je schopné plynulé lokalizace uvnitř i vně budov. Funčnost celého zařízení je dokázána na finálních testech uskutečněných ve vnitřních i venkovních prostorách. Na závěr také práce zmiňuje možná vylepšení celého zařízení, která mohou být v budoucnu provedena.
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Median pro různé statistické metody / Median in some statistical methodsBejda, Přemysl January 2017 (has links)
Median in some statistical methods Abstract: This work is focused on utilization of robust properties of median. We propose variety of algorithms with respect to their breakdown point. In addition, other properties are studied such as consistency (strong or weak), equivariance and computational complexity. From practical point of view we are looking for methods balancing good robust properties and computational complexity, be- cause these two properties do not usually correspond to each other. The disser- tation is divided to two parts. In the first part, robust methods similar to the exponential smoothing are suggested. Firstly, the previous results for the exponential smoothing with ab- solute norm are generalized using the regression quantiles. Further, the method based on the classical sign test is introduced, which deals not only with outliers but also detects change points. In the second part we propose new estimators of location. These estimators select a robust set around the geometric median, enlarge it and compute the (iterative) weighted mean from it. In this way we obtain a robust estimator in the sense of the breakdown point which exploits more information from observations than standard estimators. We apply our approach on the concepts of boxplot and bagplot. We work in a general normed vector...
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Pedagogika jogových poloh vzhledem ke zdraví populace se změřením na záklonové polohy a jejich přínos pro fyzioterapii. / Pedagogy of yoga due to population heath and targeted to extension positions and their effectivness to physiotherapy.Kozáková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Title: Pedagogy of yoga due to population heath and targeted to extension positions and their effectivness to physiotherapy Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to clarify and collect sufficient information in the theoretical part about the anatomical, kinesiological and biomechanical aspects of the bending positions. After that, I will try to elaborate the theoretical background of yoga, its history, philosophy and a detailed description of selected bending positions (Usthrasana, Bhudjangasana, Urdhva mukha shvanasana), which are based on yoga. Grounded on the research questions in the practical part, I will assess whether there are discrepancies between the theoretical basis of the positions and the way they are taught in the classes today. I will evaluate how are the lessons currently taught in open yoga classes, whether they include those positions or not. I will also point out the use of compensatory aids and the degree education plays in this field. An integral piece of the practical part will be a summary of whether yoga classes take into an account the health of the clients. Methods: This is the theoretical-empirical character of the work. The research method is the observation and form of interview with yoga instructors on publicly accessible yoga lessons. Results: It has been confirmed...
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