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A técnica de Blue rayon in situ associada ao teste Salmonella/microssoma como estratégia para o monitoramento de águas estuarinas quanto à presença de compostos policíclicos genotóxicos / The Blue rayon technique in situ associated with the Salmonella / microsome test as a strategy for monitoring estuarine waters for the presence of genotoxic polycyclic compoundsKummrow, Fábio 07 March 2006 (has links)
O estuário de Santos abriga o maior porto da América Latina e um dos maiores complexos industriais do Brasil. Na década de 1970 foi considerado um dos maiores exemplos de degradação ambiental em ambientes costeiros, e apesar da melhora na qualidade ambiental observada nos últimos anos algumas áreas deste estuário apresentam sedimentos ainda altamente contaminados com compostos tóxicos e genotóxicos, especialmente os Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPA). Operações de dragagem para manutenção das atividades portuárias são necessárias e consequentemente durante este processo pode ocorrer a ressuspensão de contaminantes presentes nesses sedimentos, tornando-os disponíveis novamente na coluna d\'água. Desta forma é interessante ter uma estratégia eficiente e aplicável no monitoramento da qualidade dessas águas. O Blue rayon (BR) é um adsorvente seletivo para compostos policíclicos com três ou mais anéis fundidos em sua molécula e tem sido utilizado com sucesso no monitoramento de HPA e atividade mutagênica em ambientes aquáticos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo padronizar o uso da técnica de Blue rayon in situ ancorado, onde as fibras são fixas a uma distância padronizada dos sedimentos, associada ao teste de Salmonella/microssoma em microssuspensão a ser aplicada no monitoramento das águas desse estuário. Foram selecionados três pontos de amostragem com diferentes características e sedimentos com variados níveis de contaminação. As duas campanhas iniciais foram realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência do BR e de escolher a linhagem de Salmonella mais sensível aos compostos mutagênicos possivelmente presentes nos extratos obtidos bem como verificar a presença de HPA. As cinco campanhas posteriores foram realizadas para verificar o comportamento e a eficiência da estratégia previamente definida no monitoramento das águas desse estuário utilizando experimentos de dose resposta. Os resultados obtidos nas duas primeiras campanhas mostraram que as águas do ponto 1, que contém os sedimentos mais contaminados e recebe os efluentes da COSIPA, apresentam maior contaminação por HPA e atividade genotóxica mais elevada que o ponto 2. Também foi possível determinar que a linhagem de Salmonella YG1041 foi a mais sensível para detectar atividade mutagênica tanto no ponto 1 quanto no ponto 2. Nas cinco campanhas subsequentes as maiores potências mutagênicas foram também observadas no ponto 1 com valores máximos de 5.100 e 36.000 revertentes/g de BR para a linhagem YG1041 na ausência e na presença de ativação metabólica (S9) respectivamente. Nos pontos 2 e 3 as potências observadas foram similares entre si, com valores em torno de 1.000 revertentes/g de BR. Com base nos resultados obtidos nas duas etapas deste trabalho pode-se concluir que a o Blue rayon utilizado in situ a uma distância padronizada dos sedimento associado ao teste de Salmonella/microssoma em microssuspensão com a linhagem YG1041 na presença e na ausência de ativação metabólica (S9) é uma ferramenta que pode ser aplicada no monitoramento da qualidade do estuário de Santos. / Santos estuary is the major Latin American harbor and one of the largest industrial complex of Brazil. In the 1970s, it was considered one of the major examples of coastal degradation. Due to enforcement actions the quality of the environment has improved in the last years in relation to the chemical parameters and toxicity but unfortunately the sediment is still contaminated with toxic and genotoxic compounds especially Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). For the maintenance of the port activities sediment dredging is needed and during this process contaminants resuspension can occur, leading to the contamination of the water column. Therefore it is interesting to have an efficient strategy that can be used for the water quality monitoring of this area. The Blue rayon is a selective adsorbent to polycyclic compounds containing three or more fused rings and has been successfully used in the monitoring of PAHs and mutagenic activity in aquatic environments. The objective of this work was to evaluate a modified blue rayon hanging technique, denominated in this work \"Blue rayon anchored technique\", where the fibers are placed at a fixed distance from the sediment, associated with the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay in order to monitor the water quality of Santos estuary. Three sites with different sources and sediment contamination levels were selected in this study. Two initial samplings were performed in order to evaluate the efficiency of the BR modified technique and find the most sensitive strain of Salmonella typhimurium to the mutagens possibly present in the those waters as well as verify the presence of PAHs. Five subsequent samplings were performed to verify the performance and efficiency of the defined strategy in the estuary water quality monitoring using dose response experiments. In the two initial samplings, the water from the site containing the most contaminated sediment and under influence of COSIPA (site 1) presented higher mutagenic activity and higher levels of PAHs. It was also possible to verify the highest sensitivity of the YG1041 strain in the detection of the mutagenic activity in both sites analyzed. In the subsequent five samplings, higher mutagenic potencies were again observed for site 1, reaching 5,100 and 36,000 revertants per gram of BR for the YG1 041 strain in the absence and presence of S9 respectively. Sites 2 and: presented similar potencies, around 1000 revertants per gram of BR. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that the Blue rayon anchored technique associated with the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay with the YG1041 strain in the presence and absence of S9 is an suitable tool to monito Santos estuarine waters.
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Avaliação ambiental e biológica da exposição ocupacional aos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA\'s) gerados em processos produtivos onde ocorre a combustão de matéria orgânica / Environmental and biological assessment of occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA\'s) generated in production processes where organic matter combustion occursTeixeira, Paulo José 18 September 2007 (has links)
Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) são uma classe de substâncias químicas que podem ser geradas na combustão de matéria orgânica, e 17 destas substâncias são consideradas como poluentes prioritários pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos EUA (US EPA), em função de seu potencial tóxico e carcinogênico. Para identificar e quantificar os HPAs no ambiente de trabalho por cromatografia gasosa / espectrometria de massas, foram realizadas coletas de amostras ambientais em um incinerador de resíduos de serviços de saúde localizado na região da grande São Paulo e em três fundições de metais nas cidades de Loanda e Santa Isabel do Ivaí, no Estado do Paraná. A concentração de HPAs totais nas amostras ambientais coletadas no Incinerador foi de 0,36 - 1,72 µg/m3; na Fundição 1 de 0,72 - 4,56 µg/m3; na Fundição 2 de 2,32 - 6,52 µg/m3; na Fundição 3 de 0,19 - 3,72 µg/m3. Foi realizada também a coleta de amostras biológicas de trabalhadores expostos e não expostos, para a identificação e quantificação do indicador biológico de exposição o 1-hidroxipireno por cromatografia líquida com detector de fluorescência. A concentração de 1-hidroxipireno nas amostrados biológicas dos trabalhadores no Incinerador apresentou diferença estatisticamente siginificante entre o grupo exposto e o grupo controle; na Fundição 1 houve diferença estatisticamente pouco significante entre os grupos estudados; nas Fundições 2 e 3 não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos estudados. / The Polycyclic Aromatics Hydrocarbons (PAH) are a class of chemicals that can to be generated by organic matter burning, and 17 of that chemicals are considered priority pollutant by Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), because their toxicity and carcinogenicity potentials. To identify and to quantitify the PAH at workplace atmosphere by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), it was conducted a environmental sampling in a waste incinerator, settled in the metropolitan São Paulo Region, and at three metals foundry settled in the Loanda City and Santa Isabel do Ivaí City, at Paraná State. The concentration of total PAH in the environmental samples collected in a waste incinerator was 0,36 - 1,72 µg/m3; at metals foundry 1 was 0,72 - 4,56 µg/m3; at metals foundry 2 was 2,32 - 6,52 µg/m3; at metals foundry 3 was 0,19 - 3,72 µg/m3. The biological samples of the workers was collected to identify and to quantitify the biological indicator urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OH-Pyr) by high performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence detector (HPLC-Flu). The 1-OH-Pyr concentration in the biological samples of the exposed and control group in a waste incinerator presented a statistical significant difference; in the metals foundry 1 was observed a slight statistical significant difference; and in the metals foundry 2 and metals foundry 3 was not observed statistical significant difference.
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Mobilisation et transfert des composés aromatiques polycycliques (HAP et CAP polaires) dans les sols historiquement contaminés par des goudrons de houille : expérimentations au laboratoire et in situ / Polycyclic aromatic compound (PAH and Polar PAC) mobilization and transfer in historically coal tar contaminated soils : Laboratory and in situ experimentsBoulangé, Marine 19 May 2017 (has links)
De nombreux sites pollués par des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) sont recensés dans les pays industrialisés. Associés aux 16 HAP US-EPA réglementaires, d’autres composés aromatiques polycycliques (CAP), notamment les CAP polaires (oxygénés et azotés) sont présents. Ils proviennent des mêmes sources que les HAP et peuvent être également formés par des processus biotiques ou abiotiques de transformation des HAP (atténuation naturelle ou procédés de dépollution). Ces CAP, plus polaires que les 16 HAP US EPA, sont plus solubles dans l’eau, induisant potentiellement une mobilité accrue dans les sols et de ce fait un risque pour l’Homme et l’environnement. Il est donc indispensable d’enrichir nos connaissances sur la mobilité des CAP polaires dans les sols et leur transfert vers les eaux souterraines. Ainsi l’objectif de ce projet était d’identifier les mécanismes contrôlant la mobilisation des CAP polaires dans les sols en relation avec les 16 HAP US EPA, et leurs modes de transfert en combinant approches laboratoire et in situ. Nos travaux confirment une mobilisation préférentielle des CAP polaires par rapport aux HAP. La mobilisation dans les sols des CAP polaires ainsi que celle des HAP de faible poids moléculaire est essentiellement pilotée par des processus de dissolution des goudrons (loi de Raoult). Néanmoins, alors que les prédictions de mobilisation des CAP polaires sont satisfaisantes dans le cadre de pollutions « fraiches », un paramètre fondamental doit être pris en compte pour les pollutions historiques ayant subi un effet d’aging : la disponibilité. En effet, quelles que soient les conditions de mobilisation (statique-batch ou dynamique-colonne) la teneur en CAP dans les eaux est fortement dépendante de la disponibilité de la pollution. De plus, pour une forte disponibilité des CAP, les autres paramètres testés (force ionique, température) ont une influence limitée sur la mobilisation alors que pour une faible disponibilité, ils peuvent avoir une influence notable. Par ailleurs, la mobilisation des CAP polaires par les colloïdes semble limitée alors qu’elle est prépondérante pour les HAP de hauts poids moléculaires notamment dans le cas d’une eau présentant une force ionique faible. Les essais réalisés sur une colonne lysimétrique (2 m3) remplie avec une terre de cokerie contaminée au 2/3 supérieure et avec une terre prélevée sur le même site mais non contaminée pour le 1/3 inferieur confirment une mobilisation des CAP selon un mécanisme de dissolution des goudrons avec toutefois des concentrations largement inférieures à celles prédites par la loi de Raoult. Aux différentes échelles expérimentales utilisées (batch, colonnes de laboratoire et lysimétrique), il a été clairement mis en évidence que la composante biologique a une influence très forte. Ainsi, une fois sous forme dissoute, les HAP mais également les CAP polaires sont fortement biodégradés sans que des sous-produits (notamment CAP oxygénés) n’aient pu être détectés / In industrial countries, many sites have been diagnosed polluted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In addition to the regulated 16 US-EPA PAHs, other polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), especially polar PACs (oxygenated and nitrogenated) occur. They come from the same sources as PAHs but they may also be formed due to PAH degradation under biotic or abiotic processes (natural attenuation or remediation treatment). These PACs, more polar than the 16 US-EPA PAHs, are more soluble in water, resulting in a potentially increased mobility in soils and a higher risk for Humans and Environment. Thus, there is a need to increase our knowledge on polar PAC mobility in soils and their transfer to the groundwater. Combining laboratory and in situ works, this project aimed at identifying the mechanisms involved in the release and transfer mode of polar PACs in soils compared to the 16 US-EPA PAHs. Our works confirm a preferential release of polar PACs compared with PAHs. Polar PACs and low molecular weight PAHs (LMW-PAHs) are mainly released according to a coal tar dissolution mechanism (Raoult law). While satisfactory predictions are obtained for polar PAC release when the pollution is “fresh”, availability is a major parameter that needs to be taken into account for historical contamination impacted by aging. Indeed, whatever the leaching conditions (static-batch and dynamic-column), the PAC concentration in water is highly dependent on the availability level of the pollution. In addition, for a high level of PAC availability, the other parameters studied in the project (ionic strength and temperature) have a limited impact on the PAC release whereas at low availability level, these parameters can show a greater influence. Moreover, the PAC release in association with colloids seems limited for polar PACs but dominating for high molecular weight PAHs (HMW-PAHs), especially under low ionic strength conditions. Leaching tests performed on a lysimeter column (2 m3) filled with a contaminated soil in the 2/3 upper part and with a non-contaminated soil in the 1/3 lower part, both soils being sampled on a former coking plant site, confirm a release of PACs according to a coal tar dissolution mechanism although PAC concentrations are widely lower compared to those predicted by the Raoult law. Whatever the experimental scale studied (batch, laboratory or lysimeter column), a clear influence of the biological compartment has been evidenced. Once the PAHs and polar PACs are dissolved into water, they are highly biodegraded. No by-products - especially oxygenated PACs - were detected
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Avaliação ambiental e biológica da exposição ocupacional aos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA\'s) gerados em processos produtivos onde ocorre a combustão de matéria orgânica / Environmental and biological assessment of occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA\'s) generated in production processes where organic matter combustion occursPaulo José Teixeira 18 September 2007 (has links)
Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) são uma classe de substâncias químicas que podem ser geradas na combustão de matéria orgânica, e 17 destas substâncias são consideradas como poluentes prioritários pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos EUA (US EPA), em função de seu potencial tóxico e carcinogênico. Para identificar e quantificar os HPAs no ambiente de trabalho por cromatografia gasosa / espectrometria de massas, foram realizadas coletas de amostras ambientais em um incinerador de resíduos de serviços de saúde localizado na região da grande São Paulo e em três fundições de metais nas cidades de Loanda e Santa Isabel do Ivaí, no Estado do Paraná. A concentração de HPAs totais nas amostras ambientais coletadas no Incinerador foi de 0,36 - 1,72 µg/m3; na Fundição 1 de 0,72 - 4,56 µg/m3; na Fundição 2 de 2,32 - 6,52 µg/m3; na Fundição 3 de 0,19 - 3,72 µg/m3. Foi realizada também a coleta de amostras biológicas de trabalhadores expostos e não expostos, para a identificação e quantificação do indicador biológico de exposição o 1-hidroxipireno por cromatografia líquida com detector de fluorescência. A concentração de 1-hidroxipireno nas amostrados biológicas dos trabalhadores no Incinerador apresentou diferença estatisticamente siginificante entre o grupo exposto e o grupo controle; na Fundição 1 houve diferença estatisticamente pouco significante entre os grupos estudados; nas Fundições 2 e 3 não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos estudados. / The Polycyclic Aromatics Hydrocarbons (PAH) are a class of chemicals that can to be generated by organic matter burning, and 17 of that chemicals are considered priority pollutant by Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), because their toxicity and carcinogenicity potentials. To identify and to quantitify the PAH at workplace atmosphere by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), it was conducted a environmental sampling in a waste incinerator, settled in the metropolitan São Paulo Region, and at three metals foundry settled in the Loanda City and Santa Isabel do Ivaí City, at Paraná State. The concentration of total PAH in the environmental samples collected in a waste incinerator was 0,36 - 1,72 µg/m3; at metals foundry 1 was 0,72 - 4,56 µg/m3; at metals foundry 2 was 2,32 - 6,52 µg/m3; at metals foundry 3 was 0,19 - 3,72 µg/m3. The biological samples of the workers was collected to identify and to quantitify the biological indicator urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OH-Pyr) by high performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence detector (HPLC-Flu). The 1-OH-Pyr concentration in the biological samples of the exposed and control group in a waste incinerator presented a statistical significant difference; in the metals foundry 1 was observed a slight statistical significant difference; and in the metals foundry 2 and metals foundry 3 was not observed statistical significant difference.
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A técnica de Blue rayon in situ associada ao teste Salmonella/microssoma como estratégia para o monitoramento de águas estuarinas quanto à presença de compostos policíclicos genotóxicos / The Blue rayon technique in situ associated with the Salmonella / microsome test as a strategy for monitoring estuarine waters for the presence of genotoxic polycyclic compoundsFábio Kummrow 07 March 2006 (has links)
O estuário de Santos abriga o maior porto da América Latina e um dos maiores complexos industriais do Brasil. Na década de 1970 foi considerado um dos maiores exemplos de degradação ambiental em ambientes costeiros, e apesar da melhora na qualidade ambiental observada nos últimos anos algumas áreas deste estuário apresentam sedimentos ainda altamente contaminados com compostos tóxicos e genotóxicos, especialmente os Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPA). Operações de dragagem para manutenção das atividades portuárias são necessárias e consequentemente durante este processo pode ocorrer a ressuspensão de contaminantes presentes nesses sedimentos, tornando-os disponíveis novamente na coluna d\'água. Desta forma é interessante ter uma estratégia eficiente e aplicável no monitoramento da qualidade dessas águas. O Blue rayon (BR) é um adsorvente seletivo para compostos policíclicos com três ou mais anéis fundidos em sua molécula e tem sido utilizado com sucesso no monitoramento de HPA e atividade mutagênica em ambientes aquáticos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo padronizar o uso da técnica de Blue rayon in situ ancorado, onde as fibras são fixas a uma distância padronizada dos sedimentos, associada ao teste de Salmonella/microssoma em microssuspensão a ser aplicada no monitoramento das águas desse estuário. Foram selecionados três pontos de amostragem com diferentes características e sedimentos com variados níveis de contaminação. As duas campanhas iniciais foram realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência do BR e de escolher a linhagem de Salmonella mais sensível aos compostos mutagênicos possivelmente presentes nos extratos obtidos bem como verificar a presença de HPA. As cinco campanhas posteriores foram realizadas para verificar o comportamento e a eficiência da estratégia previamente definida no monitoramento das águas desse estuário utilizando experimentos de dose resposta. Os resultados obtidos nas duas primeiras campanhas mostraram que as águas do ponto 1, que contém os sedimentos mais contaminados e recebe os efluentes da COSIPA, apresentam maior contaminação por HPA e atividade genotóxica mais elevada que o ponto 2. Também foi possível determinar que a linhagem de Salmonella YG1041 foi a mais sensível para detectar atividade mutagênica tanto no ponto 1 quanto no ponto 2. Nas cinco campanhas subsequentes as maiores potências mutagênicas foram também observadas no ponto 1 com valores máximos de 5.100 e 36.000 revertentes/g de BR para a linhagem YG1041 na ausência e na presença de ativação metabólica (S9) respectivamente. Nos pontos 2 e 3 as potências observadas foram similares entre si, com valores em torno de 1.000 revertentes/g de BR. Com base nos resultados obtidos nas duas etapas deste trabalho pode-se concluir que a o Blue rayon utilizado in situ a uma distância padronizada dos sedimento associado ao teste de Salmonella/microssoma em microssuspensão com a linhagem YG1041 na presença e na ausência de ativação metabólica (S9) é uma ferramenta que pode ser aplicada no monitoramento da qualidade do estuário de Santos. / Santos estuary is the major Latin American harbor and one of the largest industrial complex of Brazil. In the 1970s, it was considered one of the major examples of coastal degradation. Due to enforcement actions the quality of the environment has improved in the last years in relation to the chemical parameters and toxicity but unfortunately the sediment is still contaminated with toxic and genotoxic compounds especially Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). For the maintenance of the port activities sediment dredging is needed and during this process contaminants resuspension can occur, leading to the contamination of the water column. Therefore it is interesting to have an efficient strategy that can be used for the water quality monitoring of this area. The Blue rayon is a selective adsorbent to polycyclic compounds containing three or more fused rings and has been successfully used in the monitoring of PAHs and mutagenic activity in aquatic environments. The objective of this work was to evaluate a modified blue rayon hanging technique, denominated in this work \"Blue rayon anchored technique\", where the fibers are placed at a fixed distance from the sediment, associated with the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay in order to monitor the water quality of Santos estuary. Three sites with different sources and sediment contamination levels were selected in this study. Two initial samplings were performed in order to evaluate the efficiency of the BR modified technique and find the most sensitive strain of Salmonella typhimurium to the mutagens possibly present in the those waters as well as verify the presence of PAHs. Five subsequent samplings were performed to verify the performance and efficiency of the defined strategy in the estuary water quality monitoring using dose response experiments. In the two initial samplings, the water from the site containing the most contaminated sediment and under influence of COSIPA (site 1) presented higher mutagenic activity and higher levels of PAHs. It was also possible to verify the highest sensitivity of the YG1041 strain in the detection of the mutagenic activity in both sites analyzed. In the subsequent five samplings, higher mutagenic potencies were again observed for site 1, reaching 5,100 and 36,000 revertants per gram of BR for the YG1 041 strain in the absence and presence of S9 respectively. Sites 2 and: presented similar potencies, around 1000 revertants per gram of BR. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that the Blue rayon anchored technique associated with the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay with the YG1041 strain in the presence and absence of S9 is an suitable tool to monito Santos estuarine waters.
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Toxicokinetics and Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Wood Frog Tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) Exposed to Athabasca Oil Sands SedimentBilodeau, Julie January 2017 (has links)
Many polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) are toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic. As a result, their effects on aquatic biota and ecosystems are of great concern. Research on PACs in aquatic biota often overlooks the role of amphibians, alkylated PACs, and sediment as an uptake route. In order to study the accumulation and toxicokinetics of PACs following sediment and aqueous exposure, and to compare the bioaccumulation potentials of parent and alkyl PACs, two accumulation-elimination experiments using wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) of Gosner stage 28-32 were conducted (one evaluating exposure to contaminated sediment and water, and the other to contaminated water alone). A complementary field study was then conducted near Fort McMurray, Alberta to assess PAC body burdens in field-collected amphibian larvae, and to determine whether PAC body burdens are related to exposure to sediment and/or water in the field.
The results of our studies showed that PAC concentrations and uptake rates in wood frog tadpoles were highest when they were exposed to PAC-contaminated sediment. Consequently, we determined that the dominant route of exposure of wood frog tadpoles to PACs is sediment rather than water. This finding supports other studies that have shown dietary uptake to be an important route of PAC exposure in other aquatic organisms. In both the laboratory and field study, alkyl PAC concentrations exceeded those of parent PACs in wood frog tadpoles, which also demonstrated petrogenic PAC profiles. Interestingly, parent PACs seemed to have greater bioaccumulation potential than alkyl PACs in the laboratory-exposed wood frog tadpoles (in relation to sediment), possibly due to greater bioavailability or lower metabolism of parent PACs or alternatively, due to a saturation in uptake of alkyl PACs. Nevertheless, only a few compounds, including anthracene, fluoranthene, retene, and C1-benzofluoranthenes/benzopyrenes, were found to have higher bioaccumulation potentials. Lithobates sylvaticus tadpoles seemed to be efficient at eliminating and metabolizing both parent and alkyl PACs. However, the elimination of some compounds, such as C4-naphthalenes, was not as efficient.
Furthermore, C3-fluorenes and C2-dibenzothiophenes were isolated as potential markers of amphibian larvae exposure to PAC-contaminated sediment due to their positive correlation with the wetland sediment concentrations. Additional field collections in the Athabasca oil sands are warranted to verify the utility of these markers in the natural environment. Evidently, this thesis highlights the importance of including sediment exposure and alkylated PACs in toxicological and field studies of benthic and epibenthic organisms. The results of this study are the largest, most comprehensive set of toxicokinetic and bioaccumulation information of PACs (52 analytes) in the amphibian larvae Lithobates sylvaticus obtained to date.
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Analysis of PAH and PCB Emissions from the Combustion of dRDF and the Nondestructive Analysis of Stamp AdhesivesPoslusny, Matthew 05 1900 (has links)
This work includes two unrelated areas of research. The first portion of this work involved combusting densified refuse derived fuel (dRDF) with coal and studying the effect that Ca(0H)2 binder had on reducing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) emissions. The second area of work was directed at developing nondestructive infrared techniques in order to aid in the analysis of postage stamp adhesives. With Americans generating 150-200 million tons a year of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and disposing of nearly ninety percent of it in landfills, it is easy to understand why American landfills are approaching capacity. One alternative to landfilling is to process the MSW into RDF. There are technical and environmental problems associated with RDF. This work provides some answers concerning the amount of PAH and PCB emissions generated via the combustion of RDF with coal. It was found that the Ca(OH)2 binder greatly reduced both the PAH and the PCB emissions. In fact, PAH emissions at the ten-percent level were reduced more by using the binder than by the pollution control equipment. If the Ca(0H)2 binder can reduce not only PAH and PCB emissions, but also other noxious emissions, such as acid gases or dioxin, RDF technology could soon be the answer to the current landfill problems. The second portion of this work focused on developing a method to analyze stamp adhesives nondestructively. Using this method, it was fairly easy to differentiate among the three different types of adhesives that have been used by the United States Postal Service: gum arabic, dextrin, and polyvinyl alcohol. Differences caused by changes in chemicals added to the adhesives were also detected. Also, forgeries were detected with as much success, if not more, than by conventional methods. This work also led to the construction of equipment that allows large samples to be analyzed by reflectance infrared methods.
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Tailoring Bond Topologies in Open-Shell Graphene NanostructuresMishra, Shantanu, Lohr, Thorsten G., Pignedoli, Carlo A., Liu, Junzhi, Berger, Reinhard, Urgel, JoséI., Müllen, Klaus, Feng, Xinliang, Ruffieux, Pascal, Fasel, Roman 07 January 2020 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exhibit a rich spectrum of physicochemical properties depending on the size and, more critically, on the edge and bond topologies. Among them, open-shell systems - molecules hosting unpaired electron densities - represent an important class of materials for organic electronic, spintronic, and optoelectronic devices, but remain challenging to synthesize in solution. We report the on-surface synthesis and scanning tunneling microscopy- and spectroscopybased study of two ultralow-gap open-shell molecules, namely peri-tetracene, a benzenoid graphene fragment with zigzag edge topology, and dibenzo[a,m]dicyclohepta-[bcde,nopq]rubicene, a nonbenzenoid nonalternant structural isomer of peri-tetracene with two embedded azulene units. Our results provide an understanding of the ramifications of altered bond topologies at the single-molecule scale, with the prospect of designing functionalities in carbon-based nanostructures via engineering of bond topology.
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Les variations spatiales et temporelles de l'occurrence et de la distribution de composés aromatiques polycycliques dans un système fluvial affecté par activités industrielles passées / Spatial and temporal variations of the occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic compounds in a river system affected by past industrial activitiesAbuhelou, Fayez 15 December 2016 (has links)
La contamination en composés aromatiques polycycliques (CAP) a été suivie entre 2014 et 2015 au cours de six campagnes d’échantillonnage sur 8 sites différents entre Auboué et Richemont. Cette section du cours d’eau correspond à la partie aval de la vallée de l’Orne profondément affectée par plus d’un siècle d’activités minières et sidérurgiques qui ont cessé entre 1968 et 2009. L’Orne a donc été le réceptacle de rejets industriels et urbains et a été profondément perturbée dans son hydrodynamisme avec la construction de plusieurs barrages. Dans ce contexte, l’occurrence des 16 hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques réglementaires (HAP), de 11 CAP oxygénés (O-CAP) et de 5 CAP azotés (N-CAP) et leur distribution dans les fractions dissoute et particulaire des eaux de l’Orne ont été étudiées en mettant en place des protocoles d’échantillonnage et d’analyse adaptés. Le premier objectif de ce travail a été de comparer les méthodes d’échantillonnage des matières en suspension par filtration et par centrifugation à flux continu sur le terrain. Des différences significatives ont pu être identifiées entre les deux techniques, la filtration amenant à des concentrations en CAP plus élevées du fait d’une plus grande abondance des CAP de bas poids moléculaire. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence le rôle de la fraction fine (< 5µm) et/ou colloïdale plus ou moins retenue par les filtres et qui, de part sa réactivité, piège des CAP. La comparaison des deux méthodes dans différentes situations hydrologiques nous montre que cette rétention n’est pas systématique mais plutôt corrélée à des situations de fort hydrodynamisme. Les deux méthodes d’échantillonnage des matières en suspension ne sont donc pas comparables mais complémentaires. Le suivi saisonnier et multi-sites des eaux de l’Orne montre que la concentration en CAP varie entre 1.6 et 223.7 ng L-1 dans la fraction dissoute et entre 1.5 et 105.5 µg g-1 dans la fraction particulaire avec des variations spatiales de ±35% et ±45% respectivement. Les variations de concentration des CAP dans la fraction dissoute sont importantes d’un site à l’autre lorsque le débit est faible (de 0.5 à 34 m3.s-1). Les concentrations en CAP sont faibles autour de 20 ng.L-1 et spatialement homogènes en périodes de haut débit (> 50 m3.s-1) du fait de la dilution. Les concentrations en CAP dans les matières en suspension varient entre 2.8 to 36.3 µg g-1, et montrent des concentrations stables quelles que soient les situations hydrologiques lorsqu’elles sont collectées par la centrifugeuse de terrain. La fraction dissoute est enrichie en HAP de bas poids moléculaire dans les périodes d’étiage et est marquée par l’occurrence des HAP à 5 et 6 cycles aromatiques au cours des épisodes de crue. Les CAP polaires sont au moins aussi abondants que les HAP dans la fraction dissoute et évoluent de la même façon que les HAP. La part des CAP polaires dans la fraction particulaire est significativement plus basse (de 10 à 20% de l’ensemble des CAP) / The spatio-temporal variations of the concentration and distribution of dissolved and particulate polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), namely 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 11 oxygenated PACs (O-PACs) and 5 nitrogen PACs (N-PACs), were studied in the Orne, a river impacted for more than one century by iron mining and steel-making industry. The first objective of this work was to compare the influence of two different methods of separation of suspended particulate matter (SPM), filtration (FT) and field continuous flow centrifuge (CFC). Results showed that in half of the sampling campaigns, PAC concentrations were 2 to 8 times higher for PAHs and 2 to 10 times higher for O-PAC when SPM were collected by filtration. These differences that were not observed systematically over the six sampling campaigns could be explained by the retention of colloidal matter on glass-fiber filters that appeared as a very reactive phase particularly enriched in low molecular PACs. The two methods were then considered as complementary methods to study SPM. The second objective of this work was to perform a long term monitoring of PAC concentrations and distributions in dissolved and particulate fractions. The results from the six sampling campaigns between May 2014 and September 2015 in eight different sites showed that the PAC concentrations ranged between 1.6 to 223.7 ng L-1 in the dissolved fraction (?PACTD), and between 1,55 to 105,5 µg g-1 in the total particulate fraction, with maximum spatial variation of ±35% and ±45% respectively. The dissolved PACs spatial variations were strongly influenced by the hydrological conditions and less spatial variation was observed during high flow events as the result of dilution and homogenization of pollutants. During low flow events, particulate PACSPM-CFC concentrations were more stable and equivalent in values and distribution to the corresponding PACSPM-FT samples. Overall it was in a range between 2.8 to 36.3 µg g-1. The dominance of dissolved low molecular weight PAHTD in the low flow events decreased during high flow events due to the appearance of penta- and hexa-cyclic PAHs. The dissolved polar PACs were as high as the PAHs contribution and also subjected to seasonal changes, the O-PACs ranged between 5.6 to 90.3 ng L-1 and N-PAHs from 1.0 to 42.5 ng L-1. The particulate polar PACs concentrations and contribution were significantly lower, the highest concentrations of 8,76 µg g-1 and 29,41 µg g-1 was observed during high flow event for O-PACs and during low flow event for N-PAH respectively
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The effect of biotic and abiotic factors on degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by bacteria in the soilKhorasanizadeh, Zohreh January 2014 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of ubiquitous environmental contaminants with two or more aromatic rings and originating from different emission sources. They are extremely toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic to human, animals and plants. Consequently, the need to expand economical and practical remediation technologies for PAH contaminated sites is evident. In this study, the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on degradation of PAH was studied. The degradation was studied on the key model PAH (phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene) in J. Arthur Bower’s top soil. The hypothesis for this study was that roadside soil would contain PAH degrading bacteria; pH would influence the microbial degradation of PAH, chemical oxidation of PAH would be as efficient as microbial breakdown of PAH and mobilising agents, would move PAH throughout soil, potentially making the PAH more available for biodegradation. The greatest degradations were found for the lowest molecular weight PAH, phenanthrene and anthracene; whilst lowest degradation was observed for higher molecular weight PAH, fluoranthene and pyrene. Twelve bacteria genera were isolated and identified by biochemical and molecular techniques from the roadside soil with the four PAHs as the sole carbon source. However, potentially new PAH biodegrader bacteria species and a novel were found in this study, which was not reported in the literature. The effect of pH between 5.0 and 8.0 at half pH intervals on biodegradation of the four PAHs and on bacterial populations in the soil over 32 days was monitored. The greatest population of bacteria and greatest biodegradation for the four PAHs was found at pH of 7.5. It is likely that the general increase in population was also linked with greater metabolic activities of bacteria at basic pHs which assists pollutant biodegradation. Although there is high pollutant mobility at low pHs, the biodegradation was limited due to reduced microbial activity. High pHs resulted in greater PAH biodegradation suggesting that pH manipulation by liming may be an effective way of stimulating biodegradation of PAH. The effect of potassium permanganate on oxidation of the four PAHs in the soil was examined. Studies in this thesis, indicated that potassium permanganate had a significant (p<0.05) effect on oxidation of the four PAHs at pH 7.5 over 35 days. However in comparison to biodegradation, chemical oxidation has significantly (p<0.05) less effect. Finally, the effect of Tween 20 only on translocation and biodegradation of the four PAHs at pH 7.5 over 35 days was examined. Studies indicated that Tween 20 had significantly (p<0.05) enhanced translocation of the four PAHs in the sterile soil. Moreover, the greatest biodegradation was found in the soil inoculated with only the roadside soil microorganisms but without Tween 20. This suggested that Tween 20 had a significant (p<0.05) inhibitory effect on the roadside soil microorganisms and therefore less microorganism were grown in the soil containing Tween 20. This indicated that Tween 20 was translocated PAH, but inhibited breakdown. This study indicated microbial biodegradation was the most effective technique for removing of the PAH from contaminated soil, which was cost effective and easier to perform in comparison to the other two techniques. Microbial biodegradation could be improved by adjusting pH through liming if soil was acid.
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