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Pesticides et polyculture d'étang : de l'épandage sur le bassin versant aux résidus dans la chair de poisson / Pesticides and polyculture pond : from spreading on watershed to residues in fish fleshLazartigues, Angélique 15 November 2010 (has links)
Le devenir des pesticides en polyculture d’étang est peu étudié, en particulier la contamination de la chair des poissons proposés aux consommateurs. Cinq sites, correspondant chacun à un étang et à son bassin versant, ont été caractérisés. Ils s’échelonnent sur un gradient d’intensification agricole allant de 0% à 85% de la surface mise en culture. La somme des concentrations de pesticides quantifiés dans l’eau s’échelonne de 0,17 à 8,81 µg/L. La réponse biologique des poissons, évaluée par la recherche de huit biomarqueurs (EROD, CYP 3A, GST, CAT, SOD, GSH, GPx et AChE), a permis d’établir des différences entre les espèces et les sites étudiés. Une recherche ciblée de pesticides épandus sur grandes cultures, a été effectuée par une méthode multi-résidus, dans l’eau, les sédiments et la chair de poisson. L’isoproturon (valeur maximale 2,69µg/L) et le métazachlore (valeur maximale 0,54 µg/L) présentent les concentrations les plus élevées dans l’eau; la trifluraline (0,5 à 13 µg/kg PS) et l’isoproturon (0,7 à 56,4 µg/kg PS) dans les sédiments. Les profils de résidus dans la chair de poisson sont variables et seuls la trifluraline, l’isoproturon, le métazachlore et le carbendazime (valeurs maximales de 21 ; 0,75 ; 0,13 et 0,2 µg/kg PF, respectivement) sont quantifiés. Les facteurs de bioamplification et les demi-vies dans le muscle ont été évalués (10-6 < BMF < 10-3, 1j <DT50 < 40 j) pour la plupart des molécules. Au final, de nombreux facteurs, liés en particulier aux caractéristiques des sites (non maîtrisables) et aux pratiques de gestion (améliorables), influencent le profil des pesticides dans le muscle et la réponse biologique des poissons / Dam pond is connected to its watershed. Use of pesticides on watershed may lead to dissipation in the environment Transfer of registered pesticides remains poorly studied. Thus, the main objective of this work was to improve knowledge about the fate of pesticides in polyculture pond, especially contamination of fish flesh. Five sites, each site corresponding to a pond and its watershed, were characterized. They are placed on a gradient of crop proportion ranging from 0% to 85% of the watershed area. The sum of quantified molecules in water ranged from 0.17 to 8.81 µg / L. The biological response of fish, assessed by evaluation of eight biomarkers (EROD, CYP 3A, GST, CAT, SOD, GSH, GPx, and AChE), establish differences between species and sites studied. A study of 14 targeted pesticides was conducted by a multi-residues method in water, sediments and fish flesh. Isoproturon (maximum value 2.69 µg/L) and metazachlor (maximum value 0.54 µg/L) are the main contaminants in water; Trifluralin (0.5 to 13 µg/kg PS) and isoproturon (0.7 to 56.4 µg/kg PS) in sediments. Trifluralin, isoproturon, carbendazim and metazachlor (maximum values of 21, 0.75, 0.13 and 0.2 µg/kg PF, respectively) are quantified in muscle of fish. Low levels observed in fish can be explained by a low potential to bioaccumulate (measured ex-situ for some molecules, between 10-6 and 10-3). However, half-lives in the muscle may be several weeks depending, explaining the possibility to find molecules in fish flesh. Finally, many factors, particularly related to site characteristics (uncontrollable) and management practices (upgradable), influence profile of pesticides in muscle and biological responses of fish
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Measurement and modeling of stormwater from small suburban watersheds in VermontNipper, Joel 01 January 2016 (has links)
Despite decades of U.S. water quality management efforts, over half of assessed waterbody units were threatened or impaired for designated uses in the most recent assessments, with urban runoff being a leading contributor to those impairments. This cumulative research explores several aspects of urban runoff dynamics through a combination of field study and modeling.
Stormwater ponds are ubiquitous in developed landscapes due to their ability to provide multiple forms of treatment for stormwater runoff. However, evolving design goals have reduced the applicability of much of the early work that was done on pond effectiveness. In this study, we instrumented a recently constructed detention pond in Burlington, VT, USA. Flow gaging demonstrated that the pond achieved a 93% reduction in event peak flow rates over the monitoring period. Storm sampling showed that the pond significantly reduced total (TN) (1.45 mg/L median influent, 0.93 mg/L median effluent, p < 0.001) and total phosphorus (TP) (0.498 mg/L median influent, 0.106 mg/L median effluent, p < 0.001) concentrations over the events sampled. A loading analysis estimated the TN and TP removal efficiencies for the pond to be 23% and 77% respectively. Lastly, temperature data collected from the pond showed that during the summer the pond accumulates considerable heat energy. This study adds to the body of literature on detention pond performance, and raises concerns about the extensive use of stormwater ponds in watersheds where thermal stress is a concern.
EPA SWMM is a widely used urban hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality model, though its application can be limited due to its deterministic nature, high dimensional parameter space, and the resulting implications for modelling uncertainty. In this work, I applied a global sensitivity analysis (SA) and evolutionary strategies (ES) calibration to SWMM to produce model predictions that account for parameter uncertainty in a headwater tributary case study in South Burlington, VT, USA. Parameter sensitivity was found to differ based on model structure, and the ES approach was generally successful at calibrating selected parameters, although less so as the number of concurrently varying parameters increased. A watershed water quality analysis using the calibrated model suggested that for different events in the record, the stream channel was alternately a source and a sink for sediment and nutrients, based on the predicted washoff loads and the measured loads from the stream sampling stations. These results add to the previous work on SWMM SA, auto-calibration, and parameter uncertainty assessment.
Lastly, given the extent of eutrophication impairment in the U.S., I compared TN and TP data collected in these original works with national and regional datasets. TN concentrations sampled in this work were generally commensurate with values reported elsewhere, however TP data were not. Drainage area attributes and an event based rainfall runoff analysis of the study catchments provided circumstantial support for the idea that runoff from lawns is driving the high TP loads in Englesby Brook. The role of pet wastes is considered as a potentially fruitful area for further research.
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The construction and evaluation of a novel tubular photobioreactor at a small pilot plant scaleKutama, Makonde 07 1900 (has links)
M. Tech (Biosciences, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The mass production of algae for commercial purposes has predominately been carried out in open ponds systems. However, open ponds systems have a number of disadvantages such as poor light utilization, requirement for large areas of land and high risks of contamination. On the other hand, photobioreactors have attracted much interest because they allow a better control of the cultivation conditions than open systems. With photobioreactors, higher biomass productivities are obtained and contamination can be easily prevented. Photobioreactors can also be engineered to manipulate the light and dark photosynthetic reactions thus enhancing biomass productivity.
The main objective of this study was to construct a novel tubular photobioreactor which had the ability to expose the cultured alga to light and dark phases with the aim of optimizing the algal biomass production.
A novel tubular photobioreactor with the ability to manipulate the cultured alga’s light and dark photosynthetic reactions was constructed in this study. The alga Spirulina platensis was chosen as the test organism in this novel tubular photobioreactor due to a number of reasons such as its globally socioeconomic importance, its tolerance of higher pH and temperature values which makes it almost impossible to contaminate. The cultivation process of Spirulina in the photobioreactor was investigated through alternating light and dark cycles in an attempt to increase the photosynthetic efficiency of the culture. The effect of different light intensities on the growth of Spirulina in the novel tubular photobioreactor was investigated and it was found that the best light condition that favored higher biomass formation was at 600 μ mol m-2 s-1. Five different light/ dark ratios were evaluated at a light intensity of 600 μ mol m-2 s-1 during a batch mode of operation of the novel tubular photobioreactor. The light/ dark ratio of 1:0.25 was found to be the best ratio because it gave the highest biomass in the shortest period of time when compared to the other ratios used. These results seem to suggest that longer light cycle relative to dark cycle results in higher biomass production. The ratio of 1:0.25 was then used to operate the novel tubular photobioreactor in a continuous mode. A maximum biomass productivity of 25 g/m2/day was achieved which corresponded to a net photosynthetic efficiency of 5.7 %. This result was found to be higher than what most photobioreactors could achieve but it was 2.8 g/m2/day lower than the highest ever reported productivity in a photobioreactor when Spirulina is cultivated. The 2.8 g/m2/day lower was attributed to the different materials used in the construction of these two photobioreactors. The photobioreactor which achieved 27.8 g/m2/day was made up of a clear glass whereas the novel tubular photobioreactor was made up of a PVC tubing. PVC tubes tend to change from clear to a milky colour after a certain period when it is used at higher temperature and pH values hence blocks a certain amount of light. Therefore the main recommendation in this study is to use a PVC tubing with a longer life span when used at a higher temperature and pH values.
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Mudanças temporais da comunidade fitoplanctônica e das condições ecológicas do efluente final da ETE do município de Cajatí, SP / Temporal changes in the phytoplankton community and ecological conditions of the final effluent of S.S.T. of Cajati, SPFiorini, Murilo Pires 25 June 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo teve o propósito de determinar a mudança temporal na estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica em função das variáveis físicas e químicas da lagoa facultativa da E.T.E de Cajatí, SP. As amostras foram coletadas duas vezes por semana a aproximadamente 30 cm na jusante da lagoa facultativa, em junho, julho, setembro e novembro de 2002 e março de 2003. Foram realizadas análises de abundância, biomassa, densidade, riqueza e índices de diversidade, dominância e equidade, assim como análises das variáveis climatológicas (precipitação, vento e temperatura do ar), físicas e químicas (material em suspensão, nitrogênio e fósforo totais, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, CO2 total, condutividade elétrica da água e DBO520). As classes encontradas foram: Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Zygnemaphyceae e Dinophyceae. Chlorophyceae foi a que apresentou o maior número de representantes e que mais contribuiu para a riqueza, densidade e biomassa, seguida de Cyanophyceae que em novembro contribuiu com a maior densidade e abundância (64%). Durante o período de estudo as espécies predominantes foram Chlorella spp, em junho e julho/02 (a lagoa foi abastecida com água do rio Jacupiranguinha), em setembro e novembro/02 o predomínio foi de Microcystis spp, (a lagoa estava em funcionamento) e, em março/03 a predominância foi de Chlamydomonas spp (foi desativada por problemas de inundação nas elevatórias), sendo que os demais organismos foram considerados comuns, ocasionais e raros. Desta forma, notou-se que a mudança na estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica foi devida às alterações ocorridas na operação da lagoa facultativa de Cajatí, SP. / The present study has as its objective to determine temporal changes in the structure of phytoplankton community in function of physical and chemical variables of the optimal pond of Station of Sewage Treatment of Cajati, SP. Samples were collected twice a week at approximately 30 cm in the low tide of the optimal pond, in June, July, September and November 2002 and in March 2003. Abundance, biomass, density, richness analysis and rate of diversity, dominance and equity were performed as well as analysis of climate variables (precipitation, wind and air temperature), physical and chemical variables (material in suspension, nitrogen and total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, total CO2, electric conductivity of water and DBO520). Classes found were: Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Baccillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Zygnemaphyceae and Dinophyceae. Chlorophyceae was the one that presented most number of representatives and the one that most contributed to the richness, density and biomass, followed by Cyanophyceae that in November contributed with most density and abundance (64%). During the period of study predominant species were Chlorella spp, in June and July/02 (the pond was fueled with water from Jacupiranguinha river), in September and November/02 predominance was of Microcystis spp (the pond was functioning) and, in March/03 predominance was of Chlamydomonas spp (was de-activated because of flooding in the pumping stations); the other organisms were considered common, occasional and rare. Therefore, a change was noticed in the structure of the phytoplankton community, due to the changes ocurred in the operation of the optional pond of Cajati, SP.
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Avaliação da presença de cianobactérias em efluentes de sistema de tratamento de esgotos sanitários por lagoas de estabilização associadas a tratamento físico-químico. / Evaluation of the presence of cyanobacteria in wastewater treatment system throught stabilization ponds associated with physicochemical treatment.Godoy, Osvaldo Americano 28 September 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propôs avaliar a presença de cianobactérias, tanto quantitativamente como qualitativamente e clorofila-a quantitativamente, em relação à legislação CONAMA Nº 357/05, em um sistema de tratamento de lagoas de estabilização com pré e pós-tratamento físico-químico, além de avaliar o comportamento de parâmetros convencionais, como Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO), Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), Nitrogênio amoniacal (NNH3), Fósforo (P), Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST), Potencial Hidrogeniônico (pH). Para tanto, utilizou-se a Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes da Riviera de São Lourenço - Bertioga - SP, para o estudo em questão, onde o sistema é composto de Tratamento primário quimicamente assistido (TPQA) com aplicação de produtos químicos (polímero como coagulante), seguido de duas lagoas facultativas, lagoa de maturação, Decantador de algas (decantador) com aplicação de produtos químicos (polímero e cal hidratada) e tanque de contato de cloro. Utilizou-se um período de estudo de nove meses (Outubro/2005 à Junho/2006), com coletas e análises semanais e quinzenais, dos efluentes das lagoas facultativas, da lagoa de maturação, do Decantador de algas e final do sistema. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório de Controle Ambiental da Riviera de São Lourenço. Foram encontradas ao longo do sistema as seguintes espécies de cianobactérias: Planktothrix sp, Merismopedia sp, Microcystis sp, Phormidium sp, Chroococcus sp, Pseudonabaena sp, Aphanocapsa sp. Ao longo de todo o período, as maiores presenças de espécies foram de Planktothrix sp. e Merismopedia sp. Encontrou-se os seguintes valores ao longo do sistema para densidades de cianobactérias na baixa temporada: para lagoas facultativas - 18880 cel/mL; lagoa de maturação - 16350 cel/mL; Decantador de algas - 4680 cel/mL; saída do sistema - 6400 cel/mL; e na alta temporada: para lagoas facultativas - 26340 cel/mL; lagoa de maturação - 13170 cel/mL; Decantador de algas - 11840 cel/mL; saída do 1 sistema - 2910 cel/mL. As densidades de cianobactérias encontradas na baixa e alta temporada na saída do tratamento refletem valores sempre abaixo em relação à nova legislação CONAMA Nº 357/05 no que tange os limites de cianobactérias para águas classes I, II e III. As concentrações de clorofila-a no efluente da lagoa de maturação resultaram em 432 ±182?g/L, e 268 ± 185?g/L no efluente final do sistema. A eficiência de remoção foi de 53 ± 28%,. Estes resultados de clorofila-a para este sistema de tratamento de esgotos com as novas mudanças, ou seja, o sistema biológico precedido e sucedido por tratamento físico-químico, podem ser considerados satisfatórios, mas são mais elevados que os limites preconizados na Resolução CONAMA Nº 357/05 para águas classes I, II e III, havendo a necessidade se contar com algum grau de diluição para permitir o enquadramento. Para os parâmetros convencionais analisados ao longo do período, destacam-se as concentrações no efluente final de fósforo de 5 ± 2 mgP/L e de nitrogênio amoniacal de 22 ± 10 mgN/L. Com relação ao fósforo, observa-se a necessidade de diluição no corpo receptor para o enquadramento às classes mais restritivas e, com relação ao nitrogênio amoniacal, verifica-se que o valor médio é superior ao padrão de lançamento de 20 mgN/L estabelecido pela Resolução 357/2005 do CONAMA. / The present research proposes to evaluate the presence of cyanobacteria either quantitatively and qualitatively, as well as chlorophyll-a quantitatively, according to CONAMA Nº 357/05 legislation, for a stabilization ponds treatment system associated with physico-chemical treatment, as well as evaluating typical parameters behavior, such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), power hydrogen (pH). For the research, It has been used the Riviera de São Lourenço effluent treatment station in Bertioga - SP, where the system includes an Chemical enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) with application of chemicals products (polymer with coagulant), followed by two Facultative ponds, maturation pond, Algae Removal (decanter) with application of chemical components (polymer and hydrated lime) and chlorine chicane. It has taken a period of 9 months (oct/2005 to jun/2006), with both weekly and fortnight sample and analysis, and the observed spots were the facultative pond output, maturation pond output, algae remover output and system output. The analyses were made by Riviera de São Lourenço environmental control laboratory, when the following sorts of cyanobacteries have been found: Planktothrix sp, Merismopedia sp, Microcystis sp, Phormidium sp, Chroococcus sp, Pseudonabaena sp, Aphanocapsa sp. During the whole period, the major presence of species detected were Planktothrix sp.(100%) and Merismopedia sp.(71%). The following values for cyanobacteria density were found at low season: facultative ponds - 18880 cel/mL; maturation pond - 16350 cel/mL; algae removal - 4680 cel/mL; system output - 2910 cel/mL. The cyanobacdteria density found during low 1 and high season at the system output always under the new legislation CONAMA Nº 357/05, according the cyanobacteria limits for I, II and III classes of water. The chlorophyll-a concentration on the maturation pond´s effluent and system output showed 432 ± 182?g/L and 268 ± 185?g/L, respectively. The removal efficiency was 53 ± 28%. These chlorophyll-a results for that wastewater system, with the improvements, were satisfatory, but higher than the legislation´s limits for I, II and III water classes before the dilution computation. For the conventional parameters analysed during the whole period, phosphorus concentrations at the system output were 5 ± 2 mgP/L and total nitrogen 22 ± 10 mgN/L are showed up. It was observed that is necessary the dilution computation for phosphorus for accordance to legislation and for total nitrogen it was verified that the mean value is higher than de limit of 20mgN/L, according to legislation CONAMA 357/2005.
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Descrição de um comportamento hidrológico não usual de uma lagoa na Formação Rio Claro, São Paulo / Description of an unusual hydrological behavior of a pond in Formação Rio Claro, São PauloTerada, Rafael Kenji 26 March 2015 (has links)
Corpos de águas superficiais são conectados às águas subterrâneas, mas nem sempre a direção de fluxo é a esperada, o que pode comprometer o entendimento da hidrologia local. O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir um modelo conceitual de circulação das águas subterrâneas em uma porção do aquífero Rio Claro, em área onde o uso do solo é predominantemente agrícola, com uso de ferramentas hidrogeológicas, hidrogeoquímicas, geofísicas e de hidrologia isotópica, a fim de entender o papel de uma lagoa rasa, que é uma feição comum à Formação Cenozóica Rio Claro. Foram perfurados 7 poços na área de cana-de-açúcar, 21 poços na área de eucalipto e 7 no entorno da área lagoa, inclusive na área adjacente da lagoa, que passaram a ser monitorados de novembro de 2011 à dezembro de 2013. A recarga para a região foi calculada por três métodos para o ano de 2012, resultando em valores elevados: a)variação de nível de água (576 mm/a), cálculo de balanço hídrico do solo (520 mm/a) e aproximação Darcyniana (590 mm/a). Os isótopos estáveis de hidrogênio e oxigênio auxiliaram na interpretação da dinâmica do fluxo local, corroborando com os mapas potenciométricos, mostrando claramente que as águas do aquífero ficavam com uma assinatura mais negativa à medida que os poços se afastavam da lagoa, sugerindo um modelo de mescla simples, sendo as águas da chuva e da lagoa os end members. As águas subterrâneas possuem baixa salinidade (27µS/cm), pH ligeiramente abaixo de 7, e composição bicarbonatada cálcica e, algumas vezes magnesianas. Entretanto, notou-se a formação de diferentes grupos hidroquímicos segundo a ocupação do terreno, sendo aquele associado à cana-deaçúcar o que apresentou as maiores concentrações de nitrato (até 272,64 mg / L \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\') e cálcio (até 24,37 mg / L \'Ca POT.2+\'). / Superficial water bodies are connected to groundwater, but not always the flow direction is the one expected, which can completely be changed by the local hydrology. The objective of this study was to build a groundwater flow conceptual model of in agricultural area of Rio Claro Aquifer (Rio Claro/SP) using hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical, geophysical and isotopic hydrology tools, in order to understand the role of a shallow pond, common to Rio Claro cenozoic Formation. It was drilled seven wells in cane sugar area, 21 wells in the area of eucalyptus and 7 other wells in the lagoon area, including in the lake itself, which began to be monitored from November 2011 to December 2013. The recharge was calculated by three methods for the year 2012, resulting in high values: a) water level variation (576 mm / y), water balance calculation of soil (520 mm / y) and darcynian approach (590 mm / y). The stable isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen supported the interpretation of the local flow dynamics, confirming the potentiometric maps, clearly showing that the aquifer water had a more negative signature comparing to the wells, as a consequence of the movement out of the pond. That fact suggests a simple mixture model, with the rain and the pond water as end members. Groundwater have low salinity (27µS / cm) pH slightly below 7, and calcium bicarbonate composition and sometimes magnesian. However, it was noted different hydrochemical groups according to land occupation associated with cane sugar that had the highest nitrate concentrations (up to 272,64 mg / L \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\')) and calcium (up to 24,37 mg / L \'Ca POT.2+\').
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Partitioning of Sr-90 and Cs-137 in nuclear fuel storage pondsAshworth, Hollie January 2017 (has links)
Sr-90 and Cs-137 are two key fission products that are important in a number of radioactive waste or contamination clean-up scenarios. This thesis investigates the sorptiondesorption behaviour of these two radionuclides with a number of sorbents relevant to one of the legacy waste storage ponds on the Sellafield site. Sorption-desorption studies were undertaken on brucite (Mg(OH)2), UO2 and UO3 powders to represent components of the fine particulate sludge that has accumulated on the bottom of the pond, resulting from corrosion of the Magnox fuel elements. Brucite was found not to have a significant interaction with Sr-90 or Cs-137. However, organic molecules in the form of humic acid and Pseudanabaena catenata cyanobacterial growth supernatant were both found to enhance sorption interactions of Sr-90 with brucite. The effect of humic acid was pH dependent and appeared to control both sorption and desorption behaviour at pH 11.5. Uranium oxides had the most significant effect on controlling Sr-90 and Cs-137 sorption-desorption behaviour. In this work X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) showed that 90Sr sorbed strongly to both uranium oxides as a bidentate inner-sphere complex. Humic acid did not appear to alter the interaction of Sr-90 with UO2. For Cs-137 there was a significant, reversible interaction with both oxides, although the interaction was far stronger with UO3. Successful detection of stable Sr and Cs isotopes on uranium oxides was achieved with Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).
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Avaliação da presença de cianobactérias em efluentes de sistema de tratamento de esgotos sanitários por lagoas de estabilização associadas a tratamento físico-químico. / Evaluation of the presence of cyanobacteria in wastewater treatment system throught stabilization ponds associated with physicochemical treatment.Osvaldo Americano Godoy 28 September 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propôs avaliar a presença de cianobactérias, tanto quantitativamente como qualitativamente e clorofila-a quantitativamente, em relação à legislação CONAMA Nº 357/05, em um sistema de tratamento de lagoas de estabilização com pré e pós-tratamento físico-químico, além de avaliar o comportamento de parâmetros convencionais, como Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO), Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), Nitrogênio amoniacal (NNH3), Fósforo (P), Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST), Potencial Hidrogeniônico (pH). Para tanto, utilizou-se a Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes da Riviera de São Lourenço - Bertioga - SP, para o estudo em questão, onde o sistema é composto de Tratamento primário quimicamente assistido (TPQA) com aplicação de produtos químicos (polímero como coagulante), seguido de duas lagoas facultativas, lagoa de maturação, Decantador de algas (decantador) com aplicação de produtos químicos (polímero e cal hidratada) e tanque de contato de cloro. Utilizou-se um período de estudo de nove meses (Outubro/2005 à Junho/2006), com coletas e análises semanais e quinzenais, dos efluentes das lagoas facultativas, da lagoa de maturação, do Decantador de algas e final do sistema. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório de Controle Ambiental da Riviera de São Lourenço. Foram encontradas ao longo do sistema as seguintes espécies de cianobactérias: Planktothrix sp, Merismopedia sp, Microcystis sp, Phormidium sp, Chroococcus sp, Pseudonabaena sp, Aphanocapsa sp. Ao longo de todo o período, as maiores presenças de espécies foram de Planktothrix sp. e Merismopedia sp. Encontrou-se os seguintes valores ao longo do sistema para densidades de cianobactérias na baixa temporada: para lagoas facultativas - 18880 cel/mL; lagoa de maturação - 16350 cel/mL; Decantador de algas - 4680 cel/mL; saída do sistema - 6400 cel/mL; e na alta temporada: para lagoas facultativas - 26340 cel/mL; lagoa de maturação - 13170 cel/mL; Decantador de algas - 11840 cel/mL; saída do 1 sistema - 2910 cel/mL. As densidades de cianobactérias encontradas na baixa e alta temporada na saída do tratamento refletem valores sempre abaixo em relação à nova legislação CONAMA Nº 357/05 no que tange os limites de cianobactérias para águas classes I, II e III. As concentrações de clorofila-a no efluente da lagoa de maturação resultaram em 432 ±182?g/L, e 268 ± 185?g/L no efluente final do sistema. A eficiência de remoção foi de 53 ± 28%,. Estes resultados de clorofila-a para este sistema de tratamento de esgotos com as novas mudanças, ou seja, o sistema biológico precedido e sucedido por tratamento físico-químico, podem ser considerados satisfatórios, mas são mais elevados que os limites preconizados na Resolução CONAMA Nº 357/05 para águas classes I, II e III, havendo a necessidade se contar com algum grau de diluição para permitir o enquadramento. Para os parâmetros convencionais analisados ao longo do período, destacam-se as concentrações no efluente final de fósforo de 5 ± 2 mgP/L e de nitrogênio amoniacal de 22 ± 10 mgN/L. Com relação ao fósforo, observa-se a necessidade de diluição no corpo receptor para o enquadramento às classes mais restritivas e, com relação ao nitrogênio amoniacal, verifica-se que o valor médio é superior ao padrão de lançamento de 20 mgN/L estabelecido pela Resolução 357/2005 do CONAMA. / The present research proposes to evaluate the presence of cyanobacteria either quantitatively and qualitatively, as well as chlorophyll-a quantitatively, according to CONAMA Nº 357/05 legislation, for a stabilization ponds treatment system associated with physico-chemical treatment, as well as evaluating typical parameters behavior, such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), power hydrogen (pH). For the research, It has been used the Riviera de São Lourenço effluent treatment station in Bertioga - SP, where the system includes an Chemical enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) with application of chemicals products (polymer with coagulant), followed by two Facultative ponds, maturation pond, Algae Removal (decanter) with application of chemical components (polymer and hydrated lime) and chlorine chicane. It has taken a period of 9 months (oct/2005 to jun/2006), with both weekly and fortnight sample and analysis, and the observed spots were the facultative pond output, maturation pond output, algae remover output and system output. The analyses were made by Riviera de São Lourenço environmental control laboratory, when the following sorts of cyanobacteries have been found: Planktothrix sp, Merismopedia sp, Microcystis sp, Phormidium sp, Chroococcus sp, Pseudonabaena sp, Aphanocapsa sp. During the whole period, the major presence of species detected were Planktothrix sp.(100%) and Merismopedia sp.(71%). The following values for cyanobacteria density were found at low season: facultative ponds - 18880 cel/mL; maturation pond - 16350 cel/mL; algae removal - 4680 cel/mL; system output - 2910 cel/mL. The cyanobacdteria density found during low 1 and high season at the system output always under the new legislation CONAMA Nº 357/05, according the cyanobacteria limits for I, II and III classes of water. The chlorophyll-a concentration on the maturation pond´s effluent and system output showed 432 ± 182?g/L and 268 ± 185?g/L, respectively. The removal efficiency was 53 ± 28%. These chlorophyll-a results for that wastewater system, with the improvements, were satisfatory, but higher than the legislation´s limits for I, II and III water classes before the dilution computation. For the conventional parameters analysed during the whole period, phosphorus concentrations at the system output were 5 ± 2 mgP/L and total nitrogen 22 ± 10 mgN/L are showed up. It was observed that is necessary the dilution computation for phosphorus for accordance to legislation and for total nitrogen it was verified that the mean value is higher than de limit of 20mgN/L, according to legislation CONAMA 357/2005.
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Mudanças temporais da comunidade fitoplanctônica e das condições ecológicas do efluente final da ETE do município de Cajatí, SP / Temporal changes in the phytoplankton community and ecological conditions of the final effluent of S.S.T. of Cajati, SPMurilo Pires Fiorini 25 June 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo teve o propósito de determinar a mudança temporal na estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica em função das variáveis físicas e químicas da lagoa facultativa da E.T.E de Cajatí, SP. As amostras foram coletadas duas vezes por semana a aproximadamente 30 cm na jusante da lagoa facultativa, em junho, julho, setembro e novembro de 2002 e março de 2003. Foram realizadas análises de abundância, biomassa, densidade, riqueza e índices de diversidade, dominância e equidade, assim como análises das variáveis climatológicas (precipitação, vento e temperatura do ar), físicas e químicas (material em suspensão, nitrogênio e fósforo totais, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, CO2 total, condutividade elétrica da água e DBO520). As classes encontradas foram: Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Zygnemaphyceae e Dinophyceae. Chlorophyceae foi a que apresentou o maior número de representantes e que mais contribuiu para a riqueza, densidade e biomassa, seguida de Cyanophyceae que em novembro contribuiu com a maior densidade e abundância (64%). Durante o período de estudo as espécies predominantes foram Chlorella spp, em junho e julho/02 (a lagoa foi abastecida com água do rio Jacupiranguinha), em setembro e novembro/02 o predomínio foi de Microcystis spp, (a lagoa estava em funcionamento) e, em março/03 a predominância foi de Chlamydomonas spp (foi desativada por problemas de inundação nas elevatórias), sendo que os demais organismos foram considerados comuns, ocasionais e raros. Desta forma, notou-se que a mudança na estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica foi devida às alterações ocorridas na operação da lagoa facultativa de Cajatí, SP. / The present study has as its objective to determine temporal changes in the structure of phytoplankton community in function of physical and chemical variables of the optimal pond of Station of Sewage Treatment of Cajati, SP. Samples were collected twice a week at approximately 30 cm in the low tide of the optimal pond, in June, July, September and November 2002 and in March 2003. Abundance, biomass, density, richness analysis and rate of diversity, dominance and equity were performed as well as analysis of climate variables (precipitation, wind and air temperature), physical and chemical variables (material in suspension, nitrogen and total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, total CO2, electric conductivity of water and DBO520). Classes found were: Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Baccillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Zygnemaphyceae and Dinophyceae. Chlorophyceae was the one that presented most number of representatives and the one that most contributed to the richness, density and biomass, followed by Cyanophyceae that in November contributed with most density and abundance (64%). During the period of study predominant species were Chlorella spp, in June and July/02 (the pond was fueled with water from Jacupiranguinha river), in September and November/02 predominance was of Microcystis spp (the pond was functioning) and, in March/03 predominance was of Chlamydomonas spp (was de-activated because of flooding in the pumping stations); the other organisms were considered common, occasional and rare. Therefore, a change was noticed in the structure of the phytoplankton community, due to the changes ocurred in the operation of the optional pond of Cajati, SP.
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Estudo da comunidade fitoplanctônica da lagoa facultativa do módulo III da estação de tratamento de esgotos Mangabeira (João Pessoa - PB) / Assessment of the phytoplanktonic community at the facultative pond of the module III of waste water plants of Mangabeira (João Pessoa - PB)Oliveira, Maribel Santos Roque de 04 February 2010 (has links)
As lagoas facultativas mantêm uma biota característica, decorrente de sua área superficial, que permite grande disponibilidade de energia luminosa para a coluna de água e promove o estabelecimento da comunidade fitoplanctônica. A presença dos nutrientes na forma assimilável aos microorganismos autotróficos induz a síntese de biomassa, a qual provoca a supersaturação de oxigênio dissolvido, que se constitui como substrato necessário ao desenvolvimento de bactérias heterotróficas, responsáveis pela degradação aeróbia da matéria orgânica nas camadas superiores da lagoa. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal a caracterização da estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica em termo de diversidade de espécies, densidade abundância relativa e dominância na lagoa facultativa do módulo III da estação de tratamento de esgotos de mangabeira, na cidade de João Pessoa - PB. As amostragens foram realizadas em escala semanal e sazonal, com coletas entre 8 e 9 horas da manhã, no período de junho/2008 a fevereiro/2009, as regiões afluente e efluente. As alterações no comportamento sazonal das variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas, assim como das climatológicas, foram analisadas através da ferramenta estatística multivariada da Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP). Foram identificados 36 taxa nas duas regiões de amostragem e apenas cianobactérias foram predominantes durante o período deste estudo. Contudo, não foi observada variação sazonal na composição da comunidade fitoplanctônica nas duas regiões de amostragem. Embora, algumas espécies foram mais frequentes na região afluente, a densidade total apresentou nítida variação sazonal, com valores entre 2,0 x \'10 POT.4\' e 1,2 x \'10 POT.5\' ind/mL. A cianobactéria Planktothrix agardhii, a qual pode produzir a hepatotoxina microcistina, foi a espécie que mais contribuiu para a densidade, assim como para o biovolume. / Facultative ponds keep a characteristic biota, as a result of its superficial area, wich permits high availability of solar energy to the water column favoring the establishment of the phytoplanktonik community. The presence of available nutrients to the autotrophic microorganisms leads to the synthesis of biomass cellular into the pond and it causes the oversaturation dissolved oxygen, which is necessary to the development of heterotrophic bacteria, responsible for aerobic stabilization of organic material at the upper layer of the pond. The main goal of this study was to caracterize the structure of phytoplanktonic community in relation to different species, biomass, relative abundance and dominance at the facultative pond of the module III of waste water plants of Mangabeira (João Pessoa - PB). Samples were taken in seasonal and weekly scale, with collects between 8 a.m to 9 a.m, in the period of June, 2008 to February, 2009, at the regions of inflow and outflow of effluents. Alterations in seasonal behavior of the physical, chemical and biological variables, as well as climatic, were analyzed through statistics multivariate tool of the principal component of analysis (PCA). It was identified 36 taxa on the facultative pond and only the cyanobacteria were predominant during the period of this study. However, it was not observed temporal variation in the composition of phytoplanktonic community at two collected regions. Although, it was noticed that some species were more frequent at the region of inflow than at the outflow. It was also observed that the high total phytoplanktonic density shows a clear seasonal variation, with values between 2.0 x \'10 POT.4\' and 1,2 x \'10 POT.5\' ind/mL. The cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii, which may produce hepatotoxic microcystins, was the species that more contributed for the density as well as the biovolume.
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