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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation du comportement des géomatériaux : apport des méthodes numériques de changement d'échelle / Modeling of the behavior of the geomaterials : contribution of the numerical method of up-scaling

Wu, Senjun 13 December 2011 (has links)
Les travaux de modélisations présentes dans cette thèse concernent l’étude du comportement hydro-poro-mécanique des géomatériaux par l’approche numérique de changement d’échelle. Il s’agit d’exploiter un modèle géomatériaux conceptuel, du code de calcul par la méthode élément finis étendu (XFEM) ou IIM, conjointement avec des techniques d’homogénéisation, pour l’obtention des lois de comportement macroscopique tirées des relations de passage Micro-Macro. Dans ce modèle conceptuel, le volume élémentaire représentatif des milieux hétérogène est composé d’une matrice argileuse contenant des inclusions de minéraux de quartz et de calcite ou des pores. D’abord, cette procedure avec XFEM a été effectuée pour la détermination des propriétés effectives isotropes. Ensuite, Une étude sur l’influence de la distribution, la morphologie, et l’orientation des inclusions sur le comportement équivalent dans le domaine de l’élasticité linéaire a été réalisée par traverser nombreuse études numériques. Dans un troisièmes temps, nous avons modélisée le comportement mécanique non linaire des géomatériaux en utilisant XFEM et la méthode Newton-Raphson modifiée. Enfin, la modélisation du comportement hydraulique est réalisée par la méthode IIM, elle a été validée par la comparaison avec l’approche analytique. / The work of modeling present in this thesis relates to the study of the hydro-poro-mechanics behavior of geomaterials with the numerical approach of up-scaling. This work is based on le the conceptual geomaterials model, of finite element extended (XFEM) code develop in Matlab or IIM, coupling with the homogenization method to obtain the laws of macroscopic behavior drawn from the relations of Micro-Macro passage. In this model, the elementary volume representative of the mediums heterogeneous is composed of an argillaceous matrix containing of calcite and quartz mineral inclusions or of the pores. Firstly, this procedure with XFEM was carried out for the determination of the effective properties linear of the geomaterial. Then, a study on the influence of the distribution, morphology, and the orientation of inclusions on the equivalent behavior in the field of linear elasticity was carried out by crossing many numerical studies. In the third time, we modeled the mechanical behavior non linear of the geomaterial by using XFEM and the modified method Newton-Raphson. Lastly, the modeling of the hydraulic behavior is carried out by IIM, it was validated by the comparison with the analytical approach.

Simulação numérica tridimensional da evaporação de gotas em meios porosos usando um modelo de escala de poros

SARTIM, R. 30 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T15:09:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_2649_DISSERTAÇÃO COMPLETA_FORMATADA.pdf: 8110394 bytes, checksum: d3dcb930cad1adcc76629acc438faa28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-30 / A investigação experimental e a modelagem matemática do impacto e evaporação de gotas em superfícies porosas, é um assunto de grande interesse em inúmeras aplicações industriais tais como, petrolífera, têxtil, alimentícia, e em tecnologia de impressão a jato de tinta. Outro ponto de interesse seria em aplicações ambientais, como o lançamento de líquidos nocivos na atmosfera durante acidentes ambientais onde é necessário identificar e quantificar o impacto ambiental causado. Resultados experimentais apresentados por Reis et al. (2003) fornecem fortes indícios de que as abordagens anteriores subestimaram a importância do transporte capilar de líquido durante o processo de secagem. Assim, torna-se importante desenvolver um modelo que seja capaz de incorporar a completa importância do transporte capilar de líquido durante a evaporação. Além do mais, a escala dos problemas de evaporação de gotas é muito pequeno que tornando a aplicabilidade de modelos que incorporam uma abordagem macroscópica questionável quanto a sua representatividade das características do processo. Isso sugere aplicações de modelos que representam o transporte de massa em nível microscópico, incorporando efeitos com a aleatoriedade da matriz porosa sobre o transporte de vapor e líquido durante a mudança de fase. Este trabalho visa suprir essas deficiências dos modelos atuais através do desenvolvimento de um modelo tridimensional capaz de predizer a evaporação de gotas em meios porosos por meio de um modelo de escala de poros. A avaliação dos resultados é baseada nos dados experimentos de Reis et al. (2003) e Reis et al. (2006). Como resultado, o modelo obteve boa precisão na distribuição de líquido principalmente na evaporação da gota de água, enquanto portou-se de maneira satisfatória na predição da secagem da gota de dietyl malonato. Quanto à taxa de evaporação, seu comportamento apresentou certa discrepância em comparação com os experimentos o que torna questionável algumas considerações das características físicas implementadas no modelo.

Effet des contraintes et de la température sur l'intégrité des ciments des puits pétroliers / Effect of stress and temperature on the integrity of cement of oil wells

Vu, Manh Huyen 23 February 2012 (has links)
Durant la phase de construction des puits pétrolier, le ciment est coulé dans l'espace annulaire entre le cuvelage et la roche environnante. La gaine de ciment a pour but de tenir le cuvelage, garantir l'étanchéité des puits pétroliers, ou des réservoirs de stockage de CO2, et de protéger le cuvelage de la corrosion. Au cours de la vie du puits, cette gaine de ciment est soumise tout le long du puits à des sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques qui varient au cours du temps et qui peuvent modifier ses propriétés et altérer son étanchéité. L'objet de cette thèse est d'étudier l'effet de la température et des contraintes sur les propriétés mécaniques de la pâte de ciment en cours de prise et de la pâte de ciment durcie. L'approche est basée sur une étude expérimentale qui combine des essais calorimétriques, des mesures de vitesse des ondes et des essais oedométriques avec le système des cellules STCA (Slurry To Cement Analyzer) sur le ciment en cours de prise ainsi que des essais de compression uniaxiale et triaxiale sur la pâte de ciment durcie. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré que la température et la pression accélèrent la cinétique d'hydratation et que la température affecte significativement les propriétés élastiques du matériau tandis que la pression ne les influence pas pour une gamme de pression limitée à 20MPa. Une modélisation de la cinétique d'hydratation associée à une technique d'homogénéisation est proposée afin d'interpréter les essais. On a mis aussi en évidence que lorsque la prise se fait sous contraintes mécaniques, des déformations irréversibles peuvent se développer dans la pâte de ciment, ce qui peut conduire à la formation d'un micro-annulaire entre la gaine ciment, le cuvelage et la formation géologique. Le comportement différé de la pâte de ciment durcie a été étudié à partir d'essais de fluage uniaxiaux et d'essais de compression isotrope. Les essais ont mis en évidence que le fluage sous chargement uniaxial est plus important pour un ciment hydraté à une température plus élevée, ce qui est attribué à une microstructure plus hétérogène. Un modèle visco-endommageable permettant de reproduire les phases de fluage primaire et tertiaire a été développé. Les essais de compression isotrope drainés et non-drainé isothermes sous forte contrainte ont montré un comportement différé avec hystérésis lors de cycles décharge-recharge. Ces essais ont été analysés à partir d'un modèle de comportement poro-visco-plastique. Le comportement élastoplastique à court terme a été abordé à l'aide des essais triaxiaux sous chargement déviatorique drainé. Ces essais ont mis en évidence que la température d'essai affecte fortement la surface de charge initiale et les déformations tandis qu'elle ne modifie pas significativement la surface de rupture. Un modèle de plasticité avec une surface de charge fermée et un écrouissage dépendant des déformations plastiques accumulées a été développé pour décrire ces essais. Enfin, une étude préliminaire sur les effets des cycles mécaniques et thermiques a été menée. Des cycles thermiques ne dépassant pas la température d'hydratation ne semblent pas affecter les propriétés mécaniques du matériau. Cependant, une dégradation très rapide avec le nombre de cycles mécaniques a été mise en évidence lorsque la contrainte dépasse 60% de la résistance en compression simple / During the construction phase of oil wells, a cement slurry is pumped into the annular space between the casing and the rock. The cement sheath aims to support the casing, provide zonal isolation in the well and reservoirs of CO2 storage and protect the casing against corrosion. During the life of the well, the cement is submitted to various thermal and mechanical solicitations along the well that can modify its mechanical properties and damage its sealing performance. The aim of this thesis is to study the effect of temperature and stresses on the mechanical properties of cement paste during hydration and in the hardened state. The used approach is based on an experimental study that combine the calorimetric tests, waves velocity measurement and oedometric tests in STCA system (Slurry To Cement Analyzer) on cement paste during hydration as well as the uniaxial and triaxial compression tests on hardened cement paste. The experimental results showed that temperature and pressure accelerate the kinetics of hydration. Temperature affects significantly the elastic properties of the material whereas the pressure does not modify them for a range of pressure limited to 20MPa. A hydration kinetics modelling associated to a homogenization method is used to interpret the tests. It is shown that for hydration under stress, the irreversible strains can evolve in the cement paste and conduct to the formation of a micro-annular between the cement sheath, the casing and geological formation. The time-dependent behaviour of hardened cement paste is studied using creep tests under uniaxial loading and also from the results of isotropic compression tests. The results show that the uniaxial creep is more important for cements hydrated at higher temperatures, which is attributed to a more heterogeneous microstructure. A visco-damaged model allowing to reproduce the primary creep and tertiary creep is developed and calibrated. Isothermal isotropic drained and undrained compression tests show a time-dependent behaviour with hysteresis during unloading-reloading cycles. These tests are analyzed on the basis of a poro-visco-plastic model. The elastoplastic behaviour in short terms is studied from triaxial tests under drained deviatoric loading. These tests bring to light that the test temperature affects highly the initial yield surface and the strains but it does not significantly modify the failure surface. A model of plasticity with a closed yield surface and hardening, depending on the accumulated plastic strains is developed to describe these tests. Finally, a preliminary study on the effect of mechanical and thermal loading cycles is performed. The thermal loading cycles with temperatures lower than the hydration temperature seem to do not affect the mechanical properties of the material. The mechanical loading cycles show a rapid degradation with the number of loading cycles when the axial stress exceeds 60% of the uniaxial strength

Effet du chauffage sur le comportement mécanique et poro-mécanique de matériaux cimentaires : propriétés hydrauliques et changements morphologiques / Effect of heat treatment upon the mechanical and poro-mechanical behaviour of cement-based materials : hydraulic properties and morphological changes

Chen, Xiao-Ting 06 July 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse a permis d’évaluer l’effet des changements de morphologie d’un matériau cimentaire soumis à un traitement thermique jusqu’à T (≤ 400°C). Pour cela, nous avons caractérisé expérimentalement le comportement mécanique (en compression uniaxiale, compression hydrostatique avec ou sans déviateur), poro-mécanique (modules d’incompressibilité Kb, Ks et coefficient de Biot b) et hydraulique (perméabilité au gaz), d’un mortier modèle E/C=0,5 suite à un cycle de chauffage/refroidissement. Les essais mécaniques multiaxiaux sont couplés aux mesures de perméabilité, qui servent d’indicateur de la progression de la fissuration du matériau sous contrainte. Nous avons également mis au point un essai original, permettant de quantifier le volume de l’espace poreux interconnecté sous chargement hydrostatique Pc. La création de porosité occluse sous l’effet d’un accroissement du confinement est confirmée, et ainsi la diminution de la rigidité de la matrice solide Ks avec Pc après traitement thermique T>200°C. Nous avons également identifié un effet bouchon (aucun passage de gaz) lors d’un chargement couplé, thermique et en compression hydrostatique du mortier mais aussi de bétons industriels (CERIB et ANDRA). Afin d’analyser l’évolution des propriétés mécaniques et poro-élastiques après traitement thermique, un modèle prédictif thermo-élasto-plastique avec endommagement isotrope et une approche micro-mécanique descriptive, intégrant la présence de micro-fissures, y sont couplés / This work investigates the effects of morphological changes of a cement-based material subjected to heat treatment (up to 400°C). For a model W/C=0.5 mortar, we have characterized experimentally hydraulic behaviour (gas permeability), mechanical behaviour (in uniaxial compression, hydrostatic compression with or without deviatoric stress) and poro-mechanical behaviour (incompressibility moduli Kb, Ks and Biot’s coefficient b) after a heating/cooling cycle. We have also developed an original experiment aimed at quantifying the accessible pore space volume under hydrostatic compression. The creation of occluded porosity under high confinement is confirmed, which justifies the observed decrease of solid matrix rigidity Ks under high confinement. A gas retention phenomenon was identified under simultaneous thermal and hydrostatic loadings for mortar, and industrial concretes (provided by CERIB and ANDRA). A predictive thermo-elasto-plastic model with isotropic damage and a micro-mechanical approach, which represents micro-cracking, are coupled in order to analyze or predict the evolution of mechanical and poro-elastic properties after heat cycling

Reduction of broadband trailing edge noise by serrations

Vathylakis, Alexandros January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate and reduce the aerodynamic noise source known as trailing edge noise, or airfoil self-noise, by using passive flow control techniques. Airfoil self-noise is produced when a turbulent boundary layer generated on an airfoil surface is scattered by the airfoil’s trailing edge. The investigation is of experimental nature, conducted in the aeroacoustic as well as aerodynamic wind tunnel facilities at Brunel University London and the Institute of Sound and Vibration (ISVR) at the University of Southampton. The research is relevant for any application in which airfoil blades encounter a smooth non-turbulent inflow and hence where trailing edge noise is a dominant noise source. Potential applications can therefore be fan or rotor blades in aero-engines, wind turbine blades or industrial cooling fans. The approach taken for the reduction of trailing edge noise utilises passive flow control techniques through the use of trailing edge serrations and the additional support of porous materials. Both of the aforementioned are inspired by the owl’s silent flight due to its unique wing structure. The research presented here can be divided in three parts: The first part comprises an extensive assessment of the performance of non-flat plate trailing edge serrations for airfoil broadband noise and their aerodynamic performance in terms of lift and drag. It is found that serrations can realistically achieve noteworthy broadband airfoil self-noise reductions, however due to the fact that non-flat plate serrations are directly cut into the airfoil body, the blunt sections in the serration root produce an additional noise source of vortex shedding tonal noise. The second part investigates the two flow mechanisms involved. Regarding the mechanism responsible for broadband noise and the subsequent reductions by the serration geometry, the turbulent boundary layer structures are studied in depth on a serrated trailing edge of a flat plate. Experimental techniques such as hot wire anemometry, liquid crystal flow visualisation, unsteady surface pressure measurements and noise measurements are used. A redistribution of the momentum and turbulent energy near the sawtooth tip and side edges appears to reduce the trailing edge noise scattering-efficiency of the hydrodynamic pressure waves. For the study of the flow mechanism responsible for the vortex shedding tonal noise increase, noise and velocity measurements along with flow visualisation techniques are used for the identification and further understanding of this noise source. A highly three-dimensional wake-flow could be identified in the wake past the serration gap, which differs from the longitudinal vortices shed from a straight blunt serration root. The third part presents the concept of poro-serrated trailing edges as a novel method to substantially improve the overall noise performance of the non-flat plate trailing edge serration type. The use of porous metal foams or thin brush bundles which fill the interstices between adjacent members of the sawtooth can completely suppress the bluntness-induced vortex shedding noise. Most importantly a turbulent broadband noise reduction of up to 7 dB can be achieved without compromising the aerodynamic performances in lift and drag. The new serrated trailing edges do not cause any noise increase throughout the frequency range investigated here. Through noise and velocity measurements near the trailing edge of an airfoil, the reduction of the broadband noise is found to be primarily caused by the sawtooth geometry. The new serrated trailing edges have the potential to improve the industrial worthiness of the serration technology in achieving low noise radiation.

Formulação do método dos elementos de contorno para materiais porosos reforçados / Boundary element method formulation for reinforced porous material

Wutzow, Wilson Wesley 16 May 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, propõe-se uma formulação não linear baseada no método dos elementos de contorno, para representação de domínios poro-elasto-plásticos reforçados. Esta formulação é apresentada para os casos saturado e não saturado. Para o problema poroso enrijecido um acoplamento com o método dos elementos finitos é empregado, e a técnica de mínimos quadrados permite a regularização dos deslocamentos e do vetor de forças de superfície ao longo das interfaces de acoplamento. São empregadas expressões analíticas para o tratamento das integrais de contorno e de domínio presentes na formulação do método dos elementos de contorno. A formulação de Biot é empregada para a descrição de meios porosos saturados e uma formulação energética baseada nos trabalhos de Coussy é adaptada para a extensão ao caso não saturado. Neste caso, a pressão capilar e energia das interfaces são levadas em consideração. O nível de saturação é descrito pelo modelo de Van Genuchten e o comportamento do esqueleto é descrito ou pelo modelo de Drucker-Prager ou pelo modelo de Cam-Clay modificado. O problema não linear obtido por uma descrição temporal associada a discretização espacial é resolvido pelo método de Newton-Raphson. No caso saturado, o operador tangente consistente é definido e utilizado para obtenção da solução do sistema. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados para validar a formulação proposta. / In this work a nonlinear formulation of the boundary element method (BEM) is proposed to deal with saturated and unsaturated poro-elasto-plastic 2D reinforced domains. To model reinforced porous domains a BEM/FEM (Finite Element Method) modified coupling technique is employed. The coupling is made by using the least square method to regularize the displacement and traction distributions along the interfaces. Analytical expressions have been derived for all boundary and domain integrals required for the formulation. The Biot formulation is used for the description of the saturated porous environments and an energetic consistent formulation based on work of Coussy is adopted for its extension to the framework of unsaturated porous media. In this case, the capillar pressure and the interface energy are taken into account. The Van Genuchten model is used for the determination of saturation level in non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. The Drucker-Prager modified model if used for the saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems and the modified Cam-Clay model for the representation of non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. For the saturated case, the consistent tangent operator is derived and employed inside a Newton procedure to solve non-linear problems. Numerical solutions are presented to validate the proposed models.

Gastronomia afetiva, comunica????o e transforma????o

Riccetto, Luli Neri 01 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-08-18T20:23:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LuliNeriRiccettoDissertacao2016.pdf: 493938 bytes, checksum: 41140ac2e43a963845f7c3f5eb39a172 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-08-18T20:23:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LuliNeriRiccettoDissertacao2016.pdf: 493938 bytes, checksum: 41140ac2e43a963845f7c3f5eb39a172 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-18T20:23:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuliNeriRiccettoDissertacao2016.pdf: 493938 bytes, checksum: 41140ac2e43a963845f7c3f5eb39a172 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-01 / This paper aims at analyzing gastronomy as a non-verbal communication process and the relations established through cooking and eating together. It is assumed that a bond is created between cook and diner and that there is a discourse between them, being the food the mediator of several possible kinds of relations. Thus, emotional relations arising from these proceedings are investigated, inquiring the proposed notion: affective gastronomy. In order to work this object, experiments were performed and show that communication through gastronomy is able to affect relations. my as a non-verbal communication process and the relations established through cooking and eating togeA brief theoretical review on the peculiar relation established between human beings and food is carried out, as well as communication as an event and phenomenon that initially involves the body. The concept of ???affection??? as an important aspect of communication is investigated as proposed by Cyrulnik and Maffesoli. The notion of met??poro as defended by Ciro Marcondes is applied to bring all these aspects together. It is believed that gastronomic language is demonstrated by displays of affection. / Prop??e-se analisar a gastronomia como processo de comunica????o n??o-verbal e as rela????es que se estabelecem atrav??s da culin??ria e da comensalidade. Sup??e-se que um v??nculo se cria entre quem faz a comida e quem a come; existindo um discurso entre cozinheiro e comensal, onde a comida ?? a mediadora de rela????es que podem ser de v??rios tipos. Assim, investigam-se as rela????es afetivas decorrentes desses processos, indagando a no????o proposta: gastronomia afetiva. Para trabalhar esse objeto, foram feitos experimentos que mostram que a comunica????o, atrav??s da gastronomia, ?? capaz de afetar rela????es. Realiza-se uma breve revis??o te??rica sobre a peculiar rela????o ser humano x alimento e sobre a comunica????o como acontecimento e fen??meno que envolve inicialmente o corpo. Investiga-se o conceito de ???afeto??? proposto por Cyrulnik e Maffesoli, como um aspecto importante da comunica????o. Para a costura de todos esses aspectos, utiliza-se a no????o de met??poro proposta por Ciro Marcondes. Acredita-se que a comunica????o gastron??mica se d?? por manifesta????es de afetividade.

Determinação de volume de poro de silicas para CLAE utilizando espectroscopia no infravermelho proximo / Determination of pore volume of silicas for HPLC employing near infrared spectroscopy

Panontin, Flavia 16 April 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ivo Milton Raimundo Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T15:37:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Panontin_Flavia_M.pdf: 2358588 bytes, checksum: 5556de1b55db28438143379cca4b4281 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Um método para a determinação do volume de poros de sílicas, utilizadas como suportes de fases estacionárias para CLAE (Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência), foi desenvolvido utilizando a espectroscopia na região do infravermelho próximo (NIR). Foram preparadas amostras pela adição de sílica em soluções de diferentes concentrações de compostos de recobrimento, como polímeros, hidrocarbonetos lineares e ramificados, nujol, glicerol, entre outros, em meio de diclorometano ou metanol. Foram registrados espectros de reflectância difusa na região de 1100 a 2300 nm. Os espectros obtidos foram submetidos à primeira derivada e as intensidades em 1688 nm (primeiro sobretom de ligações C-H) foram empregadas para a construção de uma curva em função da carga inicial (massa recobrimento/massa total) da amostra. Foram obtidos dois ramos lineares, o primeiro (praticamente paralelo à abscissa) indica que a imobilização do reagente no interior dos poros da sílica, e o segundo mostra um aumento crescente dos valores de primeira derivada, indicando o recobrimento de sua superfície externa. A intersecção destas duas retas fornece o valor de carga equivalente ao total preenchimento dos poros. Os resultados obtidos de volume de poro são concordantes com os valores fornecidos pelo método padrão (BJH), apresentando desvios padrão menores que 10%. O método proposto apresenta boa reprodutibilidade, com desvios menores que 1,0%, sendo rápido, simples e não destrutivo o que mostra uma grande vantagem frente ao método BJH, que faz uso de equipamentos caros e procedimentos lentos / Abstract: A method for the determination of pore volume of silicas, used as stationary phases for HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) was developed using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Samples were prepared by the addition of silica in covering compounds solutions of different concentrations, as linear and ramified polymers, hydrocarbons, nujol, glycerol, and among others, using dichloromethane or methanol as solvents. Diffuse reflectance spectra were registered in the 1100 to 2300 nm region. Spectra were submitted to a first derivative pre-treatment and the intensities at 1688 nm (first overtone of C-H bonds) were used for the construction of a curve as a function of the initial load (covering/total mass) of the sample. Two linear branches were obtained; the first one (practically parallel to the abscissa) indicates the immobilization of the reagent in the interior silica pores, and the second one shows increasing values of first derivative, indicating the covering of its external surface. The intersession of these two straight lines supplies the load value that is equivalent to the total fulfilling of the pores. The results obtained for of pore volume are in agreement with those supplied by the standard method (BJH), presenting deviation lower than 10 %. The proposed method presents good reproducibility with standard deviation lower than 1.0 %, being fast, simple and no destructive technique, that is a great advantage over the BJH method, which uses expensive equipment and slow procedures / Mestrado / Quimica Analitica / Mestre em Química

Formulação do método dos elementos de contorno para materiais porosos reforçados / Boundary element method formulation for reinforced porous material

Wilson Wesley Wutzow 16 May 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, propõe-se uma formulação não linear baseada no método dos elementos de contorno, para representação de domínios poro-elasto-plásticos reforçados. Esta formulação é apresentada para os casos saturado e não saturado. Para o problema poroso enrijecido um acoplamento com o método dos elementos finitos é empregado, e a técnica de mínimos quadrados permite a regularização dos deslocamentos e do vetor de forças de superfície ao longo das interfaces de acoplamento. São empregadas expressões analíticas para o tratamento das integrais de contorno e de domínio presentes na formulação do método dos elementos de contorno. A formulação de Biot é empregada para a descrição de meios porosos saturados e uma formulação energética baseada nos trabalhos de Coussy é adaptada para a extensão ao caso não saturado. Neste caso, a pressão capilar e energia das interfaces são levadas em consideração. O nível de saturação é descrito pelo modelo de Van Genuchten e o comportamento do esqueleto é descrito ou pelo modelo de Drucker-Prager ou pelo modelo de Cam-Clay modificado. O problema não linear obtido por uma descrição temporal associada a discretização espacial é resolvido pelo método de Newton-Raphson. No caso saturado, o operador tangente consistente é definido e utilizado para obtenção da solução do sistema. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados para validar a formulação proposta. / In this work a nonlinear formulation of the boundary element method (BEM) is proposed to deal with saturated and unsaturated poro-elasto-plastic 2D reinforced domains. To model reinforced porous domains a BEM/FEM (Finite Element Method) modified coupling technique is employed. The coupling is made by using the least square method to regularize the displacement and traction distributions along the interfaces. Analytical expressions have been derived for all boundary and domain integrals required for the formulation. The Biot formulation is used for the description of the saturated porous environments and an energetic consistent formulation based on work of Coussy is adopted for its extension to the framework of unsaturated porous media. In this case, the capillar pressure and the interface energy are taken into account. The Van Genuchten model is used for the determination of saturation level in non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. The Drucker-Prager modified model if used for the saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems and the modified Cam-Clay model for the representation of non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. For the saturated case, the consistent tangent operator is derived and employed inside a Newton procedure to solve non-linear problems. Numerical solutions are presented to validate the proposed models.

Medida de tamanho de poro em membrana polimérica de microfiltração utilizando técnica ultrassônica e redes neurais artificiais

LUCAS, Carla de Souza 09 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Almir Azevedo (barbio1313@gmail.com) on 2014-01-08T16:18:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_mestrado_ien_2009_08.pdf: 2286938 bytes, checksum: 63793f4c54b047550efb82703458c9ef (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-01-08T16:18:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_mestrado_ien_2009_08.pdf: 2286938 bytes, checksum: 63793f4c54b047550efb82703458c9ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre a avaliação por ultrassom do tamanho de poro em membranas poliméricas de microfiltração, utilizadas na área nuclear para a filtração de rejeitos radioativos, no tratamento de águas residuais da indústria petroquímica, na indústria eletrônica para a produção de água ultrapura para a fabricação de condutores e para lavagem de microcircuitos e em muitos outros processos de separação. Existem diversos processos para medidas de tamanhos de poros em membranas, dentre estes, microscopia eletrônica, ponto de bolha e porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, porém a maioria destes utiliza técnicas destrutivas, de custo elevado ou de grande tempo de análise. A proposta deste trabalho é medir tamanho de poro utilizando técnica ultrassônica no domínio da frequência e redes neurais artificiais. Foi utilizado um gerador/receptor de pulsos ultrassônicos, um transdutor de 25 MHz, um tanque de imersão e membranas microporosas de tamanhos de poros 0,2 μm, 0,4 μm, 0,6 μm, 8 μm, 10 μm e 12 μm. Os sinais ultrassônicos após percorrerem a membrana, voltam ao transdutor (emissor/receptor) trazendo informações da interação do sinal com as membranas. Estes sinais foram utilizados para o treinamento de redes neurais, e estas forneceram a precisão necessária para a distinção dos mesmos. Logo após, foi feita a comparação desta técnica com a de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O experimento mostrou resultados muito próximos aos resultados obtidos com o MEV, o que indicou que a técnica estudada pode medir tamanho de poro em membrana polimérica com boa precisão e repetibilidade. Por ser uma técnica não destrutiva poder ser usada em linha de produção. / This work presents a study of the pore size in microfiltration polymeric membranes, used in the nuclear area for the filtration of radioactive liquid effluent, in the residual water treatment of the petrochemical industry, in the electronic industry for the ultrapure water production for the manufacture of conductors and laudering of microcircuits and in many other processes of separation. Diverse processes for measures of pores sizes in membranes exist, amongst these, electronic microscopy, of bubble point and mercury intrusion porosimetry, however the majority of these uses destructive techniques, of high cost or great time of analysis. The proposal of this work is to measure so great of pore being used ultrasonic technique in the time domain of the frequency and artificial neural networks. A receiving/generator of ultrasonic pulses, a immersion transducer of 25 MHz was used, a tank of immersion and microporous membranes of pores sizes of 0,2 μm, 0,4 μm, 0,6 μm, 8 μm, 10 μm and 12 μm. The ultrasonic signals after to cover the membrane, come back to the transducer (emitting/receiving) bringing information of the interaction of the signal with the membranes. These signals had been used for the training of neural networks, and these had supplied the necessary precision the distinction of the same ones. Soon after, technique with the one of electronic microscopy of sweepings was made the comparison of this. The experiment showed very resulted next to the results gotten with the MEV, what it indicated that the studied technique is ideal for measure of pore size in membranes for being not destructive and of this form to be able to be used also on-line of production.

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