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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unsaturated hydro-chemo-mechanical modelling based on modified mixture theory

Chen, Xiaohui January 2010 (has links)
New unsaturated coupled models have been developed for fluid transport in deformable rock by using modified mixture theory rather than a fully mechanics-based approach. These models include the following: an unsaturated hydro-mechanical coupled model for both non-swelling and swelling materials, in which a new coupled formulation for hydration swelling rock has been included; and an unsaturated hydro-mechanical-chemo coupled model, incorporating a new coupled formulation including osmosis flow and an unsaturated version of Darcy's law which has been extended by including osmosis effects.Modified mixture theory is mainly based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Helmholtz free energy is used to give the energy relationship between the fluids and solid and, by using the Gibbs-Duhem equation, the interactions between different fluids such as gas, water and chemical can be obtained. In this research, general coupled formulations for both large small and deformations have been obtained. For swelling rocks, the water between the clay platelets can be modeled by including the difference between the free energy of whole domain and that of the pore water plus the solid skeleton. By assuming small deformations, the final equations can be compared with those derived using the mechanics approach.The new coupled models have been tested by carrying out simple benchmark numerical simulations using finite elements. Problems analyzed include: (1) the consolidation of saturated swelling rocks in which the hydration swelling effects on consolidation have been analysed in detail; (2) the desaturation and resaturation of seasonally affected rocks around tunnels; (3) the desaturation stage for swelling rocks used in the containment of nuclear waste disposal; (4) chemical transport in very low permeability rock used for nuclear waste disposal, in which particular attention has been focused on osmosis flow and chemical consolidation. In summary, this thesis extends modified mixture theory and develops new coupled formulations which can be applied to deep nuclear waste disposal, including tunnelling, drilling and chemical transport in low permeability host rock.

Effet du chauffage sur le comportement mécanique et poro-mécanique de matériaux cimentaires : propriétés hydrauliques et changements morphologiques / Effect of heat treatment upon the mechanical and poro-mechanical behaviour of cement-based materials : hydraulic properties and morphological changes

Chen, Xiao-Ting 06 July 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse a permis d’évaluer l’effet des changements de morphologie d’un matériau cimentaire soumis à un traitement thermique jusqu’à T (≤ 400°C). Pour cela, nous avons caractérisé expérimentalement le comportement mécanique (en compression uniaxiale, compression hydrostatique avec ou sans déviateur), poro-mécanique (modules d’incompressibilité Kb, Ks et coefficient de Biot b) et hydraulique (perméabilité au gaz), d’un mortier modèle E/C=0,5 suite à un cycle de chauffage/refroidissement. Les essais mécaniques multiaxiaux sont couplés aux mesures de perméabilité, qui servent d’indicateur de la progression de la fissuration du matériau sous contrainte. Nous avons également mis au point un essai original, permettant de quantifier le volume de l’espace poreux interconnecté sous chargement hydrostatique Pc. La création de porosité occluse sous l’effet d’un accroissement du confinement est confirmée, et ainsi la diminution de la rigidité de la matrice solide Ks avec Pc après traitement thermique T>200°C. Nous avons également identifié un effet bouchon (aucun passage de gaz) lors d’un chargement couplé, thermique et en compression hydrostatique du mortier mais aussi de bétons industriels (CERIB et ANDRA). Afin d’analyser l’évolution des propriétés mécaniques et poro-élastiques après traitement thermique, un modèle prédictif thermo-élasto-plastique avec endommagement isotrope et une approche micro-mécanique descriptive, intégrant la présence de micro-fissures, y sont couplés / This work investigates the effects of morphological changes of a cement-based material subjected to heat treatment (up to 400°C). For a model W/C=0.5 mortar, we have characterized experimentally hydraulic behaviour (gas permeability), mechanical behaviour (in uniaxial compression, hydrostatic compression with or without deviatoric stress) and poro-mechanical behaviour (incompressibility moduli Kb, Ks and Biot’s coefficient b) after a heating/cooling cycle. We have also developed an original experiment aimed at quantifying the accessible pore space volume under hydrostatic compression. The creation of occluded porosity under high confinement is confirmed, which justifies the observed decrease of solid matrix rigidity Ks under high confinement. A gas retention phenomenon was identified under simultaneous thermal and hydrostatic loadings for mortar, and industrial concretes (provided by CERIB and ANDRA). A predictive thermo-elasto-plastic model with isotropic damage and a micro-mechanical approach, which represents micro-cracking, are coupled in order to analyze or predict the evolution of mechanical and poro-elastic properties after heat cycling

Seismic wave propagation and modelling in poro-elastic media with mesoscopic inhomogeneities.

Xu, Liu January 2009 (has links)
Biot's theory when applied to homogeneous media (involving the macroscopic flow mechanism) cannot explain the high level of attenuation observed in natural porous media over the seismic frequency range. However, several successful mesocopic inhomogeneity models have been developed to account for P wave attenuation. In this thesis I further develop the approaches to tackle S wave velocity and attenuation, to simulate transient wave propagation in poroelastic media, and to construct new models for determining the effective parameters of porous media containing mesoscopic inhomogeneities. As an important application of the double-porosity dual-permeability (DPDP) model, I have reformulated the effective Biot model using the total-field variables. This gives rise to new and more general governing equations than the previous approach based on the host phase field variables (which become a special case of the more general treatment). The analytical transient solution and dispersion characteristics for the double-porosity model and also for a poro-viscoacoustic model are derived over the entire frequency range for a homogeneous medium. The comparison between the results of the two models shows that dissipation by local mesoscopic flow of the double porosity model is very hard to fit by a single Zener element over a broad band. I chose the relaxation function to approximate the dispersion behaviour of the double porosity model just around the source centre frequency. It is shown that for most water-filled sandstones having a double porosity structure, wave propagation can be well described by the poro-viscoaoustic model with a single Zener element in the seismic frequency range. The transient solution for heterogeneous double porosity media is obtained by a numerical pseudospectral time splitting technique. This method is extended to 2.5-D poro-viscoelastic media to capture both P and S wave behaviour. I also demonstrate that if the frequency is below several Hz, then a single Kelvin-Voigt element gives an even better result than a single Zener element. I propose a two-phase permeability spherical inclusion model and obtain the dispersion curves of phase velocity and dissipation factor for the composite. I then determine the effective dynamic permeability of porous media with mesoscopic heterogeneities over the whole frequency range. This result is used to check the validity of other measures of effective dynamic permeability, deduced from the effective hydraulic permeability by replacing the permeability of the components with their dynamic values as determined from the Johnson, Koplik and Dashen (JKD) model. I also investigate the scattering of plane transverse waves by a spherical porous inclusion embedded in an infinite poroelastic medium. The vector displacement wave equations of Biot’s theory are solved as an infinite series of vector spherical harmonics for the case of a plane S-wave incidence. Then, the non-self-consistent theory is used to derive the dispersion characteristics of shear wave velocity and attenuation for a porous rock having mesoscopic spherical inclusions which are designed to represent either the patchy saturation model or the double porosity model with dilute concentrations of identical inclusions. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1457632 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Chemistry and Physics, 2009

Rôle des transferts multiples de contraintes, déficit de sismicité et caractéistiques physiques des ruptures sismiques / Role of multiple stress transfers, seismicity deficit and physical property of seismic rupture

Kariche, Jugurtha 21 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse comprend six chapitres qui décrivent les caractéristiques de la tectonique active et du transfert de contrainte liées aux séismes majeurs. L’objectif étant une meilleure estimation de l’aléa et du risque sismique du nord de l’Algérie et du Maroc. Après un chapitre introductif, le chapitre II présente la méthodologie adoptée pour l’élaboration des modèles de transfert de contrainte. Le chapitre III traite de l’interaction entre failles dans le Tell Atlas algérien. Le chapitre IV développe les aspects de transfert de contrainte et de déformation poroélastique dans le Rif marocain et la mer d’Alboran. Le chapitre V présente la déformation poroélastique sur un plan plus large et les caractéristiques physiques des ruptures sismiques. Le chapitre VI consiste en une conclusion générale avec présentation des principaux résultats incluant les perspectives et suites pour cette recherche. / This thesis consists in six chapters that describe the characteristics of active tectonics and stress transfer related to major earthquakes. The aim of this thesis is a better estimate of the seismic hazard and risk in northern Algeria and Morocco. After an introduction, Chapter II presents the methodology adopted for the development of stress transfer models. Chapter III deals with the interaction between faults in the Algerian Tell Atlas. Chapter IV develops the aspects of stress transfer and poroelastic deformation in the Rif and the Alboran Sea. Chapter V presents a large development of the poroelastic deformation and the physical characteristics of seismic ruptures. Chapter VI consists of a general conclusion with presentation of the main results including the perspectives and futur researchs.

A Boundary Element Formulation For Axi-symmetric Problems In Poro-elasticity

Ozyazicioglu, Mehmet H. 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
A formulation is proposed for the boundary element analysis of poro-elastic media with axi-symmetric geometry. The boundary integral equation is reduced to a set of line integral equations in the generating plane for each of the Fourier coefficients, through complex Fourier series expansion of boundary quantities in circumferential direction. The method is implemented into a computer program, where the fundamental solutions are integrated by Gaussian Quadrature along the generator, while Fast Fourier Transform algorithm is employed for integrations in circumferential direction. The strongly singular integrands in boundary element equations are regularized by a special technique. The Fourier transform solution is then inverted in to R&amp / #952 / z space via inverse FFT. The success of the method is assessed by problems with analytical solutions. A good fit is observed in each case, which indicates effectiveness and reliability of the present method.

Mécanique du mouvement rapide de la plante carnivore Dionée : mesures élasto-hydrodynamiques à l'échelle de la cellule et du tissu - conséquences pour le mécanisme de fermeture / Mechanics of rapid motion in the Venus Flytrap

Colombani, Mathieu 22 July 2013 (has links)
Bien qu’elles ne disposent pas de muscles, les plantes ont réussi à développer un nombre remarquable de mécanismes permettant de créer des mouvements rapides, du repliement rapide des feuilles de mimosa pudica à la dispersion de graines par explosion. Parmi ces exemples spectaculaires qui ont depuis longtemps fasciné les scientifiques, la plante carnivore dionée, dont les feuilles se referment en une fraction de secondes pour capturer des insectes, fait figure de paradigme. Récemment, nous avons montré que ce mouvement met en jeu une instabilité de flambage élastique, due à la forme de coque mince des feuilles du piège. Cependant, l’origine microscopique du mouvement qui permet à la plante de franchir le seuil d’instabilité et de changer activement sa courbure reste méconnue. Dans cette thèse nous étudions ce mouvement actif en utilisant un dispositif micro-fluidique, la sonde de pression, qui donne accès directement aux paramètres élastiques et hydrodynamiques à l’échelle de la cellule (pression osmotique, perméabilité cellulaire, élasticité de la paroi, ...). Nos résultats remettent en question le rôle des flux d’eau d’origine osmotique souvent mis en avant pour expliquer la fermeture active du piège de la dionée. De plus, nous développons un dispositif de micro indentation original utilisant un rhéomètre, pour mesurer la réponse locale des tissus et les propriétés mécaniques des épidermes interne et externe. Nous mesurons une signature claire du mouvement actif de la dionée, et fournissons ainsi de nouveaux arguments pour discuter le mécanisme de fermeture, et plus généralement les mouvements rapides dans les plantes. / Although they lack muscle, plants have evolved a remarkable range of mechanisms to create rapid motion, from the rapid folding of sensitive plants to seed dispersal. Of these spectacular examples that have long fascinated scientists, the carnivorous plant Venus flytrap, whose leaves snap together in a fraction of second to capture insects, has long been a paradigm for study. Recently, we have shown that this motion involves a snap-buckling instability due to the shell-like geometry of the leaves of the trap. However, the origin of the movement that allows the plant to cross the instability threshold and actively bend remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigate this active motion using a micro-fluidic pressure probe that gives direct hydraulic and mechanical measurements at the cellular level (osmotic pressure, cell membrane permeability, cell wall elasticity). Our results challenge the role of osmotically-driven water flows usually put forward to explain Venus flytrap’s active closure. Moreover, we developp a micro-indentation original setup using a rheometer, to measure the local tissue response and mechanical properties of the lower and upper epidermis. Then, we detect a clear signature of the active movement in the Venus Flytrap, and thus provide new arguments to discuss this mechanism, and more generally the movements in plants.

Comportement hydrique et poro-mécanique des bétons à hautes performances Andra : influence de la microstructure / Hydric and poro-mechanical behaviour of high performance Andra concrete : effect of microstructure

Zhang, Yao 02 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la rétention d’eau à haute HR et le retrait sous température modérée des bétons CEMI et CEMV de l’Andra, en lien avec leur microstructure.Pour étudier l’origine des variations de Sw à haute HR, du béton est séché à HR= 92-100%. Pour les deux bétons, l’échantillonnage influe significativement sur Sw. Pour le CEMI, à HR=100%, la taille joue aussi, en lien avec un mécanisme de séchage par désorption de surface ; à HR=92&98%, ce béton n’est plus sensible aux effets de surface ; il est sensible aux conditions expérimentales. Pour le CEMV, l’effet de la taille existe quelle que soit l’HR, mais il est peu sensible aux conditions expérimentales.A partir de 60°C, le retrait de dessiccation présente quatre phases en fonction de la perte de masse relative. Pour le béton CEMI séché jusqu’en phase 3 ou 4, la possible rigidification de la matrice solide est investiguée par un essai couplé de poro-élasticité et transport de gaz. Pour un même échantillon en phase 3 puis en phase 4, on mesure une légère augmentation du Ks ; la perméabilité au gaz est significativement plus sensible au confinement. Par contre, la rigidification du matériau est limitée en comparaison de l’effet d’échantillonnage.Au MEB, les phases et la morphologie des bétons sont quantifiées. Le CEM I et le CEM V ont des phases solides identiques, mais le CEM V comprend des phases spécifiques (ajout de laitiers et cendres volantes). Les C-S-H du CEM V ont un rapport C/S globalement plus bas que le CEM I. Ce rapport reste similaire pour trois gâchées différentes. Par contre, l’occurrence de pores millimétriques varie significativement, du fait de modes de mise en oeuvre sensiblement différents / This thesis focuses on water retention at high relative humidity (RH) (92-100%) and dessiccation shrinkage under moderate temperature (60-80°C) for two high performance concretes CEMI and CEMV (from Andra), in relation with their microstructure.To investigate the origins of the variations in water saturation degree Sw at high RH, both concretes are dried at RH=92, 98 and 100%, from the fully saturated state. For both concretes, sampling affects significantly Sw. For CEMI at 100%RH, sample size also affects Sw, due to surface drying (desorption); at 92 and 98%RH, CEMI is no longer sensitive to surface drying effects; it is sensitive to experimental conditions (RH, T). CEMV is affected by sample size whatever the RH, but not by experimental conditions.From 60°C drying temperature, the relationship between shrinkage and relative mass loss presents four distinct phases. CEMI concrete is dried at 65°C until phase 3 or 4, and then submitted to a coupled poro-mechanical and gas permeability test. For the same sample tested in phase 3 and then 4, a difference in solid skeleton incompressibility modulus Ks is measured, which is significantly lower than the differences in Ks due to sampling.With the Scanning Electron Microscope, the solid phases and morphology of both concretes are quantified. CEM I and CEM V comprise identical phases, even portlandite, yet CEM V concrete has some specific phases, owing to the addition of slag and fly ash. The C-S-H in CEM V have a lower C/S ratio than in CEM I. The (C/S) ratio remains similar when comparing between three different batches. Besides, millimetric pores vary significantly, owing to differences in manufacturing

Experimental study and modeling of granular particle stacks

Guochenhao Song (9755876) 10 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In the field of noise control engineering, the development of effective low-frequency sound absorption treatments has long been a challenge, since conventional solutions tend to require impractically thick layers of traditional porous materials, such as fibrous materials and foams. In contrast, high surface area particles, such as granular activated carbon (GAC) particles, milled aerogels, and zeolites, have inner-particle pores at micro and nano scales, which improve the low-frequency absorption by slowing the local sound speed. As a result, a 30 mm thick GAC stack can achieve an absorption coefficient of 0.3 at 100 Hz. Hence, these materials have already been used in various low-frequency applications in place of fibrous or foam layers: e.g., MEMS speaker back cavities, Helmholtz resonator liners, micro-perforated panel absorbers, and membrane absorbers. One major practical goal of this research was to determine how best to model and optimize novel treatments consisting in whole or in part of high surface area granular materials. </p><p dir="ltr">The detailed work presented in this thesis starts with a review of acoustical models of various material types, followed by two approaches to modeling and coupling different types of layers in a general and stable manner. In particular, in the second approach, a large, complicated system is divided into a series of small systems, hence avoiding the direct inverse solution of large systems. As a result, the second approach is more efficient and enables computationally intensive tasks such as multi-layer material characterization and sound package optimization. In addition to the modeling techniques, different types of granular stacks’ acoustical behavior were also experimentally investigated and summarized: i.e., 1. the edge-constraint effect resulting from the friction at the wall of the impedance tube; 2. level-dependent behavior; 3. time-dependent behavior; and 4. other non-linear behavior. To capture the observed acoustical physics of GAC stacks, a triple-porosity poro-elastic model with a depth-dependent modulus was described, followed by characterization frameworks to model the stacks subject to the edge-constraint effect as well as varying excitation levels. These frameworks were validated by comparing the absorption spectra predicted by using the inferred material properties with impedance tube measurements of GAC stacks with varying depths, diameters, and exposure levels. In the end, a novel sound absorption treatment was presented (a GAC stack supported by a soft, porous layer), which was subsequently optimized to develop broadband absorbers.</p>

Modélisation micromécanique des roches poreuses. Application aux calcaires oolitiques / Micromechanical modelling of porous rocks. Application to oolitic limestone

Nguyen, Ngoc Bien 03 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude du comportement poro-élastique linéaire et non linéaire des matériaux et géomatériaux poreux (notamment les calcaires oolithiques et le minerai de fer) par approche de changement d'échelle. A partir des observations microstructurales de ces matériaux, un modèle conceptuel a été proposé. Les roches poreuses étudiées sont constituées par un assemblage de grains (oolithes), à forte fraction volumique, cimentés par une matrice. La porosité, supposée connectée, est présente dans les oolithes (inter-oolithique) et dans la matrice (intra-oolithique). Un modèle d'homogénéisation à deux étapes est développé dans le cadre du modèle des sphères composites. L'importance des effets de liaison d'interface sur les propriétés poro-élastiques des sphères composites est étudiée en déterminant la solution exacte du modèle aux conditions d'interfaces parfaite ou/et imparfaite. Le modèle est tout d'abord appliqué pour estimer les propriétés effectives poro-élastiques linéaires des roches étudiées. Le comportement non linéaire de ces roches est étudié en attribuant à la matrice un comportement élastoplastique et en développant un comportement non linéaire pour les interfaces (oolithes - matrice). La comparaison entre résultats issus de la modélisation et ceux expérimentaux macroscopiques montre l'importance cruciale de la zone interfaciale de transition / This work is devoted to the modelling of the linear and non-linear hydro-mechanical behaviour of porous rocks (such as oolitic limestone, iron ore) by the multiscale modelling approach. Based on microstructure observations, a conceptual model was proposed. Porous rocks studied are constituted by an assemblage of grains (oolites), with high volume fraction, coated by a matrix. The overall porosity is supposed connected and decomposed into oolite porosity and matrix porosity. A two step homogenization method has been developed in the framework of CSA models (Composite Sphere Assemblage). The effect of interfacial bonding condition on poroelastic properties of composite sphere is investigated by determining the exact solution of the model in the case of perfect or/and imperfect interface. Micromechanical model is applied firstly to estimation of effective linear poroelastic properties of rocks studied. Their non-linear behaviour is studied by considering a elasto-plastic behavior for both the matrix and the interfaces (oolite-matrix). The comparison between numerical simulations and macroscopic experimental results underlined the crucial role of the interfacial transition zone

Formulação do método dos elementos de contorno para materiais porosos reforçados / Boundary element method formulation for reinforced porous material

Wutzow, Wilson Wesley 16 May 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, propõe-se uma formulação não linear baseada no método dos elementos de contorno, para representação de domínios poro-elasto-plásticos reforçados. Esta formulação é apresentada para os casos saturado e não saturado. Para o problema poroso enrijecido um acoplamento com o método dos elementos finitos é empregado, e a técnica de mínimos quadrados permite a regularização dos deslocamentos e do vetor de forças de superfície ao longo das interfaces de acoplamento. São empregadas expressões analíticas para o tratamento das integrais de contorno e de domínio presentes na formulação do método dos elementos de contorno. A formulação de Biot é empregada para a descrição de meios porosos saturados e uma formulação energética baseada nos trabalhos de Coussy é adaptada para a extensão ao caso não saturado. Neste caso, a pressão capilar e energia das interfaces são levadas em consideração. O nível de saturação é descrito pelo modelo de Van Genuchten e o comportamento do esqueleto é descrito ou pelo modelo de Drucker-Prager ou pelo modelo de Cam-Clay modificado. O problema não linear obtido por uma descrição temporal associada a discretização espacial é resolvido pelo método de Newton-Raphson. No caso saturado, o operador tangente consistente é definido e utilizado para obtenção da solução do sistema. Exemplos numéricos são apresentados para validar a formulação proposta. / In this work a nonlinear formulation of the boundary element method (BEM) is proposed to deal with saturated and unsaturated poro-elasto-plastic 2D reinforced domains. To model reinforced porous domains a BEM/FEM (Finite Element Method) modified coupling technique is employed. The coupling is made by using the least square method to regularize the displacement and traction distributions along the interfaces. Analytical expressions have been derived for all boundary and domain integrals required for the formulation. The Biot formulation is used for the description of the saturated porous environments and an energetic consistent formulation based on work of Coussy is adopted for its extension to the framework of unsaturated porous media. In this case, the capillar pressure and the interface energy are taken into account. The Van Genuchten model is used for the determination of saturation level in non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. The Drucker-Prager modified model if used for the saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems and the modified Cam-Clay model for the representation of non-saturated poro-elasto-plastic problems. For the saturated case, the consistent tangent operator is derived and employed inside a Newton procedure to solve non-linear problems. Numerical solutions are presented to validate the proposed models.

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