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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení vývojové dyspraxie a efektů její léčby u dětí / Evaluation of developmental dyspraxia and effects of its therapy in children

Smržová, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Evaluation of developmental dyspraxia and effects of its therapy in children" summarizes the knowledge of developmental dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in the theoretical part. The practical part deals with the usage of new diagnostic method for identification of motor difficulties in children, Movement Assessment Battery for Children, second edition. The presence of motor difficulties in some children with ADHD and some children with neurofibromatosis type 1 was confirmed. The significant difference between motor skills in gymnasts and in children attending to all-round sport activities was not detected. No significant correlation between BMI and the level of motor skills in children was found. The evaluation of the effect of therapy confirmed that intervention is useful for children with developmental dyspraxia. The best improvement was found in activities which were specifically trained. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Deprese ve stáří se zaměřením na osoby s kognitivním deficitem / Depression in the elderly with focus on people with cognitive deficit

Věchetová, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
Depressive symptoms are very common among people with neurocognitive disorder. The comorbidity of both diseases and the overlap of their symptoms complicates correct diagnosis and thus also the initiation of a correct treatment. The instruments of depression measuring in seniors with a severe cognitive deficit are also a discussed issue. The subject of the theoretical part is to describe the issue of depression and cognitive disorders in the old age with a focus on Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common mental disorder in the elderly together with depression. The goal of the empirical part of the thesis is to research based on the interviews with seniors if the most frequently used method of depression measuring in the elderly, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), is a suitable measuring instrument also in seniors with a cognitive deficit and further examine how these seniors actually experience the individual mood qualities which are the subjects of items in GDS. Forty seniors with a various degree of cognitive deficit participated in the research. The study results showed that the questionnaire is usable for seniors with a mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia. To detect the border of the cognitive deficit, below which it is not suitable to use the depression measuring method GDS, a...

Dyslexie ve výuce francouzského jazyka / Dyslexia in classes of French

Šimanová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
This work treats the mutual relationships between dyslexia and teaching of French language. It proposes exercices for students with dyslexia which, being adapted to their specific learning difficulties, contribute to their reeducation. The exercices are designed especially for senior pupils and high school students of intermediate level. They may be used for individual instruction or in inclusive classrooms. This work can be used as a tool for teachers working with dyslexics who want to adapt the instruction to their special needs.

Srovnání dimenze introverze versus extraverze v Eysenckově testu s disociální poruchou osobnosti / Introversion versus extraversion in the Eysenck personality test and their relation to the dissocial personality disorder

Balková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to confirm the hypothesis of Eysenck proclaiming that the psychopaths are more extraverted than the ordinary population. The author reached the conclusion that Eysenck understood psychopathy as a concept similar to the dissocial personality disorder. Based on these grounds it was deemed reasonable to test the hypothesis on individuals with such a diagnosis. The author choose the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R) and the 4Elements Questionnaire which allowed her to test the hypothesis with regards to the various aspects of the dimension of extraversion. The research confirmed that the individuals diagnosed with the dissocial personality disorder reach higher values on the scale measured by the EPQ-R than are the values shown for the general population. A significant positive correlation was also found between the scale of extraversion measured by the EPQ-R and the element of fire measured by the 4Elements test. However, no correlation was found between extraversion and the element of air. Based on these results the author concludes that the individuals with the dissocial personality disorder are more extraverted than the general population, primarily due to the higher scores in the items monitoring impulsivity, liveliness and ascendance.

Řetězení muskuloskeletálních poruch z různých hledisek ve fyzioterapii / Chaining of the musculoskeletal disorders from various viewpoints in physiotherapy

Hák, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Title of diploma thesis: Chaining of the musculoskeletal disorders from various viewpoints in physiotherapy Objective: The purpouse of this thesis is to research available literary sources describing the possible mechanisms of chaining of musculoskeletal disorders from various viewpoints in physiotherapy. Methods: This diploma thesis has descriptively-analytical character. It is structured in the form of literary research. Results: On the basis of the researched literary sources, the thesis shows the possible mechanisms of chaining of musculoskeletal disorders. The mechanisms are as follows: Reactions of movement system to postural instability, relations of body segments in closed kinetic chains, compensations of joint blockades in the spine, influence of tensile forces in fascial system, rebuilding of motor stereotypes due to dysfunction of one of their elements, activation of muscles together with motor stereotype, which don't contribute to its function, influence of one stabilization synergy on the function of the other during punctum fixum stabilization, relations between agonistic and antagonistic muscles, relations between tonic and phasic muscles, reflex changes in one spinal segment (or adjacent segments) due to nociceptive irritation, protective activity of muscles (with possibility of...

Právní jednání osob stižených duševní poruchou / Legal actions of persons suffering from mental disorder

Roul, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the Czech legislation in legal actions of persons suffering from mental disorder. The thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter describes the historical background of the topic. In the second chapter I describe in detail basic terms such as legal action, legal capacity and mental disorder, since these are important and essential for the thesis. The fundamental part of the thesis discusses institutes that support the legal conduct of persons suffering from mental disorder. These are preliminary statement, assist in determining, the representation of a household member, incapacitation and limitations associated with the institute guardian. The final chapter describes the fundamental international legal documents that influenced the Czech legislation.

Výskyt symptomů temporolimbické dysfunkce u gamblerů / Signs of the temporolimbic dysfunction in gamblers

Hončová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Charles University of Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medicinal Sciences Student: Bc. Veronika Hončová Supervisor: Doc. MUDr. Josef Herink, DrSc. Consultant: MUDr. Jela Hrnčiarová Title: Signs of the temporolimbic dysfunction in gamblers Background: The aim of this thesis was to determine whether pathological gamblers exhibit symptoms related to epileptic spectrum disorder. Methods: To investigate, symptoms of the temporolimbic dysfunction were examined by means of the structured questionnaires CPSI (Complex Partial Symptoms Inventory) and LSCL-33 (Limbic System Checklist-33). Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used for statistical evaluation. Results: The mean score in the questionnaire CPSI of gamblers was 38,9 points, which is an abnormal score. With the questionnaire LSCL-33, the mean score of 21,5 points, corresponds to suspected findings. From the mean results it can be concluded that pathological gamblers may have a higher incidence of the symptoms of the temporolimbic dysfunction. When comparing the groups of gamblers with smokers, it was evaluated that in the questionnaire CPSI was a statistically significant difference between the appearances of symptoms of epileptic spectrum disorder, while it was not in the...

Zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením / Employment of persons with disabilities

Jelínek, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this Master's Thesis is to present some legal aspects of employment of persons with disabilities. This thesis deals with the subject particularly with respect to national policy of employment and individual labour-law relations. The largest part of text is devoted to the efforts of the state to reach higher employment rate of persons with disabilities and to compensate their inherent handicaps. This thesis is divided into seven thematic parts. The introduction is followed by part that defines basic terms of employment of people with disabilities which are not legally defined. The issue concerns the terms which are regularly mistaken in common conversation such as disability and handicap. The third part contains an overview of the most important documents, of significant international organizations, which contain the definition of persons with disabilities. These most significant international organizations are the International Labour Organisation, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. The fourth part contains the definitions of person with disabilities according to five acts of Czech legislation. Every act uses different legal term for persons with disabilities and it defines them in different way. Some acts do not contain...

Hodnocení komplexity signálu ve zpracování zobrazení pomocí funkční magnetické rezonance / Signal complexity evaluation in the processing of functional magnetic resonance imaging

Vyhnánek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Functional magnetic resonance imaging has been recently the most common tool for examining the neural activity in human and animals. The goal of a typical data-mining challenge is the localisation of brain areas activated during a cognitive task which is usually performed using a linear model or correlation methods. For this purpose several authors have proposed the use of methods evaluating signal complexity which could possibly overcome some of the shortcomings of the standards methods due to their independence on a priori knowledge of data characteristics. This work explains possibilities of using such methods including aspects of their configuration and it proposes an evaluation of performance of the methods applied on simulated data following expected biological characteristics. The results of the evaluation of performance showed little advantage of these methods over the standard ones in cases when the standard methods were possible to apply. However, some of the methods evaluating signal complexity were found useful for determining the regularity of signals which is a feature that cannot be assessed by the standard methods. Optimal parameters of the methods evaluating signal regularity were determined on simulated data and finally the methods were applied on the data examining emotional processing of...

Sociální fungování člověka trpícího obsedantně-kompulzivní poruchou / Social functioning of a person suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder

ŠTEFEK, Marcel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with selected problems that result from a person's obsessive compulsive disorder and that can influence and impact their social functioning. It also looks at selected possibilities for social work that can help to address these problems and to restore social functioning. The first chapter of this diploma thesis is focused on obsessive compulsive disorder. This chapter contains basic information about this mental disorder and the problems caused by this disease. The second chapter deals with the treatment of this disease. The third chapter focuses on the social functioning of a person suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. This chapter contains selected examples of problems caused by this disease and their impact on the social functioning of a person suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. These are examples from the scientific literature supplemented with examples from the particular case of Peter N.. The fourth chapter deals with selected possibilities of social work that can help to solve these problems and to restore social functioning.

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