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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh obnovy krovové konstrukce kostela

Žůrek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate current situation and propose renovation of the wooden roof structure of the baroque Dominican church of the Holy Cross in Znojmo. Disrepair historic truss structure over the church is the main impetus for the creation of technical documentation. Truss structure assessment was based on sensory and instrumental methods. The technical documentation of the existing structures (including drawings) was created in the first part. In the next phase, the research evaluates damage of the timber parts of construction and determination of their causes.In the third stage, redevelopment arrangements of damaged parts of the construction are proposed. This proposal will serve as a basis for their restoration.A large part of the work consists of drawings, supplemented with a 3D model of the truss structure.

Problematika zaměřování poruch na kabelech / The issue of fault location on cables

VOKÁLEK, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This work is focused on the locating of faults of the cables laid in the ground. Firstly it describes particular types of cables and their basic physical characteristics. Following part deals with widely used methods for locating cable faults including their comparison. Than it describes DC measurements which are used to identify the type of fault. In the practical part there is a complete DC measurement on the specific cable and finding out the limits of usefulness regarding to the chosen methods for locating the failures.

Sociální dopad mentální anorexie u dětských pacientů na rodinu / Social impact of mental anorexy of child patient´s to a family.

ŠOUNOVÁ, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
SOCIAL INPACT OF THE MENTAL ANOREXIA AFFECTING CHILDREN´S PATIENTS ON HE FAMILY In choosing the subject of my degree work I was influenced fundamentally by my experience gained during the department of children´s psychiatry. At thes very interesting work I had opportunity to become acquainted not only with various psychiatric diagnoses but with plenty of human fates in particular. The girls with plenty of human fates in particular. The girls wth mental anorexia were frequent patients of this department. During their long-term and often repeated hospitalization I met both the patients and the whole families. That´s why I could follow the development of the children affected like this and the impact of this illness on the family as well. The mental anorexia is a very grave and lingering illness belonging to the group of disorders in food ingestion. The consequences of this illness for he health can be of an persistent character and it is not exceptional that this illness is even fatal. The therapy is spite of all therapeutical possibilities, the modern psychiatry has at disposal. Therefore, the families of the patients have not only to get over the fear for the life and health of their members, but they have also to overcome longlasting psychological stress connected with the care of the person affected like this. This care can influence the running of the family fundamentally. It often happens that the family has to reduce the professional activities with respect to the exacting care. This can result in aggravation of the economic situation of the family. A considerable lowering of the living standard and the following crisis can take place in families with low incomes. Permanent psychological stress, deterioration of the economic situation and fair for the child can influence also the relations between individual members of the family. It is no exception that this stress has an adverse effect on the marriage of the parents, and that expecially in the case that the marriage was a problematic one as early as before the child fell ill.

Funkčnost neúplné - rozvedené rodiny ve vztahu k dítěti / The functionality of single - parent - divorced family in relation to a child

ELIŠKOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2008 (has links)
Every man enters the marriage and founds family with the idea of undoubtebly lucky and everlasting attachment. Unfortunately, it often happens, that sooner or later, a break-up of this idea occurs. During our lives, all of us face the break-up of marriage, respectively the family from our experience or from people around. The family break-up phenomenon is largely interconnected with the disintegration of traditional society and its transformation into modern industrial society that is set up with other values, other way of life, and legitimity of its autority. If the family does not meet its main objectives, it means important risk for the man affecting his sensitive spots by its dysfunction and afunction. All the members of family, children and adults are given their home by the family. The family nowadays, however, is considerably vulnerable due to changed social situation. The growing number of single-parent families, i.e. families where mother or father themselves take care of their children, is increasing with the number of divorces. The family has as unsubstitutable role in development and children´s bringing up. Instability of family life represents a serious threat in child socialization. The family system functioning is based on personality character, especially in parents, and that is why, when one of the parents fails in his/her basic role, the whole community is severely disturbed. In this regard, it is necessary to ask a lot of questions: How do single-parent families function? Are these families functional in relation to the child? What problems do these families meet? Is it necessary to help these families and how to do it? The last investigation into functioning of families was conducted in the 1980s by means of the Questionnaire of family functionality in relation to a child by Prof. Dunovský. In my thesis I decided to test the functionality of present families, and exactly single-parent {--} divorced families, which are constantly increasing in our society. Every fourth family in the Czech Republic is reported to be single-parent family. The aim of my thesis is, therefore, the findings of functionality level of these single-parent {--} divorced families.

Přístup zdravotnických a sociálních pracovníků ke klientům s psychiatrickým onemocněním / Approach of health and social workers to clients with psychiatric disorders

ZEMANOVÁ, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The current increasing number of people with psychiatric disorders is followed not only economic but also social consequences. There are still prejudices against the mentally ill in our society, they are considered to be incompetent, sometimes dangerous, and thus discrimination and stigmatization of the mentally ill occur. Stigmatization can be prevented by awareness and health education provided to both the general public and medical staff coming into contact with the mentally ill. Health and social workers should be familiar with not only basic manifestations of mental disorders, but also basic principles of treatment and communication with clients with specific mental illnesses, since it is the only way how to achieve good cooperation and create a climate of trust. The aim of this thesis is to get to know the approach of health and social workers to clients with psychiatric disorders. The thesis is supposed to show how health and social workers regard the patients with mental illnesses, if they can recognize symptoms of mental disorders and if they know principles of the right approach to the mentally ill. To get the results, 25 interviews with health and social workers who do not specialize in treating the mentally ill were carried out. The research results show that health and social workers can define what all the term mental illness may involve, they are familiar with the issue of stigmatization and know the main symptoms of specific mental disorders and basic principles of approach to clients. Based on the research outcomes, two hypotheses can be stated: 1. Health and social workers respect the clients with mental illnesses and treat them with regard to symptoms of their illness. 2. Health and social workers are familiar with the specifics and particularities of the approach to clients with specific mental illnesses. The thesis will be used as feedback for health professionals.

Rodina dítěte se SPU / The Family of a child with specific learning disorders

ŠTEFANOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis follows the family context of specific learning disorders. The theoretic part describes the problem of specific learning disorders, their tokens, causes, diagnostics and corrective remedies. The thesis also focuses on role of parents in the context of the problems of learning disturbances and of the stress that is connected with these problems. Experimental part follows the families of children with learning disturbances. By virtue of qualitative research it describes how the parents accept the learning disturbance diagnosis of their children, how they approach to the remedy and how they manage the problem of stress. The last part is made up by supplements containing the illustrations of interviews that have been used during the research.

Metoda EEG biofeedback u poruchy pozornosti

Tylová, Václava January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Identifikace a hodnocení chyb na výrobní lince a jejich prevence / Identification and assessment of errors in the production line and their prevention

Lopata, Zbyněk January 2013 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with the identification and evaluation of mistakes on the production line and their prevention. For the purpose I chose FMEA method. Theoretical part contains description of kinds of FMEA and their application. In the following part description and analysis of current state of production process of the product at NORMA Czech, s.r.o. was made. All important information were recorded to FMEA forms and finally measures for the most critical failures were designed.

Znalosti vybraných studentů Univerzity Karlovy o posttraumatické stresové poruše / Knowledge of selected students of the Charles University of posttraumatic stress disorder

Brodská, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on posttraumatic stress disorder and the related psychosomatic conditions looking into the diversity of somatic responses to stress factors or a traumatic event. In the opening part, trauma processing mechanism is described as well as clinical changes in the brain after an unprocessed traumatic event. The following chapters describe therapy options in case of an existing posttraumatic stress disorder, accepting the traumatic event as part of a closed personal history and creating an added value in the form of higher resistance. The closing theoretic part deals with psychosomatic medicine. The practical part inquires into knowledge of students of the teaching and medical study programmes regarding posttraumatic stress disorder and compares the individual groups. The survey results discover surprising gaps in the professional knowledge of future physicians and teachers. By comparing the related data, a recommendation is being made that students' knowledge has to be broadened in this respect. KEY WORDS psychic traumatic, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychosomatic medicine

Inkluze žáka s poruchou chování na 1. stupni ZŠ / Inclusion of pupils with behavioral disorder in the first grade of elementary school

Lešková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a problem of iclusion of pupils with behavioral disorder in the first grade of elementary shool. The goal of the thesis is to describe an approach of the teachers in the first grade of ordinary elementary school to these pupils. The theorethical part of the thesis describes complex of problems of behavioral disorders, inclusion and current situation of czech educational system. The practical part of the thesis focuses on two czech elementary schools where I have been doing a research during school year 2016/2017. In a process of finding solution of examined problem was used a way of qualitative research and observing methods, analyzes of articles and documents, an interview and comments. The thesis contains a complex case report about pupils with behavioral disorder. This case report is based on information gained during the research and there are also described pedagogical approaches of their teachers. According to that research was found out that a topic of school inclusion is ongoing and teachers are very familier with it. But sometimes they keep mistaking this concept for a concept of integration. There was also found out that teachers have experience with children with behavioral disorder but they are not always able to work correctly with these children. Main...

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