Spelling suggestions: "subject:"poruchy"" "subject:"poruch""
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Narušení kognitivní flexibility a její testování u pacientů s obsedantně-kompulzivní poruchou. / Impairment of cognitive flexibility and its assessment in obsessive-compulsive disorderJaníková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Cognitive flexibility can be described as adaptive ability to change one's behavior in response to the environment. Psychological tests measure cognitive flexibility mainly as an ability to switch between different cues, tasks or objects. This thesis is focused on cognitive flexibility in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). To assess it, participants were tested in two different virtual tests of cognitive flexibility in spatial navigation task: Active allothetic place preference and Active allothetic place avoidance. In one of the tests participants have to navigate in rotating arena towads invisble goal (AAPP). In the other one they have to avoid invisible sector where time is counted upon entering (AAPA). As the sector and goal are visually imperceptible, participants have to use only cues inside and outside the arena and are also informed about entering the sector by sound signal. The sector changes its position from stable position in room frame to stable position in arena frame between conditions. Therefore, participants have to learn to switch between room and arena frame to sucessfully solve the task. Results of this study suggest that OCD patients are significantly worse in estimating position of the goal in AAPP, especially after change of condition. Further comparsion of...
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Proměnné predikující efekt operace u pacientů s bolestí zad / Variables predicting the effects of surgery in patients with low back painHollasová, Sára January 2020 (has links)
Variables predicting the effects of surgery in patients with low back pain Abstract The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes the knowledge about pain and its types, especially chronic pain. Than we focus on low back pain and currently used approaches in the treatment of this syndrome. In this work we summarize the influence of central sensitization and adverse life experineces and posttraumatic stress disorder on pain (especially low back pain). In the practical part, we investigated the effect of central sensitization and adverse life events and posttraumatic stress disroder on the effect of spinal surgery in low back region. The results were obtained using Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI), PTSD Cecklist dor DSM-5 (PCL- 5) a Life Event Checklist (LEC-5 Standard), Short Form 36 Helth Survey Questionnaire (SF- 36), NASS Lumbar Spine Questionnaire. The obtained data were statistically evaluated and processed. Higher scores of CSI and LEC-5 (more adverse life events) were both statistically significantly correlated with worse low back surgery outcomes. At the same time, a statistically significant relationship between PCL-5 (checklist of PTSD symptoms) and CSI was confirmed. Keywords Pain, central sensitization, adverse life experiences, adverse life events, PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder,...
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Opakování pseudoslov u bilingvních dětí. Liší se výsledky ve srovnání s dětmi s vývojovou poruchou jazyka? / Nonword repetition in bilinguals. Does performance differ from Developmental Language Disorder?Hasalová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the patterns in nonword repetition performance of children with a developmental language disorder and bilingual children. It has been shown by previous research that both children with developmental language disorder and bilingual children tend to perform poorly in nonword repetition tasks. As these tasks are one of the tools often used for diagnosing markers of DLD in young children, diagnosing bilinguals with DLD proves to be difficult, since both of the groups exhibit a poor performance. An analysis of the patterns found in NWR performance of bilingual children and children with DLD might shed more light onto the issue. The study focuses on analysing the performance in a widely used assessment task - The Children's Test of Nonword Repetition. Three samples of data were analysed. The first sample of data consisted of monolingual English-speaking children diagnosed with a developmental language disorder. The second sample of data consisted of Czech-English bilingual children from international schools in Prague who started acquiring English at the time of birth, i.e. simultaneous bilinguals. The third and final sample consisted of Czech- English bilingual children from international schools in Prague who started acquiring English after one year of age, i.e. sequential bilinguals....
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Možnosti využití psychoterapie při práci s oběťmi domácího násilí: úhel pohledu pracovníků několika pražských krizových a intervenčních center / Possibilities of using psychotherapy while working with the victims of domestic violence: perspective of workers of several Prague's crisis and intervention centersVrbová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Markéta Vrbová Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using psychotherapy while working with the victims of domestic violence. The aim is to introduce the perspective of this issue from the view of workers from several crisis and intervention centers in Prague. The thesis is structured into two sections; theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contains the definition of domestic violence, its consequences including post-traumatic stress disorder, working with a violent person, and last but not least the possibilities of using psychotherapy and its definition. The empirical part is based on qualitative research, which describes the steps throughout the whole survey. The analysis and interpretation of the data contain the most important extracts of the interviews. This thesis discovers not only if social workers use psychotherapeutic elements with victims, but also other significant topics that are marginally mentioned. The focus must be on these marginally mentioned issues as well to improve the quality of work with victims of domestic violence.
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Citová vazba u žen a mužů se závislostní poruchou v následné péči - genderová analýza / Attachment at women and men with substance use disorders in an aftercare programme - gender analysisPodzimková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Introductions: The research deals with the attachment theory at women and min with substance use disorder in an aftercare programme. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part explains the concept of attachment, describes its theoretical foundations, the connections between attachment and addiction, the possibilities of therapeutic work with attachment, its application in work with people with addiction, gender differences and the specifications of aftercare programmes. The practical part is base on qualitatively oriented research. The research was conducted on interviews with ten respondents, five women (set A) and five men (set B). All respondents are people with SUD, currently abstinents, after addiction treatment, participating in an aftercare programme. Aim: The aim of the research was to compare the differences and similarities at men and women with addiction disorder in their attachment, partnerships and family relationships and the subsequent implications of the results for practical use. Methods: Two semi-structured clinical interviews, the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) and the Current Relationship Interview (CRI), were used for the data generation. AAI is focused on childhood and early relationships between the respondent and his parents, CRI is focused on...
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Concrete has many advantageous properties as regards resistance to fire. It is non-flammable and it has a low thermal conductivity. However, concrete structures, which are not designed for resistance against fire, show significant damage after heating. In particular, the explosive flaking with the consequence of weakening the reinforced concrete cross-section and exposing the steel reinforcement to the temperatures higher than critical temperature of reinforcement. There are only a few possible measures of preventing or mitigating the effects temperature load used. Ways of protection can be divided into two systems: active and passive. Active systems are designed to ensure the greatest possible reduction of temperatures the concrete is exposed to. Passive systems directly resist to high temperatures and fire. Design of composition of concrete with the aim of higher resistance to exposition to high temperatures belongs among the passive systems. A part of the work focuses on summary searches of the problems of concrete and reinforced concrete structures exposed to high temperatures and fire. The goal of the work is defining requirements for cement matrix based composite material and its design ensuring the highest possible resistance to high temperatures or direct fire.
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Současná problematika dětí se syndromem ADHD/ADD / Current Situation with the ADHD/ADP Syndrom ChildrenMARKOVÁ, Marie January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problematic of specific behavior disorders. Despite the age some children keep suffering from complications which negatively influence their studies in the form of insufficient reading techniques, in the lower ability of text understanding and consequently disability to study the read material. The goal of the thesis is to suggest a number of recommendations how to help those children in the phrame of their integration to a common basic schoul course. Separate steps (form and frequency of correction, contents of corrections) are described in the individual educational plan.
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Klinický obraz vývojové dysfázie v konceptu neurovývojových poruch / The clinical picture of developmental dysphasia in the concept of neuorodevelopmental disordersPospíšilová, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Developmental dysphasia (DD) is a developmental language disorder with high prevalence, but also with low publication index and confusion of the terminology (including the Czech version of ICD - "speech" disorder instead of "language" disorder). The scientific view has passed the development from a symptom, through the specific nozologic unit to the current term Developmental language disorder (DLD) and its classification among a new category of diseases in ICD-11 (existing in DSM-5) called Neurodevelopmental disorders. Another disorder with the characteristic pathology in communication is the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which is classified as a disease of the same category as DD. Compared to DD, it has a higher publication index, lower prevalence, and even more serious consequences. Three different domains that cause confusion, both in ASD and DD, are "speech", "language", and "communication". The same confusion applies to the current subtypes in ICD-11 with the term "functional language". In the Czech Republic there are very few studies dealing with the patients with DD, their profile of a clinic picture has not been processed so far. In spite of the increase of Czech research of ASD there is a missing speech, language, and communication profile of these individuals. This has...
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Pomoc dětem s emočními poruchami při vyučování / The Help to children with emotional defects in a process of educationGlajchová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis, which has a descriptive and analytical feature, comprises a determination of emotional disorders with their various manifestations and symptoms. I also described social consequences of a neurotic child because they are neurotic children's crucial factor having significant consequences in the process of education. I also analysed the omitted topic of emotional intelligence, which has been studied in the field of science recently. The crucial part of the diploma thesis includes the analysis of a neurotic child motivation within the process of education and the adequate pedagogical and educational attitudes which involve specific treatments. Regarding the basic part of child's emotional life consists of upbringing within a particular family, it precedes not only the period of school education but also it forms its core and is a natural continuance of the prenatal period. The end of the diploma thesis comprises a description and analysis of a large variety of therapeutic options and alternative ways of treating emotional disorders. Nowadays it is possible to treat emotional disorders effectively even without a pharmacological therapy and their correction can be rather permanent. CRUCIAL VOCABULARY: emotional disorders/defects anxiety tension self-concept family upbringing family...
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Role speciálněpedagogického centra ve vzdělávání pedagogů dětí a žáků s autismem / Role of a special educational centre in training teachers to educate children and pupils vith autism spectrum disorderMorávková, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The basic theme of this work is characterization of the role of Special Educational Centre in the training of teaching staff educating pupils and children with autism spectrum disorder. Theoretical knowledge in the field of autism and education of individuals with disabilities is compared with the content of specific educational seminars and with questionnaire survey from its participants. The analysis of the survey documents and reflects the needs of teachers and it is the basis for the workshop design optimization as well. The result of the presented work emphasizes the need to professionally educate teachers in the field of autism.
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