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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Make Minuscule Monsters

Giannikopoulou, Daphne January 2021 (has links)
This essay follows closely the process of making the work for my degree project. The aim of the text is to reflect as much as possible the entire journey of my thinking and doing, demonstrating how one of the main concepts of the work, metamorphosis, served the final purpose of the project, to build a world for bizarre creatures made of colorful piles of clothes. The methods used were looking for inspiration material online i.e. a performance by Ingri Fiksdal, several drag performers, or a music video by the band Primus, bringing in Posthuman theory and decolonial thinking as well as readings on the grotesque, including writers like Rosi Braidotti, María Lugones, and Sara Cohen Shabot respectively, taking an excessive amount of notes on diary form, and playing dress-up in the studio. The information that surfaced while all the above was combined, is presented in quite a raw form here, not as one smooth text, but as chunks that mirror where my process was at each moment. More so than anything else, this essay demonstrates the messiness of a/my artistic process and acts as a mind map of interests as they get closer to some kind of crystallization. / <p>This master work includes both a performing and a written part.</p>

An Experimental Domain: Object-Oriented Ontology and Architecture

Sezer, Irem 27 July 2023 (has links)
Architectural discourse has begun to explore a new domain of discussion regarding Posthuman theory, Speculative Realism, New Materialism, and Object-Oriented Ontology. The response within academia to these relatively new areas can be seen in architectural school pedagogy, studio topics, syllabi, scholarly works, and projects published by academics and architects. Therefore, speculating about a probable architectural domain or an experimental domain of architectural theory carries significant value in terms of its potential contributions to architectural theory and criticism. Since objects have always been the focus of the architecture profession by the nature of the discipline, architecture has never considered humans as objects until the emergence of Object-Oriented Ontology. Engaging Object-Oriented Ontology in the architectural domain is often understood as a literal translation of philosophy to architectural design. Although Object-Oriented Ontology can be discussed during the design process in terms of positioning humans as objects, aesthetics of objects, and the representation of objects, it is not possible to design an Object-Oriented Architecture due to its level of abstraction. Hence, Object-Oriented Ontology can engage with architecture in three different ways: (1) questioning objects with architectural theory and criticism, namely Object-Oriented architectural criticism, (2) creatively thinking about the methods of representation of architectural objects, and (3) intentionally misreading it and experimenting on the intersection of philosophy and architectural design. This thesis explores the probable architectural domain by discussing the philosophy of Object-Oriented Ontology with architectural objects, and intentionally misreads and misconceptualizes Object-Oriented Ontology by highlighting the potential of the creative dislocation of the philosophy in architectural design. / Master of Architecture / Architectural discourse has begun to explore a new domain of discussion regarding Posthuman theory, Speculative Realism, New Materialism, and Object-Oriented Ontology. Therefore, speculating about a possible architectural domain, or an experimental domain of architectural theory, carries significant value in terms of its potential contributions to architectural theory and criticism. Since objects have always been the focus of the architecture profession by the nature of the discipline, architecture has never considered humans as objects until the emergence of Object-Oriented Ontology. Engaging Object-Oriented Ontology in the architectural domain is often understood as a literal translation of philosophy to architectural design. Even though Object-Oriented Ontology can be discussed during the design process in terms of positioning humans as objects, aesthetics of objects, and the representation of objects, it is not possible to design an Object-Oriented Architecture due to its level of abstraction. However, we can intentionally misread it and creatively experiment on the intersection of its philosophy and architectural design. This thesis explores the probable architectural domain by discussing the philosophy of Object-Oriented Ontology with architectural objects and intentionally misreading and misconceptualizing Object-Oriented Ontology by highlighting the potential of the creative dislocation of the philosophy in architectural design.

Becoming Together and Apart : technoemotions and other posthuman entanglements

Svedmark, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Using social media and norm-breaking material as an empirical touchstone this thesis elaborates, investigates and explores the entangled relationships between humans and technology in social media settings. Guided by uncomfortable, emotional and bodily online sharing the thesis gives voice to stories that are seldom heard, by people whose lives are rarely spoken of. By exploring the performative entanglements of/with/through technology, design and human intent the overall aim is to offer a critical and new understanding of our online togetherness and posthuman becoming. The conceptual framework throughout the thesis is based on posthuman theory and feminist technoscience, two closely connected theories providing a new onto-epistemological way of understanding the world’s becoming. The thesis should be seen as the product of an empirical practice of making theory about digital things, culture, humans and non-humans. By exploring diffraction and touch as not only theoretical standpoints but also hands-on methodology the thesis contributes to the development of new ways of doing research. Important findings arising from the practice of diffraction and touch are Technoemotions – conceptually agents built on a posthuman understanding of how emotions are entangled between and within the phenomenon, becoming important agents in the apparatus creating the phenomenon. Four Technoemotions seem particularly prominent in the material: Trust, Truth, Time and Embodiment. The thesis concludes by providing a discussion on critical alternatives for ethics, politics and power in relation to social media and the norms and norm-breaking practices most of us participate in. The responsibility and ability to respond are addressed, as well as social justice and hope for the future to come. / Sociala medier har för många människor blivit en naturlig del av vardagen där den digitala gemenskapen är lika viktig som den analoga. På platser så som Facebook, Twitter, bloggar och Instagram kommunicerar vi genom att dela med oss av tankar, händelse och åsikter i vår vardag. Vi varvar bilder från vår semester med politiska artiklar, delar vidare kloka citat eller resultatet från ett test av något slag, skryter på våra barn, filmar våra husdjur, delar med oss av sjukdomstillstånd och barnafödande och allt annat som en vardag kan vara fylld av. Just själva delandet är ett viktigt fundament i sociala mediers blivande och dess design är ofta optimerad för att kunna dela samma inlägg till flera olika sociala plattformar med ett enkelt klick. Denna avhandling handlar om hur vi genom sociala medier blir tillsammans på nätet, hur vi formar varandra men även hur vi formas av de tekniska scripts och den design som sociala medier är uppbyggt av. I avhandlingen får läsaren ta del av ett stort normbrytande empiriskt material. Med avstamp i detta normbrytande undersöker sedan författaren hur feministisk teknovetenskap och posthumanistisk teori kan användas som konkret metod för analys. Genom att applicera både närhet och diffraktion till det normbrytande empiriska materialet finner författaren det hon valt att kalla Teknoemotioner – konceptuella agenter som har sitt ursprung i sammanflätningar av digitala, sociala, mänskliga och icke-mänskliga material och kompositioner. Fyra teknoemotioner är särskilt framträdande, dessa är: förtroende, sanning, tid och förkroppsligande men författaren nämner också friktion och frusna berättelser som viktiga för att förstå fenomenet normbrytande delningar i sociala medier. Förtroende, sanning, tid och förkroppsligande är teknoemotioner som befinner sig i mellanrummet mellan skilda delningspraktiker i sociala medier. Dessas teknoemotioner skapar förutsättningar och påverkar upplevelser, ger indikationer om möjliga skillnader och likheter som är av betydelse för hur vi blir tillsammans med digitala material genom sociala medier. Författaren ger exempel på att det visserligen ofta är först i sin frånvaro som teknoemotioner blir uppenbara och får agens. Därmed konstaterar författaren att teknoemotioner också ofta är sin motsats. Analysen visar vidare att användare ofta uppfattar teknoemotionerna som valbara, exempelvis sanning. I sociala medier är sanning ofta en komplex agent, som ifrågasätts eller behandlat som något var och en får/kan avgöra på egen hand. Förtroende likaså. Med teknoemotionen, förkroppsligande, framgår också en tvetydighet, där kroppen (den fysiska) saknas i det virtuella rummet även om digitala kroppar är högst närvarande. Kan det vara så att känslan av anonymitet växer sig starkare om jag kan välja att vara i eller utanför min kropp?  Slutligen, tid. Tid är inte detsamma på internet som vi är vana. Där är tid ett högt arbiträrt begrepp och vi befinner oss i vår historia, samtid och till viss del även får framtid simultant. Avhandlingen avslutas med en metareflektion över hur det är möjligt att skapa kunskap om komplexa posthumanistiska fenomen där mänsklig handlingsförmåga vävs samman med digitala material och dess skilda rationaliteter. Genom att efterfråga alternativa ideal för kunskapsutveckling och design där etik, politik och makt är viktiga inslag hoppas författaren på en kritisk och alternativ förståelse av den verklighetsproduktion som sociala medier (och andra posthumana fenomen) bidrar till.

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