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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sledování výskytu ohrožených a chráněných druhů ryb v povodí horní Blanice / Monitoring of Occurence of Endangered and Protected Fish Species in Upper Blanice River basin

HANÁK, Radek January 2007 (has links)
Fish community of the upper Blanice river basin was studied in eight localities between 62 and 77 river´s km. During the research in the year 2004-2006 was evidenced the occurrence of European crayfish (Astacus astacus) and the freshwater pearl musel (Margaritifera margaritifera). By the ichthyological research was found the occurence of thirteen species of fish and lampreys. In the public notice No. 395/1992 Sb. include Lampetra planeri into critically endangered and three endangered species (Lota lota, Phoxinus phoxinus, Cottus gobio). There are occured the allochtonous fish species Salvelinus fontinalis and Oncorhychus mykiss. The dominant kind is Salmo trutta morpha fario. The next species are Leuciscus cephalus, Leuciscus leuciscus, Thymallus thymallus, Barbatula barbatula. Evidently the allochthonous origin are Rutilus rutilus and Perca fluviatilis in this river basin. For the conservation and the biodivesity safeguarding is necessary to keep the extensive land management in this area and the sensibile catchment and do not affected the natural succesion of the watershed configuration by the adverse ameliorative effects.

Porovnání srážek a průtoků na lokalitě Jenín ve vztahu ke koncentraci dusičnanů. / Comparison of precipitation and runoff in the research area Jenin in relation to nitrates.

ŠULCOVÁ, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The influence of precipitation on runoff characteristics of tile drainage systems and nitrate concentrations in drainage water were evaluated in this thesis. The Jeninsky stream catchment is located at the foothill of Sumava Mountains near the border checkpoint Dolni Dvoriste. Extensive agriculture (pasture) is practised in the catchment as well as surrounding areas. Above mentioned evaluated characteristics were measured on two closure profiles of tile drained subcatchments. Discharges were measured continously, water quality was sampled forthnigtly. Evaluated hydrologic year 2007 was rich in rainfall {--} the precipitation amounted to 892 mm, which is classified as a wet year, despite of 41 days long dry period. Runoff characteristics don{\crq}t vary much in both subcatchments, due to similar area and land use on researched catchments. Long dry period did not cause zero discharges. The progress of nitrate concentrations in subcatchments is characterized by low variations in values. Relatively low values (90-percentil of nitrate concentrations in individual catchments belong to II. and III. class of water quality limits set by Czech legislative) occured in the catchment. These values correspond or slightly exceed values monitored on surrounding simirarly used areas, but are significantly lower than values monitored in areas, where intensive agriculture is practised. This confirms positive influence of grassing on nitrate pollution of drainage and surface water.

Vyhodnocení povodňových průtoků na povodí Jenín / Evaluation of flood flows in the basin Jenín

LEHOVCOVÁ, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate flood flows in the basin Jenín stream. Part of this work is the description of the territory that I prepare from the perspective of the geomorphological, geological, pedological, hydrological, agro-natural, climatic and biotic. For flood flows, I used data for the hydrological year 2009 that I acquired from Thomson weir, where meters are installed. In the first part of this thesis, I conducted field research the functionality of the drainage group. The result is data that recorded performance shafts. In the next section I dealt with the evaluation of quantitative indicators of precipitation, precipitation operation in relation to catchment flows on the cap and providing a critical period in terms of the spring thaw.

Hydrochemické charakteristiky povrchových vod malých povodí v oblasti horní Stropnice / Chemism of surface waters in small watersheds of the upper part of Stropnice river

BAXOVÁ, Iva January 2008 (has links)
Chemism of surface waters in four small watersheds of upper part of Stropnice River was studied from 2005 till 2007. The aim of this work was to consider the relations between different types of land-use and chemism of surface water. There were observed the concentrations of main ions and carbon in the surface waters in eight sample places which were measured monthly. The results were analysed with Repeated Measures ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc analyse was used for detail description. There were no differences between surface water chemisms in the upper parts of four streams. Watersheds in the upper parts are similar and can be considered as a close to natural landscape. In the lower parts of four streams which discharged different types of cultural landscape, significant differences in the water chemisms were found. Significant differences were observed also in the three streams in the water chemisms between upper and lower parts of the watersheds as a result of the land-use change. In the stream where land-use does not change between upper and lower parts of watershed, no differences in the water chemisms were observed. The results show positive relation between the chemism of surface water and land-use and possible effect of human impact on landscape ecosystem and its hydrological component.

Porovnání jakosti vody na zemědělsky využívaném povodí v letech 1983 - 1985 a současným stavem. / Comparison of water quality on agricultural catchment in 1983 - 1985 and in present.

POKORNÁ, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
There are remarkable changes in water quality at the Jenínský stream catchment that lies in the Šumava foothills which were caused by change in land use. Two subcatchments, called J1 and J2, were monitored. In the first period 1983-1985, the two subcatchments were agriculturaly used, the land was fertilized and ploughed and cereals and corn were grown. In the second period 2004-2008, there were grasslands and the land was extensively used as pasture. This change in land use caused evident changes in water quality at the Jenínský stream catchment. The decrease of all monitored indices was remarkably seen in the concentrations of nitrate and ammonium. The average nitrate concentration in 1983-1985 was 39,5 mg . l-1, and decreased by 43,3% to the value of 16,9 mg . l-1 in 2004-2008. The greatest decrease of 85,9% was found in average ammonium concentration (0,4 mg . l-1 dropped to 0,05 mg . l-1). The positive effect of the change from arable land to grassland was confirmed and we can see it in the amount of nitrogen compounds and resulting improvement of water quality.

Hydrologické modelování v GIS / Hydrologic modelling in GIS

LIPPL, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to present the computer supported hydrological simulation. The methods are demonstrated on the Jenínský stream catchment, which serves as an experimental catchment of the Depatment of Land Adjustement, Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia since 2004. The hydrological analyses are solved in the ArcGIS 9.2 software, ArcView level and its extension ArcHydro. Digitized contour lines layers, watershed divide and the stream were used as a basis for functionality testing. Subsequently the results were compared with the reality, and the possible differences were discussed. The result is evaluation of the use of particular tools of the mentonioned software for the tasks solved in catchment hydrology. This work will also be used as a guideline for the use of ArcHydro for the extension of the education of modelling in the subjects concerning catchment hydrology.

Ichtyofauna přítoků Lipenské vodní nádrže / Ichthyofauna tributaries Lipno head

MRÁZ, Roman January 2010 (has links)
The monitoring fishes guild in the year 2009 was effected on territory, which manages drainage area upper Vltava, namely on it duvet-covers going to the head Lipno 1 on tributary river Vltava. Following was conducted by on in advance you - nap localities, having above all naturaly character plus - minimum share anthropogenic hits. To monitoring fishes guild choice flows was used postponement by the help of electric current. Hunt was organized in 100 m sections - progressed upstream flow in his entire latitude. Individual hunts sorts were to be generically determination by the help of specific portfolio was given their longitude bodies consequently were to be undamaged fish returned back to flow. On the grounds bring out was evaluation state fishes guild, near whose we're determine funds generic abundance, biodiversity, ekvitabilition, dominantion, size variability etc . Following proceeded on 8 localities (CHKO and NP Bohemia Forest). Most often recorded sorts were to be Salmo trutta m. fario, Phoxinus phoxinus, Gobio gobio, Thymallus thymallus plus snug plus endangered species Lampetra planeri, , Cottus gobio and Lota lota

Řešení protierozní ochrany na rozhraní povodí v různých projektech pozemkových úprav / Erosion control solutions on the boundary river basins in different projects land adjustment

HAKL, Filip January 2011 (has links)
Erosion is a natural life process. But man its activities and accelerating erosion phenomena that threatens one of the most valuable components of the environment - soil, which is difficult to make up for hundreds and thousands of years. The Czech Republic is threatened by water erosion over the third and wind erosion, about one-tenth of the local soil. When we add to the volume of soil that are occupied by new buildings, it turns out that the soil relatively quickly disappearing. This work deals with the calculation and solution of water erosion in the village Protivec, using the universal equation USLE, the modified equation MUSLE and CN curves method. The resulting values are compared with the values of a land adjustment project, landscaping and erosion control measures are proposed.

Vodní zdroje Kyrgyzstánu jako geopolitický nástroj / Water resources of Kyrgyzstan as a geopolitical tool

Dresler, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the importance of water resources and their influence on political development with the example of Kyrgyzstan. The main objective was to find out the role of water resources in domestic politics, how water influences the relationship between Kyrgyzstan and its neighbors, and whether water resources are of interest to the world's superpowers. Geopolitical analysis was carried out on three levels. At national level, water scarcity, uneven distribution and obsolete water systems are a cause of civil discontent. Corruption in the state sphere negates the possibility of modernization of existing water facilities. Water management is dependent on non-governmental associations and foreign financial assistance. At regional level, there is constant tension between Kyrgyzstan, where all the important rivers of the region rise, and the states lying downstream of these rivers. The cause of this tension is different demands of individual states on water use. International treaties address the situation, but are mostly non-functional in the long term. At the supra-regional level, the interests of especially Russia and China collide. Both superpowers seek to prevent US influence in the region. At the same time, they gain a dominant position in Kyrgyzstan in the economic and security spheres....

Doplnění protipovodňových opatření v povodí Salašského potoka / Flood control measures in the Salašský potok basin

Stolářová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the addition of flood protection measures in the Salašský potok basin. Working closely related to the previous bachelor thesis on Flood protection in the Salašský potok basin. Detail deal with left tributary Salašky - Modranský potok -which runs through the town Modrá, to be occupied by 6 small cascade of water reservoirs. The work is divided into two parts. The first part describes the actual parameters of the tanks and their assessment of the possible spill-over and is solved their overall transformational effect in the basin. In the second part of the thesis dealt with the tank as a semi tank in response to N-leté water and searched their design parameters.

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