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Koncepční návrh sekundárního a terciálního okruhu pro nový jaderný zdroj / Conceptual design of secondary and tertiary circuit for a new nuclear sourceValíček, Roman January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a conceptual design of the secondary and tertiary circuit of a new nuclear power plant in our country, which is preceded by a brief search of particular generations of nuclear reactors. The VVER-1200 reactor became the model for the new nuclear power plant. There was designed a heat diagram containing primary components in this work. After that, there was the balance calculation and calculation of parameters of the main devices of the proposed scheme such as condenser, low-pressure and high-pressure regeneration exchangers and steam generator.
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Kompozitní materiály na bázi alkalicky aktivované vysokopecní strusky s přídavkem elektrárenských popílků / Composite materials based on alcali activated blast furnace slag with admixture of fly ashIndra, Ivo January 2010 (has links)
This thesis concerns on substitution of blast furnace slag or its part with fly ash in alkali-activated systems based on aluminosilikates. Classic, fluid bottom and fluid filter fly ashes will be tested. The goal is to prepare geopolymer with required mechanical properties, but with maximal admixture of alternative raw materials. In composites with substitutioned slag or its part the thesis focuses mainly on workabilityof fresh mixture, pressure and bending strenght. Use of secondary raw materials has advantages in the economic point of view and it´s friendly to enviroment, too.
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Analýza připojení nového zdroje do soustavy / New Resources Connection Analysis to Power SystemGaluszka, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the idea of annexing a new nuclear resource in the locality of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant and the way of its connection to the power system. The main aim of this dissertation is to design concrete solution of the connection of the new resource to a certain point of the power system and complete this design by means of chosen calculation. According to the task, this dissertation consists of three parts. The first part describes the current engineering solution of the main one line diagram of our two existing nuclear power plants and generally of chosen types of power plants abroad, too. There is also a design of the internal consumption of the nuclear power plants. The objective of the second part of this dissertation is to present the survey of the power and dispositional variants of the new resource in view and mainly assess general possibilities of its connection. Using all information from the preceding part, the third part presents the concrete design of the engineering solution of the connection of the new resource to the power system and also the calculation of parameters of block transmission line. Another dissertation named “Study of Slavětice Distribution Substation Enlargement for EDU New Resources“ concurs this part or more precisely, my dissertation as a whole . For my dissertation I have used some materials and information from the ČEZ Corporation which are confidential. I have also used some knowledge from the analysis from the EGÚ Brno Corporation. This dissertation neither represents nor substitutes a complex analysis of all aspects of a new nuclear resource in the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant.
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Využití fotovoltaických systémů v Off-grid aplikacích / Use of Photovoltaic Systems in Off-grid ApplicationsStraka, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with the use of off-grid photovoltaic systems. First we explain the problems associated with the power and energy potential of photovoltaic system components, design of photovoltaic systems for autonomous operation and the financial evaluation. The result of the masters thesis is to create an application used to design the island system in the whole output range (the smallest power systems to house systems application). The conclusion of the masters thesis is devoted to designing three type of projects from our application – a garden cottage, a family cottage and the house.
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Výpočet ustáleného chodu sítě 110 kV / Calculation of the network steady state on the voltage level 110 kVMacháč, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with load flow calculation of electrical network 110 kV before and after the connection to the 70MW gas supply and the 58MW steam and gas supply. This grid can be powered from two 400/110kV substations, namely Sokolnice and Otrokovice. The load flow calculation is realized for the power supply either from Otrokovice or Sokolnice. Furthermore, the calculation of the uni-phase and three phase short circuits in the substations of 110kV network is realized in this thesis. The result of the thesis is the assessment of the voltage ratio in the network, current load of the power line and short circuit resistance of the substations.
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Stav fotovoltaiky v zemích Evropské unie / State of photovoltaic in Europe UnionKada, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Present state analysis of photovoltaic in Europan union is aim of this semestral thesis. First part is focused on technical aspects - principals, components and applications. However economics, policy and development aspects are primary objective. Research of Europan comission targets in 2020 and feasible of meeting them are assessed by two various scenarios. To analyse microenvironment and macroenvironment SWOT nad PEST analysis are used. These analysis are focused for investors who wants to participate in the development of photovoltaic in Europan union.
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Projekt modelu malé vodní elektrárny / The project of model hydroelectric power plantUrbánek, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis consists of the construction of a small hydroelectric power play model for laboratory use. The first step is to calculate parameters required for the creation of the 2D model Banki turbine. Next part is a proposal and selection of individual components of the model, such as generator, turbine housing, water circuit, pump and alternator mounting. The last step is to launch the model and verify, if the model of a small hydroelectric power plant achieves the required parameters.
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Návrh podnikatelského záměru: Fotovoltaická elektrárna / Business Plan Proposal: Photovoltaic Power PlantKrutský, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This Master’s thesis´ topic is “Business Plan Proposal: Photovoltaic Power Plant” and it has been assigned at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management. The target is to create business plan proposal based on real business case that would be actually used not only as summary of all the necessary information for the project owner but also as information source for potential investors and other stakeholders of the project. Except the above mentioned, thesis demonstrates the knowledge of the energetic sector’s environment, ability to implement the legislation, use particular managerial tools and to prepare the technical and economical valuation to make decision making easier and to catch the investors´ eyes. The project concerns construction and operation of the photovoltaic power plant in the Czech Republic.
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Návrh spirály k původní kašnové turbině Katovice. / Spiral case design for fountain turbine Katovice.Čípa, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis should identify inconsistencies of the small hydraulic power plant Katovice. The fountain water turbine is now running in slower delivery because the original Francis high speed turbine achieved much smaller flow than a Kaplan type turbine. The aim of the thesis is a project of a spiral case and a distributor for the Kaplan turbine, which should work in higher flow and should be run in its optimum. This project will serve as a base for construction of distributor and spiral case for the small hydraulic power plant Katovice.
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Paroplynová elektrárna s spalovacími motory / Combi-Cycle with piston engineKubik, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The scope of this diploma thesis of focused on processing and calculation of the technological scheme for combi-cycle power plant with piston engine using heavy fuel oil. There are analyzed demands of piston engine for HFO and design of technological process preparation. This thesis analyzes the suitable locations, service options and alternative solution - heating plant with piston engines. Benefits of each option are assessed in the economic model, assuming power as a source of base load and providing support services. The results are intended to assess feasibility of the investment project.
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