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Estudo e modelagem da arquitetura modular de uma usina solar fotovoltaica arrefecida com protótipo de verificação. / Study and modeling of modular architecture of a solar photovoltaic power plant cooled with verification prototype.Vinícius Oliveira da Silva 30 November 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é modelar a arquitetura de uma usina solar fotovoltaica arrefecida intitulada UFVa, utilizando um protótipo de verificação. A metodologia se baseia na medição, verificação e análise dos dados de temperatura e produção de energia elétrica dos strings de teste (arrefecido) e comparação (não arrefecido), estudo do comportamento da alimentação de água do sistema de arrefecimento e o impacto das condições climáticas na operação do protótipo de UFVa. Por meio das análises dos dados constatou-se que, para o período entre as 09h00min e as 17h30min, os módulos PV do string de teste sempre operam com temperaturas inferiores aos módulos PV do string de comparação. Durante o período de testes, no qual a temperatura dos módulos PV do string de comparação operou acima de 55,0°C, as temperaturas médias e máximas registradas nos módulos PV do string de teste foram inferiores a 37,0 °C, operando sempre abaixo da temperatura nominal de operação da célula (NOCT). A produção de energia elétrica no string de teste superou a do string de comparação em 3,0kWh/dia. Portanto, o sistema de arrefecimento reduz a temperatura de operação dos módulos PV, principalmente no período de máxima geração elétrica, que corresponde ao período das 11h00min às 15h00min, proporcionando ganhos médios de rendimento de 5,9% na produção de energia, 10,3% na potência e 5,4% no FC. / In this work we use a verification prototype to model the architecture of a solar photovoltaic power plant equipped with a cooling system. The power plant we model is called UFVa. The methodology is based on the measurement, verification, and data analysis of temperature, electricity generation, test strings (cooled) and comparison strings (not cooled), along with a study of the water feeding behavior of the cooling system, and the impact of climatic conditions in the UFVa prototype operation. By analyzing the data we observed that, for the period between 09:00am and 5:30pm, the PV modules of the test string operate at temperatures below those of the PV modules of the comparison string. During the tests, in which the temperature of the PV modules of the comparison string operated above 55.0°C, the average and the maximum temperatures recorded in the PV modules of the testing string lied below 37.0°C, operating below the NOCT. Regarding the generation of electricity, the test string generated 3.0 kWh/day more than the comparison string. Hence, the cooling system decreases the operating temperature of the PV modules, particularly during the maximum power generation period which is from 11am to 3pm. This leads to efficiency average gains of up to 5.9% in the generation of electricity, 10.3% in the power, and 5.3% in the PR and PF.
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Caracterização tecnológica das rochas basálticas da Usina Hidroelétrica Canoas I, rio Paranapanema, SP/PR / Technological characterization of basaltic rocks of Canoas I Hydroelectric Power Plant, Paranapanema river, SP/PRAntonio Marrano 23 April 1997 (has links)
Tipos litológicos basálticos provenientes do maciço de fundação da UHE Canoas I foram submetidas a ensaios de caracterização tecnológica com o propósito do seu emprego como material de construção. Foram determinados os valores dos índices físicos (massa específica, porosidade, absorção d\'água), da velocidade de propagação de ondas ultra-sônicas e efetuados ensaios de compressão uniaxial e diametral, entre outros, além de análises petrográficas. Executaram-se, também, ensaios de alterabilidade acelerada (água-estufa, imersão em etileno-glicol) e de alterabilidade natural, tanto em fragmentos de rocha como em testemunhos de sondagens rotativas. São descritos em maior detalhe, os procedimentos utilizados para a realização do ensaio de alterabilidade natural em testemunhos de sondagens rotativas. Analisa-se a influência de uma feição geológica (caixa de falha com cerca de 10 m de espessura e 20º de ângulo de mergulho), presente na fundação, nas propriedades tecnológicas dos tipos litológicos por ela interceptados. São indicados os tipos litológicos selecionados para a utilização como material de construção. / Basaltic litotypes from the rock mass foundation of Canoas I Hydroelectric Power Plant were submitted to technological characterization tests, in order to verify their suitability as construction material. Physical and mechanical properties (density, porosity, water absorption, ultrasonic velocity, compressive and splitting tensile strength, among others) were determined, besides petrographic analyses. Weatherability tests were also performed, not only through wetting-drying cycles and by immersion in ethylene glycol but by outdoor exposure as well, using crushed and core drilled specimens. Detailed procedures for the weatherability test using core specimens from rotary drilling are given. It is analysed the influence of a geological feature (fault zone, about 10 meters thick and 20 degrees dip), that occurs in the rock mass foundation, on the technological properties of these rocks. Basaltic litotypes selected as construction material are then pointed out.
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Agila Staber : En utveckling och utvärdering av ett agilitetsmätande verktyg för staber inom kärnkraftsdomänen / Agile Staffs : Development and evaluation of an agility measuring tool for the nuclear domainEl Ghoul, Fares January 2014 (has links)
Kärnkraftverk är högteknologiska system med hög komplexitet och utan att hantera den här komplexiteten kan små olyckor få katastrofala följder. Närvaron av komplexitet försämrar förmågan att förstå situationer, minskar kontroll samt ökar risken för incidenter. Stabsarbete inom kärnkraftsdomänen kräver ett agilt beteende för att hantera den höga närvaron av komplexitet. Agilitet är förmågan hos en enhet att framgångsrikt genomföra, hantera och/eller utnyttja förändrade omständigheter. Syftet med arbetet är att utveckla ett mätverktyg för att identifiera indikatorer på agilt beteende i stabsverksamhet inom kärnkraftsdomänen. Mätverktyget ska kunna tillämpas av individer utan djup teoretisk kunskap om agilitet och verktyget har testats och utvärderats i en iterativ process på ett kärnkraftverk i Sverige under ett flertal övningar. Utvecklingen av verktyget skedde i samråd med en expert inom stabsarbete. De största skillnaderna i det mätverktyget som utvecklats i den här rapporten gentemot dess föregångare är att det här mätverktyget har kärnkraftsdomänen som måldomän samt att det tillkom ett femte steg där resultatet får en visuell representation. Verktyget kan tillämpas inom andra kärnkraftverk än kärnkraftverket det användes på men om verktyget ska tillämpas inom andra domäner krävs det att det anpassas till den nya måldomänen.
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Differential Use of Two Warm-Water Effluents by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and Temporal Distributions throughout Broward County, FloridaEldredge, Laura F 27 July 2017 (has links)
The threatened Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) migrates seasonally to warm-water refugia throughout the state of Florida due to metabolic requirements from low thermal conductance. Broward County’s two power plant refugia, Port Everglades (PEP) and Lauderdale (LPP), are known heavily-utilized aggregation sites for the Atlantic sub-population. Broward County collected relative abundance counts via aerial surveys from 2004–2013 siting 31,418 manatees during 169 surveys within 18 defined waterway zones. Counts during manatee wintering seasons were significantly different from January 2005-March 2008 and November 2008-March 2013, likely related to flight path and frequency standardization. Mean percentage of adults (90.12%) to calves (9.88%) demonstrates a higher usage by cow-calf pairs than other aggregation sites. Counts of manatees traveling south to Miami-Dade County comprised only 0.83% of all aerial counts, contrary to the theory of the extensive usage of Biscayne Bay foraging grounds. The LPP zone had 57.21% of all manatees with Port Everglades Inlet zone accounting for 23.88% and the South Fork New River zone with 5.95%. This study provided a baseline for pre-construction distributions prior to Port Everglades plant reenergization. With PEP construction now finished and LPP planned for reenergization in the next 10 years, monitoring data studies be compared to these baseline data to better assess the impact of the disruption of Broward County’s main refugia sources.
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Tidal Cycle Effects on the Occurrence of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) at the Port Everglades Power PlantRappucci, Gina 19 October 2009 (has links)
The seasonal distribution of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is influenced predominantly by feeding locations in the summer and proximity to warm-water refuges during colder months. Due to their limited ability to tolerate cold water, when water temperatures drop below 20°C manatees congregate around natural and artificial warm-water refuges, such as warm-water springs or power plant outfalls. Distribution may further be influenced by the tidal cycle through its impact on manatee movement and foraging. Although the importance of tide on manatee distribution and habitat selection has been acknowledged, it has yet to be studied quantitatively in respect to the manatee population in southeast Florida. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the tidal cycle on manatee occurrence at the Florida Power & Light (FPL) Port Everglades Power Plant.
Walking surveys were conducted in Port Everglades during manatee season, November 15 – March 31, between 2004 and 2008. During the surveys, the number of manatees in four established locations was noted and the animals categorized based on size as either calf, juvenile, or adult. Water temperature data were also collected at four permanent sample locations.
Because many surveys yielded zero manatees observed, data were analyzed using the zero-inflated negative binomial model. Although the manatees at the Port Everglades Power Plant must forage away from the warm-water refuge, my findings show no correlation between tidal state and total manatee occurrence at the FPL Port Everglades Power Plant. The results do, however, suggest that the probability of observing a cow/calf pair is greater during high tide when compared to low and mid-tides (P < 0.05). Total manatee occurrence and the presence of cow/calf pairs were both significantly correlated with water temperature (P < 0.05).
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The Effects of an Extended Power Plant Shutdown on the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Port Everglades, FloridaGrissett, Christopher 01 November 2014 (has links)
Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) seek out warmer waters during winter months when ambient water temperatures drop below 20 degrees Celsius. Over time, manatees have discovered artificial warm water sites from power plant discharges in addition to natural sites such as springs and passive thermal refugia (PTRs). The Florida Power and Light (FPL) Port Everglades power plant in Broward County is one such artificial warm water refuge used by manatees. This plant was shutdown on July 16, 2013, and is expected to remain off line for at least three years during demolition and construction of a new facility. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in habitat usage and other responses to the disruption of a warm water refugia (the closure of a power plant) on Florida manatees within the greater Port Everglades region. From November 15, 2013 to March 31, 2014, manatees were counted at the site via shore line and aerial surveys. Environmental data were collected to determine variables correlated to manatee presence and absense. Two manatees were radio-tagged using remote sensing devices in an effort to identify alternative warm water refugia and feeding areas. Data were collected from state and local organizations and photo-identified manatees were used to analyze for trends in cold stress syndrome (CSS) lesions and watercraft scarring. Results confirmed that manatee presence was positively correlated with heater outlet temperature. Differences did not exist between the results of survey methods between the FPL Port Everglades (PE) and Fort Lauderdale (FL) power plant sites, however, differrences in the aerial survey counts showed an increased presence at the FL site during the colder month of January 2014. Data from tagging identified one manatee that preferred the FL site while another preferred PE, presumably due to more convenient access to feeding grounds in Biscayne Bay. Data from mortality events indicated a low number of CSS and watercraft deaths in Broward County as compared to other parts of the state of Florida. Further monitoring of the study area for the remainder of the shutdown period is recommended, as are improvements in survey design, expansion to include additional environmental data from FL, continued mortality statistic analysis and locating possible PTRs.
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Seasonal Aggregations of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in the Port Everglades and Intracoastal Regions of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Goldman, Jaime M. 01 December 2010 (has links)
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), a subspecies of the West Indian manatee, is one of the most endangered marine mammals in United States waters. The Florida manatee is the only manatee that ranges into subtropical and temperate regions. During the winter months manatees adopt a “refuging strategy” where they aggregate at warm-water sources immediately following decreases in the ambient water temperature to below 20° C (68° F) in order to avoid cold stress syndrome (CSS). During the winter manatees aggregate in warm water refuges, including natural warm water springs and the effluent discharges of power plants.
The purpose of this study was to determine the number of manatees that aggregate and utilize the waters of the Florida Power and Light (FPL) Plant in Port Everglades (PPE), Florida, its effluent canal, and the surrounding Intracoastal Waterway during the winter months. This study documents the importance of Port Everglades as a wintering refuge for the Florida manatee. This study analyzed the inverse relationship between the number of manatees present at a warm water effluent and water temperature.
In this study data were collected over five manatee winter seasons (between 15 November and 31 March) from 1999-2004, from both boat-based and land-based surveys monitoring the presence of manatees in the effluent canal from the FPL electricity generating facility in Port Everglades, FL and the Intracoastal Waterway. Findings indicated that there was an inverse relationship between the number of manatees present and water temperature, where more manatees were present in cooler months, and fewer in warmer months. This study also analyzed the parameters of Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) as well as heating degree-days and their effect on and relationship to the number of manatees present. The higher the heating degree-days number, the more severe, or cold, winter this indicates. The year with the highest heating degree-days, 24.98, was the 2002-2003 season, which was also the season with the highest number of manatees observed, 393, and the highest CPUE, 10.62 manatees/day.
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Kalojen kuninkaan tie sukupuuttoon:Kemijoen voimalaitosrakentaminen ja vaelluskalakysymys 1943–1964Alaniska, K. (Kari) 20 November 2013 (has links)
The harnessing of Kemijoki-river became topical at the end of 1944 after the second world war when Pohjolan Voima Ltd, founded by industrial representatives, combined the re-building of the destroyed bridges and building of Isohaara power plant. The government eagerly supported the project. Kemijoki-river was the most important salmon river in Europe, and therefore the fishing issue concerned many. The power company and the politicians promised to handle the fishing issue after it had been thoroughly examined. At first fish transfers were attempted, for which the company expropriated the water areas below the dam. The fish transfers were managed by Lapin läänin Kalastuskuntain liitto. The transfers faced a lot of critique from the beginning, but no intervention took place. Most of the salmon were sold to cover the expenses. As the discontent increased, a fish lift was built in summer 1951. As expected, it could not meet the expectations. However, it could be considered to be the fish transfer device required by law. The next step was to focus on the fish farming, which was widely advertised. But unfortunately also those results were meager.
A state-run Kemijoki Ltd, founded in 1954, built also the other power plants of the river Kemijoki. The outlook of Kemijoki Ltd to the fishing issue was similar to Pohjolan Voima Ltd; it was simply inessential for the nation. Fish ladders were not considered necessary, and officially not even credited. The politicians and other authorities also agreed with this view. The local fishing spokesmen still insisted on demanding fish roads, or at least proper compensations for the losses of salmon fishermen, but the issue seemed to be delayed indefinitely due to various problems. In 1964 the Isohaara power plant received the final planning permission. Simultaneously, it also defined the compensations, which raised discontent and started a thread of complaints.
The main reason for the disappearance of salmon in Kemijoki-river can be concluded to be due to the unofficial alliance of the industry and the politicians; the water power of Kemijoki-river needed to be harnessed quickly to serve the development of the society. It was advertised especially for the advanced well-being of Lapland. Furthermore, this action was supported specifically from the point of view of the local employment. Pohjolan Sanomat, the organ of Maalaisliitto, strongly supported the power plant building of northern waters argumenting the regional policy. This dampened most of the criticism. It can be stated that all the other functions of Kemijoki-river were underestimated. The function of the river was only to produce electricity, which quickly led to the extinction of migratory fish by the 1960s. The salmon in Kemijoki-river had become history. / Tiivistelmä
Kemijoen valjastaminen tuli ajankohtaiseksi loppuvuodesta 1944, kun teollisuuden edustajien toimesta perustettu Pohjolan Voima Oy yhdisti tuhoutuneiden siltojen ja Isohaaran voimalaitoksen samanaikaisen rakentamisen. Valtiovalta kannatti hanketta nopeasti. Kemijoki oli Euroopan tärkein lohijoki, joten kalakysymys huolestutti. Voimayhtiö ja poliitikot lupasivat hoitaa asian, kun sitä olisi ensin tutkittu. Aluksi kokeiltiin ylisiirtoja, joiden järjestelyjä varten yhtiö pakkolunasti padon alapuolisen vesialueen. Ylisiirrot sai hoitaakseen Lapin läänin Kalastuskuntain liitto. Toimintaa arvosteltiin alusta pitäen, mutta siihen ei puututtu. Suurin osa lohista myytiinkin kulujen kattamiseksi. Tyytymättömyyden lisääntyessä rakennettiin kalahissi, joka valmistui kesällä 1951. Kuten oli arveltu, se ei kyennyt täyttämään odotuksia, mutta sen voitiin katsoa olevan lain edellyttämä kalansiirtolaite. Seuraavaksi päätettiin tehostaa kalanviljelytoimintaa, jota mainostettiin laajasti. Myös sen tulokset jäivät kehnoksi.
Vuonna 1954 perustettu valtiojohtoinen Kemijoki Oy rakensi joen muut vesivoimalaitokset. Kemijoki Oy suhtautui kalakysymykseen kuten Pohjolan Voima; asia oli toisarvoinen. Kalaportaita ei pidetty tarpeellisina, eikä niihin virallisesti edes uskottu. Myös poliitikot ja muut päättäjät asettuivat samalle kannalle. Paikalliset kalastuksen edustajat vaativat yhtä kalateitä tai ainakin kunnollisia korvauksia, mutta asia tuntui erilaisten ongelmien takia aina vain viivästyvän. Vuonna 1964 Isohaaran voimalaitos sai lopullisen rakennuslupansa. Siinä määriteltiin myös korvaukset, jotka herättivät laajaa tyytymättömyyttä ja saivat aikaan valituskierteen.
Tärkein syy lohen katoamiseen löytyy teollisuuden ja poliitikkojen epävirallisesta liitosta: Kemijoen vesivoima haluttiin nopeasti valjastaa palvelemaan yhteiskunnan kehittämistä. Hanketta markkinoitiin erityisesti Lapin hyvinvoinnin edistämisellä. Toimintaa kannatettiin nimenomaan työllisyysnäkökulmasta. Myös Maalaisliiton äänenkannattaja Pohjolan Sanomat tuki voimakkaasti pohjoisen vesirakentamista aluepoliittisin perustein. Tämä oli omiaan vaimentamaan kritiikkiä. Voidaan todeta, että Kemijoen kaikkia muita käyttöarvoja aliarvioitiin. Joen tehtäväksi jäi vain ja ainoastaan sähköntuottaminen, joka johti vaelluskalakantojen nopeaan sukupuuttoon 1960-luvulle tultaessa. Kemijoen lohesta oli tullut historiaa.
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Hodnocení investičního záměru - Geotermální elektrárna / Evaluation of the investment intention – Geothermal power plantLouda, David January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to create a project of a small power plant in the Czech republic, which would be powered by geothermal energy as a renewable energy source. Followed by evaluation of economic effectiveness and return of that investment. For which I use known methods for evaluation and investment decision making.
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Vyhodnocení investičního záměru: Výstavba bioplynové stanice Smržice / Investment project evaluation: Construction of the biogas power plant SmržiceKalista, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The investor has to decide whether he realizes the investment in the biogas power plant Smržice with a certain installed capacity If implemented, the investor is entitled to the government-guaranteed purchase price of electricity fixed for 15 years. It is necessary to predict profits and cash flows of each period which are further used for dynamic investment evaluation methods for the purpose of investment decision making. The application of the net present value shows whether the investment project is acceptable or not. The sensitivity analysis is used to compare changes in inputs with its impact on the net present value. The biogas power plant Smržice is typical example of biogas power plants built in Czech Republic in 2011-12 due to the government economic support, so finally these conclusions are generalised for the whole branch of electricity production from biogas.
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