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Resning i skattemål : - En studie av resningsbestämmelserna i regeringsformen och förvaltningsprocesslagenKriborg, Frida January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Utvärdering av analys av pankreas-specifikt lipas hos hund och katt med Vcheck V200 : en prospektiv komparativ studie / Evaluation of analysis of pancreas-specific Lipase in dogs and cats with Vcheck V200 : a prospective comparative studyCarlsson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Pankreatit anses vara en vanligt förekommande sjukdom hos hundar och katter och kan diagnostiseras genom mätningar av koncentrationen Canine Pancreas-specific Lipase (cPL) respektive Feline Pancreas-specific Lipase (fPL) i serum. Utifrån dessa koncentrationer graderas patienten enligt normalvärde, gråzon eller indikation på pankreatit. Golden standardmetoden för att analysera cPL/fPL är Spec cPL respektive Spec fPL. Nya metoder har utvecklats för kvantitativ mätning av pankreas-specifik lipas såsom Vcheck V200, ett instrument, som analyserar cPL/fPL med en fluorescerande immunoassay. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera analys av cPL/fPL på Vcheck V200 samt jämföra resultatet från detta instrument med värdena från ett referenslaboratorium i Tyskland för att se om det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan metoderna. Koncentrationen cPL i hundserum (n=37) och koncentrationen fPL i kattserum (n=29) analyserades på Vcheck V200. Dessa prover skickades även till referenslaboratoriet där analysen Spec cPL respektive Spec fPL utfördes. Spridningen var stor kring bias i Bland-Altman diagram för både cPL och fPL och jämförelsen mellan metoderna för de specifika koncentrationerna av cPL/fPL bedömdes vara statistiskt signifikant (p<0,05). 27% av hundproverna graderas olika enligt de båda metoderna och skillnaden var signifikant (p<0,05). 24% av kattproverna graderades olika men skillnaden var inte signifikant (p=0,257). Studien tyder på att jämförelsen mellan de båda metoderna var signifikant förutom vid graderingen av kattproverna. Beaktande detta och det faktum att kvalitetssäkringen brister vid analys av fPL på grund av avsaknad av kontroller kan i dagsläget inte cPL/fPL på Vcheck V200 ersätta den nuvarande golden standardmetoden, trots att ingen signifikant skillnad sågs vid gradering av kattprover. / Pancreatitis is a common disease in canine and felines and can be diagnosed by measuring the concentration of Canine Pancreas-specific Lipase (cPL) or Feline Pancreas-specific Lipase (fPL) in serum. Based on the concentration of cPL/fPL, the patient is then classified in different diagnostic categories (normal value, gray zone or indication of pancreatitis). Spec cPL and Spec fPL is currently the golden standard method for analysis of cPL and fPL. New methods have been developed for the quantitative measurement of pancreatic lipases. Vcheck V200, being one example, utilizing a fluorescent immunoassay for quantification of the lipase. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cPL and fPL analysis on the Vcheck V200 and to examine if there was a significant difference (p≤0,05) when comparing the result from Vcheck V200 with the results from a reference laboratory. The concentration of cPL (n=37) and fPL (n=29) in serum from canine or felines were analyzed using Vcheck V200. The samples were also sent to the reference laboratory where Spec cPL and Spec cPL were performed. A Bland-Altman plot comparison between the two methods showed a large spread for both analysis of cPL and fPL. Comparison of the specific values for analysis of cPL and fPL between the two methods revealed a significant difference (p<0,05). 27% of the dog samples were categorized differently according to the two methods and this difference was significant (p<0,05). 24% of the cat samples were categorized differently and no significant difference were observed (p=0,257). This study indicates that the difference between the two methods was significant, besides the classification of cat samples. Considering this and the lack of quality assurance regarding analysis of fPL due to lack of controls, the cPL/fPL analysis on Vcheck V200 cannot replace the Spec cPL or Spec fPL at present.
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Using The Six Sigma Policy Deployment Cycle To Mitigate Project FailurMagadi, Archana 01 January 2004 (has links)
Many organizations are struggling to improve customer-focused quality in today's highly competitive domestic and global markets. At the same time, these organizations have failed to implement the Six Sigma methodology into their daily control and strategic planning processes. Six Sigma deployment failures have been categorized as coming from many sources, both management related and person related. Some of the key management related Six Sigma project failures have been identified and discussed in this research work. For continuous improvement to truly take root, organizations must realize that just successfully applying quality tools on any process will not necessarily provide dramatic results, unless the concepts of policy management and deployment are institutionalized. A model called "Six Sigma Policy Deployment" was developed and has been proposed which may help mitigate Six Sigma project failures that are presently attributed to management and organizational issues. By integrating Policy Deployment, the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) problem solving approach, and the classic PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle, the potential for breakthrough improvements in any organization can be enhanced. The model was contrasted against a list of 30 sources of failure in typical Six Sigma projects in order to validate its applicability to mitigate these failures. Furthermore these failures were matched with the work of recent quality theorists in order to validate their occurrence and relevance. A case study section is presented to illustrate FPL's Quality Improvement Program and the Six Sigma Lifecycle, which are bases for the new model. This section also highlights how the use of the proposed Six Sigma Policy Deployment model could help to mitigate potential Six Sigma project failures.
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“Att titta fotboll på tv är det värsta jag vet” : - En etnografisk studie om den ökande medialiseringen inom fotbollen / “Watching football on TV is the worst thing i know” : - An ethnographic study about the increasing mediatization in footballBillinger, Julia, Gelang, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har vi undersökt fotbollsfansens egna upplevelser under den ökade medialiseringen, som är en process som påskyndats under den pågående pandemin. Vi har genom etnografiska metoder, där halvstrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer och etnografiska observationer har varit centrala, försökt uppbringa kunskap kring hur individens egna upplevelser och engagemang förändrats under en tid av ökad medialisering. Genom att applicera Schulz (2004) fyra aspekter av medialisering på vårt material kunde vi se att fankulturen inom fotbollen faktiskt har förändrats som en följd av medialiseringen och pandemin. Denna förändring innebär att nya former av fankulturer har kunnat växa fram och förändrat fansens upplevelser av fotbollen och deras möjligheter till engagemang. Vi kunde se att förändringen som medialiseringen har medfört tagit olika uttryck beroende på om man var ett fan av ett lokalt eller internationellt lag. För majoriteten av de lokala fansen har de tomma läktarna inneburit ett minskat intresse för sitt egna lag men ett ökat intresse för fotbollen i stort, där de stora internationella ligorna och lagen fått den mesta uppmärksamheten. För de internationella fansen har den ökade medialisering inneburit ett ökat medialt intresse för andra internationella lag och spelare utöver sina egna. Vi kunde även se ett utbyte av de känslor man traditionellt förknippar med fotbollsfans som en följd av att intresset förändrats. / In this paper we aim to gain understanding about football fans' own experiences during the increasing mediatization, a process that has been accelerated during the ongoing pandemic. We have through ethnographic methods, where semi structured interviews and ethnographic observations have been central, tried to gain knowledge about how individual experiences and commitments changed during a time of increased mediatization. By applying Schulz (2004) four aspects of mediatization to our gained material, we could see that the fan culture in football has actually changed as a result of the mediatization and pandemic. This change means that new forms of fan cultures have been able to emerge and have changed fans' experiences of football and their opportunities for commitment. We could see that the changes that meditization has brought about has taken on different expressions depending on whether you were a fan of a local or international team. For the majority of the local fans, the empty stands have meant a reduced interest in their own team but an increased interest in football in general, where the big international leagues and teams have received the most attention. For the international fans, the increased mediatization has meant an increased media interest in other international teams and players than their own. We could also see that many of the feelings we traditionally associated with football fans have changed as a result of the change in interest.
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Control of the human thumb and fingersYu, Wei Shin, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
In daily activities, hand use is dominated by individuated thumb and finger movements, and by grasping. This thesis focused on the level of ???independence??? of the digits and its relationship to hand grasps, from the level of the motor units to the level of synergistic grasping forces. Four major studies were conducted in healthy adult volunteers. First, spike-triggered averages of forces produced by single motor units in flexor pollicis longus (FPL) in a grasp posture showed small but significant loading of the index, but not other fingers. This reflected a neural rather than anatomical coupling, as intramuscular stimulation produced minimal effect in any finger. Also, FPL had a surprisingly large number of low-force motor units and this may account for the thumb???s exceptional dexterity and force stability compared with the fingers. Second, independent control of extensor digitorum (ED) was more limited than flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), as more ED motor units of a ???test??? finger were recruited inadvertently by extension than by flexion of adjacent digits. Third, ???force enslavement??? in maximal voluntary tasks was greater in digit extension than flexion. The distribution of force enslavement (and deficits) matched the pattern of daily use of the digits (alone and in combination), and reveals a neural control system which preferentially lifts fingers together from an object by extension but allows an individual digit to flex to contact an object so the finger pads can engage in exploration and grasping. Finally, during grasping, irrespective of whether a digit had been lifted from the object, coherence among forces generated by the digits was similar. In addition, the coherence between finger forces was independent of any contraction of the thumb, was stable over 2 months, and required no learning. The pattern of coherence between digital grasping forces may be closely related to the level of digit independence and daily use. Overall, the grasp synergy was remarkably invariant over the various tasks and over time. In summary, this thesis demonstrates novel aspects of the properties of FPL, the lack of complete independence of the digits, and robustness in the production of flexion forces in hand grasps.
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Differential Use of Two Warm-Water Effluents by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and Temporal Distributions throughout Broward County, FloridaEldredge, Laura F 27 July 2017 (has links)
The threatened Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) migrates seasonally to warm-water refugia throughout the state of Florida due to metabolic requirements from low thermal conductance. Broward County’s two power plant refugia, Port Everglades (PEP) and Lauderdale (LPP), are known heavily-utilized aggregation sites for the Atlantic sub-population. Broward County collected relative abundance counts via aerial surveys from 2004–2013 siting 31,418 manatees during 169 surveys within 18 defined waterway zones. Counts during manatee wintering seasons were significantly different from January 2005-March 2008 and November 2008-March 2013, likely related to flight path and frequency standardization. Mean percentage of adults (90.12%) to calves (9.88%) demonstrates a higher usage by cow-calf pairs than other aggregation sites. Counts of manatees traveling south to Miami-Dade County comprised only 0.83% of all aerial counts, contrary to the theory of the extensive usage of Biscayne Bay foraging grounds. The LPP zone had 57.21% of all manatees with Port Everglades Inlet zone accounting for 23.88% and the South Fork New River zone with 5.95%. This study provided a baseline for pre-construction distributions prior to Port Everglades plant reenergization. With PEP construction now finished and LPP planned for reenergization in the next 10 years, monitoring data studies be compared to these baseline data to better assess the impact of the disruption of Broward County’s main refugia sources.
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The Effects of an Extended Power Plant Shutdown on the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Port Everglades, FloridaGrissett, Christopher 01 November 2014 (has links)
Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) seek out warmer waters during winter months when ambient water temperatures drop below 20 degrees Celsius. Over time, manatees have discovered artificial warm water sites from power plant discharges in addition to natural sites such as springs and passive thermal refugia (PTRs). The Florida Power and Light (FPL) Port Everglades power plant in Broward County is one such artificial warm water refuge used by manatees. This plant was shutdown on July 16, 2013, and is expected to remain off line for at least three years during demolition and construction of a new facility. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in habitat usage and other responses to the disruption of a warm water refugia (the closure of a power plant) on Florida manatees within the greater Port Everglades region. From November 15, 2013 to March 31, 2014, manatees were counted at the site via shore line and aerial surveys. Environmental data were collected to determine variables correlated to manatee presence and absense. Two manatees were radio-tagged using remote sensing devices in an effort to identify alternative warm water refugia and feeding areas. Data were collected from state and local organizations and photo-identified manatees were used to analyze for trends in cold stress syndrome (CSS) lesions and watercraft scarring. Results confirmed that manatee presence was positively correlated with heater outlet temperature. Differences did not exist between the results of survey methods between the FPL Port Everglades (PE) and Fort Lauderdale (FL) power plant sites, however, differrences in the aerial survey counts showed an increased presence at the FL site during the colder month of January 2014. Data from tagging identified one manatee that preferred the FL site while another preferred PE, presumably due to more convenient access to feeding grounds in Biscayne Bay. Data from mortality events indicated a low number of CSS and watercraft deaths in Broward County as compared to other parts of the state of Florida. Further monitoring of the study area for the remainder of the shutdown period is recommended, as are improvements in survey design, expansion to include additional environmental data from FL, continued mortality statistic analysis and locating possible PTRs.
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Seasonal Aggregations of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in the Port Everglades and Intracoastal Regions of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Goldman, Jaime M. 01 December 2010 (has links)
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), a subspecies of the West Indian manatee, is one of the most endangered marine mammals in United States waters. The Florida manatee is the only manatee that ranges into subtropical and temperate regions. During the winter months manatees adopt a “refuging strategy” where they aggregate at warm-water sources immediately following decreases in the ambient water temperature to below 20° C (68° F) in order to avoid cold stress syndrome (CSS). During the winter manatees aggregate in warm water refuges, including natural warm water springs and the effluent discharges of power plants.
The purpose of this study was to determine the number of manatees that aggregate and utilize the waters of the Florida Power and Light (FPL) Plant in Port Everglades (PPE), Florida, its effluent canal, and the surrounding Intracoastal Waterway during the winter months. This study documents the importance of Port Everglades as a wintering refuge for the Florida manatee. This study analyzed the inverse relationship between the number of manatees present at a warm water effluent and water temperature.
In this study data were collected over five manatee winter seasons (between 15 November and 31 March) from 1999-2004, from both boat-based and land-based surveys monitoring the presence of manatees in the effluent canal from the FPL electricity generating facility in Port Everglades, FL and the Intracoastal Waterway. Findings indicated that there was an inverse relationship between the number of manatees present and water temperature, where more manatees were present in cooler months, and fewer in warmer months. This study also analyzed the parameters of Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) as well as heating degree-days and their effect on and relationship to the number of manatees present. The higher the heating degree-days number, the more severe, or cold, winter this indicates. The year with the highest heating degree-days, 24.98, was the 2002-2003 season, which was also the season with the highest number of manatees observed, 393, and the highest CPUE, 10.62 manatees/day.
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Concentration sérique de la lipase DGGR chez le chat lors d’insuffisance rénaleBua, Anne-Sophie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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