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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pyrodinium cysts in manatee stomach contents : harmless tourists or Trojan horses?

Rindfuss, Elaine January 2010 (has links)
First described by Plate (1906), Pyrodinium bahamense is a bioluminescent dinoflagellate species which forms a resting cyst as part of its life cycle.  P. bahamense forms large dense cyst beds in the flocculent layer of sediments and can remain dormant for decades before excysting and forming blooms.  The Atlantic strain has recently been discovered to produce a neurotoxin called saxitoxin.  Although saxitoxins are most commonly associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning, saxitoxin produced by P. bahamense has been implicated in a number of human illnesses following the consumption of contaminated puffer fish originating from the Indian River Lagoon, Florida.  The discovery of P. bahamense cysts on seagrass blades during an ongoing bloom raised the question of whether manatees, whose diet is composed mainly of seagrass, could be at risk of exposure to saxitoxins.  The aim of this study was to determine whether P. bahamense cysts can be digested in the manatee gastrointestinal tract or if they would pass through intact.  There are no known methods for purifying P. bahamense cysts from the contents of the manatee gastrointestinal tract, so it was necessary to develop an appropriate protocol using cysts purified from sediments in Tampa Bay, Florida.  These methods were then to be used to test whether P. bahamense cysts added to manatee digesta break down over time, and also to test archived digesta samples for presence of cysts.  A successful method for purifying cysts from manatee digesta could not be developed during the span of this study, and so no conclusions could be drawn about the likelihood of digestion.  However, archived samples were found to contain P. bahamense cysts, confirming that manatees are ingesting them while feeding.

Regionalization of Scar Patterns on the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Observed at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida.

Unknown Date (has links)
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is native to Florida and the Indian River Lagoon. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) is located in Indian River Lagoon and is frequently visited by manatees. The Manatee Project was created in 2009 to document and photograph the manatees visiting HBOI. Analyzing photographs of 146 manatee that visited HBOI showed that a majority of the injuries sustained were caused by boats. 97% of the manatee had at least one propeller injury and 31% of the manatee had at least one skeg injury. Other non-boat related injuries seen in the images included cold stress and entanglement injuries. This study looked at the prevalence of scar by anatomical region, the cause of injury, and compared injury locations between male and female manatees. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Vectors of Brevetoxins to Marine Mammals

Flewelling, Leanne J 24 October 2008 (has links)
Mass mortalities of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have been attributed to brevetoxins produced by the Florida red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. The multiple routes through which marine mammals can be exposed to brevetoxins have complicated efforts to understand the mechanisms that lead to mass mortality events. In spring of 2002, 34 endangered Florida manatees died in southwest Florida, and in spring of 2004, 107 bottlenose dolphins died in the Florida Panhandle. These events provided unique opportunities to make clear connections between ingested brevetoxins and marine mammal mortalities without the confounding issues of concurrent exposure through direct contact or inhalation. Prior to 2002, the accumulation of brevetoxins on or in seagrass had never been previously reported, and the delayed or chronic exposure of manatees to brevetoxins through seagrass was not recognized as a threat. Brevetoxins were shown to persist in association with seagrass at high levels for weeks and at lower levels for months in the absence of K. brevis. Analyses of the epiphytes and detritus on the surface of the seagrass leaves as well as of the cleaned seagrass leaves and rhizomes revealed that during a K. brevis bloom as much as half of the toxin present in the seagrass may be associated with the leaves themselves, while after a bloom, the majority of the toxin present is associated with the epiphytes. The 2004 mass mortality of bottlenose dolphins in the Florida Panhandle clearly indicated that fish have the potential to vector brevetoxins to higher tropic levels. Analyses of fish collected live from St. Joseph Bay and southwest Florida revealed that brevetoxin accumulation in fish is a common occurrence. Planktivorous clupeid fish are capable of accumulating high concentrations of brevetoxins within their viscera, and their movement can result in spatial separation of a bloom and animal exposure. Sciaenid species and pinfish also accumulated brevetoxins but to a lower extent. These fish, as well as other omnivorous and piscivorous species, may retain brevetoxins in their tissues at significant concentrations after a bloom has dissipated, which may lead to temporal separation of blooms and animal exposure.

Call Categorization and Vocal Behavior of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris)

Unknown Date (has links)
Florida manatees are semisocial marine mammals that vocalize when interacting with conspecifics and to maintain contact with offspring. While many aspects of their biology have been studied, there is a dearth of information on the diversity and complexity of vocal behavior during social, nonsocial, and stressful situations. Investigations of vocal communication repertoires which define, categorize, and correlate varied call types with behavior are needed in order to understand the behavioral and social function of associated calls. Arguably the most important social bond in manatees is the period of cow/calf dependency and empirical evidence indicates cows recognize the vocalizations of offspring. Exploration of individually distinctive vocal features can provide insight on which parameters might be salient to facilitate recognition between cows/calves. This study is focused on vocal communication in Florida manatees, how calls are structured, utilized and function while animals are distressed and during social interactions in their shallow water habitats. Hydrophones recorded vocalizations from individual calves and manatees in different behavioral contexts and varying size aggregations. Analysis of the vocal repertoire indicated manatee vocalizations can be parsed into five broadly defined call types which include the hill-shaped high squeak, tonal squeak, noisy squeal, two toned chirp, and the combinatorial squeak-squeal. Furthermore, the high squeak is likely a discrete call whereas the others are graded and do not have strict boundaries between call types (Chapter 2). Broadly defined call types were used to explore call usage with variations in behavior, group size, and group composition (Chapter 3). Manatees vocalized using few call types and altered structural parameters depending on behavioral state. Calls were longer and more frequency modulated when stressed. Vocalizations produced while cavorting were higher in entropy and more frequency modulated than when manatees were resting or feeding. Vocalizations obtained from individual calves suggest that the high squeak is a stereotypical call that is produced by smaller calves. All calves had individually distinctive acoustic features that could potentially be used in recognition (Chapter 4). Lower fundamental frequencies and higher emphasized frequencies from smaller calves suggest that the fundamental frequency may not be a reliable indicator of body size in calves. This research increases our knowledge of the vocal behavior and call characteristics of the Florida manatee. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Physiological Constraints on Warm-Water Habitat Site Selection and Utilization by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in East Central Florida

Spellman, Ann 01 January 2014 (has links)
Living at the northern limits of its geographic range, the Florida manatee is particularly susceptible to cold stress-related mortality during the winter months, with most deaths occurring in the lower two-thirds of the state. Contributing to this cold stress susceptibility is the manatee's limited physiological and behavioral responses available when thermally stressed. While capable of migrating south in response to falling water temperatures, manatees must still find warm water when ambient river temperature drops below 20°C for more than a few days. This is in part due to the species low metabolic rate, limited capacity for thermogenesis, and limited ability to raise its metabolic rate. Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures may result in cold stress syndrome, which involves a number of potentially life-threatening, if not fatal physiological changes. Survival during the winter months is therefore, dependent upon the manatee's ability to balance basic physiological needs, primarily the need to forage and to obtain fresh water with the need to stay warm. When identifying which animals are most susceptible and where, analyses of statewide manatee mortality records from 1996 through 2011 (n = 823) indicated that, size and location matter. Medium to large-sized calves accounted for the majority of documented death from cold stress (46.6%), while subadults and small calves were the least represented size classes (14.3 % and 9.5%, respectively). Adults slightly outnumbered subadults (15.8%). Males outnumbered females in all size classes but gender differences were not statistically significant. With regards to location, two areas of the state, the southwest and central east coasts showed the highest incidents of cold stress-related mortality. Both are regions with no primary, natural warm-water springs and whose principal warm-water refugia are power plant effluents. Brevard County on the central east coast is the area most at risk during cold weather events accounting for more than 25% of all cold stress deaths statewide. Warm-water sites within this region are few and relatively underrepresented in the literature in an area well-studied in terms of manatee abundance and distribution relative to the operational power plant. Results from cold stress data analyses emphasize the importance of identifying and characterizing the physical attributes of both known and suspected secondary warm-sites used by manatees in this region for both long and short term protection of the species, and its critical habitat. Three locations within Brevard County identified as passive thermal basins (PTBs), and classified as secondary warm-water sites, have been documented supporting in excess of 100 manatees on numerous occasions, and during winters of varying severity. Unique in physical appearance, distance to forage, hydrology including thermal profiles, and when it was used by manatees, each site challenged the accepted definitions and criteria of what constitutes an acceptable and appropriate warm-water site. Through analyses of photo-identification records, site fidelity at two of these warm-water sites, the Berkeley Canal and the Desoto Canal, was established for a minimum of 20 highly identifiable animals, 15 of which used adjacent sites within the same year, and 6 that used both sites but during different years. Observations of daily use patterns within the sites supported optimization of thermoregulation through adjustments in both vertical and horizontal movement, the latter of which seemed to follow the path of the sun. Manatees using the sites also made use of bottom sediment presumably to stay warm at all three locations. Temperature data indicated that water temperatures monitored in the sediment at secondary sites were some of the highest in the county. The predictable movements during all but the coldest weather fronts indicated that manatees utilized these sites during the early morning and afternoon hours when ambient river temperatures were coldest, gradually returning to the river to feed as ambient temperatures began to rise later in the afternoon. The availability of PTBs in proximity to primary warm-water sites within the region may provide an important component needed for manatees to successfully balance the need to forage with the need to stay warm by providing a network that allows for more efficient foraging while reducing exposure to sub-critical ambient river temperatures. The challenge of balancing the need to forage and to maintain homeostasis in the face of thermal stress is complex. This complexity was best approached and better understood through use of a manatee energetics model. The model was designed to facilitate simulation of an unlimited number of different case scenarios involving the exposure of virtually created manatees to a variety of winter conditions as might be experienced by real manatees in a natural system. Sixty-four different simulations were run using six virtual manatees of differing ages, gender, physical parameters, and knowledge of warm-water sites. Simulations were conducted using actual winter water temperature data from Brevard secondary sites and the ambient river from both a mild and a severe winter season. Outcomes, measured as changes in physical parameters indicative of body condition (i.e. mass, percent body fat, blubber depth, girths, etc.), showed that all else being equal, calves in the 2 year-old range fared poorly in all scenarios when compared to individuals of larger size. Subadults fared better than larger adults. This outcome illustrates the complex relationship between size, energy requirements and the synergistic effects of body mass, body fat and blubber thickness on SA:V ratio. Model outcomes agree closely with manatee cold stress mortality analyses predicting that medium to large-sized calves are most susceptible to CS, followed by adults, then subadults. Because all models are simplifications of complex systems, the manatee energetics model is not without its flaws and limitations. The current version of the model could not predict the point at which cold stress mortality would occur. However, a cold stress warning system incorporated into the design alerts the user if potential CSS is likely based on changing physical parameters. Another limitation was the inability of the model to account for the behavioral plasticity of individual subjects since virtual manatees respond to water temperatures based on the user defined rules. A number of additional limitations related to gaps in existing manatee data the gaps were identified and defined. Despite these gaps, the model is designed to allow for incorporation of additional interactions, feedback loops and relevant data as it becomes available and as additional physiological interactions and energy requirements are more clearly defined. Sensitivity analyses, a feature of the model that allowed for modifications in a number of physical as well as environmental parameters, provided an otherwise unlikely opportunity to see how incremental changes in input values, specifically the starting values for mass, percent body fat and blubber depth affected the model's outcome. Ultimately the goal of the model was to facilitate a better understanding of complex relationships by challenging our preconceived understanding of the manatee and its environment.

Quantifying the Probability of Lethal Injury to Florida Manatees Given Characteristics of Collision Events.

Combs, B. Lynn 03 November 2018 (has links)
Wherever wildlife share space with boaters, collisions are a potential source of mortality. Establishing protection and speed zones are the primary actions taken to mitigate collision risk. However, creation of protection zones may be a point of contention with stakeholders as new zones can have significant socioeconomic impacts. The Florida Manatee is a prime example of a species whose abundance and viability are constrained by this balance between the needs of humans and wildlife on a shared landscape. The goal of this work is to help further understand the risk to manatees by quantifying the probability of lethal collisions. I hypothesized that higher boat speeds increase the probability of lethal injury to manatee during a collision and aimed to characterize the relationship between vessel speed and the probability of lethal injury to manatee. I used a logistic regression model implemented with a Bayesian approach and fitted to citizen reported collision data as a feasible method for examining the influence of vessel speed in contributing to lethal injury to a manatee when struck. I also present a method for dealing with uncertainty in data used to report collisions. To conduct this analysis, I used citizen reported collision data. These data are typically collected opportunistically, suffer from low sample sizes, and have uncertainty in reported vessel speeds. Uncertainty associated with speed values in reported collision events was assessed by performing a multiple imputation to replace qualitative vessel speed – in other words, “missing data” – with quantitative values. This procedure involves fitting log-normal distributions to radar data that contained precise vessel speeds along with a physical description like ‘planing’, ‘plowing’, or ‘idle’. For each imputation of the data, a quantitative value was selected randomly from that distribution and used in place of its initial corresponding speed category. I evaluated issues related to quasi-separation and model fit using simulated data sets to explore the importance of sample size and evaluated the effect of key sources of error. The prediction that greater strike speed increases the probability of lethal injury was supported by the data that I analyze

Diel, Tidal, and Sex Based Differences in Time Spent Feeding by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris)

Flora, Megan 14 November 2012 (has links)
The feeding behavior of an animal is based on adaptations to the environment and the animal’s body condition. The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is an example of a marine mammal that may alter its feeding pattern based on diel and tidal cycles. The increased presence of boats during the day could potentially cause manatees to alter their feeding rates, or the time spent feeding per hour, over the diel cycle. Tide levels may cause manatees to be restricted from areas of preferred vegetation. In addition, the differential reproductive investment between males and females may cause differential time dedicated to feeding between the sexes. This study analyzed sound recordings (lasting up to 24 hr) from manatees tagged in southwest Florida with a digital acoustic recording tag (DTAG) between April and September. Distinctive chewing sounds were indicative of feeding activity. Variation in time spent feeding was analyzed in relation to time of day, sex, female reproductive status, and water level as affected by tides. Manatees dedicated 26% of the time (6 hours) to feeding, on average. During the first year of the study, manatees spent 39% of the time feeding (9 hours), on average, over the course of a 24-hour period; during the second year they spent 15% (2 hours) over the course of a 13-hour daytime period. Adult females fed significantly more, on average, than adult males. Females in late-term pregnancy appeared to spend more time foraging than other non-lactating females, but the sample size was too small to be definitive. Manatee time spent feeding was not correlated with time of day. Increases in feeding activity occurred at mid to high tide levels. This may indicate that manatees had greater access to preferred food sources at this time. An understanding of when manatees 5 are most likely to be feeding and which environmental factors influence this activity may suggest ways to reduce impacts on the endangered population.

The Effects of a New Bridge on Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Use of the FPL Discharge Canal at Port Everglades, Florida

Viragh, Brea 01 July 2012 (has links)
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is an endangered species that migrates to warm water refuges such as natural springs or power plant effluents during the winter months to escape cold water. The Florida Power and Light (FPL) discharge canal in Port Everglades, Ft. Lauderdale, FL., is utilized as a refuge by overwintering manatees. Construction of a new bridge over the FPL effluent canal had a potential effect on manatee usage of the canal. Discharge is often 10-15° C warmer in the winter season than the surrounding waters of the Intracoastal Waterway. Previous data, including age class and cow/calf abundance from pre-bridge winters (2004-2009), were compared with data from winter 2010, during bridge construction and winter 2011, postbridge construction. No manatees were present at the survey sites during winter until surface water temperatures fell below 22° C. Although monthly mean surface water temperatures were not statistically different between 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 (21.9±0.4° C, 21.8±1.8° C and 21.4±0.6° C respectively), manatee abundance did vary. 2008-2009 had higher monthly mean numbers of manatees per survey from December through March (29.7, 27.3, 48.1, 2 respectively) than 2009-2010 (0, 30, 10.7, 5 respectively) and 2010-2011 (18.7, 6.7, 0.1, 0 respectively). A Poisson distribution analysis showed a significant difference in adult manatee counts among the study years (α < 0.05). No significant differences were found for juveniles and calves. While I cannot decisively state that bridge construction reduced the number of overwintering adult manatees during 2010, there appears to be the potential for an effect.

Emerging Hotspot Analysis of Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Mortality (1974-2012)

Bass, Crystal Ann 23 October 2017 (has links)
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is a protected species that is vulnerable to both anthropogenic and natural causes of mortality. The ability of wildlife managers to oversee regulation of this species is based on available abundance estimates and mortality data. Using existing manatee mortality data collected by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) from 1974-2012, this study focuses on identifying significant spatial clusters of high values or “hotspots” of manatee mortality and the temporal patterns of these hotspots using the novel “emerging hotspot analysis” ArcGIS tool. The categories of manatee mortality included in this analysis were watercraft-related, perinatal, cold-stress, and other natural (which includes red tide) and were classified into five hotspot pattern categories. Of interest were the locations where consecutive or new hotspot patterns were identified among the four categories of manatee mortality included in this analysis. Consecutive hotspot clusters were found near Tampa Bay (which includes parts of Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee Counties) and in the counties of Hernando/Pasco, Monroe, Palm Beach/Broward/Miami-Dade, St. Johns/Flagler, and Citrus. New hotspot clusters were found in Tampa Bay (which includes parts of Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee Counties) and in the counties of Nassau, Wakulla, Charlotte/Lee, St. Lucie/Martin, Levy, Duval, Dixie, Volusia/Seminole, and Citrus. These mortality hotspots frequently overlapped areas of higher manatee and human population densities. These hotspot clusters indicate emerging patterns that highlight areas to focus future research by wildlife managers; specifically, on the relationship between human population density and concentration of watercraft activities in coastal areas, as well as the influence coastal development has on the vital resources utilized by manatees.

Differential Use of Two Warm-Water Effluents by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and Temporal Distributions throughout Broward County, Florida

Eldredge, Laura F 27 July 2017 (has links)
The threatened Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) migrates seasonally to warm-water refugia throughout the state of Florida due to metabolic requirements from low thermal conductance. Broward County’s two power plant refugia, Port Everglades (PEP) and Lauderdale (LPP), are known heavily-utilized aggregation sites for the Atlantic sub-population. Broward County collected relative abundance counts via aerial surveys from 2004–2013 siting 31,418 manatees during 169 surveys within 18 defined waterway zones. Counts during manatee wintering seasons were significantly different from January 2005-March 2008 and November 2008-March 2013, likely related to flight path and frequency standardization. Mean percentage of adults (90.12%) to calves (9.88%) demonstrates a higher usage by cow-calf pairs than other aggregation sites. Counts of manatees traveling south to Miami-Dade County comprised only 0.83% of all aerial counts, contrary to the theory of the extensive usage of Biscayne Bay foraging grounds. The LPP zone had 57.21% of all manatees with Port Everglades Inlet zone accounting for 23.88% and the South Fork New River zone with 5.95%. This study provided a baseline for pre-construction distributions prior to Port Everglades plant reenergization. With PEP construction now finished and LPP planned for reenergization in the next 10 years, monitoring data studies be compared to these baseline data to better assess the impact of the disruption of Broward County’s main refugia sources.

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