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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychologická próza Reginy Ezery / Psychological Prose by Regina Ezera

Říhová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACTS This thesis is concerned with the psychological prose by Regīna Ezera. The first chapter gives an insight into the writer's personality. The chapter also outlines the situation in Latvian literature in the period from the restoration of Soviet occupation at the end of World War II throughout the 1990s. The following two chapters are devoted to the analysis of specific Ezera's works, namely three works that were translated into the Czech language (The Well, Aka, 1972, Summer Lasted for Just One Day, Vasara bija tikai vienu dienu, 1974, A Man Needs a Dog, Cilvēkam vajag suni, 1975) and some works that have not yet been translated (Smouldering Fires, Zemdegas, 1977, A Dragon's Egg, Pūķa ola, 1995 and some short proses included in the book The Princess Phenomenon, Princeses Fenomens, 1985 especially so-called zoological novellas and so-called crazy stories). The fourth chapter contains a translation of the short story called August, Month of Apples, Augusts, ābolu mēness included in the book The Princess Phenomenon. The translation is the original work by the author of the thesis. In the final chapter the main features of analysed works are summarised.

Postava komunisty jako specifický typ významově zatížené postavy v současné české próze / Literary Characters of Communist Belief and/or Membership as Specific Character Types in Contemporary Czech Prose Fiction

Klímová, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes the literary characters of Communist protagonists in the novels and short stories published in Czech literature of the last fifteen years. We assume that the time distance dynamically changes the concepts of the representations of the Communist protagonists. The aim of this work is not only to define the stereotypical traits that are associated with the figure of the Communists, but it also attempts to identify the practices of the lifting up of such protagonists from the traditional semiotic connotations. The thesis analyzes the characters of the Communists from the point of the thematic units, as they seem to be the most common semantic units for standard readers.

Kritická reflexe dosavadní prozaické tvorby Marka Šindelky v českých médiích / Critical Reflection of Marek Šindelka's Current Prosaic Creation in the Czech Media

Černá, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis Critical Reflection of Marek Šindelka's Current Prosaic Creation in the Czech Media has the aim to analyze selected critical reflections that were published in the Czech media about a novel Chyba (2008), a collection of short stories Zůstaňte s námi (2011), a collection of short stories Mapa Anny (2014) and a novel Únava materiálu (2016), all of them written by author Marek Šindelka. The source of reviews and critiques published between 2008 and 2018 are czech literary magazines A2, Host, Revolver Revue, Souvislosti and Tvar, daily press Hospodářské noviny, Lidové noviny, Právo and websites iLiteratura.cz and iRozhlas.cz. The analysis was made according to data in the archive of Institute for Czech Literature. Content of these critics was found in the full-text archive of media news from the Czech Republic called Newton Media Search and as well in the archive of concrete media depending on the availability of full text including its bibliographic data. In total, 43 texts are subjected to literary-critical analysis. The theoretical part is for complexity of the topic focused on the term of literary criticism, an overview of important czech cultural periods focused on the publication of critical reflections and afterwords the theoretical part presents the life and work of Marek Šindelka....

Vesnická tématika v díle F. X. Svobody její proměny a vývoj / Rural theme in work of F. X. Svoboda - progress and changes

NOVOTNÁ, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is describing life of Czech poet, prosaic and dramatist Frantisek Xaver Svoboda, thesis is also focused on summary and period categorization of his writings. Main focus is especially on writings in which Svoboda describing daily life in Czech village. Writings which are about that topic are novel chronicle Rozkvět, drama Rozklad and novel in verse Noví vesničané. Thesis is not focused only on interpretation of that writings, but also on point of view, how Svoboda portraying countryside, on main motives his village´s pieces of work and thesis providing also how Svoboda is enriching theme of the rural production and which new elements Svoboda is bringing to this genre. Also this thesis providing Svoboda´s impact and why he felt in oblivion.

Charakteristika literárních postav ve vybraných prózách Ladislava Fukse se zaměřením na zvláštnosti v chování / Characterizing literary characters in selected works of prose by Ladislav Fuks with a focus on peculiarities in behavior

TVRDÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this master´s thesis is to describe individual characters, especially the main characters, in selected prose of the well-known Czech writer Ladislav Fuks. This thesis will be primarily focused on the unusual behavior, peciliarities, features and the character of the protagonists. The biographical part of the thesis will be focused on the author´s personality and lifestyle. The bibliographical part will be focused on a detailed analysis of the protagonists in selected titles. More than ten characters will be compared. The primary method used in this thesis will be: analysis, interpretation, along with the use of the description and confrontation of the individual protagonists. The prime benefit of this thesis lies in a more detailed description and comparison of the behavior and character of the individual figures.

Reprezentace subjektu v prózách Alexandry Berkové / Representation of Subject in Alexandra Berková´s Proses

JURCOVÁ, Miroslava January 2018 (has links)
This thesis with help of literary literature is at first focused on the way of displaying the subject in post-revolutionary Czech prose (from anti-infective output till output which is accented on mimetic stylization). The social situation before and after year 1989 is taken into consideration. Thanks to this theoretical background is the attention focused on the way of existing of the sujbect in five short proses by Alexandra Berk and its interpretation related to living reality. Practical analysis of the texts is led on narratology and theatological meaning (using intertextual relations, resp. metatext relations). Before the analysis it will briefly introduce the author, her life and activity.

Genitiv jako stylisticky příznakový prostředek / The genitive as a style marker

Nováková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This thesis will focus on the supposed ongoing changes in the use of the s-genitive form. It will examine 200 genitive constructions found in on-line versions of quality newspapers, and describe them in terms of parameters that have been established as determining factors for the choice of genitive construction, for example possessor animacy, syntactic weight, final sibilant and semantic relationship holding between the constituents of the phrase, as well as those connected to the journalistic prose itself (e.g. language economy). Key words: Genitive, s-genitive, of-genitive, genitive variation, journalistic prose

Analýza významu specifického prostředí v anglo-americké literatuře 19. století. / Analysis of Specific Space in the 19th Century Anglo-American Literature

HANUSOVÁ, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyse the specific space of Anglo-American Gothic fiction in the 18th and 19th century. The first part of the thesis deals with various aspects of Gothic fiction from a theoretical viewpoint. It contains the two possible concepts of the "Gothic". It lists typical features of the Gothic fiction and gives a brief overview of its development. Then, a crucial typology of space according to Vseticka and Pavera is introduced, as well as Mikhail Bachtin's related term chronotope. The theoretical part concludes with the reflection of the subversive nature of the Gothic fiction and its relation to similarly unconventional approaches of psychoanalysis and gender studies. The practical part of the thesis applies the aforementioned space typology to ten works of English and American Gothic fiction from 1764-1897, with short profiles of the respective writers in each chapter.

Venkov v oficiální próze 70. a 80. let / Countryside in the Official Prose 1970s and 1980s

Soukupová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
During the normalization period, the topic of countryside life in literature started to reappear. Many prosaic works depicted character's departure from the city to the countryside and his/her beginning of their new life in unknown surroundings. This thesis focuses on such works of art, published between the 1970s and 1980s. It compares four officially published examples of countryside novels containing any mark of escapism (in novels written by Jan Otčenášek, Bohumil Říha, Jiří Medek, Jan Kostrhun) with examples of prose published in samizdat or exile (Mojmír Klánský, Milan Kundera). Through intertextual as well as thematic and compositional analysis, the thesis investigates common features contained in this "escapist" literature. The analysis is inspired by the poetics of space and by the concept of the countryside as an idyllic space.

Rané prozaické dílo Gao Xingjiana / Early Prose Works by Gao Xingjian

Blahota, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Gao Xingjian is well known especially as an author of drama and novels Soul Mountain and One Man's Bible. This thesis examines his early novellas and short stories that were created at the end of the 70s and in the 80s. An analysis of meaning contruction is focused primarily on motifs and narrative techniques. It explores the process of his literary creation in context of official ideological requirements on literature as well as in context of literature genres known as "scar literature", "literature of reflection" and "root seeking" literature. This thesis shows how Gao Xingjian is trying to create a unique and individual worldview of his characters.

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