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Srđan Valjarević - paradox současné srbské prózy (komentovaný překlad) / Srđan Valjarević - Paradox of the Contemporary Serbian prose (commented translation)Krásová, Marta January 2016 (has links)
My thesis aims to present the Czech translation of excerpts from two novels by Srđan Valjarević, a contemporary Serbian author, and their translatological analysis. The first translational part deals with Valjarević's debut novel Leaf on a Breadcrust (1990, List nakorici hleba), the second introduces his latest work to date, Lake Como (2007, Komo). Valjarević's fiction has not been presented yet to the Czech audience by means of translation. The core of my thesis lies in two chapters: the first one is devoted to the author's biography and a comprehensive summary of his published work; the second one contains translations and commentaries of the selected excerpts.
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Žánrové podoby v historické próze Oldřicha Daňka / Forms of Historical Fiction in Oldřich Daněk's ProsesFürstová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis deals with four proses by Oldřich Daněk which use a historical setting (Král utíká z boje, Král bez přilby, Vražda v Olomouci, Nedávno...). In addition to detailing some constant features, which are typical for the author, the thesis aims primarily at showing how Daněk exploits conventions of various literary genres, specifically the historical novel, literary apocrypha and detective story. Key words: Oldřich Daněk, Historical Fiction, Literary Apocrypha, Detective Fiction
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Samuel Beckett. Od eseje Dante...Bruno . Vico...Joyce do románu Molloy / Samuel Beckett. Form the essay Dante...Bruno . Vico...Joyce to the novel MolloyFiala, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of the works of Samuel Beckett from the beginning to the novel Molloy. It is based on analysis of individual works and the subsequent attempt to uncover their interconnections. The thesis is divided into three parts: theory, poetry and prose. The first part deals mainly with the concept of incoherent reality which Beckett speaks about for the first time in his essay Proust and then returns to in other texts. In the novel Dream of Fair to Middling Women he makes it the basis of his own aesthetic. Behind the phenomena of the outer world lies chaos and nothingness and the artist's task is to integrate it into his work. The second part discusses the changes in the subject of the poems, his being or not being in particular surroundings, the amount of literary allusions, the themes and the form of the poems, above all the particular techniques Beckett uses and the degree of their regularity and elaboration. The third part raises similar questions about prose. The unquestionable centre of Beckett's poems and prose is the subject of the poems and the main character, characterized by tension between inside and outside. The change in the character is caused by outweighing of the tendency to stay inside. This also results in the reduction in allusions...
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Reflexe environmentálních problémů v české poválečné próze / Reflection of environmental issues in czech post-war proseZachystalová, Linda January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is the reflection of environmental issues as reflected in post-war Czech prose. I'm doing so through several titles which were chosen on the basis of my resarch. Firstly I introduced their environmental content and character, then I juxtaposed these titles through hermeneutic approach. The comparison brought up several motives and characteristics these titles have in common, I also described which environmental issues are presented, and how they are depicted in these text. I put an emphasis on the context of the observed period (especially the political situation) in which these texts were created. This context is also presented in the chapter about environmental situation on the Czech territory and in the chapter focused on the historical course of Czech post-war prose. I'm introducing an ecocriticism as a part of a literary science and discussing the reception of environmenal issues in Czech prose in general. Key words Czech post-war prose, environmental issue, hermeneutics, ecocriticism
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Narativní způsoby současných českých debutů / Narrative Modes in Contemporary Czech DebutsEder, Kryštof January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse nine contemporary Czech debuts that were published during the 2010s and that were written by authors who were born in the 1980s or in the late 1970s. Based on the thematic analysis and analysis of narrative modes the debuts are compared mutually and placed widely in the context of the contemporary Czech prose. Published reviews of the analysed debuts are considered in this thesis too. Not only because these reviews are almost only available secondary literature related to the theme, the aim of this thesis is also to analyse literary critical context, and how it was shaped by the reviews. Debuts that are analysed in the thesis are (in the order of publish date): Pálenka by Matěj Hořava, Spoušť by Sára Vybíralová, Do tmy by Anna Bolavá, Anežka by Viktorie Hanišová, Augustin Zimmermann by Zuzana Kultánová, Stvoření by Eugen Liška, jr., Malinka by Dita Táborská, Do vnitrozemí by Vladimíra Valová, Lapači prachu by Lucie Faulerová.
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Latinskoamerické diktatury jako zdroj literární inspirace. Próza 20. století. / Dictatorships as a Literary Inspiration: Fiction in the 20th CenturyAlfaro Negrete, Ximena del Carmen January 2012 (has links)
Latin-American Dictatorships as a Source of Literary Inspiration - Fiction in 20th Century - The literature that deals a historical fact helps us to understand the history, showing us life of fictive individuals representing persons who lived those historical circumstances from an intimate, partial and improbable perspective and thus is not opposed to the "official history"; it creates a fictive chronicles of historical moments. Using the words of Miguel de Unamuno, there is something small and substantive, that history does not manage to capture: the intrahistory, things that happened in the lives of people that witnessed great historical events: All the things described daily by the newspapers, the history of the "present historical moment" is nothing but a surface of a sea, a surface that freezes and crystallizes in books and archives, and once they are crystallized in a hard layer, not major to a poor skin in relation to the intrahistorical lives we live inside of its immense ardent center. The newspapers say nothing about the silent lives of millions of men that wake up at any hour of the day in all the countries of the globe by the order of the Sun and go to their fields to proceed to their dark and silent eternal everyday work, that work, that as the submarine corrals create the bases for the islets...
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Obraz venkovanství v české a polské próze 60. let 20. století (interpretace vybraných literárních děl) / View of rurality in Czech and Polish prose in 1960s (interpretation of selected literary works)Bramborová, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is the presentation of a typology of rural imagery based on a thematic and interpretative analysis of Polish and Czech literary texts from the 1960s with respect to the ongoing changes made to the original romantic-realist concept of the rural novel. The analysis of specific literary works (Sekyra by Ludvík Vaculík, Smuteční slavnost by Eva Kantůrková, and Čas kopřiv by Josef Knap from Czech literature, and, from Polish literature, Opadaný sad by Wiesław Myśliwski, the novels Na slunci by Julian Kawalec and … až budeš králem, až budeš katem… by Tadeusz Nowak) permits us to create a basic register of elements of rural narrativity which, however, Czech and Polish literatures have different perspectives on. Through this dichotomy we present typical narratives contained in the Czech and Polish rural novel of the given period. The subsequent interpretative analysis of the texts takes inspiration from contemporary narratology with special attention to the narrator and time categories, and by extension to the interplay of these categories with individual themes, symbols and topoi.
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Obraz médií v české próze mezi lety 1989-2009 / The picture of media in czech prose in years 1989.2009Zuščicová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Image media in the Czech prose between 1989 and 2009 aims to describe methods of recording media in artistic literature. The aim of our study is to analyze different points of view while viewing the media. Thesis is directly linked to the knowledge of the subjects Media and Culture. The theoretical part deals with the literature development and media in the time identified by us. We are aslo noticing the journalist role in our society and their self-appraisal. In the analytical part we divide individual books into chapters. Our criteria for their creation is the role which the media have, and discribed methods - for example satire. Within detailed analyzing of the books, we came out from literary theory, especially we use knowledge of narratology. We also lean on information from the media development scene and research focusing on journalists and their position in society. Our thesis is the first work on this topic. We therefore give a basic overview of the captured media. As a second dominant theme during the work, we chose a subject of reporters description. Our work brings the knowledge of the evaluation of their work and their self-esteem, most authors in our text are journalists. Our work describes both specific ways to view the media, but in general terms extends knowledge about the...
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Pojetí vztahů mezi mužem a ženou v mravněvýchovném prozaickém cyklu Šimona Lomnického z Budče / Cinception of the relationship between man and woman in the morally formative prosaic cycle written by Šimon Lomnický from BudečBednaříková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with life and work of a pre-White Mountain period poet, prosaist and dramatist Šimon Lomnický of Budeč, taking the period criticism into account. The thesis focuses on his ethical series, especially the work Kupidova střela, whose central motive is the relationship between a man and a woman. With regard to Lomnický's frequent use of exempla, this term is defined, along with the brief historical development of exemplum. Next the thesis deals with the exemplum in the context of the given ethical series. The key chapter called The Approach to Relationships between Man and Woman depicts Lomnický's conception of marriage, incest, sodomic sin and a revenge as well. Within this chapter the typology of men's and women's characters is given, those who appear in Kupidova střela.
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Handicapovaný jedinec v současné české próze pro děti a mládež / Handicapped person in the contemporary Czech prose for children and youthČumpelík, Karel January 2011 (has links)
Resume The thesis deals with monitoring image of handicapped person in present Czech literature for children and youth. It involves creation from the 90th of the 20th century. Its aim is focusing on selected representative works of various authors and identifies the way of inclusion the physical, mental and social handicap. Selected works are different, they vary in genre, approach to disability and also in age of target readers. The reasons for this diversity is capture the range of options to solve this task as clearly as possible. The primary aspect is in particular literary and aesthetic, but the thesis also affects the emerging elements of educational, moral and ethical. It is engaged in construction of the main character and other characters, while the deciding recognition of differences is when the main character has handicap and on the other hand when handicap is viewed from a distance. In this diversity is also important the narrative perspective, that with their variations can lead to emphasize the heart of disabled person and his own emotionality, or more likely monitor the interaction of handicapped individual with world and other people. The thesis also investigates, whether there are any genre clichés, such superficially happy ending, or over-idealization of characters and considers modelling...
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