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Skrytá avantgarda. Próza české poválečné avantgardy mezi individualismem a kolektivismem / The Hidden Avant-Garde. Czech Avant-Garde Fiction between Individualism and CollectivismMalá, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
in English This work focuses on the Czech afterwar avant-garde and its fiction in the wider European context. The main goal of our writing was diversifying literary historical field by integrating genre of short story and its authors into the interpretive frame of the prepoetistic avant-garde. We could intrude a canonic picture of the Czech avant-garde by enriching the interpretive frame of the new genre (short story) and new, often hardly known or forgotten, writers. Last but not least by doing so we were able to questioned and problematized basic oppositions such as expressionism × avant-garde, and mainly individualism × collectivism. We introduce the principal opposition individualism × collectivism, which in our opinion, organizes afterwar literary discourse, as a main connecting line between Czech avant-garde art and European art (collective and one of its manifestation - crowd, as one of the main themes of modernism and avant-garde). We interpretate beyond this scope the fictions of French unanimism as the main inspiration of the Czech afterwar avan-garde and its (collective) fiction as well.
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"You fellars does live in a dream world.": Krize identity v karibské próze Sama Selvona / "You fellars does live in a dream world.": Identity Crisis in Sam Selvon's Caribbean FictionKarayel, Hikmet Işıl January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aims to analyse Sam Selvon's fiction between 1950 and 1990 in relation to the colonial subjects' identity crisis. The thesis will argue that Selvon's fiction is independent of traditional and canonical categories because his representation of colonial subjects is entirely innovative and unprecedented. I will analyse Selvon's novels A Brighter Sun (1952), An Island is a World (1955), The Lonely Londoners (1956), The Housing Lark (1965), Moses Ascending (1975), and Moses Migrating (1983). Each novel sheds light on a different facet of the colonial subject. Nevertheless, colonisation, migration, and identity crisis are common themes for the novels chosen. From A Brighter Sun to Moses Migrating, Selvon destroys the caricatured image of the colonised subject. He reaches authenticity on the level of character depiction and through the vernacular, ballad-like narrative. Additionally, the novels represent different aspects of colonisation and migration: "back at home", "the motherland", and "back and forth". I will display how every aspect is fluid and undefinable. A Brighter Sun takes place in the West Indies. An Island is a World displays "back and forth" experience in the West Indies, USA, and Britain. The Lonely Londoners, The Housing Lark, and Moses Ascending take place in "the motherland"....
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Způsoby komunikace ve vybraných dílech současné české prózy / Communication Approaches in Contemporary Czech Prose Case StudiesGöttlichová, Adéla Magdaléna January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, and on problematic communication in particular, which is present in case of nine Czech proses published between 2011 and 2021. The ultimate goal of the thesis is to examine the usage of such communication in contemporary Czech prose from a theme-motive perspective, and to analyse how it has been constructed in narrative ways. The arrangement of the case-studies is as follows: Nejlepší pro všechny by Petra Soukupová, Tiché roky by Alena Mornštajnová, Do vnitrozemí by Vladimíra Valová, Chirurg by Petra Dvořáková, Místa ve tmě by Lidmila Kábrtová, Nonstop Eufrat by Veronika Bendová, Český ráj by Jaroslav Rudiš, Hry bez hranic by Michal Kašpárek and Logoz by David Zábranský.
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Magický realismus v perské a saúdské próze / Magical Realism in Persian and Saudi Narrative WritingVojtíšková, Věra January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation Magical Realism in Persian and Saudi Narrative Writing views as essential the assumption that the phenomenon of magical realism is not restricted solely to the cultures with colonial legacy, but is transferable to literary works created under systematic and systemic violence anywhere in the world. Previous research of the dissertation's author proved the existence of parallels in the dynamics of sociopolitical development of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the 20th century, foremost in the power relation of the states to their citizens and in the status of women in the society, while there was a strong tendency towards institutionalization of the traditional patriarchal, androcentric and misogynic societal paradigms since the second half of the 20th century. In the last thirty years, women have countered this situation through increased literary activity that has turned out to be an important means of self-fulfillment and emancipation. The fact that some of the most significant Iranian and Saudi women writers use magical realism directed the research to examination of this concept's relevance for the Persian and Saudi narrative writing, inquiry into the reflection of the gender issues and their comparison in both literatures. A detailed case study of two works, each from one country, led...
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Prostor jako významotvorný činitel v literatuře pro děti a mládež / Space as a Meaning-Making Factor in Children's and Young Adult LiteratureStejskalová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis, titled "Space as a Meaning-Making Factor in Children's and Young Adult Literature", concentrates on building and projection of literary space in the literature specifically intended for children and young adults. It has literary analytical and literary interpretive character and is based on theoretical works on the topic of literary space. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part covers the theoretical conception of literary space. The second part consists of examinations of literary works, first of the world's classics of children's and young adult literature (The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren, The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, Through a Glass, Darkly by Jostein Gaarder) and then of the works of contemporary Czech children's and young adult literature Lenka a Nelka neboli AHA ('Lenka and Nelka or AHA') by Daniela Fischer, Spící město, Spící spravedlnost a Spící tajemství ('Sleeping City', 'Sleeping Justice', and 'Sleeping Secret') by Martin Vopěnka and Soví zpěv ('Owl's Song') by Iva Procházková. In the theoretical part, the conception of literary space is defined from the perspective of literary topology. The definition of this concept is based on literary studies on the topic of literary topology, mainly on the essays Místa s Tajemstvím ('Places...
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Audiovizuální stránka próz Samuela Becketta Company, Ill Seen Ill Said a Worstward Ho / Saying Seen Again: Audio-Visual Aspects of Samuel Beckett's Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, and Worstward HoKiryushina, Galina January 2014 (has links)
IN ENGLISH The primary concern of this thesis is to explore the instances of incorporation of media-specific elements extracted and translated from radio and cinema into Samuel Beckett's late prose. The analysis of the texts forming Beckett's Nohow On trilogy is based on the investigation of the two modes of perception - the aural and the visual - and is realised through the close reading of Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, and Wostward Ho in the context of media and film theory and practice. The chief premise is that the formal translations among the print and non-print media in Beckett's work are conditioned by the author's interest in, and theoretical and practical familiarity with, radio, television, and cinematography. The discussion is thus supported by biographical and bibliographical framework, and Beckett's familiarity with the specificities of broadcast media and cinema is considered in their direct relation to the progressive 'technologisation' of his fiction of the 1980s. The thesis outlines the origins and transformations of the motif of voice as one of Beckett's chief fictional concerns, and explores the texts' practical and notional borrowings from the field of cinematography to elucidate the way in which they are designed to simulate perceptual experiences. In doing so, the individual...
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Postmoderní romány Alessandra Baricca / Alessandro Baricco's postmodern novelsPřívozníková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce zmapuje románovou tvorbu současného italského spisovatele Alessandra Baricca. Úvodem bude představen autor v kontextu současné italské prózy. V další části práce nastíníme charakteristiku postmoderního románu, zejména pokud jde o tříštění či dekompozici prostoru, času, příběhu a s tím související žánrovou heterogennost textu. V centrální části práce rozebereme jednotlivá díla, přičemž se budeme soustředit jak na příběh, jeho hlavní motivy a témata, tak na jeho kompozici a strukturu. Ve čtvrté kapitole využijeme dílčích analýz jako východiska ke komparativnímu přístupu k textům a pokusíme se najít společné i odlišné konstrukční principy jejich výstavby a návratná témata či motivické konstanty Bariccových próz. Závěrem zhodnotíme přínos tvorby Alessandra Baricca pro současnou italskou prózu.
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Próza s dívčí hrdinkou od počátku 90. let 20. století / Prose with a girl character from the beginning 90s of the 20th centuryPOULOVÁ, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on prose featuring a girl heroine from the beginning of the 1990s and it is aimed at upper primary school pupils. It deals with the quality literature and the pulp fiction of the Czech literature for girls. The literature for girls has themes such as eating disorders, sexual criminality and travelling. The analysis and the collation of the selected books and the most commonly used reading-books are also part of this thesis. The dissertation also captures the historical development of the prose with the girl character, the attribute of the Czech book market and changes in behaviour and in the body. Part of the practical part is a questionnaire focused on the reading experience of girls of the older school age, in particular from the point of view of the pupils and more briefly from the point of view of the teachers.
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Humor ve vybraných prózách české literatury 60. let 20. století / Humour in a selected of Czech prose literature of 1960sBLAŽKOVÁ, Táňa January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the era of the Czech literature in the second half of the 20th century. It focuses on the description of the humorous elements in selected literary works. The works are different in topics and genres too and in the end the works are reflected all together. The main literature sources are the analyzed titles and the book f essays called Silence and laughter by Sylvia Richterová. The first chapter presents an outline of the atmosphere of the 60s, the second chapter defines the topic and genre specifications of the works published in this decade. The third chapter is a methodological guide to comicality. Chapters four to seven analyze individual literary works in several basic points ? composition, language, characters and a description of the nature of the characters as well as the description of the theme.
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Prozaická tvorba Anny Blažíčkové / Anna Blažíčková's Prosaic WorksSmějsíková, Magdaléna January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis is devoted to selected prosaic works of Anna Blažíčková - specifically to her books Čekání v zástupu, Psí víno and Teď něco ze života. In its chapters-which focus successively on the narrator, composition, characters, time, and space-the thesis shows the repertory of elements and procedures which link the texts as well as how these elements and procedures help to create the world of the chosen prosaic works. These observations are based on an analysis of the original texts and with the help of theoretical literature.
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